Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #42

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Mar 6, 2018
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Missing woman disappears after road trip with boyfriend as mom reveals message to authorities

Gabby Petito, 22, set out on a road trip with her boyfriend in a converted camper van in early July to tour National Parks, but she disappeared in late August and her family hasn't heard from her in more than two weeks. Now, her mother is pleading for help finding her daughter.

Nicole Schmidt, Petito's mother, said that the last verbal conversation she had with her daughter was on Aug. 25.

"I don't know if she left Grand Teton or not," Schmidt said. "I did receive a text from her on the 27th and the 30th, but I don't know if it was technically her or not, because it was just a text. I didn't verbally speak to her."


The couple stopped in Grand Teton National Park on Aug. 25, Petito's last known location, before a planned trip to Yellowstone. They were traveling in a 2012 Ford white van that was converted into a camper.


A spokesperson for the Jackson Police Department said that an "attempt to locate" call was recently filed for Petito. The Suffolk County Police Department is also investigating the case. Suffolk County PD declined to comment on Sunday.

Petito is 5’5" and has blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a triangle tattoo with flowers on her left arm and a "Let it be" tattoo on her right arm.

Anyone who has seen Gabby or has any information on the case should contact the Suffolk County Police Department at 1-800-220-8477.



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Where we are at this time:

-Dog the Bounty Hunter has joined the search
-Deer Cam individual has been identified and IS NOT BRIAN
-Brian Laundrie is officially named a POI by Law Enforcement
-Awareness foundation is approved for discussion
-Authorities have the van

-FBI has searched the Laundrie home
-Authorities are searching for BL who is now considered a missing person: current known search is at Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park / Carlton Reserve
-BL’s parents shared with LE they have not seen BL since Tuesday

-Mustang has been towed and returned
-Autopsy determines homicide

Mod Note:
Please Read and Acknowledge

-Gabby’s case is not connected to the double homicide - DO NOT BRING IT BACK INTO THE Thread

-Do not start or encourage conspiracy theories
-Speculation or suggestions of a hoax or drug use is not permitted
-Include links to sources
-Do not link to unapproved social media
-post to engage in dialogue, not to bicker or argue with fellow posters
-No sleuthing BL’s parents
-WS is Law Enforcement friendly - it OK to have an opinion on the status of events but do not openly bash LE on WS
-Find Gabby FB page is not approved

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Thank you for helping us keep this thread open and running smoothly by following the rules and guidelines above. We don’t like closing threads any more than you like experiencing a thread closure.

Thanks for being amazing and valued WS members!!

Best to All,


APPROVED Social Media
Dash Cam Video from Red White & Bethune
Enhanced Van Video

Miranda Baker - Alleged to pick BL up Hitchhiking
Van Witness Video #2
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Mod Note:

We are starting to lose focus that this thread is about Gabby and the current search for Brian.

Mental Health: Only bring it into the discussion if it is a statement in media or LE reports. Do not expand beyond what has been provided to us regarding Gabby and/or Brian and mental Health.

Domestic Violence: Many posters here have stories. In our own personal ways, we all have stories. The challenge we have in these threads is the separation of our personal stories and the focus of the thread.

This thread is about Gabby's story.

As mods, we have hearts, we care about each of you, and it is hard to delete a post on thread that may include your personal story. However, we have to remind ourselves this is about Gabby's story. Please keep her the focus of the thread.

Discussing info that is in MSM about the parents is allowed. Sleuthing out information related to them, just because it is publicly available is not allowed.

If you don't understand the difference, private message a Mod or Admin and we will help clarify.
Good Morning!

What will today hold in the journey toward justice for Gabby and the apprehension of POI Brian?

A Few Reminders from Yesterdays Wild Ride:

-Discussion of Dog the Bounty Hunter and his involvement as it relates to the search for Gabby is permitted. Discussion of Dog as an individual, his past, publicity and/or the generalities of him with regard to your personal opinions is not helpful in progressing the dialogue. In this regard posts will be considered “off topic

-Twitter of Dog’s Daughter in regards to Brians voice is approved as she is working the search with Dog.

Now for the Meat and Potatoes:
When the Admin or Mod Team approves something for discussion, it is simply that, “Approved for Discussion”. It is up to individual Posters to determine what they make of it and where they file it in their “yay or nay” list. Openly discussing differing points of view is helpful and what the forum is about.

Blatant arguing or responding to simply tell a poster “you are wrong” is not productive or permitted.
If you see an opinion from a different point of view, share why that is and with a link to support any statements of fact.

We are all adults here, let’s speak to one another in a civil manner. Imagine where the thread could go with more curiosity and less bickering and shut downs.

I know, quite a long opening post. Here is to fastening the seat belt.


P.S. - IF you have a question regarding moderation or content approval, use the “report” link at the bottom of any post to reach a Mod or Admin privately without clogging up or disrupting the thread.
Timeline according to SB:

Sept 1-3: Reserved De Soto trip cancelled
Sept 6: Laundrie family goes to De Soto campground
Sept 7: Laundrie family leaves De Soto campground

Sept 11: GP filed as missing person
Sept 11, 12: Laundrie family goes to “other places” (plural!) on “different dates” this weekend.

Sept 13: SB last spoke with Brian
Sept 14: BL leaves for a hike at Carlton, leaving his phone and wallet behind
Sept 14: SB statement “Laundrie family is remaining in the background” of search for GP
Sept 15: Parents go to reserve, find parking warning note, do nothing
Sept 16th: Parents go to reserve, access vehicle and drive it home.
Sept 17th: Parents report BL missing
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Photos from Waterfront campground 001 at Ft. De Soto Park where public records show #BrianLaundrie’s mother made a reservation for three days starting on Labor Day. Their attorney says “they all left” on Sept 7, 4 days before #GabbyPetito reported missing.


Thomas Rutherford tells me he & his wife were camping at the De Soto Park Campground on Labor Day Weekend when #BrianLaundrie 's mom checked in to the park He can "vaguely remember" seeing their truck & camper bc he never sees campers like theirs anymore
Good start. Let's keep searching. If they were there, there's got to be a picture.
On a side note, this park is getting a lot of free advertisement.
I would agree with you except for the fact that I KNOW that despite a lawyer's advice I would ANSWER the calls from frantic parents who are seeking to know where their daughter is, in these same circumstances! I would not be able to not do so, and that is the crux of the outrage in this situation. I would also urge my son to come forward to the police, and would not help him escape because it is the moral and right thing to do. And it would not help him in the long run to be a fugitive anyways!

Let's assume your son had just told you some version of the truth that he had killed Gabby. Most likely his version involves a scenario of self defense. You know he's in very serious trouble. You've retained a lawyer for him and the lawyer has advised you to say nothing to no one. I'm curious as to what exactly you would say to the frantic parents when you return their call?
I was bothered by the quick footage of GP in the tent during a nighttime rainstorm, apparently alone. It was a quick flash, then back to her smiling in the tent during the day.

Did anyone else catch this? The rain was collecting on the tent, the sides were collapsing in, and she was alone? Where was BL?

I've camped a couple times, and the worst thing is getting wet while doing so. Because where do you go, what do you do? Nothing! You just stay wet.

So what happened here? Surely BL wasn't out taking a walk?

Could he have been filming the footage? Or was it a selfie?
I still think this is plausible.

Not to me it isn't. The fake text on Aug. 30th from her phone to her mother implying that she was in Yosemite, CA when in fact she was already dead blows it out of the water that Brian knew she was dead. He then proceeded to use her van and credit cards. Innocent people don't act that way.
How did Brian leave in the mustang?
Did.anyone e see him.leave?
Did he tell his parents henwas.going camping might time he left?
If it was day time the.reporters.would have seen him right?

Im.talking his parents not him!
We.don't know what they know!
I can't imagine

From what I saw, the media seemed to start gathering around their house that Monday the 13th and Tuesday. I was looking at footage and couldn't really see anything indicating they'd been there before then, which might make sense because Gabby was just reported missing that Friday/Saturday.

Unless I missed it, I didn't see the mustang in outside footage until the 15th. Maybe it was in the garage, but that garage looked pretty full, and anytime we've seen the car, it's been in the driveway.

So if the media never filmed the car outside in the driveway, it could have been already at the reserve -- which would make sense for an "abandoned vehicle report" to be made on it. It has to be there at least one day, right, for that kind of report? And that report is dated 9/14 at 242pm. I assume that's the time the cop decided it was abandoned and in the redacted report, it might say when the car was first spotted. IDK. We will see.
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I'm just throwing this out there. When Holly Bobo went missing everyone "knew" her brother had killed her and their mother was protecting "the only child she had left". It was all over these forums and every other forum speculating what happened. That, of course, turned out to be hideously wrong, but why could everyone swallow that theory so easily but can't handle the same idea for this family's son & daughter-in-law? She wasn't even their own child so knowing she was gone, of course they are protecting him. It's funny how people react to situations differently, but that only lends to the fact that none of us know what we'd do in that situation. Maybe we should take the astonishment down a notch? JMO
Totally different scenarios. Btw, I never thought her brother was guilty. There were many who didn’t think so,
I think it's the spirit in which they're being sent she's rejecting.
You mean in the spirit GP is dead and they should be grieving? Or at least acting like they are?

Of course not. You mean their son killed her and they don’t want to be reminded of that. They want to just move along, let Brian come home and everything is fine.

Except it’s not.
This isn’t going to be a popular post, but I’ve been thinking. Is there any chance that BL might not be guilty of GP’s murder?

Is it possible he left her at the site (her remains were found at) to do her blogging stuff while he went for a hike elsewhere (or she dropped him off & drove to where she was found)? When he seemed frantic to the people who picked him up hitchhiking could that be because he was either returning much later than they’d agreed OR he’d had a call/message from her asking him to return? Had she been spooked by something? I guess FBI will have all call/message records to disprove/prove this.

If he returned to find her dead, could he have panicked & got the hell out of dodge? He’s young, doesn’t have much life experience, or many friends/ex-partners - might he think that LE would automatically suspect him so ran home to his parents?

I don’t rule out him suiciding, based on the above. And I’m not saying I’m right with this thought, just wanted to share it & see if anyone else either agrees or can poke great big holes in it.

I guess it's possible Brian is not involved. It's probably equally possible that "a group of individuals from a small foreign faction" killed Gabby.

just my opinion they we're told.not that is a big NoNo! They have been silent! Advice of.Attorney!
I think they know what their son has done and are.doing what they have been advised by the lawyer!
Innocent till.proven guilty!
Yeah I get the whole media thing, no one should ever do that as they are wolves *IMO. But what legit lawyer would give them advice, that may implicate the client, into a harboring a POI, if that is the case? It totally doesn't make sense to me. But again, i'm no lawyer and it's all just MOO. So, I just think the lawyer may be in over his head and should actually recommend to the family a secondary legal counsel...(*is there such a thing) ? To me it's like in my field, sure i can cut that mole off, but you want me to remove that big old brain tumor , and I do it, because we go way back.
I'm in over my head, and i need to disclose that, and work too find someone more qualified to help you. Again, MOO.
If Laundries lawyer is based out of New York. Can he practice in another state come court time? ESP. A federal case?
In federal cases, attorneys can apply for what’s called pro hac vice admission. They need a local sponsoring attorney and there’s some other rules with it, but short answer, yes, it’s possible.
Right! These aren’t being sent out of love for Gabby, they are being sent to antagonize the family (which I’m sure isn’t what Gabby would want done on her behalf).
I take your point here and appreciate it. I just have trouble when people comment about what Gabby would want done on her behalf. We have no idea. I would venture to guess she would not want to be murdered. Maybe she would want a raging mob. Maybe she would want a quiet protest. We have no idea and no way of knowing. Out of respect to Gabby, IMO we can all state our opinions but we can’t really claim to know what hers would be just from the beautiful pictures we’ve seen. She was robbed of the chance to have her own thoughts and feelings. I like to consider myself a nice person, but I’m not sure I’m above feeling pleasure about a family I lived with who has publicly ignored me receiving flowers. JMO.
I'm thinking if a gator killed BL wouldn't we at least find a backpack, tent, or some sort of other human debris associated with Brian?

Unlike the crocs we see on NatGeo during the zebra/wildebeest migration, gators are normally better fed and generally shy away from grown humans. Of course they will protect their young and will attack when food source is scarce. There are always exceptions to the rules. Moo jmo
I literally said to myself this afternoon, are they literally going with this guy in case one day there can be grounds for an appeal on having had incompetent council?! (I mean, I know that's not the case but what in the heck are they all doing. How does this guy not know he's in way over his head!)

I seriously doubt this guy could or would represent the parents in court even IF they are charged with something. (Knowing what we know now I don't think they will be.) So I don't think planning on an appeal based on ineffective counsel is likely. I think they just don't know local criminal law attorneys. And they are comfortable with him or were when this all started. I agree though the attorney should know he's in over his head.
brilliant point!!!
I literally said to myself this afternoon, are they literally going with this guy in case one day there can be grounds for an appeal on having had incompetent counsel (oops autocorrect had the wrong counsel--edited to fix)?! (I mean, I know that's not the case but what in the heck are they all doing. How does this guy not know he's in way over his head!)
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