SC - Paul Murdaugh, 22 and mom Margaret, 52, found shot to death, Islandton, 7 June 2021 #6

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Apr 30, 2020
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Not much on this yet but I got it on yahoo and This mother and son were found near a dog kennel on their property in Colleton County SC. Their family has a long history of connections to the legal system in the Lowcountry and the son, who was murdered, was currently facing charges in a boating accident causing death.

2 Murdaugh family members shot, killed in Colleton County SC homicide

Media, Maps, Timeline, Initial Reference List *NO DISCUSSION* Thread

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Many posts have been removed or edited. Since then, I’ve spoken with Tricia and we are making some changes on the fly.

Although LE has not officially named Alex Murdaugh as a POI, common sense tells us they would be remiss if they were not strongly considering him. Even MM and AM's own law firm saw fit to investigate him so we are opening up sleuthing of him unless LE officially announces that he is NOT a POI.

We trust Nancy G / Crimeonline for vetting their sources appropriately, so we are temporarily allowing both FITSNews and Mandy Mattney as approved sources in this discussion. As with any source, when we temporarily approve them, their status is subject to our monitoring the type of coverage (i.e. they don’t get too biased or rumor laden, etc), and that decision is subject to change at a later date.

PS: No absolute trashing of AM or direct accusations.
▪ Jan. 8, 2021: New documents filed in the insurance lawsuit: Alex Murdaugh argues that Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance should cover costs beyond the $500,000 limit for the boat insurance taken out before the fatal crash. Murdaugh contends the “Umbrella Policy” should cover damages that come out of the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Renee Beach.

▪ June 4, 2021: More documents added to Renee Beach’s lawsuit. Hearings were scheduled for June 10, according to Tinsley, to address several motions: one by Parker’s to move the location of the civil trial from Hampton County to Beaufort County, two others by Parker’s to argue against deposing its CEO and to apply maritime law, and two from Tinsley to require Parker’s to produce evidence. Those hearings didn’t happen.

Finally found it, there was a hearing scheduled 3 days after the murders.
I'm going to test my psychic abilities right here. I predict:

1. Broadcast TV shows Dateline, 20/20, and the like are salivating over this story
2. Whoever gets the scoop first has at LEAST a 2-hour episode on their hands
3. A Netflix documentary series is already in production
4. Someone in true crime has a podcast ready to launch
Maggie Murdaugh owned the Moselle property, while the Edisto property was owned by both Alex and Maggie, according to property records.

In December 2016, Alex Murdaugh “sold” the Moselle property to Maggie Murdaugh for $5 “and love and affection,” a court document states.

According to Maggie Murdaugh’s Facebook page, Maggie moved to the Edisto property in July 2020.

A hearing in Beach’s wrongful death lawsuit was scheduled for June 10, 2021 — three days after the double homicide.

At that hearing, a judge was supposed to rule on a number of motions in the case, including:

Requiring Alex and Buster Murdaugh to disclose their financial records
Moving the case from Hampton County to Beaufort County, where the crash took place.
That hearing also could have resulted in Paul and Maggie Murdaugh being added to the lawsuit, according to FITSNews sources.

In the lawsuit, Beach’s attorney has asked for the following financial documents:

A list of checking, savings and 401( K) accounts
A list of all investments
Net worth statements
Tax returns

Murdaugh Murders: Beach’s Attorney Makes Move To Secure Claims For Murdaugh Properties

At the time of the double homicide, Alex appeared to be facing a tremendous amount of pressure both personally and financially — especially considering that the June 10 hearing would have likely forced him to reveal his financial troubles.


So was MM having audit done to see where their financial situation was with the firm and her death is what led to the disclosure of missing money?

Was AM taking money to not have to pay out to RB lawsuit?
This one is pretty good
Murdaugh Murders Podcast

Mandy Matney
is the news director at FITSNews. She’s an award-winning journalist from Kansas who has worked for newspapers in Missouri, Illinois, and South Carolina before making the switch to FITS.

I highly recommend this podcast. She is a local and knows this story very well and goes into detail about all the cases surrounding the Murdaugh family. <modsnip>
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I'm going to test my psychic abilities right here. I predict:

1. Broadcast TV shows Dateline, 20/20, and the like are salivating over this story
2. Whoever gets the scoop first has at LEAST a 2-hour episode on their hands
3. A Netflix documentary series is already in production
4. Someone in true crime has a podcast ready to launch
You have plucked all the low-hanging fruit. Surely these things shall all come to pass. I would also expect a total leak of the Bsr Association proceedings.

So was MM having audit done to see where their financial situation was with the firm and her death is what led to the disclosure of missing money?

Was AM taking money to not have to pay out to RB lawsuit?

Respectfully SBM. My personal opinion is that Maggie was having an audit done to prepare for a contentious divorce.
As for the audit of PMPED, I believe the firm was audited following Murdaugh Sr’s death in order to make partnership distributions. All partners of PMPED were deceased with the exception of Parker and Murdaugh. I think that’s when they discovered the missing $. MOO
Respectfully SBM. My personal opinion is that Maggie was having an audit done to prepare for a contentious divorce.
As for the audit of PMPED, I believe the firm was audited following Murdaugh Sr’s death in order to make partnership distributions. All partners of PMPED were deceased with the exception of Parker and Murdaugh. I think that’s when they discovered the missing $. MOO

So sometime between say the end of July and Sept 4 the partners of the firm were informed of the audit results showing $$$ millions missing from some account(s). And this would be enough to seriously impact the partnership distributions the others were expecting.

I seriously doubt they just all found out about it on Sept 4. They've known about it for at least a month, IMHO. And at some point AM would have been notified and discussions started. All at least weeks prior to Sept 4. IMHO.

Which makes this dinner theater farce of the roadside shooting seem even less plausible as a real event. Again, IMHO.
Murdaugh Murders: South Carolina Attorney General Will Handle Prosecutions, Sources Say

"South Carolina attorney general Alan Wilson’s office will prosecute any charges – and handle any appeals – filed in connection with the ‘Murdaugh Murders’ double homicide. The office will also handle any charges and appeals filed in connection with related criminal investigations into this prominent Palmetto State family. That’s according to multiple sources familiar with the current thinking of the state’s top prosecutor.

Wilson has not announced his decision to take the Murdaugh case because, as of this moment, no charges have been filed in connection with any of the criminal inquiries related to this family – which is currently at the center of a made-for-Hollywood unspooling.

“There’s no case to take right now,” a source close to Wilson told me this week. “But there is no indication he intends to reassign anything to another solicitor.”

Wilson was not immediately available to comment on the matter. And his spokesman, Robert Kittle, declined to address the reports."


"To its credit, Wilson’s office distinguished itself by its handling of the boat crash prosecution. Specifically, Paul Murdaugh was indicted on three felony boating under the influence (BUI) charges in connection with the crash – charges which could have landed him behind bars for decades."

Say wut?
Beach’s attorney has asked for the following financial documents:

A list of checking, savings and 401( K) accounts
A list of all investments
Net worth statements
Tax returns
As a side note, asking for, and actually receiving the requested information regarding lawsuit discovery requests can be two very different things.

A friends was once sued for a slip and fall at one of his commercial properties. His attorney explained that injury attorneys routinely ask for financial information that they know a judge is very unlikely to order produced at that time. In my general knowledge, requests for taxes are a non starter.

But.... such requests build pressure on the defendant- and as AM knows well, pressure is a big part of the lawsuit game.
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Murdaugh Murders: South Carolina Attorney General Will Handle Prosecutions, Sources Say

"South Carolina attorney general Alan Wilson’s office will prosecute any charges – and handle any appeals – filed in connection with the ‘Murdaugh Murders’ double homicide. The office will also handle any charges and appeals filed in connection with related criminal investigations into this prominent Palmetto State family. That’s according to multiple sources familiar with the current thinking of the state’s top prosecutor.

Wilson has not announced his decision to take the Murdaugh case because, as of this moment, no charges have been filed in connection with any of the criminal inquiries related to this family – which is currently at the center of a made-for-Hollywood unspooling.

“There’s no case to take right now,” a source close to Wilson told me this week. “But there is no indication he intends to reassign anything to another solicitor.”

Wilson was not immediately available to comment on the matter. And his spokesman, Robert Kittle, declined to address the reports."


"To its credit, Wilson’s office distinguished itself by its handling of the boat crash prosecution. Specifically, Paul Murdaugh was indicted on three felony boating under the influence (BUI) charges in connection with the crash – charges which could have landed him behind bars for decades."

Say wut?

Might this mean charges are getting closer to being presented?
Might this mean charges are getting closer to being presented?

I wonder if this is just standard practice, responding to certain media inquiries, or an indication of something to come?

We know so much about the civil case proceedings, but I’m curious if there were any court dates on PMs criminal BUI case recent/pending close to the date of the murders?
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