Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #7

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I think we all need to be careful about calling this an abusive relationship. A one hour snippet in the course of a 3 or 4 year relationship isn't enough to call this "abusive". I don't see either person as "abusive", young and immature but not abusive. I think that's what the officers saw as well, two young people who had a less than stellar moment and regardless of who the aggressor was in the situation, this was not indicative of a deeper issue where either party was at risk.

Agreed. I was commenting on all the websleuthers telling their stories. I agree however with the fact that if you have been on the receiving end of abuse you can know the signs. As someone who was arrested for DV (my ex is a master manipulator and emotional abuser and narcissist) I understand how he could have made her look like the "crazy" one.
I'm not certain but I saw the barefeet pics and assumed it was for social media van-life purposes.

I can't imagine hiking barefoot would work - but I don't know for sure.

Walking barefoot is a trendy thing called "grounding" or "earthing".

Why Going Barefoot Can Be Good For Your Health: Meet "Earthing"

"The Earth's surface is negatively charged with free electrons—meaning that the Earth has an abundance of free (negatively charged) electrons that travel and rapidly reduce positive charge," Ober tells mbg. "Example: When standing barefoot on the earth, the body absorbs these free electrons and equalizes to the earth's negative charge."

I didn't see this part of the video. If he was angered enough I can see it. I personally would not tolerate anyone doing that to me. I would have left his sorry *advertiser censored* in the desert. Poor, GP. D;

I saw that part in the video. Gabby demonstrated twice to the police how BL grabbed her by the jaw area on her face, and you can't hear what she's saying (at least I couldn't) but it looked like a choking maneuver, only it was on her jaw instead of her throat. Two inches lower and it would have been a choking maneuver. It looked terrifying. It was not a simple pushing away motion. He grabbed her on the jaw, according to her own demonstration. Also notice in photos how big his hands are.

FWIW I don't think they ever made it to Yellowstone. Something probably occurred on the way there, since someone saw them in a store in Idaho, that so far seems to be the last place they were seen.
But if they DID make it to Yellowstone, I have to say, gruesome as it sounds, there are a lot of places to dispose of a body there and have it totally disappear though I don't know how BL could push her into a hot spring without people seeing. This happened with a guy in 2016 who slipped and fell into one of them. 24 hours later he was totally gone.
Walking barefoot is a trendy thing called "grounding" or "earthing".

Why Going Barefoot Can Be Good For Your Health: Meet "Earthing"

"The Earth's surface is negatively charged with free electrons—meaning that the Earth has an abundance of free (negatively charged) electrons that travel and rapidly reduce positive charge," Ober tells mbg. "Example: When standing barefoot on the earth, the body absorbs these free electrons and equalizes to the earth's negative charge."

I thought I'd seen it all....
Calling her “Miss Petito” in the statement released by BL’s attorney isn’t just a slap in the face, it’s ignorant considering that it’s obvious they’ve been together for some time.

It makes him/them appear completely cold and unfeeling — very detached. That’s not how you talk about someone who lives in your home and was supposedly a fiancé. It’s how you talk about a stranger.

I cannot imagine that anyone thought “Miss Petito” was a term of respect. If the attorney came up with the wording it was bad advice (but BL or the family must have approved it).


Having just been through a jury seating, that's how lawyers refer to people, especially if they are people about whom they are personally unfamiliar.
For all intents and purposes, it was their van, and from their instagrams he did quite a bit of work on it as well and was the primary driver. I’m not sure how her work was making the trip possible as clearly everything about the van and the trip was a joint effort on theirs and their families parts.

We really don't know this yet. Her family made it sound like the van was her own acquisition.
So up thread I read, can't remember his name but he was talking with CNN. He said there is no crime so does that mean there is no crime because there is no body? And if there is no body found does that mean there will be no crime to arrest and charge BL with?
Even if the Aug 30 text was sent days earlier, the content of the text is false. The text said something about there being no service in Yellowstone (except it may have said "Yosemite" by mistake), and that's not the case - there is service in Yellowstone.
Depends on where you are. There's coverage in about 50% of the park, mostly near the developed areas. IF they made it there, who knows where they stopped.
Do Cell Phones Work in Yellowstone? Is There WiFi?
I'd really like to know when it was decided he had to fly back to FL and how far in advance this decision was made.

I think GP's Dad paid for the SLC hotel. Anything to get her into a safer and more comfortable place, out of the van so she doesn't have to be living alone and vulnerable in a van in a big city.

I'm sure BL fully expected he would.

As industrious and diligent as she was, she really needed protection and support and wasn't at the stage to be doing any of this trip alone.

And Dad certainly knew that.
It raises the question: why didn't he fly back this second time? Why did he drive back instead of leaving the van out west?

It's the extremely implausible fact that he has the van back home, with no story about why, that makes it clear he abandoned her.
BL’s sister, Cassie:

"I wish I could talk to him," Cassie Laundrie said. “I’ve cooperated every way that I can. I wish I had information or I would give more.

Confirms she hasn’t talked to BL at all, imo. She’s prob just as much in shock as the rest of us. So… are BL’s parents sequestering him all this time, or is he isolating himself? Either way, I don’t think this pressure is EVER going away. Go to the gas station- questions. Barber- questions. Grocery- questions. Work- few would employ him. Job apps- good luck. His life as he knows it is forever changed. His parents lives never the same again. Their self-employed businesses are going to take a big hit. Maybe go under. How long can one exist like that?

Besides concerns about finding Gabby in wilderness & soon snow & relentless winter in NW WY, I’m concerned how BL is handling this scorn & pressure. Why? If he doesn’t crack & spill the beans, he may become suicidal & GB will never be found. It’s a hopeless situation- in between rock & hard place. Even with last pings & auto data, sometimes entire SAR teams miss bodies in small neighborhood grids nevermind 2 adjacent national parks. Ugh. Jmo. Moo.

As search for Gabby Petito continues, first person in Brian Laundrie's family speaks

BBM - This in itself is telling. So she isn't able to talk to him then. Is that refusal based on BL, his parents or the attorney? You would think the person interviewing her would have asked her WHY she can't?
I really do wonder why she bothered with all of this instead of just saying "I haven't spoken to my brother since he came back so I don't have anything helpful, I wish I did" or even since a specific timeframe. Instead it's a long drawn out interview of jack squat. ::shrug::
I still agree with those who believe that something very odd/terrible had to have happened for the guy to rush home and lawyer up. As I mentioned before, usually if a guy murders his woman, he comes up with the most valid alibi possible in hopes he can pass it off as an accident or something. In this case, however, the guy lawyers up and completely disappears. He may indeed have done something and then admitted it to his parents in horror, later realizing that the hasty confession meant he had no alibi. Or he may have fought with her and then something happened afterwards which would have falsely implicated him, and then he freaked and ran.
I was trying to think of the timing last night, and I did the math then, that's why your comment jumped out at me, ha.

I'm just personally of the opinion that something happened on the 28th based on the timing of things. So then the 29th-1st could be spent driving home.

I was thinking about the same on the time...maybe some of the text on the 27th were really from GP so late 27th or 28th or even part of the 29th then drive back ... its 36 hrs straight drive time...he had to stop for gas 4-6 times eat sleep some.. so maybe about 2 days or little longer to get back to FL... Im still on the fence whether he came home by the 31st. His playlist upload on the 31st make me wonder if he could have been home. I hope people come forward seeing the van during this few days of 27th 28th 29th. JMO the 30th text was a ploy.
Hmmm....wonder if those scratches all over him and the swollen eye the officer mentioned could have come from somewhere other than G. That could be another reason she was crying so bad, she might have witnessed something.

Attacked the newly weds? Gabby saw blood??? He had to kill her to silence her. OMG. That’d be something else. Wonder what his true ideas about alternate lifestyles include. Eeyou. Were they in the area when the murders took place? Time line, anyone?
Where is the information of BL'S return to Florida documented if it is?
How do we know he returned Sept 1st.? How do we know he even returned? Has anyone seen him or talked to him? Also, how do we know he returned alone? I was trying to find this info but couldn't. Would appreciate some help.
MAR 17
: IG Post- 1 yr anniversary
JUL 2: GP announced her engagement to BL


: Van Life Road Trip Began for Gabby Petito and BL - GP is the owner of the van
JUL 5: The couple stopped at Kansas' Monument Rocks
JUL 8: Their next stop was Colorado Springs
JUL 10: Petito updated her Instagram with photos of her walking at Grand Sand Dunes National Park
JUL 16: Petito’s smiling in a photo from the couple’s next stop at Zion National Park
JUL 20: Petito informed her Instagram followers that they were at Cedar Breaks
JUL 21: The next stop was Bryce Canyon National Park
JUL 26: Petito posted a photo relaxing in hot tub at Mystic Hot Springs
JUL 30: The couple stopped at Canyonlands National Park Mesa Arch
AUG 10
: JF met Gabby and BL near Moab, Utah where they chatted about 40 min. JF and his gf then set off on a hike to the Delicate Arch. When they got back to the parking lot, Gabby and Laundrie were gone.
AUG 12: The couple was at the organic store (Moonflower) from 9am to 3pm according to the police video - they were going to get water and showers - police report incident is at 4pm and the video is over an hour long of this incident. BL is taken to a hotel -Where does Gabby go for the night?

AUG 12
: The couple took a hike at Arches National Park - Knowing what we know now about the police incident - was there really a hike on the 12th? if so, when?
AUG 12 Moab, UT PD police incident report - no criminal charges,respond to an incident involving BL and Gabrielle Petito
AUG 12 Arches National Park - reservation only campsite (per PE) - Is this where Gabby stayed in her van/tent?

AUG 13
: BF posted an Instagram photo from their next destination in Moab
AUG 17: BL returns to Florida via airplane to move their things out of storage returns Aug 23

AUG 19: YouTube travel video posted
AUG 21: Gabbys dad orders Uber eats
AUG 21: Gabby told her Dad on FaceTime that they had lost power during a stop in Salt Lake City.
AUG 23: BL returns from Florida trip via airplane (Where was the van parked?)
AUG 24: The couple were seen checking out of a hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah
AUG 25: Petito’s family spoke to her for the last time over the phone and she said she was in Grand Teton National Park
Last phone call between Gabby & her mom, Nicole Schmidt. Last Instagram post from Monarch Wall in Ogden, Utah.
AUG 25 - Couple spots van at 5pm at Jenny Lake - alerts LE 9/17 they saw it (this is new information for the timeline)
AUG 27
- Gabby's uncle posts there was a snapchat Gabby sent a friend -heading to Yellowstone (in Dailymail article)
AUG 27 & 30: text messages from Gabby’s phone sent to mom
After August 30th, Gabby’s parents weren’t able to get in contact with Gabby or her fiance. Her fiance’s mother also was not responding to any phone calls.”
AUG 30: Text from Gabby to Mom - No service in Yosemite
August 31: A new list titled “Self-Consumption” appeared on the couple’s Spotify
SEP 1: BL returns home to FL alone, (retains an attorney & is uncooperative with the investigation when police arrive at his parents house Sept 11)
SEP 10:: Gabby’s mother texted Brian and his mother, Roberta, trying to get in touch with Gabby, but neither replied The family alerted the National Park Service.
SEP 11: Gabby’s family report her missing 7 PM
Sep 11: Van seized at the home of BL parents in NorthPort FL - FBI
Sep 14: BL family lawyer issues statement
Sept 15: NorthPort police names BL as Person of Interest
Sept 15: Gabby's family issues another statement
Sep 15- Northport police chief asks BL lawyer to assist in finding Gabby
Sep 17 - FBI takes over search in WY (GTNP =Grand Teton National Park)

September 1: POI BL is in Florida (we don't yet know when he left with her van to drive home to his parents house where he remains)

4 songs were added to the playlist "Mtn tops," on an account Gabby Petito appears to share with her boyfriend Brian Laundrie: Many of the songs, collected on an account she appeared to share with her fiancé, Brian Laundrie, focus on love and heartache.
"Your woman is your angel, is your left side, is your whole life; easily the most beautiful thing in the world," one song, Matt Berry’s "Woman," begins. "She'll soothe you; she'll accuse you; she'll confuse you; she'll lose you but always be the best friend you have in the world."

Another song, "Take My Hand," is about picking up a stranger at a bar. "The Badger’s Wake" is about a badger decomposing underground.

Mother of missing Gabby Petito says boyfriend and his family IGNORED her desperate texts | Daily Mail Online

Missing woman's haunting songs on Spotify account may provide answers

WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 8/25/21 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE No discussion*
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