Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #69

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SB has similar ears too. Those ears are very distinctive and fortunately if people recognize that it would make or break a potential sighting. I hope people are paying close attention to the ears. MOO
I'd say the people he has chosen to be with would not take any notice if he wore a lemon tutu and ballet shoes.
Thank you! A real quick look he does resemble BL, but a lot of differences, too many to ignore. This man has a much larger build than BL.

Glad he's okay, hope he is getting a laugh out of it now and isn't angry.

I’m going to say he was actively seeking out his 15 minutes of fame.

“For their trouble, the lodge provided the couple with a free night’s stay and a complimentary breakfast.

“It was a buffet. We took as much as we could,” Beckwith said…”
FWIW, I didn't see anything but a superficial resemblance between the most recent Not Brian L and The Real Brian L. Both guys of the same age range, both dark, thinning/receding hair and a beard. A million guys fit that description. Build is completely different, head shape is different, facial features very different, eyes very different, BL has a big nose and big hands and feet.

I think the Marshalls were a little heavy handed to burst in with guns drawn; it's fortunate this guy wasn't armed. The next one may be and it could end in another tragedy.

I think maybe what is happening is people are going of photos and a few videos of BL, people often look so different in real life too photos or videos, they even say the camera adds a few pounds, so maybe people are seeing someone who looks a little like BL and thinking it could possibly be him. I think the tattoos is the way for anyone not sure to determine whether it could be.
I one million percent agree with you about not wanting another tragedy however I am glad we’ve heard they are looking at other places other than the preserve. MOO
Phone purchased shortly BEFORE his return, vs purchased on Sept 4. Two different phones. One burner, second one later with provider ATT. Am I reading this right? So, FBI has both phones? jmo

There are conflicting dates for the AT&T purchase, some say right before he took off, others say earlier. Their attorney says he bought it shortly after returning home and that it was not a burner phone. The FBI has it now. Link below.

Some people think his mom purchased a burner phone for BL but I don’t think that’s been verified.

They typically only pursue major drug and violent crime fugitives so I bet they've been on it since at least the the autopsy report was filed 10/5. My guess now, with this new info, is that there was a sealed indictment issued then.

9/29 FBI showed up at L house to collect samples, SB stated items to help locate BL. I'm thinking they had search warrant for DNA. By the 29th the autopsy was far enough along to possibly have DNA collected from GP, to obtain a sealed search warrant.

10/5 autopsy compete, FBI request coroner to delay public announcement. I feel they were scheduled to present evidence to a Grand Jury for a sealed murder indictment.

All Moo...
<modsnip - quoted post was removed>

I personally believe BL is dead in the reserve, so all of the discussion about how he is evading LE and who is helping him is just an academic discussion to me. And even if he isn't dead, its not that hard to stay hidden for a short period if you just stay tucked into your hide out and don't go out and about to be seen by others. So that wouldn't require any help from anyone either. But if this goes on for months without finding him then its one or the other. He's dead, or someone is helping him. <modsnip>
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Has anyone posted a date that the BL lookalike was questioned (at gunpoint) on the AT? I haven't see the date in any story. Did it just happen or is the guy who was questioned just telling his story now? Also, this is the first time I have seen any fast reaction by LE on any of the BL sightings, so if it was very recent then maybe not all LE think he is dead in the swamp.

The New Yorker article does not have a date but says he had been hiking since "late September" starting in GA, and this happened in NC... So sometime in October I would guess..JMO

Edit Bounty Hunting for Brian Laundrie in a Land of Look-Alikes
I think we need to realize that not everyone thinks the same way about helping someone who committed a crime. For instance: my sister-in-law said that if her daughter was to kill her husband (the son-in-law), she would definitely help her get away. She said "that's my daughter. I have to protect her." I don't understand loyalty like that but apparently there are people who think that way..

There are people that would do that for their kids 100 percent.
Having said that- knowing that someone cannot hide forever, it seems to me that it would be much better for parent and child to consult an attorney and build up a defense case.
( I don't believe for a moment that BL acted in self defense for the record)
All it takes is one person on a jury to look at the police video and decide that G was "crazy" and BL had no alternative.
The way that this entire scenario with BL in hiding is playing out, it basically takes away any chance of that doubt being made.

So, are we at the point where the police and FBI have used up their resources and are just not looking anymore? What's everyone's thoughts?
Well past that point, I'd imagine.
My thoughts are fuelled with boredom and resentment towards this person and I'm tired and weary of it.
It's like we're being played.
It could well go down in history unsolved.
I think I'm 3/4 of the way resigned to that with occasional 'eureka' moments which get fewer and fewer the longer it goes on.

I've been in NYC all my life. IMO Brian is nothing to them. The Mob exists to make money and to carry out vendettas. If Gabby were the daughter of a mobster, Brian would be executed if they found him and the police would not be notified.
Brian is not worth money to them. He’s not part of the Cosa Nostra. IMO this is a dead end theory.

BBM. No necessarily "The Mob" but I wondered about the mob outside the Laundrie home taking things into their own hands. Is LE looking for a body in the reserve?
Peter G. Uliano says he has an LE background, which an internet search supports. Curious to see what WSers think of this from him:

I'm not sure what he's alluding to. That they think he's dead? That is certainly my theory.

Here's the thing: I just can't get over the colossal level of stupid involved here. (In my opinion...) It looks like Brian Laundrie killed his girlfriend on Aug 27. It appears he ran away and then hitchhiked back on Aug 29. The van is parked in the same spot for some 4 days. He leaves her body across the creek from where the van was parked for 4 days, and decides to simply drive home in her van and pretend like nothing happened. I mean, it should be blindingly obvious to anyone who finds oneself in this situation that you do one of two things:

1. Hide her body where nobody will ever find it.


2. Contact the authorities and explain it was an "accident" or whatever.

Laundrie did neither of these two things and instead did things that are inexplicable. The only logical conclusion I can reach is that he was not in his right mind. He had a van at his disposal and could transport her body practically anywhere. Instead he leaves her near where the van was parked for 4 days. Then he simply drives home to his parents. He visits with his sister. Then he disappears. It really looks to me like in his mind he was seeing them for one last time.

Then we have the really strange thing that CL said. Regarding Brian's flight home, she said something like, "that is what he does when..." and the cut herself off and said that was for the authorities. Hopefully somebody can provide a citation on this.

Anyway, we are not allowed to discuss mental illnesses but there is clearly something going on here in my view.
Happy Monday, folks! :p

I was wondering what people's thoughts are on the likelihood of the Laundries being in communication with BL?

It's feasible to think that they may have helped him flee to wherever it is that he's gone, but is it at all possible that they can have been communicating with him all this time?

Personally, I just can't see how! There's no 'base' that I can think of that LE won't have covered in terms of shadowing them, monitoring electronic communication and/or having the house bugged.

Is there a way I'm missing that they could still somehow be communicating with BL, or getting messages to and from him despite being under intense scrutiny right under the nose of the Feds!?

Also, the Laundrie parents seem to be toeing the legal line. MOO: Cant see them aiding their son in this. They aren’t that wealthy and hired a lawyer, doing as told in this long shot he’d get away with it, …he’s way better off facing the music for this one. The parents have good advice snd they are pragmatic. Makes no sense to me


But have they and are they?

IMO if they were given "good advice" and are "pragmatic" they would not be in quite the position they are now in. Terrible position regarding what has happened, but not the objects of hatred and derision and harassment and suspicion that they are now.

As to their wealth, we can’t sleuth them but it’s in MSM constantly that they own a juicer business as well as multiple rental properties which they’ve flipped for profit.
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HA I think he made the chin comment, not that he's chinless, but that BL's chin protrudes. jmo
Last Night's Post
I didn't spend much time but I was disappointed to see that it isn't murder 1. Should be, because it's pretty obvious that it's premeditated. Not saying there are no cases of murder 1, but I didn't see any. Just more misogyny , in my opinion, because the majority of people who die of premeditated strangulation are, of course, women. Probably hard to prove the intent, though. JMO

@cady I'm so sorry I replied to @10ofRods last night in response to his reference to felony murder. It has completely gone off the rails and I didn't intend for so much confusion to result. As I said last night BL, if he is charged, will most likely be charged with some degree of murder. MOO Murder is a felony. MOO

IMO, I think everyone should completely ignore any "Felony-Murder" discussions (this is the goal I was trying to achieve last night but it didn't work). IMO, the felony-murder rule is wholly inapplicable to this case and only serves to cause confusion and veer the thread off track. MOO If it ever "does" become applicable, then that's a different situation. I hope this makes sense.
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