You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I put the tv in the basement family room with the XBOX 360 and that keeps my dh and my son from coming anywhere near me and my laptop lol.

When they come up for snacks or drinks my dh sticks his head in the door and says, "did you crack the case yet" and chuckles.
1. When you spend 4 minutes during classes changing checking WS instead of doing hall duty like you're supposed to...

2. When you decline going out to Happy Hour with co-workers because you want to run home and get on the boards...

3. When you talk to others about the case and say "my sources tell me" referring to WSers...

4. When you've got laptop burns on your legs and developing carpal tunnel (many of you have the same problems, eh?)

5. When you hope Caylee is found before your DH returns from deployment and he wants some attention...("not now, I've got to read message boards! LOL)

6. When you stole wireless internet while on vacation to read WS...
lol...i can definitely relate to taking the laptop to the br. My husband does that during cubs games though, so he doesn't think i'm completely nuts. Sometimes we even im each other from our respective bathrooms.

Come to think of it...since i've been following this case, we im more than talk. It's faster. Cuts out all the unnecessary words!
lolololol! Roflmaopmp!
no lovejac...but at least you are BATHING! This is a good thing! The whole "mexican shower thing" (deoderant and a puff of body spray) only lasts for so long lol (that is what I have been doing...or jumping in our inground

Back in the day, my girlfriends use to refer to that as a P T A bath. anyone else familar with that term? wish I could explain in detail, but I don't want to get banned again!!!!
When they come up for snacks or drinks my dh sticks his head in the door and says, "did you crack the case yet" and chuckles.

I get "did you solve it yet?" at least 5 times a day - with a chuckle, too.
Back in the day, my girlfriends use to refer to that as a P T A bath. anyone else familar with that term? wish I could explain in detail, but I don't want to get banned again!!!!
lol...I was going to say that to begin with lol...we still call it that in the hospital (I am an open heart nurse) pits, t$ts and a$$
(Snip) You cursed the conventions bitterly because instead of getting to watch Greta at 10 on Fox, you had to go back to CNN and watch the same NG that you just watched at 8.

Then you stay up till 1 am to watch that same NG, AGAIN...despite the fact that your husband begged you to come to bed.

Between the typing and reading I sometimes need to watch the shows two or three times!!!

But I did catch up with all the election news on Friday...12 hours of switching channels to hear about the big jail release!!!!

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