Zellner Tweets

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Wow - can't wait to see where she's going with this one, as the sleuths have been all over the phone recs.
Wow - can't wait to see where she's going with this one, as the sleuths have been all over the phone recs.

Oh my Gosh! She has to be reading here!! We were just talking about this, this morning and I said I have to look back into it. I don't see that as a coincidence.
Oh my Gosh! She has to be reading here!! We were just talking about this, this morning and I said I have to look back into it. I don't see that as a coincidence.

LOL I've had company ... and just looking in quick... figured someone would have it already! This is kinda sorta big eh?

Anyway... I still want to see proof, you and I (and Mystic), spent a lot of time on those phone records LOL And I tend to agree.... if they are following forums... this is the one to follow! (cuz well... duh... we are so smart! LOL)
LOL I've had company ... and just looking in quick... figured someone would have it already! This is kinda sorta big eh?

Anyway... I still want to see proof, you and I (and Mystic), spent a lot of time on those phone records LOL And I tend to agree.... if they are following forums... this is the one to follow! (cuz well... duh... we are so smart! LOL)

It's HUGE!!! I really do need to go back and try to figure it out! I'll try to do that tonight! Yes, we sure did alot of research on those, and I'm getting close to breaking the code. It is just a lot of work to go back to all of the doc's I had and put them all together in a comprehensive way. My last post in the phone records thread was to remind me about how to put it all together. I didn't want to lose track of that.

By the way, where is Mystic???
Oh my goodness. This woman is incorrigible. This is one client she won't be setting free *smh*

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It's HUGE!!! I really do need to go back and try to figure it out! I'll try to do that tonight! Yes, we sure did alot of research on those, and I'm getting close to breaking the code. It is just a lot of work to go back to all of the doc's I had and put them all together in a comprehensive way. My last post in the phone records thread was to remind me about how to put it all together. I didn't want to lose track of that.

By the way, where is Mystic???

I'm done trying to figure it out haha I'm hoping or guessing that she has maybe come across records that were not introduced into the trial. It is just not logical to me that no one had the tower information, or cell phone pings.

Mystic is good, I messaged her a few days ago to make sure she was ok LOL Maybe she will pop her head in :)
Am I the only one who finds Zellner's new avie more than just a tad tacky?

Am I the only one who finds Zellner's new avie more than just a tad tacky?

What's particularly strange is that Zellner is not representing TH or her family in any way here. She is only representing SA in regards to what she believes is a wrongful conviction. Zellner using this sign as some kind of quirky wink-wink is (IMO) not helpful to her client. I truly don't understand the strategy or tactics she is employing. She always came across as much more sensitive and sophisticated.

Imagine if she had been standing near something that said "Heitholt" back during the days of the Ryan F. appeal. How silly that would have looked and I bet Ryan's father, Bill, would not have approved of that maneuver since it was important to keep the focus on Ryan.
Imnsho, Zellner's tweets come across as nothing more than a publicity grab, and as such, extremely unprofessional. This, btw, is one of the many reasons I am skeptical that she is actually going to get SA a new trial, much less have his conviction overturned.

If there is a new trial I don't think it will be because she found exonerating evidence or exculpatory evidence. Since it has been over 10 years, I also don't believe she will have the evidence to prove any of the claims that SA had been framed, and evidence planted.

IMO, If a new trial is held, and that is a big IF, it will be because the presiding Judge made an error in one or some of his rulings. The problem even with that though is it would have to be such an egregious error it could have changed the outcome of the trial. That is a high burden to meet.

Imo, I find her remarks rather snarky and childish concerning this particular case. A little too arrogant and cocky for me to easily digest.

I really don't believe the higher courts will give SA a new trial. I don't think the Judge made errors for if that had been the case the appellate courts wouldn't have denied his appeal twice, and the higher courts have long known the defense theory has been planted evidence trying to frame SA so its obvious the appellate court Judges aren't buying it.

Like I have said before, its very easy to accuse someone of something for that doesn't require supporting evidence but it is a totally different matter when it comes to proving those accusations. And they haven't been able to prove it, not at his trial nor the many years that has transpired afterwards.

While I do not think SA deserves nor will get a new trial (I just don't see any legal grounds for one) I do wish Brendan would get a new trial. I think his defense attorney should have used the fear and abuse factor showing he was coerced out of fear to comply to Avery's demands to do as he told him to do. Or even used a diminished capacity defense. I truly think his defense failed him bigtime. I think he should have been charged with a lesser degree of culpability. I really wish the state had struck a plea deal with Brendan if he testified against Avery. I think he is a victim of not only the state by overcharging him but he is also a victim of the man who made him participate in the evil deeds he didn't want to do.
What's particularly strange is that Zellner is not representing TH or her family in any way here. She is only representing SA in regards to what she believes is a wrongful conviction. Zellner using this sign as some kind of quirky wink-wink is (IMO) not helpful to her client. I truly don't understand the strategy or tactics she is employing. She always came across as much more sensitive and sophisticated.

Imagine if she had been standing near something that said "Heitholt" back during the days of the Ryan F. appeal. How silly that would have looked and I bet Ryan's father, Bill, would not have approved of that maneuver since it was important to keep the focus on Ryan.

Why would she be representing TH or her family ? I'm sure all of them believe that the right killer is in jail. I agree with your impression of KZ as someone sensitive and sophisticated, but I believe there is a method to what some believe is her madness. We shall soon see ...
I'm done trying to figure it out haha I'm hoping or guessing that she has maybe come across records that were not introduced into the trial. It is just not logical to me that no one had the tower information, or cell phone pings.

Mystic is good, I messaged her a few days ago to make sure she was ok LOL Maybe she will pop her head in :)

What I would like to know more than anything in the Avery case is what the Judge didn't allow the state to bring in at trial by ruling it/them too prejudicial. And every Judge will rule certain pieces of evidence as being too prejudicial. That's the part I would like to know most of all.

I have read many times over the years that if there is a re-trial it is in the state's favor since they have already seen the CIC the defense presented. Also between the time of the first trial and retrial... technology and forensic testing will have advanced greatly and that will include cellphones and pings. Items that the state didn't think was necessary to bring in or evidence that wasn't tested can be tested if there is a retrial. Even though the same test about the additive in the blood vile was allowed in OJs murder trial way back in the 90s and then presented at this trial it is logical that the testing has even been more fined tuned now.

Even cell phone evidence today is far better than it was even back in 2005. 10 years in the world of technology is like a lifetime now.

oceanblueeyes ~ there are threads that deal with prior bad acts and issues that were ruled inadmissible....


I had wondered about the pings and cell phone data, and thought maybe there was a pre-trial ruling about them, but I (and many others online) have yet to come across anything. As for what Zellner has.... it could be something that was sitting in the boxes of files, we really don't know. It's a pretty bold statement to put out there if she is just using the cell phone records (that even say on them that they are not necessarily a complete record!). There was a search warrant that was not served on cingular that was in a large document that contained all search warrants/affidavits for search warrants.

IMO the phone records/tower/ping information was seriously lacking in this trial..... and both sides could be blamed for that IMO

ETA: http://www.stevenaverycase.org/hearingtranscripts/ you can find all the pre and post trial hearings at that link.
If there is a new trial I don't think it will be because she found exonerating evidence or exculpatory evidence. Since it has been over 10 years, I also don't believe she will have the evidence to prove any of the claims that SA had been framed, and evidence planted.

IMO, If a new trial is held, and that is a big IF, it will be because the presiding Judge made an error in one or some of his rulings. The problem even with that though is it would have to be such an egregious error it could have changed the outcome of the trial. That is a high burden to meet.

Imo, I find her remarks rather snarky and childish concerning this particular case. A little too arrogant and cocky for me to easily digest.

I really don't believe the higher courts will give SA a new trial. I don't think the Judge made errors for if that had been the case the appellate courts wouldn't have denied his appeal twice, and the higher courts have long known the defense theory has been planted evidence trying to frame SA so its obvious the appellate court Judges aren't buying it.

Like I have said before, its very easy to accuse someone of something for that doesn't require supporting evidence but it is a totally different matter when it comes to proving those accusations. And they haven't been able to prove it, not at his trial nor the many years that has transpired afterwards.

While I do not think SA deserves nor will get a new trial (I just don't see any legal grounds for one) I do wish Brendan would get a new trial. I think his defense attorney should have used the fear and abuse factor showing he was coerced out of fear to comply to Avery's demands to do as he told him to do. Or even used a diminished capacity defense. I truly think his defense failed him bigtime. I think he should have been charged with a lesser degree of culpability. I really wish the state had struck a plea deal with Brendan if he testified against Avery. I think he is a victim of not only the state by overcharging him but he is also a victim of the man who made him participate in the evil deeds he didn't want to do.

Thanks for stating your thoughts in the manner that you did! I disagree with some of it, I respect that others don't, and you have stated your thoughts well :)

I think that is logical thinking. And 3 months ago, I probably would have agreed with you. However; reading into this case... other cases where people were exonerated, if they had given up after their appeals were denied, they would still be in prison. And what if SA had given up the first time? He was exonerated because he didn't give up just because his appeals were denied.

As for BD... IMO he had nothing to do with it, even if SA did. I read last night that SA's defense team offered Dr. White to BD's defense because he was already paid and didn't testify in SA's trial. Dr. White agreed to testify on BD's behalf, but the defense didn't use him. He was going to testify in SA's trial about BD being coerced, and he had broken down the confessions, but the State didn't use BD in his trial.
I think the method to Zellners madness is that she is straight up challenging the crooks who were a part of the frame job and the murder of TH. She is on to them. She is rattling some cages. I like the way she operates.

Justice for TH
Justice for BD
Justice for SA

And Justice To the crooks in positions of authority who made this happen.

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