WV - Logan Goodall, 2, brutally murdered, Dunbar, 6 Sept 2005

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Physician treated boy's family for years
by Kris Wise
Daily Mail staff

A Dunbar doctor who has been indicted in connection with the 2005 death of 2-year-old Logan Goodall had treated the toddler's grandparents and other family members for decades, a relative of the child said.

John Vincent Merrifield, who has been a physician in West Virginia since 1969, still has a medical practice in Dunbar.

The man faces a three-count indictment. He is charged with neglect and with two counts of failing to report to authorities injuries to Logan that officials believe he should have tagged as suspicious.

His wife, Diane Merrifield, also was charged with one count of gross child neglect leading to death.

The doctor has been on the board of several respected organizations in the state, from the American Academy of Family Physicians to the Thomas Memorial Hospital board of directors.

Melissa Eren, Logan's maternal grandmother, said she believes the Merrifields are as responsible as anyone for what happened to her grandson.

"It's about time," she said Monday after the indictments were announced. "I'm just so glad something's been done."

Logan died Sept. 6, 2005, after what police believe was a lengthy period of severe sexual assault and abuse. Michael Merrifield, the son of John and Diane Merrifield and the former boyfriend of Logan's mother, is to stand trial this spring in connection with the boy's death. He has pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree murder, child neglect by a guardian or parent resulting in death, sexual abuse by a parent or guardian and first-degree sexual assault.

Much more at above link.
It's beyond me how any Dr could see the kinds of injuries this baby had and turn his back on his safety!!

I believe no notification was made because the abuser was the doctor's son.
He was the boyfriend of the little boy's mother. The mother is now serving time for neglect. The boyfriend/son of the doctor goes to trial in a few months.

The dostor's wife is also indicted.
This poor little boy! All these people knew of his condition and none of them did anything!

I am not blaming the grandparents here, but if I got conflicting stories about my grandchild's injuries, and they just started showing up since the mom starting dating a new guy, and the guy's dad is the one treating the child to begin with, I would have taken the child to another doctor regardless if I knew the doctor or not.

I also believe the mother should've gotten more jail time. Her role in the situation was kind of bypassed it seems. It doesn't matter to me if the doctor said his injuries were not serious, the point is she knew someone was hurting the child. Kids don't just get wounds or their scrotum and burns on their behind! When are mothers going to quit letting monsters hurt their babies?
What a piece of *advertiser censored* doctor, take the Fifth amendment and keep your trap shut, how brave, poor little Logan, sounds as though he suffered alot. I hope this doctor lays awake at night, knowing he had abandoned this little boy.
Sounds to me like maybe the doctor could've been covering up for his own sins on his own sons----it's a fact that the vast majority of child molesters were molested as children themselves. Freakin' pervs.
Opie said:
Without reading the profile, that picture speaks volumes.
They've been showing her on the local news - nasty!!

I hope everyone picked up on the fact that this doctor was WV Doctor of the Year for 05 or 06.....what is it they say about hind sight?

A whole bunch of losers in this story!!
Does anyone know any info about little Logan's bio dad? It seems he is completely out of the picture.

I can't believe the mother was already eligible for parole. Even she stated she wasn't ready for parole. She had been too busy with her own life to pay attention to her child.

I would like to know more about the background of the doctor's son, who appears to be the main abuser.
Good. Your news is more up to date than mine.
I read some details on Logan's abuse at one of the links above - terrible stuff I had never heard before.

And, it made me think, I believe this doctor's relationship with his monstor son should be looked at CLOSELY.

First, something created this animal that would treat a child like he did and then the dad does nothing to stop it, personally, let alone legally.

Makes me wonder if history is maybe repeating itself?.......
While this doesn't seem to apply in this particular case. West Virginia has some really messsed up Laws and procedures when it comes to child abuse. I discovered this first handed a few months ago when my daughter attempted to report a child abuse in progress. She was actually watching a child being beaten,kicked,drug by the hair and thrown around the yard. She called 911 and waited, and waited and waited. No one showed up! She expected LE to show up within a few moments, wrong! As far as she knows, they never did show up! She called 911 back after about 20 mins, the child was still being beaten. They still never sent LE to the residence.

Now before anyone asks "Why didn't she do something to stop it?" She was watching this from a distance and had 2 babies in her care. She couldn't take them with her and she couldn't leave them alone. She did what she thought was the right thing but got nowhere.
We finally found the phone number for the Child Abuse Hotline in WV. The number is not even in the front of the phone book where it would be easy to find. Is yours? Check your phone books to see, it should be right there along with other emergency numbers. After finding the number she called and talked to someone there who took all of the information and seemed upset that LE had not responded. They said they would send a protective services worker out right away which they did. Unfortunately, by this time so much time had passed (about 3 hours) the child had been taken back inside the house and no one would come to the door.
I found out later that the worker did go to the elementary school and check on the child. I don't know the outcome.
Sorry for the rant. It is just a very touchy subject with me. Here is an exerpt from WV Child Protective Services Policy:

Response to a Suspected Report

What Happens After a Report is Made?

When a report of suspected child abuse or neglect is made CPS staff first determine if the situation described meets the legal definition of abuse and neglect. If the report does not meet the definition then it is screened out. If the report does meet the definition then it is assigned to a worker who completes an initial assessment.

The Investigation

Department policy requires that an initial assessment be initiated within 2 hours if the report indicates that a child is in present danger. If the child is in imminent danger then the state statute requires a face to face contact 72 hours of the receipt of the report. In all other situations the statute requires a face to face contact within 14 days.

If the child is in imminent danger then the state statute requires a face to face contact 72 hours of the receipt of the report

The CPS dept. has 72 hours to check on a child when it is believed that the child is in imminent danger!!!!! This is not acceptable. No wonder so many children are victims of abuse! Needless to say, I was shocked when I read their policy. It definitely needs to be changed. :banghead: :mad:
After reading all of your updates, I can say what a piece of *advertiser censored* mother she is, no mother at all in my opinion. Just pure white trash. Beautiful baby Logan suffered terribly and noone stepped in to save him, absolutely noone. This story makes me very sad and mad at the monsters who have done this to such a beautiful baby boy.

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