You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
When you skip Nancy Grace if it's not about Caylee, as much as I like her, I'm so disappointed when that happens, I turn her off. I need my "Anthony Bombshell" fix.
... when you are reading .pdf files via your Blackberry ~~ in between contractions! LOL ... Ok that didn't actually happen but I was reading them a few days later, between feedings!

Oh my, what a beautiful baby. Congratulations! Best wishes for health, happiness and fun with your new addition.
What's her WS name?
When you have Fibromyalgia so bad and you've sat in front of the computer for 8 hours, unable to move..Your child has to rub Bigeloil (a veterinary aid) to get your horse's azz out of the computer chair. Hey, don't laugh, that stuff works! LOL
You know you are addicted when you beg your doctor for a lobotomy!
You say "absolutely" a lot and have a messy house.

You get P'oed when hubby actually makes it home from work before 6 because ^%$#@ thats when the 1st airing MT of NG is on!!! :slap:

You hear someone say, "reaching out" at the grocery store and you whip around and bean them with a can of vegetables cause you are WAY deep into A world after months and months! :slap:

I knew I was addicted, when I realized I've been here reading since "day one" as a lurker and registered at a time when I really needed to buckle down and get my school work done...C's still make degrees, right? lol
I know I am addicted because I DVR the durn NG show and then later watch it anyway WHILE it is taping?
1.Your dog's name is Chloe but you have been accidentally calling her "Caylee" for months.
2. You find yourself clipping coupons for eye drops because you use them so much.
3. Everyone you know rolls their eyes and goes the other way because they know you are going to pump them for their opinion about something you are bouncing around in your brain.
4. You start to hope the WSers will purchase and donate an iron lung for you someday because you have doubled your amount of smoking!

:eye::eye: My dh has started looking at me funny over my Visine use! Every week I text him when he's shopping to make sure he hasn't forgotten my new bottle of eye drops. He actually asked the pharmacist if it's addictive! Not knowing what's behind my use, she told him no, but asked if I was using them to mask something else that might be!! LOL :rolleyes: If she only knew.

Don't worry cocomom when the case is over, we'll get you to a smokers clinic to detox you back to 'normal'. :yes: It's the least we can do.
#1 when you forget to give your Boss an important message because your eyes are glued to Websleuths
#2 When your friends roll their eyes when you mention the case
#3 when you log into websleuths at work in the morning before opening your work email
You ran a bath at 1:00 EST and it is now 4:30 EST and the water is still in the tub, albeit a bit colder. A little stink vs. seeing Lil' Ms. Stinker - no choice!
You ran a bath at 1:00 EST and it is now 4:30 EST and the water is still in the tub, albeit a bit colder. A little stink vs. seeing Lil' Ms. Stinker - no choice!

I actually did that very same thing one day. LOL

Add to that:

You get extra time off from work to make up for the very long hours you've been working. It's a gorgeous sunny day. Instead of strolling through the park or having lunch at your favorite outdoor cafe, you race home to jump on the computer. (Kinda glad I did, though.)

You invite your son for dinner with some of his friends. He says yes under the condition that you don't mention the tart mom. (He and hubby call her that, too, now.:p)
1. You have one window open for websleuths
2. Another one open for the live web cam
3. Another one open to the guy driving around in his car (forgot this name)
and when your husband comes in the room you tell him your "working" that you?!
When you're on a cruise to the Caribbean and in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean you're watching NG from your stateroom because thank heavens they have HLN!
You guys all crack me up, you bunch of addicts. These are funny.

p.s. I had my bath so you can stand next to me again now.
You're having lunch with your best friend and overhear the next table talking about the "Totmom"--you immediately talk about the case with them and introduce them to Websleuths. At the end of the convo, you all look incredibly one discussed anything else.
Signed up for the expensive data package with Verizon so I could get my email and surf websleuths via my Blackberry.. Um I mean my CRACKBERRY.

Now I am a addict of the case and my crackberry.

(While on Thanksgiving on a trip to Denver I surfed the net using my blackberry and using it as a tether for my laptop! ) It was the best 9 hour drive ever. BOTH WAYS!
(1) you call in sick because of Casey's court day
(2) you work half a day because of court day
(3) learn to freeze leftovers for quick fix
(4) dash to clean house in 1 hour, finish it off with PineSaul ( smells like u have cleaned all day)
(5) Save a lot of money because I stay home & don't Shop
(6) never eat out anymore because I am afraid of missing NG. (Save money there too)
(7) Have internet on phone now so I can check news
(8) can't live without Murt
(9) can't live without ws
I could go on & on but will stop for now..
Oh, its sad but true:

1. When you set up your laptop next to the bath, to soak while reading docs, and risk electrocution.
2.You increase your internet plan to the super duper maximum allowance to make sure you dont miss a thing. and you get everything delivered superfast.
3. You end your phonecalls to friends/family with, "I've gotta get back to work now" and head to WB forums.

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