Missing Person: Amos K. Mortier
Name: Amos K. Mortier
Date of Birth:
Date Missing:
From City/State:
Fitchburg, WI
Age at Time of Disappearance:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Identifying Characteristics:
Scar above right eye. Glasses with brown frames.
Believed to have been wearing a brown carhardt hooded jacket,
blue jeans, canvas type hiking shoes, and a baseball hat.
Contact: Fitchburg Police at (608) 270-4300
A note from his friends:
Body: Pictures: http://www.ackery.com/archives/images/amos2.bmp
Amos Mortier was last seen on November 8th, 2004, at Madison Area Technical College. All of his personal belongings,
including his wallet, keys, a cell phone, and his car were found at his house in Fitchburg, Wisconsin. His dog was found wandering alone on the evening of November 9th, missing its collar. Amos's friends and family spent all of last week searching the cornfields and marshes around his house, but no sign of him has been found.
The media has basically stopped covering his disappearance, so at this point, we're concentrating on putting up flyers with his
picture and spreading the word in the hopes that someone has some information or has seen Amos. We need all the help we can get, so if you'd like to be part of a flyering effort, please email kristinryan@wisc.edu. I'll email you a PDF of a flyer, or if you don't
have a printer, I'll mail you flyers to hang up. At this point, Amos could be anywhere, so it doesn't matter if you don't live near
Wisconsin- we still want to spread the word. If you have any information about Amos's disappearance, or if you think you've
seen him, please call the Fitchburg Police at (608) 270-4300.
Any help that anyone could provide would be appreciated. Amos is a good person, and his family and friends miss him very much
and are desperate to get him back home safe. Please help.
Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
Name: Amos K. Mortier
Date of Birth:
Date Missing:
From City/State:
Fitchburg, WI
Age at Time of Disappearance:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Identifying Characteristics:
Scar above right eye. Glasses with brown frames.
Believed to have been wearing a brown carhardt hooded jacket,
blue jeans, canvas type hiking shoes, and a baseball hat.
Contact: Fitchburg Police at (608) 270-4300
A note from his friends:
Body: Pictures: http://www.ackery.com/archives/images/amos2.bmp
Amos Mortier was last seen on November 8th, 2004, at Madison Area Technical College. All of his personal belongings,
including his wallet, keys, a cell phone, and his car were found at his house in Fitchburg, Wisconsin. His dog was found wandering alone on the evening of November 9th, missing its collar. Amos's friends and family spent all of last week searching the cornfields and marshes around his house, but no sign of him has been found.
The media has basically stopped covering his disappearance, so at this point, we're concentrating on putting up flyers with his
picture and spreading the word in the hopes that someone has some information or has seen Amos. We need all the help we can get, so if you'd like to be part of a flyering effort, please email kristinryan@wisc.edu. I'll email you a PDF of a flyer, or if you don't
have a printer, I'll mail you flyers to hang up. At this point, Amos could be anywhere, so it doesn't matter if you don't live near
Wisconsin- we still want to spread the word. If you have any information about Amos's disappearance, or if you think you've
seen him, please call the Fitchburg Police at (608) 270-4300.
Any help that anyone could provide would be appreciated. Amos is a good person, and his family and friends miss him very much
and are desperate to get him back home safe. Please help.
Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason