Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #81

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Oh I totally agree with you.
I wasn't trying to link the 2 events, but just noting that whatever happened between GP and BL, Gabby didn't deserve to die.
FWIW I have never bought into the theory that the incident at MP set off BL and led to Gabby's murder.
eta: clarification

I never bought into that theory either. IMO anyone in a relationship would need so much more than that to kill someone, unless BL had been routinely killing people who angered him throughout his life. I think that kind of "evil" for lack of a better word would have been apparent to Gabby and she wouldn't have wanted a guy like that for her fiance or even boyfriend. Something else that we don't know about happened between them that led to her murder, IMO. I don't believe the SM people except the helpful ones, the two women who picked up BL hitchhiking, and the Bethunes. I don't know about the rest... they seem to have their own agenda. Even and including Rose. JMO

I do believe BL killed her. I also believe he was capable of being the kind of person Gabby wanted to marry, because that is also true. There is just so much we don't know about them, and probably never will.
Could it be possible that Gabby thought Brian paid the bill? Perhaps she stepped away to go to the restroom assuming he took care of it. When the server follows them into the parking lot, it then becomes clear the bill had not been paid. As another Poster mentioned, potentially cash was given at this point, possibly from Gabby’s possession. She then may have attempted to get the cash back by trying to put the transaction on her card.

I don’t know, but something about his possible financial state has been in the back of my mind for a few weeks.

All JMO..
I've been thinking about this too (his financial state). I was in a relationship at their age and the two of us shared everything. In my State we would have been considered "common-law married". What was mine was his and vice versa. We never thought of the legalities. I imagine G and B may have been of the same mindset?

But I do wonder if he had a separate bank account/debit card. My Ex and and I had several accounts. In both of our names, separately and jointly. Maybe that's something we'll eventually find out.
JMO but Gabby and Brian were quite young. So getting up and leaving without paying could have been an impulsive thing. Too long for service etc, I have stood up and said I want the check now in exasperation, but never walked out without paying. I have had friends say we are walking out but I wouldn't, back in the day. In any case they paid in the parking lot. Going back to say "I want my money back" is odd. Unless she wanted to make a complaint to the manager. I don't think this has anything to do with later events though in my opinion.
And they did report the incident to FBI, that's pretty audacious if they made it up. geez Guess we're back to square 1. Why the hell did he strangle her? jmo
I don't think they made the whole thing up. They probably just embellished the details. It's not uncommon for people to do that, especially in a high profile murder with a lot of media coverage.

Why are we back to sqare one? It probably wasn't a single incident that led to the murder. They had been having a rough time before Brian went back to Florida and then returned again. Nothing had been resolved and I think they went right back to their unhealthy pattern of fighting and arguing. If it wasn't one incident that angered him, it would have been another.

At some point in time, they either argued or he became enraged for some other reason, maybe jealousy. It may have quickly escalated to violence, and he killed her.

personally, i would rather hear what the actual server has to say than the manager...i really don't feel like we've learned anything of real significance from BE's trip...moo

I was watching BE earlier and he said there was quite a long distance from the van to the area where Gabby was found, so the assumption he was making on the show was that she was carried all that ways, and he said it was quite a ways... and why didn't someone notice that. I'm surprised he was saying that she was carried there, as though that was a fact. I don't think that's a fact, is it? Did I miss something? I thought - IMO I agree with this - that the working theory was that she died very near to where she was found, and that they were probably camping in that spot.

I think the manager would know what happened. That is who the employees go to with problem customers..... more so than a person sitting nearby. JMO
The only thing I can think of is if they left because the food was taking too long and then BL and GP were confronted by the server in the parking lot for payment, maybe after the server went back inside, BL and GP discussed it and decided that no they shouldn't have had to pay because the service was bad so GP went back in and asked for a refund. IMO.

Nobody is going to pay for food they did not receive. And if they somehow were coerced into doing so, surely they would go back in and enjoy that food.
It IS starting to feel like money or who's possession of it was an issue. I don't know if L's were helping them out with money, but G's parents said they were. jmo

I thought, but have no proof, the Laundrie parents were charging them either a low rent for two years or none at all. So Brian's parents might have contributed indirectly. Probably helped Brian's sister, too. imo
And yet they waited to call the police. Their claims of concern and that BL was distraught does not match their actions (inaction). IMO.
Sorry but I have 2 adult sons, and if faced with an identical situation- 1.) “I couldn’t stop him from leaving.” Then I would insist on accompanying them. 2.) “You’re not coming with me.” Then I would follow him.
They HAD to know things were dire at this point. How they could let him leave alone, knowing what likely had happened, is beyond my comprehension. Everyone reacts differently, but I personally, would fight with my very being, for the lives of my sons, whether they wanted me to or not. Totally MOO
I feel like a fool for believing that Tik Tok person.
Now come to find out that Tik Toker should be an actress, I was played, I believed her. Did she do that to raise her views?

By watching her I truly believed that Brian was in a rage by the way that woman was acting in the Tik Tok video. No she did not use the word “rage” but that is what I envisioned watching her video.

I apologize to all the members here for posting my opinion on thinking that Brian was in a rage, the Tic Toker did a damn good job planting the seed in my mind that Gabby was crying bad and that Brian was in rage getting kicked out of the restaurant and Gabby going back in to apologize. Boy was I gullible.
The bolded in the quote is what stood out to me… “for her money back”
She didn’t ask for “our”money back or “his” money back.
Just an observation..
At minimum if these were her words, it shows a mental separation in who the funds belonged to.
Did BL tell GP he paid (when he didn’t?) Then when confronted she paid, only to have him insist he paid in cash, causing her to re-enter, asking for a refund? Very strange.
The bolded in the quote is what stood out to me… “for her money back”
She didn’t ask for “our”money back or “his” money back.
Just an observation..
At minimum if these were her words, it shows a mental separation in who the funds belonged to.
I thought that was interesting, too.
personally, i would rather hear what the actual server has to say than the manager...i really don't feel like we've learned anything of real significance from BE's trip...moo

Considering the speculation here about how the tiktoker's version of the Merry Piglets incident was obviously the catalyst for murder, and how the tiktoker's story and related speculation regarding Brian's behavior in the restaurant as clearly the significantly pissed off, unjustified aggressor in that incident was readily accepted, I think we've at least learned that we don't know a single thing about what happened or why. jmo
I just have to say: The manager's version of the story makes no sense whatsoever.

The other witness has established she was there. She went public before anyone even knew that the two were at MP. At a loud restaurant with lots of background noise and tall ceilings with an echo, people can yell without any of the words being intelligible. I know that from experience.

Why would she have noticed or remembered them at all, if the manager's version of the story is right? What would draw her attention to the two of them walking out, and then coming back in one time, to have a quiet conversation about getting a refund on a check that they owed.

I don't buy it. I have no idea why the manager would have any incentive to change the story, I'm straining to try to reconcile the two stories in such a way as to lead the witness to even remember crossing paths with them.

Unless the altercation was actually with the server at the table, before GP and BL decided to leave, and the manager didn't see that part. Since the witness and her boyfriend were right next to GP and BL's table, maybe what were angry, cross words, came across as "screaming" because it was really uncomfortable to be right near it. And then she saw them leave and come back, and read the situation wrong?

But if Gabby went back in to ask for her money back... would that really have been a calm, quiet exchange? I would think it would cause some sort of commotion and raised voices.
JMO but Gabby and Brian were quite young. So getting up and leaving without paying could have been an impulsive thing. Too long for service etc, I have stood up and said I want the check now in exasperation, but never walked out without paying. I have had friends say we are walking out but I wouldn't, back in the day. In any case they paid in the parking lot. Going back to say "I want my money back" is odd. Unless she wanted to make a complaint to the manager. I don't think this has anything to do with later events though in my opinion.

I agree that it could have had little to do with what happened later. If he had so little self control that he would strangle her, it could have been anything that set him off. IMO.
I was just thinking about the fact that Gabby and BL set off for this whole van life trip in June, but we know literally nothing about June, just that they left New York on July 2, then we know just a little about August. I wonder what was going on in those other months?
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