Zellner Tweets

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
ohhhhhhh more than 1 tweet today! LOL

Kathleen Zellner Retweeted
Carla Chase ‏@averydassey 12h12 hours ago
@ZellnerLaw has 14 people on case working non-stop. Accomplished more in 2 wks than any1 in 8yrs. Soon every1 will see @FreeStevenAvery

(Carla is SA's niece, BD's cousin)

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 3h3 hours ago
TV lawyers say no way to win b/c they've never won release: we have 17x .How? Belief in client, expertise & public help. #MakingAMurderer

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 1h1 hour ago
New evidence to vacate conviction of innocent man always exists but legal team must recognize what will succeed or fail #MakingAMurderer
She is on fire isn't she? She must believe her client is not guilty. If it turns out he isn't guilty, I cant imagine spending 28 years of your life in prison for crimes you didn't commit. jmo.
Thank you, concernedmother

Ever ask yourself,
" What if he IS indeed INNOCENT? "
She is on fire isn't she? She must believe her client is not guilty. If it turns out he isn't guilty, I cant imagine spending 28 years of your life in prison for crimes you didn't commit. jmo.
sorry I was slacking on my tweet of the days! LOL

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 1d1 day ago
So grateful for all of the help and support. We cannot & must not accept this colossal failure of our justice system. #MakingAMurderer

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 5h5 hours ago
Forensic evidence identifies killers as well as evidence planters. Either way it takes down criminals. #MakingAMurderer

She or her interns are tweeting every day, or almost every day. I guess keeping people's interest LOL
sorry I was slacking on my tweet of the days! LOL

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 1d1 day ago
So grateful for all of the help and support. We cannot & must not accept this colossal failure of our justice system. #MakingAMurderer

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 5h5 hours ago
Forensic evidence identifies killers as well as evidence planters. Either way it takes down criminals. #MakingAMurderer

She or her interns are tweeting every day, or almost every day. I guess keeping people's interest LOL

I like Zellner but her tweets can't be taken exactly at face value. Yes, DNA can catch a planter but she's going to need samples of every investigator involved along with DNA test results on certain items that match said investigators. I don't think she could possibly be at that stage of the game yet.
I like Zellner but her tweets can't be taken exactly at face value. Yes, DNA can catch a planter but she's going to need samples of every investigator involved along with DNA test results on certain items that match said investigators. I don't think she could possibly be at that stage of the game yet.

Can she use the DNA reports to maybe run some DNA matches in the database? Maybe someone that has since been put into the database, since 2006/7?
I really don't know how that all works LOL There are also fingerprints that were unidentified. Could they have been run again?
Just wanted to report..... no new tweets today!!!!!!! wth... Zellner taking a day off? LOL
Just tweeted:
Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw
Killer would not reduce body to bone fragments to destroy evidence but leave car intact w/his blood. #MakingAMurderer
Just tweeted:
Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw
Killer would not reduce body to bone fragments to destroy evidence but leave car intact w/his blood. #MakingAMurderer

Another teaser - best must be yet to come.
Another teaser - best must be yet to come.

I'm thinking.... she's saving her best for court documents.... she's just feeding us crumbs, and mostly left over crumbs LOL Most of us that have been following this for awhile already knew this ;-)
Tweet from today:

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 36m36 minutes ago
If SA the killer why burn body just use crusher. SA crushes another car -11/3 so had access--clearly killer did not.#MakingAMurderer #Clues
I didn't realize SA had used the crusher on 11/3, that makes the fact that he didn't crush TH's car even more suspicious.
I didn't realize SA had used the crusher on 11/3, that makes the fact that he didn't crush TH's car even more suspicious.

I'm not really sure where that comes from, it may have been from SA's interviews because I do remember it being mentioned, I also thought that one of the brothers, Earl or Charles, had been down there too that week.

If he killed her and parked the RAV4 over there... and then a few days later was down there crushing another car.... it would have given him the time and the excuse to go and check on the RAV4 in the daylight and ya know... maybe clean up some blood he left laying around IMO, but he didn't do that.
Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 49m49 minutes ago
Fifth trip to Steven Avery. Collected samples for new tests. The inevitable is coming--he was smiling so were we. #MakingAMurderer #Science+

Looks like she is going to start testing.
She's been saying things WE have ALL along =)

COMMON SENSE arguments.
Clues/evidence left behind that does NOT add up..
I'm thinking.... she's saving her best for court documents.... she's just feeding us crumbs, and mostly left over crumbs LOL Most of us that have been following this for awhile already knew this ;-)
I think she uses statements like that, because she can.

If I were her, (in light of how this case was " investigated " ) & I were trying to get a man I believed INNOCENT out of a LIFE sentence? You bet your sweet butt I'd be cocky and confident about it :)
Especially if I KNEW I had the upper hand, and it was just a matter of time and tests.

I'm not sure why she bothers with statements like that. People get caught all the time because they messed up one or more things that had they not they might never have gotten caught. Does that make them innocent because logically they would have done such and such and then they wouldn't have been caught? When she tweets that kind of stuff it makes it look like she's grasping at straws. And, she knows nothing like that gets Avery a new trial.
I don't like how social media is being used to tease and incite in this case. I realize Zellner is doing what many do and sure, it works, because people will buy it hook, line and sinker. But the public is not who she'll need to appeal to -- it's specifically the judges at the highest levels in WI who will make any decisions affecting Avery's case. Twitter and other SM tools are just the latest ways to posture to a mass audience. Posturing in criminal cases has been going on far longer than my existence. We saw it really explode in 1994 with the OJ case and it's grown from there.

My motto in criminal cases: Put Up or Shut Up. If you have the evidence then show it. If you don't, even if you think you might at some point later, then you don't. It's binary. And that goes for both sides, btw. Teasing is a ploy for an audience and it's manipulative. I'm not a fan of it in serious matters like this.

Zellner is better than this and she doesn't need to stoop to low levels. She's able to get enough publicity for her work--it comes down to making it happen where it counts--in the courtroom. I'm disappointed to see her pull a "Kardashian."
I don't like how social media is being used to tease and incite in this case. I realize Zellner is doing what many do and sure, it works, because people will buy it hook, line and sinker. But the public is not who she'll need to appeal to -- it's specifically the judges at the highest levels in WI who will make any decisions affecting Avery's case. Twitter and other SM tools are just the latest ways to posture to a mass audience. Posturing in criminal cases has been going on far longer than my existence. We saw it really explode in 1994 with the OJ case and it's grown from there.

My motto in criminal cases: Put Up or Shut Up. If you have the evidence then show it. If you don't, even if you think you might at some point later, then you don't. It's binary. And that goes for both sides, btw. Teasing is a ploy for an audience and it's manipulative. I'm not a fan of it in serious matters like this.

Zellner is better than this and she doesn't need to stoop to low levels. She's able to get enough publicity for her work--it comes down to making it happen where it counts--in the courtroom. I'm disappointed to see her pull a "Kardashian."

I'm fine with social media as that's the way of the world now. It took KZ 4 years to get Ryan Ferguson out of jail and may take her just as long to get SA freed if she indeed does have new evidence. Why should she show her cards now ? She just took the case last year.

If in fact SA is innocent, the guilty party is most likely sweating bullets right now and may trip up at some point if he/she knows KZ is closing in.
2 tweets this morning.

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 1h1 hour ago
Framing SA twice results in real rapist & murderer never being charged. Who is being served & protected except MCSD? #MakingAMurderer

Kathleen Zellner ‏@ZellnerLaw 2h2 hours ago
Reality:framing innocent benefits guilty. Real rapistAvery case to get parole hearing http://greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news #MakingAMurderer #Badcopshurt

As for KZ tweeting, I only see that she is throwing out logic.... little tidbits, most of which people online have already been saying. If she started tweeting out who she thinks did it before she filed any documents in court, I think I would have issues with it. IMO it's to keep peoples interest because we all know how long the court system takes ;-)
I think Zellner is saying all these things on social media because she is trying to make someone tremble, but I agree and would rather her save it for the appeal. I hope it doesn't jeopardise the case in any way. It would be almost unheard of to do it here. I don't like posturing in criminal cases on either side.


“It’s the evidence. In having had a number of these cases, it has the signature of a wrongful conviction case. They only focused on him. They did not look at a lot of other suspects, certainly some very key people they should have been looking at. There was a very poor investigation done of the victim’s background, who she was involved with, the circumstances of her life. It had all of the hallmarks of a wrongful conviction case.”

According to TheLipTV, Zellner “also intends to prove who actually killed Teresa Halbach. She asserted it is fairly obvious if you review the record of the criminal case.”

And as she states the LE didn't investigate people close to TH (which I think is obvious - it seems entirely focused on Avery, like the rape case) so I'm lead to believe it's someone who we know. Usually it is someone in the person's life. Not all the time, of course, but usually. She did tweet something pretty much saying, "whoever did _____ is either involved or knows something" but it's been deleted as I think it gave away too much and at this stage it's libel, so I think I know who she's talking about.

Sarah - I'm on the opposing side but I agree with you. If there is any evidence found that really points to him being the killer beyond a reasonable doubt, I will accept it and if the prosecution can come through with a reasonable enough motive, or even a reasonable enough story (not BD's story, they were trying to make it fit around that and there just is no evidence to support BD's confession). And if there was video footage that looked legit, I would believe it. You can't argue with video. I believe he's innocent and there is possible tampering in the case but I'm not willing to put aside all reason. If the prosecution can convince me beyond a reasonable doubt that he did it, then I will believe he did it but I believe there is reasonable doubt here and a conflict of interest (people who were involved in the rape case being involved, jury members being related to LE, etc) and that's why I'd like to see a new trial (not exoneration, but I believe a new trial is in order, exoneration for BD)

As for BD, he seems to have his lawyers working on the case. I think that's why SA was given more attention, he didn't have representation at that time and BD did (but I don't know for sure, someone correct me). I agree that what happened to BD is even more frightening and I'm still shocked you can convict someone based solely on a (coerced) confession that isn't backed up by forensic evidence or anything.

I don't like the trial by social media either, on either side. As I've mentioned a few times before, I'm worried the jury pool will even be more tainted because of MaM, in SA's favour and against the prosecution. Unless they can find people who are open to the possibility that he could be not guilty or vice versa (like Sarah) then I don't see how it's going to work with a jury.

We had a case very similar to this in my city where there was no motive, only one suspect considered (and controversially declare the "prime and only suspect" at a press conference) and the possibility of planted evidence. The judge ruled there was planted evidence and it's not as clear to me in that case as it is in the Avery case. :moo: A lot of people still think he's guilty and that he got away with murder because of the statements LE made to the media and the fact that he came off a bit shady. Kinda linking to what TheDuchess said about how people think others are still guilty, even after exoneration.

Really though, whatever side we are on, we both want the same thing and that is justice for Teresa. :heart: Whatever way this goes, I really hope she is at peace and I do mean that.

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