Zach Adams on trial -kidnapping/murder Holly Bobo 9/20-22, 2017 GUILTY

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I can totally believe the video was on youtube or something, because that sounds like something these monsters would do. Passing her around even after she was dead. However, I don't think they found the video, for one simple reason: Davidson County TN has been busily trying and convicting former Vanderbilt football players of aggravated rape. Part of the evidence was a videotape and it was definitely shown in court.

I think if TBI had found this video, they wouldn't have needed J Autry to testify at all. They would have a tape of them raping her, she was never seen again, and later found shot in the head. I don't think rape and murder would be a hard sell at all with the tape. JMHO.

I’ll preface this with “if there is a video.”

It’s admissibility depends on how it was obtained and by who. If it was obtained by a warrantless search- inadmissible. If it was obtained by the FBI using a technique they don’t want revealed- they won’t try to enter it so they don’t reveal the technique. If Dylan provided it, he is taking the 5th. If Shane is talking on it, he’s not available for cross exam- inadmissible hearsay. Etc, etc.

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I don't watch Nancy Grace anymore, and haven't in many years now, but I do remember her saying this several times to people she had on her show about different trials. They would tell her 'I believe he/she is guilty but the state hasn't proved it.' She would say ' What??? If you believe he/she IS guilty after watching the state present their evidence then you are saying they did prove it because you do believe they are guilty.' (paraphrasing.) It was one of her pet peeves and also has been mine at times.

Another thing I remember that reminds me of this case was when she said 'sometimes a prosecutor has to go to hell to find their witnesses in order for the victim to receive justice.'

Praying for justice!
I can see it Bravo! :wave:

Pizza - haven't had a good one since I left California....

edited to: YUCK! Pizza Hut?? No home made pizza places around there?? :)

RBBM: Bingo !

And IF there is some sort of "tape" / "video" and it does not appear to be those currently charged, my question is WHO is in that tape / video that are they are protecting?


I love a good conspiracy theory (according to my kids more than most, lol) but, just no. I cannot believe any of these defendants are being railroaded. I don't even have the words to describe the class and grace the Bobos have conducted themselves with throughout this entire ordeal. Not for one second do I believe they would be satisfied with putting just anyone in jail - they want justice for Holly - justice being the guilty punished. Not just a conviction to put the case to rest. If the Bobos did not think ZA, JA, DA, and SA were guilty I believe they would say so and still be seeking the truth.
Been sleuthing on this forum for many years. I've been folllowing this trial online, a first timer for me. I feel the urge to post something.

I have seen that I'm in the minority. I just can't believe that a jury can convict him of the evidence that was shown in trial. I mean it 's a man's life on the line (I'm from Europe so the whole death penalty just blows my mind but that aside). I know he's a druggie and I know he is not that smart (ok i will say pretty darn stupid) and did some bad things in his life (robbery, incest etc) before the murder of Holly. I know drugs make you do really stupid things and one of those things could be murder. And he could have done it but the evidence that was shown in trial doesn't clear the 'could have' factor, in my opinion.

:seeya: Hello and :welcome: !

BBM: You are not alone ... I am in the minority now ... LOL ... I was ready to convict all 4 A's until I saw the State's "case" ...

I can see it Bravo! :wave:

Pizza - haven't had a good one since I left California....

Thanks so much. I had to disable flash in order for the board to run smoothly with Firefox. If I use IE it's horrid. I bet you do miss pizza. Best pizza I have had was in New York. I just did a fairly local wine tour and one of the venues was Italian. Momma hand tossed and cooked them outdoors on a brick oven. Delish!!!! So a good sign that either all or most jurors agreed on what was for lunch today lol
I didn't watch trial but only followed comments so I'm sure I might have missed does Corey know ZA called him if he didn't answer?

I'm guessing caller ID was the prison pay phone number? If so that doesn't necessarily mean it was ZA right? Or is there something more identifying that shows on caller ID?
I’ll preface this with “if there is a video.”

It’s admissibility depends on how it was obtained and by who. If it was obtained by a warrantless search- inadmissible. If it was obtained by the FBI using a technique they don’t want revealed- they won’t try to enter it so they don’t reveal the technique. If Dylan provided it, he is taking the 5th. If Shane is talking on it, he’s not available for cross exam- inadmissible hearsay. Etc, etc.

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You're right. I didn't think of it that way. I should have said if they found it and it was admissible, they wouldn't have needed Autry to testify. I know some have the theory that someone is being protected by not showing certain evidence, including the video, but I can't imagine who it would be. I think it they had the video and could legally use it, it would have been used.
I rewatched the state's closing arguments last night. I couldn't watch JT's again - I managed most of it live and it made me twitchy. Jennifer Nichol's closing did bring me to tears but I had to smile when she was talking about the defense's ballistic expert and she threw in a "bless his heart"

I also, agree.

Think we will have a verdict today?

Actually I think the jury will be out for a while. So hoping it isn't a hung jury but frankly, I won't be surprised. My heart will be broken for Holly's family, if so.

RBBM: Bingo !

And IF there is some sort of "tape" / "video" and it does not appear to be those currently charged, my question is WHO is in that tape / video that are they are protecting?


I am not sure we will ever know what or who all was in the video but I do believe it was taken of her being raped. Dylan said there was a video long ago and so did Sandra King before the current witness testified being told by ZA of the video.

Perhaps it will be found one day later on like how the Mel Ignato video was found years later after his murder trial had been held for the murder of his girlfriend. It showed him restraining her, torturing her, brutally raping her and killing her but all of that came way too late for the victim's family who knew all along he had murdered her. He was found NG so he could never be retried for her murder. He simply got away with murder.

I also know there was a video taken by Joseph Duncan showing him repeatedly torturing, repeatedly raping, and killing 11 year old Dylan and Shasta who lived. The video was never shown to the jury. It would have been had Shasta had to testify so he agreed she would not be cross examined by him saving her from having to take the stand. He was convicted and afterwards the DA said he planned to never let anyone ever see this video because no one should have to see such horror inflicted on defenseless children. Iirc, he said after all the appeals have been exhausted he would ask the court for the video to be destroyed so it could never fall in the wrong hands.

Even if the state does have the video I think the Judge would have ruled it inadmissible due to it being too harmful where ZA wouldn't be able to get a fair trial if shown.
If the jury stays out much beyond mid-afternoon today, I believe we are going to be looking at a hung jury. JMO

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I don't watch Nancy Grace anymore, and haven't in many years now, but I do remember her saying this several times to people she had on her show about different trials. They would tell her 'I believe he/she is guilty but the state hasn't proved it.' She would say ' What??? If you believe he/she IS guilty after watching the state present their evidence then you are saying they did prove it because you do believe they are guilty.' (paraphrasing.) It was one of her pet peeves and also has been mine at times.

Another thing I remember that reminds me of this case was when she said 'sometimes a prosecutor has to go to hell to find their witnesses in order for the victim to receive justice.'

Praying for justice!
I'm a podcast junkie and I listen to her podcast sometimes (I don't think she's on TV anymore). I have to take her in doses but she knows the law and how trials go. Those are good points she made.

If the jury stays out much beyond mid-afternoon today, I believe we are going to be looking at a hung jury. JMO

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The fact that they asked for a white board actually gives me hope that they will come to a conclusion one way or the other. I appreciate they are taking their time and putting in an effort.

How do I find where I can change the java script settings. Thanks xx.

In the Web browser click on the menu icon (the ladder at the bottom center of the screen), then click Settings. You have to scroll the settings screen up a bit to see the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox, but it's there :) Hope that helps...I am not always great at explaining things so if I need to clarify something or explain better let me know!
I'll be super clear when I say, The reason I find Zachary Adams GUILTY in this case is not because I am just trying to pin this on SOMEONE just because we need to find someone to do it.

I believe:

A). I am a critical thinker - yes, in opposition to a post here, you can believe ZA is guilty in this case and be a critical thinker at the same time. We are all of our own opinions.

B) you can be a woman, and not be emotionally drawn to "pinning" this crime on any random person (I would never do that.)

C) I hardly think these 4 were just chosen. They all implicated themselves (albeit I need to study Shayne's one time immunity revoked), but Dylan and Autry are absolutely clear. You don't make up that you were a part of a murder case just to see if someone will stick you with the death penalty or life in jail.

D) If you determine not guilty, you do have to consider multiple witnesses took the stand, saying ZA claimed guilt. I can't, in good conscious throw out all those witnesses testimony and think every convo Zach had with these folks is bragging. I don't buy that. Corey? Nope. If you are saying guilty you don't believe one of them. In addition to the fact that he said "no gun, no body" 4 months before she was found. I believe yes, that Zachary Adams was proud he did it. Even more reason he should not get away with a "not guilty".

B) IMHO, I believe Shayne took her ---not someone "other than the 4". This was corroborated by Candace, the Coon Hunt, he sketch drawn of him matching his picture and overall Clint's description. There is a bigger deal at play to me here as far as the actual abduction and these details don't have to be perfect to make me think he is less than absolutely guilty of the crime.

I will repeat that ----the details we don't have of the actual abduction part do not have to be there to make Zachary Adams guilty. There is enough corroborated evidence leading up to the abduction and after the abduction to convict.

C) I am praying this is not a hung jury. But with the passion expressed on both sides here, it seems there are some passionate folks on both sides.

If Zachary Adams walks, for me, it is as bad as OJ walking but worse because there are 4 individuals.

You replied to my post and some points I made. But you and others should be aware that I wasn't trying to take shots at anyone who sees this case differently from me. Instead, I was responding to a specific question that has since been erased from my post by the mods, which asked how could those who see the evidence as insufficient vote to not convict since there's no one else proven to pin it on, and is it a male thing to see the evidence as insufficient. Without the question, it kinda sounds like I was taking shots at those who see the case differently than me, or at women, and I was not.

"the details we don't have of the actual abduction part do not have to be there to make Zachary Adams guilty." ....Maybe true, but maybe not. I think we have to have details in which the abduction testimony matches the perps somehow. And we actually have a significant conflict. The "size" of the abductor did generally fit Shayne (and a million others), that's true. But Clint got a good look at the guy (whoever he was) from behind, and was certain that he had long dark hair, which certainly wasn't the case with SA, and SA didn't have a car or truck either.

I understand that the specifics of the abduction itself is less important, but if the person who took HB that day CAN'T be one of the 4, then that creates all kinds of questions and doubts, and to me that can't be ignored. And meaning no disrespect, but to me the idea that some guy who could have been SA was acting creepy at a different event at a different time and place, is ludicrous (and simply wrong) to insert as an eyewitness identification of who took HB. All we know from a different day and time is who was perhaps seen a different day and time, but CLINT (and Clint alone) was the one who saw and described the person who took HB.

"They all implicated themselves" ...Did they? SA certainly did not. DA is assumed to have done so - then again, it's unknown exactly what DA said, and to whom and why. ZA said things that sounded like he did, but those are cherry-picked and it certainly wasn't some sort of actual confession.

"If Zachary Adams walks, for me, it is as bad as OJ walking but worse because there are 4 individuals." ....I think that's fair. But, to be clear, despite all the evidence, the prosecution was so incredibly inept that they did NOT prove OJ guilty despite having plenty of compelling evidence. I did watch that trial, and felt strongly that OJ had to have done it but that they couldn't convict with the way the evidence was presented. The jury did their job.

In this case, I don't think the evidence is nearly is strong. And I think the state did about as well as they could, with what they had. I actually agree that I don't want to see these guys on the streets, but I don't think there's been BARD here, so I'll support whatever the jury thinks is right.
If the jury stays out much beyond mid-afternoon today, I believe we are going to be looking at a hung jury. JMO

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It took 7 days for a jury to come to a guilty verdict in Scott Peterson trial. It took 9 days to acquit Robert Blake in his wife's death.

IMO, hopefully they deliberate more than 12 hours for sure.

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Even if the state does have the video I think the Judge would have ruled it inadmissible due to it being too harmful where ZA wouldn't be able to get a fair trial if shown.

Respectfully, I find it absurd to say that they have a video of the crimes but couldn't use it because it would be too convincing. Don't fool yourself - if they had a video of the crime, they would have used it. Testimony that gets deemed prejudicial is the sort that would cause an extreme emotional reaction from the jury to see it, yet does NOT bear directly on showing guilt or innocence of the defendant(s). Showing pics of a mutilated corpse or of the deceased at her prom would fit in such a category. But if you have actual evidence that hasn't been doctored somehow showing the defendant doing the crime, that's not going to be kept out - that IS what the court is looking to show the jury, so they can rule justly.
:seeya: Hello and :welcome: !

BBM: You are not alone ... I am in the minority now ... LOL ... I was ready to convict all 4 A's until I saw the State's "case" ...


Dear flipflapperd and dog.gone.cute,

Firstly, welcome flipflapperd !:Welcome1:

I respect and hear your opinions on this case and I admire you for stating why you have come to your conclusions.

Your posts show that you have great compassion and care about justice for Holly Bobo. I am greatly appreciative that we have this forum, Websleuths, which is a safe and kind environment where we can express differing opinions. The posters on these threads are such remarkable people who take the time to demonstrate their caring, kindness and insight into these cases.

I have watched the testimony in this trial a few times from beginning to the closings and, in my view, I believe that the State has proven their case against Zach Adams.

This, of course, is solely my opinion from watching and listening to the evidence presented, and especially from Karen Bobo's testimony.

I admire the honesty of the TBI agent who admitted that they did not follow up on the alibis of the four accused in 2011. Who knows what may have come out of that at that particular time? It is deeply unfortunate that every thread of this case had not been followed up by the T.B.I. in 2011. We likely all agree on this point.

Thank you for your honesty in expressing your conclusions. There are other persons who do not believe the State made their case and do not feel that Zach Adams has sufficiently been shown to have guilt in this case. I read, along with everyone else, each post and while I may not agree, I have great respect for each person's opinion. I know I am not alone feeling this way.
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