Would/Did Bank Reverse Debits in GP's A/C?
@NCWatcher sbm for focus. bbm. Agreeing w you about GP's parents' suit.
Seems bbm ^ means bank reversed debits to GP's bank a/c for BL's transactions w GP's card, iiuc. Are you saying bank would reverse debits made
before GP's death, or after, or both? If so, why?
Speaking generally now, not to the specifics of these circumstances: If a/c holder* did not
dispute transactions as unauthorized and did not ask bank to reverse,
she cannot do that now.**
Other than the a/c holder, who would bank recognize as having
authority to dispute? Anyone other than an
executor of a/c holder's probate estate?** Was probate opened for GP?*
I wonder if bank would/did reverse debits in GP's a/c and absorb the losses BL caused.
bank file suit/make a claim?
aware of a/c holder's death, a person making purchases/creating debits would be doing so on an unauthorized basis, so then civilly liable (and subject to criminal prosecution on a theft charge) imo.
In this particular circumstance
(regardless of whether GP did/did not name BL as an "Authorized User"), unlikely imo that bank would pursue a claim thru
BL's probate estate.
Why? Two reasons or more. First, evidentiary issues of bank trying to prove
BL was the person
using card.
Second, altho I don't recall
$ amts involved, practically speaking, $ amts may be too low for bank to try, i.e., legal fees & admin costs may be too high to try pursuing.
A few factors here are unknown to me here.
Was GP's debit card linked to checking a/c in her name only? For sake of discussion, I assume so.
Did GP did sign a bank form for BL to act as an "Authorized User" and return it to bank? IDK.
Or provide a power of atty document to the bank authorizing BL to use? IDK.
** W a quick search I did not locate info re GP's probate in FL or NY but could have missed it.