Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #3

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Jonah Shacknai had nothing to do with Rebecca Zahau's suicide. He was at the Ronald McDonald House when she took her life. He immediately knew she committed suicide because he was the person that was closest to her and had the most contact with her after Max was injured. He would have known how upset she was. He would also have a copy of the text he sent to her that night. IMO, he asked her to move out of the mansion. He could not have known in advance that she would commit suicide, but that was certainly his first thought when she was found hanging. IMO, he knew how dramatic she could be.


wow, ".... he knew how dramatic she could be". Interesting. Where, may I ask, does that IMO come from? Seems pretty specific and nothing I've ever picked up on from either this forum or from what MSM has put out. Have I missed something?
New state ROA Doc #198

07/02/2015 -
Statement of Non Opposition to Motion to Compel (S.D. William Gore)

Case Number:

Doc #198 -

Highlights -

• SDSO plans to comply with Dina's subponea to review evidence in storage. The evidence will not be released to the parties, evidence will remain with SDSO. There are 168 pieces of evidence in storage. Evidence can be laid out on a table for inspection and photographing. SDSO asked for specific pieces of evidence to be requested instead of laying out all 168 pieces.
New state ROA Doc #198

07/02/2015 -
Statement of Non Opposition to Motion to Compel (S.D. William Gore)

Case Number:

Doc #198 -

Thank you for this *Lash*.

What immediately stands out to me is the insertion of the word "cordial." How is that related to an official document? Counsel for Defendant DINA SHACKNAI in this civil action has been in (cordial) contact with Sheriffs counsel and Sheriffs investigators. To try to put the judge on Dina's "side?"

The other thing that stands out is the stalling tactics by the SDSO. The evidence can be viewed while laid out, but not "released." As in, "oh, that's all she wants? Well okay then." It took months for that? Sheesh. Stalling by SDSO, by DS, by JS. IMO...Doesn't pass the "smell test."

Another: Typos. Again. Both in the court document and in the emails. Don't professionals proofread anymore?
Thank you for this *Lash*.

What immediately stands out to me is the insertion of the word "cordial." How is that related to an official document? Counsel for Defendant DINA SHACKNAI in this civil action has been in (cordial) contact with Sheriffs counsel and Sheriffs investigators. To try to put the judge on Dina's "side?"

The other thing that stands out is the stalling tactics by the SDSO. The evidence can be viewed while laid out, but not "released." Sheesh. Stalling by SDSO, by DS, by JS. IMO...Doesn't pass the "smell test."

Another: Typos. Again. Both in the court document and in the emails. Don't professionals proofread anymore?

I agree Kittychi, the "cordial" comment most definitely stood out. How is it relevant to the motion? Imo, the comment is personalizing and has a hint of bias. Especially if you consider Dina's subponea is asking for exactly the same as what the Zahau's asked for in the suit they initially brought against SDSO.

Question? Now that the files are being released to "anyone else" as worded in Gore's letter to Bremner, will the Zahau's release the entire file?

Sheriff warns Zahau attorney; case file may be opened

"The files that you will be receiving will not be released to the public, to the media, or anyone else, unless there later develops a law enforcement necessity to do so."

"This decision, however, may be re-evaluated if it becomes clear that parts of the investigation have been released to the media and to the public 'piecemeal', and that such a selective release of portions of the investigation has presented our investigation in a false light."

"Please understand that we have no desire to intrude on your client's right to speak freely about, or even criticize, the investigation completed by this office."

"…if portions of the investigation are selectively released to the media and to the public in a way that falsely represents the work performed by the Sheriff's Department, we will correct the false portrayal by opening the entire investigation for public scrutiny."

A different perspective...

Notice the boot impression SDSO claimed to be from an officer that inadvertently contaminated the crime scene.

The footprints SDSO alleged belonged to Rebecca's were never printed to match her actual feet. There is no evidence the footprints were Rebecca's. Why would a LE forensic team not take a footprint sample for comparsion? It was just assumed the footprints belonged to Rebecca. Quite a jump to make to the balcony leaving only a single toe print.

How do you know that the SDSO did not match the footprint and just "assumed" they were Rebecca's?

Do you have access to the entire file and the 168 pieces of evidence?

IMO, there has been way too much "assuming" what LE did in their seven week investigation. They have more than plenty that proves Rebecca Zahau killed herself.
1st bold--how is it you know what the minor continues to lie? nothing has been put
out here or in the public what the minor has said re another minor death.

2nd bold--wow, that's pretty rich, considering what you have said about this minor.

How do you know he knew she committed suicide? Do tell. Because what everyone here, who has followed this case from the beginning, as I'm sure you have, knows he asked someone at Rebecca's funeral if that person knew of anyone who might want/wanted to cause harm to Rebecca. Pray tell, why would he ask that if he 'knew' she killed herself?

"The lady doth protest too much" lolol

I am not the one saying that XZ lied to Medical Personnel and Law Enforcement. That is InParadise. You have it confused.

I believe what Rebecca and XZ told the responders, and what Martin Rudoy confirmed on Tricia's True Crime Radio- that only Rebecca and XZ were there when Max had the accident. It is InParadise that keeps spreading the rumor that Jonah's other kids were there - even through the Zahau's former attorney says the weren't.

Jonah Shackna's first thought was that Rebecca committed sucide, and he is the one that spoke with her the most after Max's accident. Please see my post entitled Dina's Witnesses a couple of pages back. Jonah tells Dina that morning at the hospital that Rebecca had committed suicide.

And that is what the 15 detectives discovered as well.
Question? Now that the files are being released to "anyone else" as worded in Gore's letter to Bremner, will the Zahau's release the entire file?

The Zahaus will not release the files. They did not release them before because, IMO, there is too much in them that proves Rebecca killed herself - like the detailed conversations that she and Jonah had after Max's accident and too much about her sex life involving bondage. That, IMO, is why the Zahaus did not release them earlier. But hopefully, Dina Shacknai will make them public.
Report, don't respond :)

Hi Everyone,

It's the 4th of July. Our mods are trying to spend time with their friends and family today.

I'm trying to get ready to go to a big party myself.

If I have to leave the party to moderate this thread I will be a very unhappy person.

Do not accuse other members of baiting. Alert on the post.

Do not, even in a very round about way, attempt to bait anyone.

You all know the rules.

Please follow the rules.

Like some of the evidence from this case, the uninterpretable levels of DNA, evidence samples not taken, etc...the footprints allegedly lacked enough detail to make a comparison for identification purposes.

The footprints

On the balcony, investigators found footprints and a partial shoe print, the latter from a Coronado police officer who stepped there while investigating.

Who did the footprints belong to? The dusty impressions lacked enough detail to “make a comparison for identification purposes, Nesbit said. “However, the size of the impressions … was consistent with the size of Ms. Zahau’s feet.”

Bremner raised the possibility of someone standing in the room, just outside the balcony, throwing Zahau to her death.


How do you know that the SDSO did not match the footprint and just "assumed" they were Rebecca's?

Do you have access to the entire file and the 168 pieces of evidence?

IMO, there has been way too much "assuming" what LE did in their seven week investigation. They have more than plenty that proves Rebecca Zahau killed herself.

Hi LL2 :wave:


Nesbit said the impression lacked enough detail to make a comparison. I provided a link right after my initial post. Above, I quoted it again for you. I hope it helps. I do not have access to the entire file. I wish I did :) just plenty of links to support my posts.
<mod snip>

The Medical Examiner was certain that Rebecca's death was consistent with hanging.
Hi LL2 :wave:


Nesbit said the impression lacked enough detail to make a comparison. I provided a link right after my initial post. Above, I quoted it again for you. I hope it helps. I do not have access to the entire file. I wish I did :) just plenty of links to support my posts.

He said they were compared for size and were consistent with Rebecca Zahau's feet. That is in your post.

The dusty impressions lacked enough detail to &#8220;make a comparison for identification purposes, Nesbit said. &#8220;However, the size of the impressions &#8230; was consistent with the size of Ms. Zahau&#8217;s feet.&#8221;
And they may have done more...we just don't know since the Zahaus wouldn't release their files.

The detectives were certain that it was Rebecca and only Rebecca on that balcony and in that room - her feet prints were just one part of the puzzle that proved she took her own life.
Lash, you asked for a link that showed Mary Zahau contacted Anne Bremner a few pages back. I meant to post it then, but it is summer and the beach is nearby, and now the Tour de France is on, so sorry for my late reply.

Honestly, I will be very happy when this case is thrown out (as I predict for lack of evidence) and the Zahaus actions are seen for what they are - trying to extort money from the innocent. IMO.

From Ann Rule's book, start of chapter 11.

https://books.google.com/books?id=7...e&q=contacted anne bremner mary zahau&f=false

Ann Rule mistakenly said it was fall when she was hired. It was summer as the next link from 9/2/2011 proves.

They have hired high-profile attorney Anne Bremner of Seattle and have already asked the Sheriff&#8217;s Department for further investigation."

wow, ".... he knew how dramatic she could be". Interesting. Where, may I ask, does that IMO come from? Seems pretty specific and nothing I've ever picked up on from either this forum or from what MSM has put out. Have I missed something?

You're correct in saying nothing has been put out here or MSM re Rebecca being the 'dramatic' type. In fact, quite the opposite. Dr. Luber, JS's best friend for decades, has stated one of the many reasons JS was so happy~~being in love with Rebecca and wanting to marry her~~was because he felt at peace being with her. That doesn't sound like drama to me.

I'm thinking the poster is/was confused and misspoke. It was his ex-wife, dina, who is the dramatic one, you know, the one who physically and verbally would fight with him. The one who threw herself at his vehicle while screaming 'you can't leave me!!!' Yeah, I'd call that 'dramatic'.
I am that poster and I was not confused.I suggest you read the excerpts from Rebecca's diary, printed in Ann Rule's book. Even Rule says, "Her journal entires could be very dramatic.

IMO, they are dramatic and show just how out of touch with realtiy she was.

Pages 228 and 229 are so dramatic. When I read them, it helped to see into how Rebecca thought and was just another confirmation that she took her life in that dramatic fashion. Everything is about her. IMO.

FWIW - AR's novella comment about RZ being very dramatic was about her journal entries, not RZ personally. AR followed with... it is likely RZ never intended for anyone else to read her journal entries.

&#8220;Her journal entries could be very dramatic. It&#8217;s likely she never intended for anyone else to read them.&#8221;

Excerpt From: Rule, Ann. &#8220;Fatal Friends, Deadly Neighbors.&#8221; This material may be protected by copyright.
He said they were compared for size and were consistent with Rebecca Zahau's feet. That is in your post.

And they may have done more...we just don't know since the Zahaus wouldn't release their files.

The detectives were certain that it was Rebecca and only Rebecca on that balcony and in that room - her feet prints were just one part of the puzzle that proved she took her own life.

Footprint identification. Key words, Det. Nesbit used, identification purposes. DNA nor prints from Rebecca's body were used to identify the footprints left on the balcony. Semantics will not change what the Det. stated.

We will have to agree to disagree.
snipped & BBM

So you are saying that Rebecca and her sister lied (and XZ continues to lie) to police and medical personnel about what happened to little Max Shacknai?

Sad that you would suggest that about a teenage girl.

1st bold--how is it you know what the minor continues to lie? nothing has been put out here or in the public what the minor has said re another minor death.

2nd bold--wow, that's pretty rich, considering what you have said about this minor.


I am not the one saying that XZ lied to Medical Personnel and Law Enforcement. That is InParadise. You have it confused.


IMO, your post above is stating Inp is saying RZ and XZ are liars. She did not. What she is stating, imo, is her theory about what went down that morning. No more, no less.

Oh. And you did say (and XZ continues to lie), Inp never posted anything re XZ. Still waiting on what you have, that can prove XZ continues to lie. Otherwise, it is unfounded and not allowed.
So you are saying that Rebecca and her sister lied (and XZ continues to lie) to police and medical personnel about what happened to little Max Shacknai?

Sad that you would suggest that about a teenage girl. Rebecca may have lied to police about how long Max went without air and how the accident happened, but one thing is certain - only she and XZ were with Max that morning.

I do take the things you say with a grain of salt since you have been wrong about so much. You said that Max was cremated, but that was not true either. He was buried at Mt. Sinai. You said the Niles family was living in the caretakers quarters and were asked to leave the day of Max's accident, however, we found out in Ann Rules book that they had not been living there for some time.

BTW, how is the child you said Jonah's new girlfirend was having. He\she would be what, 3 or so now? Any news on that?

I am going to assume, that at some point, even parents who have lost a child do move forward and might attempt to forge new relationships or have more children. Moving forward in a relationship does not mean anyone has ever forgotten the love of the child they lost. Sometimes we just want to experience that joy and love all over again. Does not bother me, in fact I would encourage it. Does it bother you?
A rather "earthy Grandma (from the old country) I knew 40 years ago" used to say, "A woman knows exactly how many children she has, but a man can never be sure of how many he has fathered."
I get information from every post....even though some make me wince. It takes courage to have an opinion, right or wrong....everyone contributes emotions, feeling, suspicions, motives, observations, hope, anger, wisdom, legal interpretation, questions (me)....etc. Websleuths wouldn't work without it, otherwise, they just would have named it : POLICE BLOTTER (and that is really boring.)
No matter the conclusion of a crime....there is always a LOT OF GUESSING. How of often do you hear, "Police theorize the suspects walked in through an unlocked door...." or "Investigators believe the suspects then proceeded to....." or "Possible suspects were seen....." or
"If if you saw or heard anything suspicious, you are asked to call Crime Stoppers....." Wow, now that it a good one, huh?
Police asking the public to "interpret what they feel is suspicious"???? (Of course, I feel everything the man across the street does is suspicous.....and my husband refuses to buy me a better pair of binoculars.)
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