Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #2

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A long while back I asked in the legal thread if the defendants could ask to be severed, so that they could each pursue whatever they wanted (ie, one or more could settle, while the other/s moved forward).

AZlawyer said at the time that this could not happen in a case like this. (But I don't remember if she said exactly why.) So, the take home message was that what ever happens to this case, the 3 defendants are all in it together. One or more can't settle independently of the other/s.

And I think that's very interesting. The 3 defendants must cooperate on some level.


BBM. I think Dina's right to speech does include expressing her opinion about the actions and motives of those who file a lawsuit against her that publicly accuses her of murder. Especially in a death that was publicly ruled as a suicide years ago.

iirc, RZ's family also filed a lawsuit against the Sheriff. When someone files multiple lawsuits against high profile people, it's going to attract media and public attention and opinion. I think that pretty much comes with the territory.

Perhaps one of the legal experts can weigh in about the freedom of speech issue and clarify for us.


I agree Dina's right to speech does include expressing her opinion about the claims against her in the Zahau WDS. IANAL, but I can assume this to be correct as long as she doesn't cross lines by spreading misinformation or defamation. I'm sure her attorneys have coached her well.

Respectfully, as far as the multiple lawsuits. In my opinion, SDSO left the Zahau's no choice but to file suit against them. The county is stilling holding personal property of Rebecca's. The suit was for Rebecca's property and evidence they did not receive from the investigative file. IIRC, Dina also sued SDSO for additional info from Maxie's file. In my opinion, both parties had a right to ask and receive SDSO's cooperation. Then we have both sides filing WDS's on the behalf of their lost loved one.
I agree Dina's right to speech does include expressing her opinion about the claims against her in the Zahau WDS. IANAL, but I can assume this to be correct as long as she doesn't cross lines by spreading misinformation or defamation. I'm sure her attorneys have coached her well.

Respectfully, as far as the multiple lawsuits. In my opinion, SDSO left the Zahau's no choice but to file suit against them. The county is stilling holding personal property of Rebecca's. The suit was for Rebecca's property and evidence they did not receive from the investigative file. IIRC, Dina also sued SDSO for additional info from Maxie's file. In my opinion, both parties had a right to ask and receive SDSO's cooperation. Then we have both sides filing WDS's on the behalf of their lost loved one.

Each side has a different agenda. Dina's goal was to get a thorough investigation into her child's death, not for the return of personal property. RZ's death was thoroughly investigated.

I don't know if the Sheriff is still holding RZ's personal property or not. But when a lawsuit is filed against any government agency, it is a lawsuit against taxpayers. LE spent months investigating RZ's death....and taxpayers picked up the tab. And RZ's family were not satisfied and wants taxpayers to shell out more. They also want to blame Dina and get her to pay them as well. The public perception of RZ's family is not going to be positive but instead is a perception of greed.

Each side has a different agenda. Dina's goal was to get a thorough investigation into her child's death, not for the return of personal property. RZ's death was thoroughly investigated.

I don't know if the Sheriff is still holding RZ's personal property or not. But when a lawsuit is filed against any government agency, it is a lawsuit against taxpayers. LE spent months investigating RZ's death....and taxpayers picked up the tab. And RZ's family were not satisfied and wants taxpayers to shell out more. They also want to blame Dina and get her to pay them as well. The public perception of RZ's family is not going to be positive but instead is a perception of greed.


I disagree. Rebecca was murdered and hung out to die in the most humiliating way. The most common consensus is that member(s) of the Shacknai family did it. ( and a close relative). The majority of comments in MSM are sympathetic to Rebecca and point the fingers at the POI 's. The public perception of RZ's family is one of sympathy. Dina is looking pretty bad. You can protest and deny all you want. That is your right. MSM presents a different point of view from yours when you read the comments to news articles.
If I were defending the POI's, part of my strategy would be to hire some people to post in these types of forums. They would be paid to post things that defended my clients. They would try to persuade anyone who might not know much about this case to believe in the innocence of my clients. They would also disparage the plaintiffs at any opportunity. They would be trying to sway public opinion to be on the side of my clients, DS, NR and AS.
Kudos to the posters who tirelessly refute this type of manipulation ( in favor of the Zahau family). They continually present the other side with logic and facts. MOO
We also have to remember that this case is not about how Max died, no matter how much DS may want it to be. The judge will not allow this case to become a trial about Dina's many theories and accusations about how she thinks Max died, IMO. She had opportunities to bring those concerns and file her own lawsuits, and she filed only one, against Jonah, that was dismissed last month.

The more she insists on painting Max's death as a murder, with Rebecca responsible, the more guilty she looks of a revenge killing of Rebecca. (IMO, and a lot of other people's opinions, too.)

The public overwhelmingly thru the years has viewed Max's death as a very tragic accident, and Rebecca's death a revenge murder. Just read the comments after any article.

Really, the best way for Dina to play this is to stop talking at all about Max's death, and if she says anything at all about Rebecca's death, just say "it was ruled a suicide, and that's all I know." Every time Dina takes to the airwaves with a tirade against Rebecca, she looks more and more guilty of an intentional revenge murder. IMO.

Dina's ongoing hatred and vendetta for an already dead and buried Rebecca is palpable, and very, very disturbing. That has to be a *big* frustration for her many lawyers, who probably want nothing more than for her to stay out of the media and be quiet. Notice that NONE of her many lawyers took to the airwaves alongside of her to make any kind of statement recently with her new interviews and publicity attempts. Nor did they release any statements after the fact. That alone screams "please, please, please shut up" IMO.

IMO, Dina still doesn't understand that this is not about Max's death. Imagine how frustrating it might be to be the other 2 defendants in this mess, and sit on the sidelines watching her direct this train wreck, and not be able to rein her in, or get out of the suit. They are as trapped as she is.

But then, with all the many lawsuits and legal actions DS has filed and been involved in over the past 5+ years, it seems legal maneuvering has become a perpetual lifestyle thing for her, IMO. SMH. She doesn't seem bothered by any of it, and seems to enjoy the drama and the attention of seeking interviews to talk about all of it, IMO.
It sounds like some of you believe that the Zahau's filed this 10 Million dollars Civil Case is to "investigate" and find out what happened. That is incorrect.

The Zahaus filed with very specific ridiculous, ludicrous, and salacious allegations., for which they have NO evidence. THIS is straight from the complaint, and is EXACTLY what they are alleging happened:

10. On or around the morning of July 13, 2011, Defendants ADAM, DINA
and NINA, and each of them, conspired to plan, and did in fact, enter into a
common scheme of conduct with the intent to murder REBECCA in Coronado, California,
and did in fact, murder REBECCA by each of them personally
committing one or more of the following acts in furtherance of the common scheme
and conspiracy:
(a) striking REBECCA on the head multiple times with a blunt instrument;
(b) physically restraining her;
(c) further restraining her by binding her legs with tape;
(d) gagging her;
(e) binding her hands behind her back with rope;
(f) binding her ankles together with rope;
(g) removing the previously placed tape from her legs;
(h) strangling her to the point of unconsciousness or death;
(i) making and placing a rope noose around her neck;
(j) tying the other end of the rope leading to the noose to a bed;
(k) carrying her to the adjacent balcony and pushing her over the railing of
the balcony causing her to fall and, if she was still alive at that time, to then
die by asphyxiation.

(l) during the course of the conspiracy to murder REBECCA, each of the
Defendants also kept watch to avoid detection and removed evidence of the
acts which they committed, including wiping down objects they had touched
in order to remove DNA and finger prints; and
(m) as a further ploy to cover up their wrongdoing, and in furtherance of their
common scheme, Defendants painted the following words on the inside of
door near the balcony where she was left hanging:

11. On the morning of July 13, 2011, REBECCA was found dead, naked,
bound and gagged, with a rope noose around her neck. Her cause of death was
asphyxiation, which was caused by either manual strangulation before she was
hanged, or from being hanged with a rope noose around her neck from the second
story deck of the Coronado vacation home at which she was staying. The Coroner
for the County of San Diego determined that she died on that date.

12. Each of the Defendants named herein were present at the location where
the murder of REBECCA occurred and all of them actively participated in the
planning, implementation, execution and subsequent concealment of the scheme to
murder REBECCA. Because the only individuals who know the true facts and
sequence of events with absolute certainty are the decedent REBECCA and the
Defendants themselves, the allegations made herein are made on information and
belief based on the evidence that has been uncovered to date. Plaintiffs intend to
seek leave to amend the Complaint as additional facts are developed and uncovered
during the course of discovery.

13. Due to DINA’s prior incidents of confronting and threatening
DECEDENT, DINA’s prior history of being unable to control her anger, her
1040 Ocean Boulevard residence the evening of the murder, that on the evening of
July 12, 2011, DINA aggressively confronted the DECEDENT at the Ocean
Boulevard residence, along with her sister, NINA. This confrontation arose from an
accident the prior day when DINA’s son Maxfield fell over a second floor railing at
the Ocean Boulevard residence, causing him brain damage and eventually his death
on July 16, 2011. DECEDENT was babysitting Maxfield at the time of the fall.

14. Plaintiffs allege, based in part on the mud found on DECEDENT’s feet
and four subgaleal hemorrhages on the back right side of her head, that in response
to the aggressive confrontation from Defendants DINA and NINA, DECEDENT,
fearing for her safety, attempted to flee the residence. However, before DECEDENT
could evade her attackers, she was struck four times on the back of the head with a
blunt object by DINA, rendering her unconscious. Plaintiffs believe that at this time,
ADAM, who had taken an Ambien earlier in the evening and was sleeping in the
guest house at the residence, was awakened by the commotion and came to the

15. Once confronted with the reality that DECEDENT would eventually
regain consciousness, and thereafter probably disclose information about this
incident and possibly other information of a personal nature that could cause public
humiliation and embarrassment to Defendants and Jonah Shacknai (i.e., the ex-
husband of DINA, father of Maxfield, brother of ADAM and the boyfriend of the
DECEDENT), the Defendants entered in to a conspiracy and common scheme to
murder the DECEDENT and hide their involvement.

16. Due to the lack of markings on her body evidencing her being dragged
back into the house, Plaintiffs allege that ADAM carried the DECEDENT back into
the house. Based on the facts that DECEDENT was found naked and the clothing
she was wearing on that date was not found at the scene of the murder, Plaintiffs
allege that once inside the residence, the Defendants stripped off her clothing. Based
on the tape residue found on DECEDENT’s legs, and the fact that no tape with
similar adhesive was found at the scene, Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants first
restrained DECEDENT with tape, and gagged her, while they were devising and
planning the rest of the scheme, and later removed the tape from the scene.

17. Thereafter, the Defendants contrived an elaborate scheme to murder
REBECCA and conceal their involvement. DINA previously resided in the
residence, and thus was familiar with where to find items necessary to further the
scheme, including, inter alia, the ski rope used to bind and hang the DECEDENT.

18. The final scheme agreed to that evening by the Defendants involved
binding DECEDENT’s hands (behind her back) and ankles with rope they found at
the residence. Plaintiffs allege that based on the knots having nautical qualities and
ADAM being a tug boat captain with experience tying nautical knots, that ADAM
bound the DECEDENT. Plaintiffs further base this allegation on the fact that the
ropes had the same black paint residue found on DECEDENT’s nipples, thus
implicating the person who tied the knots as the person who also pinched the
Decedent’s nipples, and that ADAM had admitted to masturbating to *advertiser censored*
on his cell phone that evening, the further inference being that the two instances of
sexual behavior are consistent with ADAM’s state of mind that evening. The
Defendants also placed a blue t-shirt around her neck and stuffed it in her mouth,
using it as a gag to both muffle her screams and cover up any marks that would
suggest murder. Based on the type of injury to DECEDENT’s throat, which
commonly occurs with strangulation and is unlikely to occur with a hanging, and
the amount of strength needed to create such injury, Plaintiffs allege that in the early
hours of July 13, 2011, ADAM choked REBECCA to death.

19. Once they murdered REBECCA, DINA instructed ADAM to leave a
message was painted using black paint at a height that is consistent with an
individual who is approximately the height of ADAM. The message read: “SHE

20. ADAM, based on black paint residue found on the noose, then
tightened the noose around the neck of the DECEDENT and attached the rope to the
base of the bed. ADAM then picked up REBECCA, then threw her over the edge of
the adjacent balcony. Either DINA or NINA was sitting on the bed to which the
rope was secured, to ensure that the bed remained anchored to the floor as
evidenced by the bed having moved less than a foot. While the scheme was being
perpetrated, Defendants DINA and NINA also acted as look outs to avoid detection
and encouraged ADAM to commit the acts alleged herein. Although each of the
Defendants was in part responsible for putting the DECEDENT in harms way, none
of them made any effort to help her or to save her from the injuries that eventually
resulted in her death.

21. The Defendants were careful to remove any evidence of their
involvement, including the disposal of the tape and REBECCA’s clothes. Once the
staging was complete, the Defendants fled the scene, instructing ADAM to call the
police in the early morning with claims of suicide.

Each of the defendants had his/her own motives for committing these
wrongful acts, including anger and revenge against REBECCA arising from the
fatal injuries suffered by six-year-old Maxwell Shacknai, nephew to ADAM, niece
to NINA and daughter to DINA, while REBECCA was taking care of him two days
before she was murdered. In addition, Defendant DINA SHACKNAI was extremely
jealous of REBECCA’s relationship with her ex-husband, JONAH SHACKNAI and
her now deceased son, Maxwell. The Defendants were further motivated to silence
REBECCA in order to keep her from disclosing matters that could prove extremely
embarrassing to the Defendants and their families.

As the Zahau.'s lawyer recently said, "As a lawyer what you really like to see are statements by the opposition that are so outrageous that they are easily disproved and thats exactly the way it is in this case."

Link please? The entire document is available earlier in the thread.
Each side has a different agenda. Dina's goal was to get a thorough investigation into her child's death, not for the return of personal property. RZ's death was thoroughly investigated.

I don't know if the Sheriff is still holding RZ's personal property or not. But when a lawsuit is filed against any government agency, it is a lawsuit against taxpayers. LE spent months investigating RZ's death....and taxpayers picked up the tab. And RZ's family were not satisfied and wants taxpayers to shell out more. They also want to blame Dina and get her to pay them as well. The public perception of RZ's family is not going to be positive but instead is a perception of greed.


MyBelle, the lawsuit against SDSO was dismissed with prejudice. Now there are just the two parallel cases - the Federal case, which is likely going on "hold" until the Judge rules on the Dismissal Arguments by the Defendants in the State Case. That happens in October.

If the State Case is dismissed, the Federal suit may proceed - but Dina will be removed from the Defendants and they can only bring charrges against Nina and Adam - because of the diversity issue that Rebecca and Dina are/were citizens of the same state. That seems unlikely, and that the entire case would be thrown out...since Nina needs Dina to sit on that bed with her in their impossilbe scenerio of what happened that fateful night.
If I were defending the POI's, part of my strategy would be to hire some people to post in these types of forums. They would be paid to post things that defended my clients. They would try to persuade anyone who might not know much about this case to believe in the innocence of my clients. They would also disparage the plaintiffs at any opportunity. They would be trying to sway public opinion to be on the side of my clients, DS, NR and AS.
Kudos to the posters who tirelessly refute this type of manipulation ( in favor of the Zahau family). They continually present the other side with logic and facts. MOO

I believe the Zahaus have been using this strategy from the very beginning. IMO, media-savvy Anne Bremner had people posting from July 20th, 2011 on - the day before Mary Zahau came out to say she "would NEVER believe her sister was murdered (before the investigation had barely BEGUN.) Anne Bremner is the Queen of using the media to twist the truth. It seems the same people posted over and over in all sorts of comment sections. I have even wondered if the Zahaus are paying some of these people with all the money they have raked in from there five or six fundraising campaigns they had in the last three and a half years?
We also have to remember that this case is not about how Max died, no matter how much DS may want it to be. The judge will not allow this case to become a trial about Dina's many theories and accusations about how she thinks Max died, IMO. She had opportunities to bring those concerns and file her own lawsuits, and she filed only one, against Jonah, that was dismissed last month.

The more she insists on painting Max's death as a murder, with Rebecca responsible, the more guilty she looks of a revenge killing of Rebecca. (IMO, and a lot of other people's opinions, too.)

The public overwhelmingly thru the years has viewed Max's death as a very tragic accident, and Rebecca's death a revenge murder. Just read the comments after any article.

Really, the best way for Dina to play this is to stop talking at all about Max's death, and if she says anything at all about Rebecca's death, just say "it was ruled a suicide, and that's all I know." Every time Dina takes to the airwaves with a tirade against Rebecca, she looks more and more guilty of an intentional revenge murder. IMO.

Dina's ongoing hatred and vendetta for an already dead and buried Rebecca is palpable, and very, very disturbing. That has to be a *big* frustration for her many lawyers, who probably want nothing more than for her to stay out of the media and be quiet. Notice that NONE of her many lawyers took to the airwaves alongside of her to make any kind of statement recently with her new interviews and publicity attempts. Nor did they release any statements after the fact. That alone screams "please, please, please shut up" IMO.

IMO, Dina still doesn't understand that this is not about Max's death. Imagine how frustrating it might be to be the other 2 defendants in this mess, and sit on the sidelines watching her direct this train wreck, and not be able to rein her in, or get out of the suit. They are as trapped as she is.

But then, with all the many lawsuits and legal actions DS has filed and been involved in over the past 5+ years, it seems legal maneuvering has become a perpetual lifestyle thing for her, IMO. SMH. She doesn't seem bothered by any of it, and seems to enjoy the drama and the attention of seeking interviews to talk about all of it, IMO.


The fact that Dina's lawsuit was dismissed is an indication to me that a settlement agreement was likely reached with Jonah.

The ME and LE concluded RZ's death was a suicide and they publicly said their conclusion was based on Max's severe injury. The fact that a police investigation into Max's injuries was requested by the hospital and a detective did try to phone RZ on the day of her death can't be ignored. The media certainly isn't ignoring the fact that Max died while in the care of RZ.

The theory by RZ's family that Dina--who was not yet aware of the severity of Max's injury--left his ICU bedside to commit murder is incredibly illogical considering the child was still alive and his mother thought he would recover.

There is no way a parent is going to continue a romantic relationship with the person who failed to protect a small child. RZ was facing not just a police investigation but also the loss of her relationship with Jonah and his financial support.

all, JMO
I believe the Zahaus have been using this strategy from the very beginning. IMO, media-savvy Anne Bremner had people posting from July 20th, 2011 on - the day before Mary Zahau came out to say she "would NEVER believe her sister was murdered (before the investigation had barely BEGUN.) Anne Bremner is the Queen of using the media to twist the truth. It seems the same people posted over and over in all sorts of comment sections. I have even wondered if the Zahaus are paying some of these people with all the money they have raked in from there five or six fundraising campaigns they had in the last three and a half years?

Didn't Bremner bail out? Twisting the truth that doesn't result in profit becomes a waste of time. Evidently Bremner reached her limit.

Didn't Bremner bail out? Twisting the truth that doesn't result in profit becomes a waste of time. Evidently Bremner reached her limit.


Yes, she bailed right before this lawsuit was filed, IIRC. No lawyer that is concerned with her image as much as Anne Bremener is (IMO), wants to be the Attorney in a losing court case.

The fact that Dina's lawsuit was dismissed is an indication to me that a settlement agreement was likely reached with Jonah.

The ME and LE concluded RZ's death was a suicide and they publicly said their conclusion was based on Max's severe injury. The fact that a police investigation into Max's injuries was requested by the hospital and a detective did try to phone RZ on the day of her death can't be ignored. The media certainly isn't ignoring the fact that Max died while in the care of RZ.

The theory by RZ's family that Dina--who was not yet aware of the severity of Max's injury--left his ICU bedside to commit murder is incredibly illogical considering the child was still alive and his mother thought he would recover.

There is no way a parent is going to continue a romantic relationship with the person who failed to protect a small child. RZ was facing not just a police investigation but also the loss of her relationship with Jonah and his financial support.

all, JMO


The fact that Dina's lawsuit was dismissed is an indication to me that a settlement agreement was likely reached with Jonah.

The ME and LE concluded RZ's death was a suicide and they publicly said their conclusion was based on Max's severe injury. The fact that a police investigation into Max's injuries was requested by the hospital and a detective did try to phone RZ on the day of her death can't be ignored. The media certainly isn't ignoring the fact that Max died while in the care of RZ.

The theory by RZ's family that Dina--who was not yet aware of the severity of Max's injury--left his ICU bedside to commit murder is incredibly illogical considering the child was still alive and his mother thought he would recover.

There is no way a parent is going to continue a romantic relationship with the person who failed to protect a small child. RZ was facing not just a police investigation but also the loss of her relationship with Jonah and his financial support.

all, JMO
BBM....I just can't agree with your post, for the following reasons: IF (and that is a big IF) Rebecca thought her relationship would end because of Max's injuries, she would have had that thought/known from the very start. Instead, she spent her time picking up Nina and Adam from the airport and driving them to the hospital. (She may have even driven one of their family friends as well, but I don't know if that has been documented or discussed.) She did not run away or feel guilty (per Mary's interview) about Max's injuries. Either because it was a terrible accident, an unwitnessed event, or she knew who was responsible. Feeling "badly or sad" is a totally different than feeling "guilty or responsible." I say this because I was injured in an accident once and everyone felt "badly/sad" but I surely did not expect anyone to feel "guilty or responsible." I don't think Rebecca would be the kind of person who would willingly abandon her boyfriend while he was going through so much distress. (She wanted to "stay strong" for him.) The loss of "financial support" sounds absolutely ridiculous....as she had provided for herself financially for years, and still drove/owned the same car!
And as for the claims of a "thorough investigation by SDSO, et al".... let us not forget they also posted grainy pictures of a family crossing the border and wanted the public to believe that it was proof the McStay family had abandoned their house in the middle of a meal and walked across the border!
The horrible images of Rebecca lying dead in a courtyard, stripped of her clothing and jewelry, along with the autopsy report just looks like someone wanted to harm and humiliate her, and her alone. Her death appears as if someone was angry with her, not Rebecca angry with her boyfriend. That is just how I see it. BTW, Nina said a doctor had informed them of dire news on Tuesday night, as per her telephone interview with Chan8....and I believe that was the catalyst for the events of that evening, not the phone call from her boyfriend.
Didn't Bremner bail out? Twisting the truth that doesn't result in profit becomes a waste of time. Evidently Bremner reached her limit.


Yes, she bailed right before this lawsuit was filed, IIRC. No lawyer that is concerned with her image as much as Anne Bremener is (IMO), wants to be the Attorney in a losing court case.

OR...an opposing view could be she bailed because there was a disagreement between her and the Zahau's. Maybe she was more interested in a settlement? Maybe Rebecca's family disagreed because they wanted the truth rather than the money?
Each side has a different agenda. Dina's goal was to get a thorough investigation into her child's death, not for the return of personal property. RZ's death was thoroughly investigated.

I don't know if the Sheriff is still holding RZ's personal property or not. But when a lawsuit is filed against any government agency, it is a lawsuit against taxpayers. LE spent months investigating RZ's death....and taxpayers picked up the tab. And RZ's family were not satisfied and wants taxpayers to shell out more. They also want to blame Dina and get her to pay them as well. The public perception of RZ's family is not going to be positive but instead is a perception of greed.


How much "time" spent on a case becomes irrelevant if not used in a professional manner. Example, phone records were not requested until late August. Almost 60 days after Rebecca's death. Just days before the big SDSO press conference. The same phone records used to triangulate Dina's cell phone. Why did it take so long to request such important details? More importantly evidence was lost because of the misuse of time. The infamous voicmail Jonah allegedly left was gone.

The same can be said about the number of investigators. Taxpayers expect their LE agency to provide an unbiased professional investigation. One that is consistent in their protocol. Using science to prove what is or is not evidence instead of the word of a possible suspect. Jonah knew who the panties in the guest room belonged to. No need to use science to uncover possible evidence. Imo, Rebecca's case was cherry picked and she did not receive a thorough investigation.
"Each side has a different agenda. Dina's goal was to get a thorough investigation into her child's death, not for the return of personal property. RZ's death was thoroughly investigated."

"The fact that Dina's lawsuit was dismissed is an indication to me that a settlement agreement was likely reached with Jonah. "

MyBelle, I'm confused... If Dina's goal was to get a thorough investigation, then why would she have settled? Are you saying that she is satisfied with the findings of Max's death? The finding of it being a horrible accident? Because I find it hard to believe she would settle with Jonah if she still thought otherwise. This seems very contradictory, maybe you can clarify?
How much "time" spent on a case becomes irrelevant if not used in a professional manner. Example, phone records were not requested until late August. Almost 60 days after Rebecca's death. Just days before the big SDSO press conference. The same phone records used to triangulate Dina's cell phone. Why did it take so long to request such important details? More importantly evidence was lost because of the misuse of time. The infamous voicmail Jonah allegedly left was gone.

The same can be said about the number of investigators. Taxpayers expect their LE agency to provide an unbiased professional investigation. One that is consistent in their protocol. Using science to prove what is or is not evidence instead of the word of a possible suspect. Jonah knew who the panties in the guest room belonged to. No need to use science to uncover possible evidence. Imo, Rebecca's case was cherry picked and she did not receive a thorough investigation.

Science is what told the investigators that it was Rebecca Zahau and only Rebecca Zahau that was in that room that night, and that she, and only she, painted that door, tied those knots, stepped out on the balcony, fell over the railing, and hung herself. Fingerprints and DNA don't lie. Once you've figured that out, what more do you need? Still, they ended up finding plenty of circumstantial evidence as well- like the diaries and the Korean video, The Housemaid, which Rebecca based her hanging on-in those seven long weeks that they had 15 decectives working on the case.

I think the taxpayers of San Diego feel that SDSO, FBI, and DOJ did a very thorough investigation and got it right. All you have to do is look at the last Zahau fundraiser which was mainly focused on San Diego and covered etensively in the SD media. They only had 56 people donate, and only raised 1% of the $500,000 (if I recall the amount correctly) they begged for.
BBM....I just can't agree with your post, for the following reasons: IF (and that is a big IF) Rebecca thought her relationship would end because of Max's injuries, she would have had that thought/known from the very start. Instead, she spent her time picking up Nina and Adam from the airport and driving them to the hospital. (She may have even driven one of their family friends as well, but I don't know if that has been documented or discussed.) She did not run away or feel guilty (per Mary's interview) about Max's injuries. Either because it was a terrible accident, an unwitnessed event, or she knew who was responsible. Feeling "badly or sad" is a totally different than feeling "guilty or responsible." I say this because I was injured in an accident once and everyone felt "badly/sad" but I surely did not expect anyone to feel "guilty or responsible." I don't think Rebecca would be the kind of person who would willingly abandon her boyfriend while he was going through so much distress. (She wanted to "stay strong" for him.) The loss of "financial support" sounds absolutely ridiculous....as she had provided for herself financially for years, and still drove/owned the same car!
And as for the claims of a "thorough investigation by SDSO, et al".... let us not forget they also posted grainy pictures of a family crossing the border and wanted the public to believe that it was proof the McStay family had abandoned their house in the middle of a meal and walked across the border!
The horrible images of Rebecca lying dead in a courtyard, stripped of her clothing and jewelry, along with the autopsy report just looks like someone wanted to harm and humiliate her, and her alone. Her death appears as if someone was angry with her, not Rebecca angry with her boyfriend. That is just how I see it. BTW, Nina said a doctor had informed them of dire news on Tuesday night, as per her telephone interview with Chan8....and I believe that was the catalyst for the events of that evening, not the phone call from her boyfriend.

Of course it was dire. The child's heart had stopped. Aunts and Uncles don't fly in for ICU vigils if the news is good. I guess I don't view it as RZ's decision whether her relationship ended with Jonah after Max's injury. Yes, her sister made it clear RZ felt no guilt whatsoever. Which is a bizarre statement for her to make publicly considering that a normal adult should feel guilt when a small child is catastrophically injured on her sole watch no matter the circumstances. There also was the added element of a police investigation that the hospital requested. Criminal charges and prison could have been the outcome and RZ's forwarding address would be prison.

If I was Jonah, I would have told her to clear her stuff out of the house immediately. And maybe he did just that. Picking people up at the airport was not a difficult task or a big deal. I think all the people she picked up could well afford cab fare.

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