TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, murdered, Scurry County, Dec 2010 *Arrest in 2021, released in 2023* #4


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I think this is Hailey and BD knows it. The only thing Im undecided about is--which one did it and which is covering?

After watching Billie's most recent video and hearing her speak of Christmas

dinner and how she told Hailey "it was time to eat their Christmas dinner" and

how she talked about seeing other moms with their daughters fighting over

what they can't have...:waitasec:...knowing how she at one time said

"everyone got what they wanted for Christmas".

I'm really inclined to think Billie killed Hailey. After listening to that video I

think she and Hailey got into it because Hailey didn't get what she wanted

for Christmas and Billie probably thought she was ungrateful. That's where

my thoughts are at the moment...but I reserve the right to change my

opinion pending Billie's reaction when it's confirmed that the remains are

Hailey and any possible evidence that we aren't aware of. :wink:
Hey Everybody - please be careful with comments regarding BD. There are many outstanding questions, that should be answered as the investigation moves forward. At this point, BD is considered a victim also, along with other family members. If that changes, we will everyone know. In the meantime, snarkiness will be removed. So if you have something important to say, make sure you say it respectfully or your entire post will be gone. We don't have time to modsnip much these days.
The problem is the same today, as it was nine years ago.

Hailey was surrounded by adults who were preoccupied with their own lives and can't tell the truth. If Billie actually told the truth about the events leading up to and after Hailey went missing, she wouldn't be able to show her face. Clint wasn't much better. LE has also let her down, from CCPD all the way up to the Texas Rangers & FBI.

Sorry Hailey, tomorrow is the ninth anniversary of your death. I fear you'll never receive justice on this earth.

By Amanda Ruiz | December 26, 2019 at 7:20 PM CST - Updated December 26 at 7:31 PM
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - Friday marks nine years since 13-year-old Hailey Dunn vanished out of Colorado City and almost six years since her remains were found in Scurry County.

Today the Facebook page ‘Who Killed Hailey Dunn’ created a long post saying enough is enough. They say justice for Hailey needs to be served.

Hailey’s father Clinton Dunn and the private investigator he hired sat down with KCBD on Thursday to tell us if authorities won’t let them know what’s happening in the case, they’re going to take matters into their own hands.

“I never thought I would get to nine years,” Dunn said.

Clinton has been seeking justice ever since his daughter went missing back in December of 2010.

“I keep thinking that it’s going to happen and then I can’t figure out why it’s not,” Dunn said.

Dunn is talking about justice. He says he wants justice for his daughter. That means an arrest and a court date.
9 years since Hailey Dunn went missing: Father says enough is enough

Pictures only-
The death of Hailey Dunn of Colorado City, TX
Hailey’s case was deeply personal for me and I remember everything like it was yesterday. The fact that she’s never gotten justice haunts me.

I hope that some of these new stirrings bring justice to this beautiful girl.
Thoughts on the "Audience of One" post? Anyone going to comment?

I see this as a small town mess KWIM I grew up around this sort of thing frankly I'm surprised they can live that close to each other and I'm a little surprised someone hasn't taken SA out, I really am
if it were the average person I think that post would do it , but shes not budging.
She did not lie about what happened that morning. The affidavits state quite clearly that her movements that morning were determined by "records and interviews with witnesses". Unless you are accusing the police of flat out lying on the affidavit. They did not rely on her account alone. I don't know why people keep repeating this nonsense when we know for an absolute fact that it is not so. As I have pointed out repeatedly, people are getting the day HD went missing and the day she was reported as missing mixed up. They are consecutive days, not the same day.

There was no evidence of BD and SA riding around the backroads based on "pings" (which were actually call routing records, not pings as such, and all are known from the affidavits). So whatever this "PI" is claiming is nonsense.

Why would they have taken her to the lake and shot her in the head if she overdosed? That is ridiculous. What would be the point of that? Is the father now claiming that HD was doing drugs??? Some of these speculations are getting pretty far fetched now.

BD is not covering up anything. She does not know what happened to her daughter. Apparently CD seems to know a hell of a lot more, if you are to be believed. Most of what appears to be changing stories on her part is precisely because she does not know, and consequently comes up with all sorts of theories based on what her current relationship with various other parties in the story happens to be at any one time. A lot of people do that, it is human nature.

I fully understand the days following Hailey's disappearance. Please explain how Billie got to work on that MONDAY, if her friend is claiming she did not take? I believe you are someone very close to the case, so please enlighten us.

““I feel like I’m left in the darkness because law enforcement is not communicating with me at all,” said Clint Dunn, speaking via telephone this week. ”... This needs to move forward.””


“Clint Dunn said Thursday that law enforcement officials had indicated to him that when a body was found, an arrest would be made.

“I want to know why that hasn’t happened and who do I need to get in here to try to help,” he said.”


““We don’t even know who’s got the case right now,” he said. ”... We’ve called everybody — the FBI, the Texas Rangers, (an investigator) that was over the case for so long in Scurry County. ... I just want to know why they haven’t brought this to trial yet. Why hasn’t there been a court date?””
Thoughts on the "Audience of One" post? Anyone going to comment?

I don't know, they keep saying she was involved, but has only put forth information about Shawn and other people. So I am not sure why she would come forth with any information.
I've been watching the "announcements" on the WKHD page all summer. Seems to me like a lot of idle threats are made, but there is no follow through or results. So now when I read there, I sort of roll my eyes. I don't know the how and why, but I've always believed SA killed Hailey. I don't feel BD was actively involved in her death, but do think she knew about it and helped cover it up.
Thoughts on the "Audience of One" post? Anyone going to comment?
Unfortunately I think it has fallen on deaf ears. I don't think BD will ever admit to harming Hailey or covering up for SA.

I am not convinced BD had anything to do in her death, but I think she knows more than shes tellin!
I agree that page makes a lot of claims, but no follow through. And instead of claiming so many things, stick to one and show proof of what you are talking about. Billie will not confess to whatever her part may be in it, she will deny it even if sentenced
I fully understand the days following Hailey's disappearance. Please explain how Billie got to work on that MONDAY, if her friend is claiming she did not take? I believe you are someone very close to the case, so please enlighten us.

Because the police interviewed the person who took her to work and they confirmed it? What other witnesses would there be to be interviewed? Someone was interviewed who confirmed it. Why would they not interview the actual person who took her to work if they were interviewing people to confirm her movements? So, either this person lied to the investigators at the time, and is now liable for obstruction charges, or (more likely) they are confused about the dates. And remember, it was not just an interview that confirmed BD's movements, it was records as well. Those records are most likely phone records, where BD communicated to this individual to come and pick her up.

Sorry, but the affidavit is quite clear on that point.
““I feel like I’m left in the darkness because law enforcement is not communicating with me at all,” said Clint Dunn, speaking via telephone this week. ”... This needs to move forward.””


“Clint Dunn said Thursday that law enforcement officials had indicated to him that when a body was found, an arrest would be made.

“I want to know why that hasn’t happened and who do I need to get in here to try to help,” he said.”


““We don’t even know who’s got the case right now,” he said. ”... We’ve called everybody — the FBI, the Texas Rangers, (an investigator) that was over the case for so long in Scurry County. ... I just want to know why they haven’t brought this to trial yet. Why hasn’t there been a court date?””

LE generally do not keep family updated about specifics of a case. Maybe there is a reason they are not talking to him, if indeed that is the case. He needs to remember that it is not the local Sheriff doing the investigation anymore and the current investigators might have quite a different view of the facts of the case.

Cases require evidence to go to trial, not suspicion. Otherwise they will get dismissed immediately if there is no probable cause and when that happens the case is effectively dead no matter what might turn up in the future.

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