Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #42

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This isn’t going to be a popular post, but I’ve been thinking. Is there any chance that BL might not be guilty of GP’s murder?
[B]@RedHaus[/B] has put forth a scenario like this. I’m sure others have, too, but that’s the one that comes to my mind.
Thank you, @Parsnip for recalling my previous post and @Purplepixii, I wonder the same thing. Not because I truly believe BL is not guilty of GP's murder, but the data we have at hand also fit a scenario in which BL does not kill GP. I posted my "alternative" scenario on T#35, P#599, found here:
Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #35

To respond to some of the concerns with this scenario, I'll build off of my initial post as follows (all IMO!):

In this alternative scenario, GP stays put in the van when BL leaves for his Snake River hike (to clear his head and avoid hurting her) after the Merry Piglet rage scene the afternoon of 8/27. She stays put because BL has her phone, the van keys, and maybe her wallet (so she doesn't go anywhere without him).

Nothing of GP/BL's was stolen from the empty van during the assault that killed GP (likely 8/28) or before BL returned to the van on 8/29 because it is common knowledge that rape is about violence and not about theft, as are many murders without sexual assault.

As I understand the time line, on 8/27, Gabby's uncle posts there was a snapchat Gabby sent a friend -heading to Yellowstone (in Dailymail article). This alternative scenario could fit with that fact, in that Gabby could have sent this to her friend the morning of 8/27, before the Merry Piglet restaurant blow-up. Maybe she and BL had in fact made plans to go to Yellowstone – perhaps on 8/28.

Further, I still contend BL texted GP’s Mom about Stan on 8/27 (prior post of mine). This could have happened after the Merry Piglet restaurant as BL may have taken GP’s phone from her (as he tended to do). And Regarding the 8/30 text to GP’s Mom, it is possible BL still had GP’s phone with him when he left for a hike. That explains the radio silence from GP's phone on 8/28 (and 8/29). Either before he left for home on 8/30 or on his way, he replied to GP's Mom to just stop her texts.

We do not know if LE is searching for another possible killer in the Teton’s. But this scenario proposes that an alternative killer would not necessarily be on foot… perhaps he was already in the campground and noticed GP alone, or perhaps GP sought some food or help while BL was on his hike, in this alternative scenario.

And there may not be another POI (in WY perhaps) because maybe LE hasn’t gotten that far. Isn’t the autopsy findings pending pathology and toxicology? If they could do a rape kit, is DNA pending? And does anyone know if a rape kit can be done on a partially decomposed body?

The reason BL did not call GP’s parents to check on GP when he did not find her at the van on 8/29 after his hike, is a weak link for this alternative scenario, as most socially assimilated and civil people would call everyone who knew GP, and LE. But in the alternative scenario I posed, I added the comment for this step in the time line that “this would have to presume BL does not process information like most people... this would require a suspension of normal social expectations.”

Anyhow, as prudent sleuthers we must always be flipping the proverbial coin around in our minds. Given the scant amount of directly incriminating evidence that BL killed GP, there is room for other options. And I think BL's parents' laissez faire attitude does, on the surface, appear to show they don't think BL did anything wrong.

All IMO!
After watching a few crime panels, I'm under the impression that defense lawyers are not required to give up the location of their clients, even if they know exactly where they are and a warrant is currently out for their arrest. Unless someone's safety or life is imminently endangered.

Perhaps one of the expert lawyers here could confirm or deny this?
Is he is listed in warrant as a safety risk...I thought he was. Yes, need expert lawyer for sure.
I have noticed in the last few years, people do not seem to have any awareness or care about how they appear to others. They just do what they want for their own betterment. I guess in a way you could say people have no shame, for better or worse. It's something that continues to surprise me, but it is very common and becoming more common. I think many people grew up with absolutely no thought for or about anyone else. It's different than a lack of empathy, but on the same track. Most people can exercise empathy, but many have just never been asked to, or had any practice doing so, or expectation to do so.

Let's assume your son had just told you some version of the truth that he had killed Gabby. Most likely his version involves a scenario of self defense. You know he's in very serious trouble. You've retained a lawyer for him and the lawyer has advised you to say nothing to no one. I'm curious as to what exactly you would say to the frantic parents when you return their call?
I literally said to myself this afternoon, are they literally going with this guy in case one day there can be grounds for an appeal on having had incompetent council?! (I mean, I know that's not the case but what in the heck are they all doing. How does this guy not know he's in way over his head!)

As another high profile case... this is feeling like a Michael Skakel gig.
Mickey Sherman was the Ct. attorney who helped overturn the Martha Moxley murder conviction. :(
Timeline according to SB:

Sept 1-3: Reserved De Soto trip cancelled
Sept 6: Laundrie family goes to De Soto campground
Sept 7: Laundrie family leaves De Soto campground

Sept 11: GP filed as missing person
Sept 11, 12: Laundrie family goes to “other places” (plural!) on “different dates” this weekend.

Sept 14: BL leaves for a hike at Carlton, leaving his phone and wallet behind
Sept 15: Parents go to reserve, find parking warning note, do nothing
Sept 16th: Parents go to reserve, access vehicle and drive it home.
Sept 17th: Parents report BL missing

+ Sept 13: SB last spoke with Brian (per his text to reporter Jossie Carbonare)
Timeline according to SB:

Sept 1-3: Reserved De Soto trip cancelled
Sept 6: Laundrie family goes to De Soto campground
Sept 7: Laundrie family leaves De Soto campground

Sept 11: GP filed as missing person
Sept 11, 12: Laundrie family goes to “other places” (plural!) on “different dates” this weekend.

Sept 14: BL leaves for a hike at Carlton, leaving his phone and wallet behind
Sept 15: Parents go to reserve, find parking warning note, do nothing
Sept 16th: Parents go to reserve, access vehicle and drive it home.
Sept 17th: Parents report BL missing
You can add that SB stated that he last spoke to BL on the 13th. This is an interesting perspective, thank you. Although I believe that the 15/16 info is incorrect. BE has tweets of the home-mustang gone the 14th, returned the 15th.
This is really interesting, I wonder about her mom saying she was seen Aug 30th at 7am. That's very specific, & it had seemed to me that based on the timeline she may have been dead before then. I don't think BL could have told her mom this, or she would have said? Unless she's not permitted to?
That timeline wouldn't match up at all. Strange. Maybe she meant the message on the 30th and it was quoted wrong?
Cannot believe how composed Gabbys family were, for one they’ve lost their daughter, two they’re on national tv advocating to help other families all the while going through a tremendous amount of pain. Total respect for them and lots of love and hope that Gabbys foundation helps lots of people.
The Laundrie family should be ashamed of themselves. How long until the lawyer releases some stupid statement in response. JMO.
I have been so impressed with GP’s Family.They found out that her body was found on September 19 (not even 10 days ago) and they’ve been on selective media shows always focused on Gabby. They’ve had at least two memorials in New York and Florida. They put out a beautiful 30 minute slide show of her life, started a foundation to help those who could be in a similar situation and they stood together this morning to thank those who helped find her, as a blended and loving family all wearing bracelets that GP had designed. I’m in awe.
Totally different scenarios. Btw, I never thought her brother was guilty. There were many who didn’t think so,

You mean in the spirit GP is dead and they should be grieving? Or at least acting like they are?

Of course not. You mean their son killed her and they don’t want to be reminded of that. They want to just move along, let Brian come home and everything is fine.

Except it’s not.
No, I mean the spirit of hate!!
This is a good reminder. I often see people saying that we as private citizens should see the accused as innocent.

But we don't have to. We can think someone is guilty and we can express that. (WS excluded of course!)

But if I was on a jury, or if I was a judge, then I'd be obligated to go by the law - presume innocence then weigh evidence.
Yes, and judges give extensive instructions to juries to do just that.
They were not really living the "van life" - like living it. They were just on a long camping trip, and seeing national parks. Not the same thing, IMO.

And BL was certainly no environmentalist. He just hated people, talking about how other people were "infesting" parks, as though he was above all that, not being an infestation himself. His Instagram comments about other people tell me he was anti-social and really didn't like other people at all.
Imagine how this is going to go down with the inmates at Leavenworth....
If it was my son, HE would be the one to return the parents call. HE would have to tell them his side of the story, period.
If the police showed up looking for him, he would be the one saying contact my lawyer, not me! (If he was in my home when they showed up.)
Lawyers are getting paid to give advice to clients, they don't get paid for your personal morals, you know? I know what I would do in this situation and part of me dislikes that I want to give people the benefit of the doubt that they'd do the right thing, that I hold them up to the same standards as I hold myself...but I know that's never the case. How do you live with yourself after this? How do you not return phone calls from concerned parents of the well being of a woman that lived in your home?! How do you casually hand an attorney card to the authorities instead of cooperating and speaking to them about what you do/don't know?
The only possible excuse I can make for them is that they were terrified for their son (hence, they had to have known he’d done something seriously wrong) and it eclipsed everything else, including plain decency.
I seriously doubt this guy could or would represent the parents in court even IF they are charged with something. (Knowing what we know now I don't think they will be.) So I don't think planning on an appeal based on ineffective counsel is likely. I think they just don't know local criminal law attorneys. And they are comfortable with him or were when this all started. I agree though the attorney should know he's in over his head.
If they were, it's a pretty stupid strategy that can't be used until after conviction, and convictions are very hard to overturn on appeal.
There could have been something like that. We just don't know. He could have come home with injuries as well, or he could have hurt Gabby, rendered her unconscious, then she awoke and made her way to where she passed and he couldn't find her-got scared-took off. So many things could have happened and I hope we get a chance to find out his story at some point.
There's the rub: He's the only one who knoze, and IMO, he will never tell anyone. Ever. He may well have a poor-me sob story ready. He's had a while to cook up a good one...
MOO, If BL was last seen at the Fort De Soto Park. I would key on the waterways near there. I've fished those waters for years and it amazing how many abandon & semi-abandon boats are out in those bays. They are easy to spot as they are in disrepair, and covered in black mold and seagull poop. All BL would need to get to them would be a dingy, kayak, or canoe. Wither, abandoned or the owner has died they just sit until a hurricane blows them loose and onto the shore. There are literally hundreds of them and I have seen squatters and vagrants living on them. These are not boats in a marina but staked out in the bays and coves. City Hopes to Regulate Abandoned Boats | St. Pete, FL Patch
I literally said to myself this afternoon, are they literally going with this guy in case one day there can be grounds for an appeal on having had incompetent counsel (oops autocorrect had the wrong counsel--edited to fix)?! (I mean, I know that's not the case but what in the heck are they all doing. How does this guy not know he's in way over his head!)

To claim ineffective assistance of counsel, you have to have been represented by said counsel in a trial, I believe.
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