Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #4

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My perception of that video is that you've got two people that are tired, dirty, low on money and very stressed out - particularly GP. Considering the heat of the moment, their stories are very similar. I don't think anyone is lying or trying to deceive the police. I don't think BL comes off as a creepy or bad in these exchanges.

The video shows two incredibly distressed individuals, and it is possible that they both show their distress in different ways. On the other hand, the issue of BL not talking to LE now is a different matter.
Having probable cause and having enough to charge and convict is way different. You really don't need much for probable cause. Probable cause is not enough for an arrest. At least it shouldn't be.

BTW, I'm going to guess that LE does have probable cause to get warrants to investigate. As the chief said, two left, one came back. Then add BL's lack of cooperation and lack of proof of life. LE also stated they have things they won't share with us. I have seen less on probable cause statements.
That sounds hopeful ?
May be part of the reason they declared BL a poi so soon ?
It seems like in other cases where we think it looks obvious ... that LE will hold back for a while.
THIS absolutely. I noticed this even in just the couple of clips they showed in a news segment. She’s putting the blame on herself. Crying, speaking apologetically. Boyfriend seems confident and unruffled rather than concerned for his girlfriend. Even just a few seconds of video plus reading partial transcripts screams narcissistic boyfriend to me, but that’s JMHO, MOO.
Has anyone noticed, that all this time, we've never found out his exact age? I recall in the beginning when the story first broke, it was stated that he was between 23 and 30. I remember it, becuase it seemed odd; her age was given as 22, but his was given as a fairly broad approximate range. If I've missed an update, please fill me in. But if there's a significant age difference between them, this could be conducive to him playing the older, smarter authority figure, perhaps sometimes talking down to her. She might have looked up to him, until the relationship hit rocky patches.

We also don't know what her mother's statement, that they had a relationship in highschool, means exactly. Was she a freshman when he was a senior? We she a HS student though he was out of HS already, and they first met each other outside of the school context?

It would be nice to have more basic background info, so we don't have to guess.

I also feel, that her statement to Moab police, "I feel like I'm OCD" is very different from a confession that she's diagnosed as OCD "but unmedicated", as BL said. Why should she be medicated, if there's been no diagnosis? What did he say his mental health condition was, that he was also unmedicated for? If he's truly been diagnosed with something, maybe he's been trying to project onto her, that she has a condition, too, and has been trying to get her to believe it.

"Feeling like" you're OCD is very different from knowing you have OCD, because your doctor evaluated you. And yet, this went down in the police report as both of them having a mental health condition they don't take meds for.

Maybe it's just me, but I get the feeling of some sloppy police work happening here. it's good that the officer told them to separate until the next day to cool off, and didn't book Gabby for assault. But I have an uneasy feeling, that they were inattentive to other details, not really methodical in checking out facts (like car ownership), the basis of the altercation (he refused to give her the keys to her car, behaving as though he were going to abandon her), and recording a casual statement about "feeling like OCD" as if it were a diagnosed condition.
Obviously here in Utah, at least, the shot to death newlyweds was and is big news. <modsnip: No link to substantiate>

It's awful strange how coincidental these 2 cases are in time and physical proximity. I wanted to mention that G actually did drive, bc I saw a clip of him filming her as she drove. Whatever the case, I think most of us wouldn't just take a vehicle not registered to us then drive over 2k miles, apparently stranding the owner without the owner's explicit permission.

I think he did do her harm, then drove the van all the way home to throw off the scent of his last known whereabouts. That way, when she's found, LE will have an even harder time proving his connection.

Last, I was in a DV situation 30 years ago, and how we acted as a couple in public was far different from behind closed doors. I very much get a sugary sweet ''let's prove to the world how happy we are' vibe from their insta. It's just too too much, imho.

There's no conceivable reason, were he innocent, he wouldn't at least say to her parents and LE where he saw her last. Most of us would be devastated if our loved one got lost in the wilderness. We'd do everything possible to stick around and search day and night. Not drive 2300 miles then hide out at Mom's with our tail between our legs. Shame.
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I would think a Lawyer would advise his client to cooperate if they are innocent and a person is missing.
Not cooperating when you have a Lawyer seems shady. Rights or not.
I too believe a lawyer would - unless that lawyer knows something in confidence or believes his client is not being truthful with him (in which case it is the lawyer's duty to zealously represent and defend his client).
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I had question myself about the trip back to FL. Did they have an apartment in FL? I thought they were living with his parents. If they did have an apt wouldn’t they have had to officially move out before they left for their months long journey? Why did BL have to fly back to move their stuff in the middle of their trip? It’s said they moved their stuff into storage but I read, sorry don’t remember where, that his father offered to have them store their things at his house. If that’s the case there wouldn’t have been too much stuff I wouldn’t think, if it would all fit into BLs parents house. I’ve seen pics. It’s a average size house. And WHY would it take 5 days?
Could there be a girlfriend in FL? Was that why GP was so angry, crying and slapped him on Aug 12th? I just don’t know.

These are great questions. Much speculation about arranging a moving company or getting friends to help move their stuff. But according to the Sarasota county property appraiser website, the Laundrie’s house has 1,448 sqft of living area.
Those Florida homes have no basements and storage is tight.
GP & BL couldn’t have had much in storage if it could all be stored at the Laundries. I’m speculating their stuff consisted of clothes, personal items, etc. I can’t imagine they’d have room to store furniture. So the fact he was summoned home to move their stuff doesn’t wash, IMO. And it wouldn’t take 5 days - probably no even 5 hours. Just MOO
Yes, an attorney could have knowledge she's deceased and not have to report that.

BUT they are obligated to report information if they know she's in danger. (hypothetical; say the attorney knew that Gabby ran off into the desert on her own threatening suicide- the attorney would be obligated to report that - including the location to police).

It's covered under mandatory disclosure laws and is an exception to attorney client privilege. If the client tells the attorney the location of a missing witness or victim whose life is in imminent danger the attorney has to disclose it.

Do you have a citations to any mandatory disclosure laws that obligate attorneys to report information learned from a client in the course of representing the client when the client does not authorize the disclosure of that information?
I have been following this case only in msm and haven't read very many posts here so I am not sure if this was anyone elses observation.

I just listened to (deliberately, not watched) the entire bodycam footage and it really seemed to me that the officer(s) were convinced by BL's very, very calm demeanor that he was in no way the aggressor in the situation. The officers seemed to do whatever possible to help him out (ie:by getting him a hotel,) one officer even said, "don't feel like you are making anybody do anything extra....." around 34 min mark.


It kind of caught me off guard by how much the officers seemed to want to help them resolve the situation without arresting G.P.

Just a feeling I have is that a man who can 'control' how the officers behave towards him (friendly, helpful, even to the point of an officer confiding about his own spouses' mental health challenges) during a 'domestic' situation such as the one that occurred, may be very capable of extremely maniupulative behaviours that nobody could ever see as possible.

I am not challenging the way the officers handled the case, but am merely pointing out that B.L.'s affible demeanor may have tipped the scales heavily in favour of them not pressing any DV charges against G.P., mostly because of how B.L. handled the entire situation with his attitude.

Sadly, my gut is telling me that G.P. may have been a victim (of more than disappearing) far longer than anyone could have imagined.

But she wanted to go on this road trip. They were starting a brand together. I don't think this statement really applies to this case as far as what's been shown in MSM. Like I said, maybe they had a very codependent relationship. Maybe she didn't want to be apart from him. Didn't she follow him to Florida?

There is absolutely no evidence besides speculation that Gabby was in an incredibly abusive relationship where she was meek and quiet and weak and BL was all powerful and manipulating and controlling her. even family members on both sides attest to their relationship not showing signs of abuse or trouble.

she bought the van. She decorated it. She chose to start blogging. She chose to go on this trip. She admitted to assaulting him. She admitted to having OCD and anxiety. She admitted all of this. None of that is an assumption. Everything else is PURE conjecture. She also complains about his behaviors in the police video. She doesn’t take 100% of the blame. She talks about how he doesn’t support her and gets frustrated with her anxiety and OCD. Admitting you are struggling is NOT a sign of abuse. I don’t get why people think it is.

getting sad seeing the assumption that women are perpetual victims. We are not. GP was struggling but she was also badas* She’s an adventurer and a hiker and does things far from home. That’s bravery. Give her some credit. I hope she’s found and brought home. She deserves that.

Why all the emphasis from the police on a 110 pound girl 'hitting' a man? There is no comparison in strength whatsoever. I'm not excusing her hitting him, but she's likely fighting back!

really? Sounds like you are making excuses. There is no proof she was fighting back. She admitted to punching him in the arm while he was driving. Wouldn’t she have marks on her face if he was driving and hitting her and she punched him as defense? This is a slippery slope. Physical abuse is physical abuse, period. It’s NEVER ok. Women can abuse men and men often don’t report it or talk about it because of comments like this. Sounds more like they were both toxic and harmful to one another.
I think the "they were starting a brand together" is subjective. I
IMO it seems like that was GP's goal but was not his focus at all. He comes across as not wanting the spotlight (I'll keep my opinions on why to myself). But there's multiple statements made in the video that lead me to believe this was also a bone of contention between them. Including her saying "he doesn't think I can" and his social media captions really putting down people who are overly connected to the internet and technology.

i would be so upset if i started a cross country road trip and my traveling partner decided to start a blog and document everything. I would hate it. Does that make me suspicious?
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