GUILTY WY - Samuel McGehee for mutilating one son, suffocating another, Casper, 2008 & 2009

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Thanks for the update, kai.

from link:
Police say McGehee collected items to assist in performing the operation: a filet knife, clean and sterile clothes, diapers and rubbing alcohol. :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:

I cannot begin to imagine the pain that little guy must have endured. The physical and emotional scarring... unbelievable this animal was even free to conceive, and subsequently harm/kill, another child. He should have been locked up. And what was that 'mother' thinking???

also from link:
According to a police detective's testimony, a medical examiner found fibers from the coat on the baby's fingers and beneath its fingernails, indicating he struggled to push the coat away.

Sounds to me like Samuel tied the coat around the baby or purposely suffocated the child with it. It's also possible that the baby had 'worked' his way into the arm and got stuck there on his own. I saw in an earlier article where it mentioned vomit in the armpit, so the baby's head becoming 'lodged' in the sleeve is plausible. However, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Samuel purposely suffocated this child. He had already proven what a monster he is with the mutilation of his first son's genitals. Again, what was 'Mom' thinkin'?

Far be it for me to quarterback here, but she went and had a second child with someone who essentially castrated his infant? Where is the now toddler and mom now?
IIRC, b09, they have a daughter, too. Three children she bore for this animal to abuse. Not to mention, she left him alone with the now deceased child AND the one he had mutilated prior. She took their daughter shopping with her. It's not like she didn't know what he was capable of, IMO. How could she not know? I'm sure these two incidents weren't the only indicators.

I wonder if Samuel was severely abused as a child, himself. I wouldn't be surprised. Not to say all abused children grow up to repeat their abuse, but sometimes they do. He looks pretty scarred/beat up to me and, IMO, would be a prime example of those who do occasionally repeat the abuse that they endured as a child. Not that that excuses him by any means. It also doesn't excuse the 'mother', IMO.

When Samuel McGehee goes on trial in late June, it will be for what authorities say was the murder of his 9-month-old son. It will not be for allegedly mutilating another infant son while attempting to circumcise the boy at home.

Prosecutors had planned on tying the alleged crimes into one trial. During a hearing Wednesday, however, Natrona County District Judge Scott Skavdahl ruled the cases will be tried separately.

Authorities charged McGehee with first-degree murder in November after police said he wrapped a coat around his son's head in an effort to get the child to take a nap. The child suffocated as a result, authorities say.

The 38-year-old has also been charged with second-degree murder for the incident. He has pleaded not guilty.

District Attorney Michael Blonigen has said he intends to seek life without parole.

More of the Article at Link
great. imo there is a chance he wont get 1st degree since they wont hear about the circumsiion of his other son.

Worth the time to read the article. Take your blood pressure meds first though. This sentence is not NEARLY enough IMO for what this monster did to 2 baby boys that had no chance or voice. :furious::furious::furious:

"The bottom line is, he was abusive to his son when he cut off his foreskin with a fillet knife," the judge said. "(And) I have a child who lived nine months and will never breathe another breath again."
Turning to the circumcision, Oldham said McGehee and his wife attempted to carry out the procedure at home because they were struggling financially, had deep religious convictions and were facing growing pressure from family members.

I know this is an old thread, but I just happened upon it.

First of all - "and his wife"?!? In the other articles, I don't remember any of them mentioning that the wife was involved!

"Pressure from family members"? Excuse me? What business is it of anyone, family or not, what is going on with your baby's penis, FGS? I meant as far as being circumcised, I meant. How ridiculous! MYOB.
WTF? As far as I am concerned, there are three at fault here: The monstrous father who did this, the mother who did not protect her child from someone who was clearly disturbed and the authorities for not prosecuting him for the first crime.
So why wasn't he prosecuted for what he did to another child in 2008? That child had to have reconstructive surgeries. So it wasn't something minor.
So why wasn't he prosecuted for what he did to another child in 2008? That child had to have reconstructive surgeries. So it wasn't something minor.
In 2010, he was sentenced for both the death of one son (2009) and felony child abuse (circumcision in 2008) at the same time. I could not find anything that gave a reason as to why he wasn't prosecuted earlier for the 2008 incident for that or even why the home was not under the scrutiny of child services.

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