You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

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DNA Solves
OK, I'll jump in...

I have been guilty of the following:

-- Seriously considering letting my kids walk home from the bus stop (a mile, they're 6 and 9) because something important is happening at that moment with the case!

--Looking forward to kids' overnight visits to Grandma so I can lay on the couch with my laptop and websleuths uninterrupted!

--Asking DH everytime we drive through Orlando, "Wanna go see the Anthony's house?" (even on a Disney trip!!!). We haven't done this yet, but I bet we will...

--Wondering what I will do for child-care if the trial ends up being local or within driving distance and wondering if I will pack a lunch, or what?

Btw, I'm really enjoying this thread. :)
OMG - I have had these thoughts so many times! I often find myself screaming at the callers on NG saying, "What? Did you just tune in yesterday?". Then I have to remember not everyone is obsessed like I am. :)

I intend to start counting the times that people say "Casey" when they mean "Caylee" or vice-versa ON AIR, and NG doesn't correct them!! This really annoys me to no end...

OMG! I do that. I guess I'm hooked. :)
Your very busy and delightful SO makes a special effort to have a "date night" at home, and you keep the laptop going and refresh WS to make sure you don't fall behind.....In my defense, he kept refreshing Gizmodo, so I don't feel TOO bad.
I caught mtself staring at a duct tape display the other day, and it took me a couple of minutes before it registered why..................... :::shudder:::
1. When you hear Geraldo or NG state something wrong, like an incorrect date or the number of houses from HopeSpring to Suburban, you are soo ready to call in to the network to give them crap.

2. When you gladly turn over the remote to hubby so he can watch football games and Barrett Jackson auctions all weekend. (This does generate suspicion because I never mention Lifetime Movie Network lately...Roar)

3. When you order pizza in the afternoon, delivered on Sunday because the 3 mile trek to Walmart would just take too much time. Never mind that there has been no milk in the house for 3 days.

4. You have learned enough about forensics, the body farm, family dynamics, and psychiatry to offer advice to Patricia Cornwell.

5. You get the sweats when the Websleuths server is down.
1. When you hear Geraldo or NG state something wrong, like an incorrect date or the number of houses from HopeSpring to Suburban, you are soo ready to call in to the network to give them crap.

2. When you gladly turn over the remote to hubby so he can watch football games and Barrett Jackson auctions all weekend. (This does generate suspicion because I never mention Lifetime Movie Network lately...Roar)

3. When you order pizza in the afternoon, delivered on Sunday because the 3 mile trek to Walmart would just take too much time. Never mind that there has been no milk in the house for 3 days.

4. You have learned enough about forensics, the body farm, family dynamics, and psychiatry to offer advice to Patricia Cornwell.

5. You get the sweats when the Websleuths server is down.

Oh yeah, almost forgot,

when # 5 above occurs and you continually hit refresh, then finally open another window to see if google is down too, then back to hitting refresh and clicking on every websleuths link you have saved in your favorites to try to sneak back in the site.
Your son, who lives on the other side of the country, is coming in for a visit and you tell your husband to pick him up at the airport because NG is on.

You see your employment as an interruption and an obstacle to all things about this case.

You wish Jayne Weintraub would fall off the face of the earth.
Your son, who lives on the other side of the country, is coming in for a visit and you tell your husband to pick him up at the airport because NG is on.

You see your employment as an interruption and an obstacle to all things about this case.

You wish Jayne Weintraub would fall off the face of the earth.

Hysterical! All right, have a couple more for us:

6. Your latest google searches are on forensic botany.

7. You've added Florida news sights to your Favorites, just in case.

8. You actually look at the detail of commissary orders even though an executive summary is provided. And to top it off, you are mortified that she would get each item you see as you read down the list.

:Banane08: :bananapowerslide: :Banane08:

You tell a male friend to untuck his shirt a little because he's starting to look like George Anthony.

You spend a lot of time wondering how things would go down in a cage match between Nancy Grace and Jane Weintraub.

You haven't a clue about anything else that's going on in the world from politics to recent natural disasters. The only thing you worry about is losing your internet and cable tv access and missing breaking news on this case.

You can predict that Nancy is going to be in rare form on a particular night based on the color and fabric of the jacket she's wearing. Warning: watch out when she's wearing leather, particularly dark leather.

Which brings me to -- you have Nancy Grace's outfits and necklaces memorized and you know when she's worn something before.
okay, might as well finish this off in Letterman style...


Number 9: When you get to work in the morning, the first thing you look for is the Current News Updates of the Day forum on WS (even though you looked at it for at least 30 minutes before you left the house).



Number 10: Restarting your computer feels like it takes 20x longer than it ever has, and never mind any files that may be lost, what forum was I in?
Which brings me to -- you have Nancy Grace's outfits and necklaces memorized and you know when she's worn something before.

That's hilarious. I also look at the outfits to quickly gauge if it will be a rerun.

:confused: :confused: :confused: Do you think we have issues :confused: :confused: :confused:
1. When you hear Geraldo or NG state something wrong, like an incorrect date or the number of houses from HopeSpring to Suburban, you are soo ready to call in to the network to give them crap.

2. When you gladly turn over the remote to hubby so he can watch football games and Barrett Jackson auctions all weekend. (This does generate suspicion because I never mention Lifetime Movie Network lately...Roar)

3. When you order pizza in the afternoon, delivered on Sunday because the 3 mile trek to Walmart would just take too much time. Never mind that there has been no milk in the house for 3 days.

4. You have learned enough about forensics, the body farm, family dynamics, and psychiatry to offer advice to Patricia Cornwell.

5. You get the sweats when the Websleuths server is down.

WOW - this could have been written by me... Right down to the "Lifetime Movie Network" comment!

I'll add that my husband now looks at me like someone else has taken over my body when I start spouting out stuff about forensics that is way beyond his knowledge level - and he's the true crime junkie!
That's hilarious. I also look at the outfits to quickly gauge if it will be a rerun.

:confused: :confused: :confused: Do you think we have issues :confused: :confused: :confused:
I prefer to think of it as being detail oriented. ;)

You also know you are addicted to this case when you can predict the nights NG will wear the "green one"...(and everyone knows what you are talking about showing they are addicted, too!) LOL
When you think of the governor of Illinois as that "Russian maffia-looking guy that's sucking up all the air time on the news." Because that is time that could be devoted to this case.

When you are in a bad mood and your DH comes home and says, what did the Anthony's do THIS time!!
WOW - this could have been written by me... Right down to the "Lifetime Movie Network" comment!

I'll add that my husband now looks at me like someone else has taken over my body when I start spouting out stuff about forensics that is way beyond his knowledge level - and he's the true crime junkie!


Too funny, my hubby says I'm obsessed too, but I am the true crime junkie here. Anyway, we all enjoyed our pizza this afternoon, and yes, the football games are still on...I do not even know what movies are on LMN today, nor do I care.

:Banane48: :Banane35: :Banane48:
or when you quote one of your fellow posters on ws by name or nick name to your neighbors.
you call NG....

I've been so tempted! I'm assuming they don't let callers on to rant, as this is the NG show and that would be her job, but oh I could so give her a run for her money!

Especially when someone on the panel hasn't done their homework and they don't realize that yesterday's bombshell is rehash and has been replaced by a bigger bombshell today!!

I would love to be the person who screens calls coming in. Just so I could hit disconnect on those doggone foo's who call up asking about the baby daddy or why we never hear from the paternal grandparents. Ugh! It's a waste people, a huge waste!!
Or when you watch CNN, but aren't quite sure what day the new president will be inaugurated, and you wonder how much headline time that will take...

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