Tuesday, June 4th:
*Trial continues (Day 22) (@ 9am CET) – Germany/Portugal -
Hazel Behan (20 @ time/now 40) (in her home, June 16, 2004, Praia de Rocha on the Algarve coast, 10 miles from Praia de Luz, Portimao, Portugal) -
*Christian Stefan Brückner (Bruekner) (27 @ time of 1st crime (2004)/45/now 47)
charged (Oct. 11, 2022) with sexual assault (suspect held a knife & brutally raped her. The accused then tied & gagged the woman to a table & raped her again. He then whipped the victim on the back with a whip he had brought with him & finally forcibly performed oral sex with the victim. The accused filmed large parts of the events with a video camera he had brought with him). Braunschweig Regional District Court
Germany/Portugal –
*Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 - a
14 year old teenager (unknown victim) (on tape: assaulted/hit the naked girl with a whip. Said to have brutally forced the girl to have oral sex. The accused also videotaped this act). Took place between Dec. 28, 2000 to April 8, 2006 on the Praia da Luz, Algarve coast, Portugal.
Germany/Portugal -
*Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 -
an elderly woman 70-80 yrs old (unknown victim) a Tour Rep (tied up & raped the victim in her holiday apt. He then hit the victim several times with a whip. The accused is said to have recorded the entire event with a video camera). Took place around the same time (between Dec. 28, 2000 to April 8, 2006) on the Praia de Luz, Algarve coast, Portugal.
Germany/Portugal –
*Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 -
10 year old German girl (Joana E.) (wearing only shoes & otherwise naked. He grabbed the child's wrist & began to perform masturbation movements on his naked penis). On Salema (Zalema) beach, near Praia de Luz, Portugal, April 7, 2007).
Germany/Portugal –
*Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 –
Ines VP (
11 year old Portuguese girl) (pulled down his trousers & underpants & made masturbation movements on his naked penis in order to sexually arouse himself, until the frightened girl ran to her father for help. The suspect was arrested on the spot by the Portuguese police). Exposed himself in playpark, São Bartolomeu de Messines, June 11, 2017).
Trial began on February 16, 2024. (And continued on Feb. 23rd, Mar. 1st & 14th, Apr. 2nd, 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 24th & 26th, May 2nd, 15th, 166th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 28th).
Next Trial dates: June 5, 6, 25, 26 & 27th, July 5, August 5, 15, 16, Sept. 5, 26, 27, Oct. 2, 7, 8, 21 & Oct. 22, 2024. (Expected to last up to 8 months, it was 3 months).
Presiding Judge Dr. Engemann. Lead Prosecutor Ute Lindermann. Defense attorneys Dr. Friedrich Fülscher, Philipp Marquort, Dennis Bock & Atilla Aykac.
Brueckner is currently serving a 7 year sentence for the 2005 rape on a pensioner; was sentenced in 2019. Release in 2026.
Case info & charges & Brueckner info from June 1, 2020 thru Jan. 18, 2024 & Trial Day 1-19 (Feb. 16 thru May 23) reference post #849 here:
May 29, 2024 Wednesday, Day 21: Gov’t witness: Joena E. back on stand (I believe).
Trial continues on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.
The trial days 22 to 24 (June 4-6) are scheduled. Negotiations will take place from Tuesday, 4. June, then three days in a row. The focus is on serious rape allegations against CB, a key witness of the prosecution and the question of whether evidence has been obtained illegally.