Your Pick for Red Herring

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Red Herrings?

All the salacious gossip all over the blogsphere being used as presumption for motive for the disappearance and possible murder of Kyron.

Even if the gossip is true, there are at least 50 ways to leave your lover that don't involved disappearing Kyron and both Kaine and Terri know the most popular way of all.

Anyway, the gossip is laughable. :floorlaugh:
And infuriating. :furious:
At the same time. :banghead:

IMO, those who fall into the salacious gossip trap need to get out and get a life and examine their own preconceptions. :butthead:

It's seriously unbecoming and screams of projection and prejudice. :trout:

I'll be honest. I've lost my patience with it. Won't even read the posts here that hint at it. :snooty:

Red Herrings?

All the salacious gossip all over the blogsphere being used as presumption for motive for the disappearance and possible murder of Kyron.

Even if the gossip is true, there are at least 50 ways to leave your lover that don't involved disappearing Kyron and both Kaine and Terri know the most popular way of all.

Anyway, the gossip is laughable. :floorlaugh:
And infuriating. :furious:
At the same time. :banghead:

IMO, those who fall into the salacious gossip trap need to get out and get a life and examine their own preconceptions. :butthead:

It's seriously unbecoming and screams of projection and prejudice. :trout:

I'll be honest. I've lost my patience with it. Won't even read the posts here that hint at it. :snooty:


Amen. My vote for Post of the Year, Emma. :blowkiss:
Oh, I thought you said "Red Hairing". Never mind...
Oh, another red herring.

Kyron waiting in bed until someone came to get him up.

a 7 year old? Are you kidding me?

By 7 my son was up, dressed, pouring his own cereal, and brushing his teeth. All whilst watching cartoons of course. He knew more about a remote control at that age than I did.

Something very controlling seems amiss here.



I was a bookworm and very shy. I liked being by myself, and my Mom had to repeatedly call me for breakfast. My youngest is the same way, quiet and geeky, and shy. Introverts see the world differently and react accordingly. By several accounts from family, Kyron was quiet and reserved. Also he has a baby sister and maybe he just didn't like the comotion that early.
The MFH plot with landscaper - huge red herring for me. If LE had anything other than this man's word that this actually ocurred, TH would be jailed right now. What a perfect means to apply further pressure by having her jailed on charges for that. Since they haven't, this tells me that even after all this time they have been unable to substantiate this man's claims.QUOTE]

LE may not have evidence on the MFH enough for an arrest, but interesting that it was reported, when the complaint about contempt came forward, that the sexting to MC was compared to similar messages to the landscaper from TH. So, the LE must have seen them. The landscaper may have thought she was just nuts, and not serious, thus he and wanted to get away from the situation.

I think that Sauvie Island may be a red herring, TH may or may not have been there. If Kyron was handed off to an accomplice, ok maybe she was there. So much we don't know right now.
Oh, another red herring.

Kyron waiting in bed until someone came to get him up.

a 7 year old? Are you kidding me?

By 7 my son was up, dressed, pouring his own cereal, and brushing his teeth. All whilst watching cartoons of course. He knew more about a remote control at that age than I did.

Something very controlling seems amiss here.



I don't think this is a red herring. I do think it is a clue which I cannot describe or speculate about at this time.
I've never believed Kyron went to school that day at all.
I've never believed Kyron went to school that day at all.

There is video of him showing parts of a science fair project. I just saw it this morning. ABC or OregonLive. Don't know which.
I don't think this is a red herring. I do think it is a clue which I cannot describe or speculate about at this time.

Please see the exact quote from Kaine and input from Desiree. For all the folks who think the "Kyron stays in bed until called" thing is an indication of controlling parents and *have* seen this interview, carry on with your opinions, but I think most folks have gotten this information 2nd or 3rd hand:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Quotes From the Kyron case *List Only* No Discussion[/ame]

Corrections to the transcription welcome. The question come up about 3/4 of the way through the interview, I think it was -5.30 or so on the timer.

To me is says exactly what they say it says--Kyron was not adventuresome enough to even leave his room in the morning, let alone wander off on his own. They seemed to treat it as an endearing trait. JMHO, YMMV.

In addition, I think that is *all* it has to do with the case--eliminating the theory he may have wandered off from school--and this particular anecdote doesn't show any evidence of abuse or neglect by any of the parents. Again, MOO.
Oh, another red herring.

Kyron waiting in bed until someone came to get him up.

a 7 year old? Are you kidding me?

By 7 my son was up, dressed, pouring his own cereal, and brushing his teeth. All whilst watching cartoons of course. He knew more about a remote control at that age than I did.

Something very controlling seems amiss here.



I don't know what the situation was in the Horman household.

I do know that when I was seven, I waited for my mother to come get me up. I was an avid reader and generally woke up a little early, so I would grab a book and treasured the time when I could read by myself without distractions or interruptions.

My parents never ordered me to stay in bed and there would have been no bad consequences had I gotten up. My sister and brother did get up whenever they woke up, no problem.

My mama was no fool, though. She had three young children and if one of them chose to park herself quietly, she was not about to look the gift horse in the mouth! When she came in to tell me it was time to get up, she always told me how good it was that I could read to myself.

Staying in bed reading to myself was my private time. It was quiet, I got to read and sort of mentally get myself in order for the day. I still like to be up before anyone else and spend a couple hours reading or quietly entertaining myself before the rest of the day begins.
Wait, I am perhaps confused, a "red herring" means the thing that will end up having no meaning whatsoever in the case, right?


A red herring is something that seems like it may be significant but in the end, turns out to have no significance at all. It is something meaningless that is distracting at some point.
IMO staying in bed late in your own familiar home has little or nothing to do with being adventurous or not. It's not an adventure to go to the bathroom or the living room if your home is reasonably safe.
IMO staying in bed late in your own familiar home has little or nothing to do with being adventurous or not. It's not an adventure to go to the bathroom or the living room if your home is reasonably safe.

Off topic!

Particularly in the fall, when the mice start trying to move into the house from the grain bin, I insist my husband get up first. We have four cats that are avid mousers and while they often eat what they catch, every now and then they leave us a gift.

My husband claims not to remember the portion of his vows that included "always protect my wife from the sight of small dead animals in the living room." HA! A likely tale!

But he does it anyway and that's one reason I love him.
Off topic!

Particularly in the fall, when the mice start trying to move into the house from the grain bin, I insist my husband get up first. We have four cats that are avid mousers and while they often eat what they catch, every now and then they leave us a gift.

My husband claims not to remember the portion of his vows that included "always protect my wife from the sight of small dead animals in the living room." HA! A likely tale!

But he does it anyway and that's one reason I love him.

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
IMO staying in bed late in your own familiar home has little or nothing to do with being adventurous or not. It's not an adventure to go to the bathroom or the living room if your home is reasonably safe.

Not safe from who or what is the question.
Kyron waiting in bed until someone came to get him up.

a 7 year old? Are you kidding me?

By 7 my son was up, dressed, pouring his own cereal, and brushing his teeth. All whilst watching cartoons of course. He knew more about a remote control at that age than I did.

Something very controlling seems amiss here.



INTERESTINGLY, apparently this behavior was not observed at Desiree's house:
>Tony along with Kyron's father, Kaine still believe Kyron is alive. "We're parents. We still expect him to get out of bed every day and come and see us. So of course we believe he's alive until we're told otherwise."

Although I seem to remember Desiree nodding in agreement when Kaine described Kyron staying in bed...
INTERESTINGLY, apparently this behavior was not observed at Desiree's house:
>Tony along with Kyron's father, Kaine still believe Kyron is alive. "We're parents. We still expect him to get out of bed every day and come and see us. So of course we believe he's alive until we're told otherwise."

Although I seem to remember Desiree nodding in agreement when Kaine described Kyron staying in bed...

Yes, she also chuckled. They both chuckled. It did not seem forced or faked. See the link in my post above for a link to the video and transcription of the question and answer.
Most of the so called evidence against TH has come from DY and KH. Red Herring? I think so. I know this is not a popular opinion, but what if TH is not guilty? Step mothers are notoriously labelled as the bad goy. What if she is not the person who took Kyron? If there was evidence other than speculation wouldn't they have arrested her already? The divorce was/is a red herring in my opinion.
a quote from the first link: On Saturday, sources told KGW that investigators believe someone other than Terri Moulton Horman may know what happened to the 7-year-old who disappeared from Skyline Elementary on June 4.

While it states "sources" this statement even elicited a thread on this site.

Interesting to revisit an old thread.

After DS took the Fifth 142 times I'm now pretty convinced that she knows a lot of things that she shouldn't.

Most of what we know comes from Kaine and Desiree because they're the ones who have been talking about it. It doesn't mean that most of the evidence that LE has comes from those two, imo. They have spoken to hundreds of people, reviewed cell phone records, emails, security camera footage, got a statement from Terri herself etc. In fact, most of what they know about Terri's movements that day has nothing to do with Desiree or Kaine because they weren't there.

Obviously there is not enough evidence that they'd feel like they can secure a conviction right now in a no-body case but it does not imo mean that speculation is all that they have.

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