Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #24

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No matter how much I look I just don't think there's anything here to indicate that she was buried, or that any of these photos or the video shows her body. I don't think even the Sun would stoop that low.

Agreed. I can't see anything in the footage that looks like she was buried. I can't even see anything under the tent. I don't really think I want to though :(

Does anyone have unedited helicopter footage? I saw it live but I’m trying to remember exactly what I saw. IMO Gabby was not buried but I’ve seen so many conflicting reports in MSM.
There was a still shot someone took from the helicopter footage that showed the body beneath a blue blanket with some orange or gold between a copse of trees. I wish I could find the shot because I'm not on my computer at the moment.
There was a theory I read previously and totally agree with, basically stating Brian abandoned the van after GP’s murder and followed the river until being picked up on the 29th by youtuber. In the hopes that the van would be found, and his alibi would be he was hiking. In this occasion he followed the spread creek to the snake river. With this being said, I feel he is most comfortable following a river or creek. I would be searching near creeks and rivers for him. Not lakes and swampland. I also figure he can maneuver at a pace of around 10-15 miles per day, so this gives a search radius of 70-105 miles. If he were to head south, he would most likely run into more civilization so Imo he would be traveling north. I think he is between Alafia River state park and Colt creek state park.

Is it possible that BL hopped a train? Say CSX? Freight hoppers have their own online networks, one such site is Squat The Planet (although it doesn't have a lot of traffic - no pun intended.)
Regarding bloodstains on the trees - wouldn't the police cut those places out and take them in for testing? I suppose they could have just swabbed, but I would think they would want the actual piece of wood for future testing and to make it available to the defense team (if it comes to that) to do their own independent testing?
I was rereading the timeline at the beginning of each thread and I forgot there's mention that Gabby's uncle posts that on 27 Aug there was a snapchat Gabby sent a friend -heading to Yellowstone. Is that something that can be programmed to post at a certain time? If not, it seems we know she was still alive on the 27th.
Does anyone have unedited helicopter footage? I saw it live but I’m trying to remember exactly what I saw. IMO Gabby was not buried but I’ve seen so many conflicting reports in MSM.
I've been trying to find it as well for the exact reason you stated, but I have had no luck. Hopefully someone will respond to you with it!
I watched an update on the morning news where they showed the reserve which is being searched for BL. People have suggested that if one lives in an area and is familiar with it and the animals there, that they can strategically survive in it. That may be true when one is awake and alert in the daylight. I’m sorry but I don’t think anyone could sleep out in this swamp park night after night for a week in the open elements and not become a snack for an animal. I think if BL chose to hide out here, stressed, upset, hopefully remorseful, and unprepared, the only way they will find him will be in parts, or in a gator. He didn’t grow up in the area. He is/was a 23 year old kid, not an experienced survivalist with years of skills in Florida swamps. He may have told his parents he was going here. That way they could honestly report that he did this. He may have left shortly after as well. But after seeing the swamp on tv, I honestly don’t believe he’s camping there safely night after night.
Regarding bloodstains on the trees - wouldn't the police cut those places out and take them in for testing? I suppose they could have just swabbed, but I would think they would want the actual piece of wood for future testing and to make it available to the defense team (if it comes to that) to do their own independent testing?

I posted a very similar question! I did wonder if maybe because it’s a National Park, were there different rules.
Agreed. I can't see anything in the footage that looks like she was buried. I can't even see anything under the tent. I don't really think I want to though :(

IMO there's nothing under the tent, at least not in the footage. I can't see anything of note, just dirt. They found evidence there and then saw her body near some trees by the tent. The Salt Lake news helicopter saw her. They found her body around noon, according to the station, and only released the footage later that day, so they had time to edit it also. If they could see her from the air, imo, that means she likely wasn't buried or at least not buried deep.
View of the statement form made by a witness, regarding 911 call.
Thank you for this. That statement clearly says someone else called it in. Last night there seemed to be some discussion about whether there was one witness or if there were at least two.
FWIW, I have called into 911 3 times that I can remember, and have never been called back to make an additional statement. In this case, no crime was charged so I can easily imagine there would be no follow up with the caller. I have given my name to a police officer as a witness in a hit and run (in Chicago) and even then was only contacted by the insurance investigator, and never the police.
Please..too many threads moving fast but I know I saw on here last Friday night the police had a gun case from the mustang? It was taken out of the trunk.? Can't find the comments and thread. Has it been confirmed anywhere that Brian had a concealed weapon permit in fla. Why have a permit and not a gun? Thank you. Could someone who saw the threads and comments please advise.
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