TKS S1 Ep 3: "Danse Macabre"

I am new to the site and this case, unfortunately I have yet to watch episodes 3 and 4 as they have not yet been aired here in England but I have been reading threads and posts on here to try and gain as much info as I can. I decided to join this site as I was completely irate with the lack of investigating and compassion the police have given to these victims.

Sorry if this has been asked before but has there ever been a reason given for not releasing the tape or transcript of the phone call made by SG? I truely believe that when she stated "THEY are going to kill me" she was definately referring to more than one person and that this was NOT her suffering an 'episode'. I think she was completely aware as to what was happening at the time. I am confused as to why the police didn't respond within the 23 minutes she was on the phone especially if she was in distress and telling the dispatcher that she believed she was going to be killed. Have the police given a reason for not responding within that time? Does anyone know who the dispatcher was that SG spoke to and has he/she ever been questioned/interviewed?

Sorry if this should be on another thread or has been discussed before.

Welcome MrsWard!
I'll try to answer:
1) SCPD (Suffolk County Police Department) wont release the tapes because they say the investigation is on going...yet they have declared her death an accidental drowning - or something like that. The Gilbert family has sued Peter Hackett, so that may be another reason they wont release the tapes. There is a civil case.
2) Reportedly, Shannan wasn't sure where she was , She told the 911 operator she was near Jones Beach IIRC (If I recall correctly). Her call was then transferred to another operator...
Welcome MrsWard!
I'll try to answer:
1) SCPD (Suffolk County Police Department) wont release the tapes because they say the investigation is on going...yet they have declared her death an accidental drowning - or something like that. The Gilbert family has sued Peter Hackett, so that may be another reason they wont release the tapes. There is a civil case.

2) Reportedly, Shannan wasn't sure where she was , She told the 911 operator she was near Jones Beach IIRC (If I recall correctly). Her call was then transferred to another operator...

Thank you for clearing that up for me, clearly I still have a lot more info and facts to learn! If this next question too has been asked before I do apologise, I know it must get very repetative and tiresome sometimes for people who have followed the case for far longer than I have........Do we know if the family have been able to hear the tape? I think I recall it being said that a transcript of the call was given to them to read, but obviously that doesn't convey fully how SG sounded and also any background sounds (cars, voices etc). Also have either of the 911 operators been named? Can the family request a Judge to release the tapes even if it is only for them to hear via an Order made through their lawyer or even themselves? I understand the American judicial system does work a little differently to the English system.
For years now I have been explaining to everyone as an expert on FOIL that it is ILLEGAL in the County of Suffolk in the State of New York to release 911 recordings to the public. Only a judge via special subpoena can force the county to turn over a recording of a 911 call. At this point in time, all of this is (or is going to be) mute anyways because original 911 recordings are automatically purged from the system after six or seven years (I can't remember). There might be some COPIES of her 911 call lingering with the detectives in connection with the LISK task force investigation but since SG was ruled an accident or natural causes and not considered to be a victim of LISK, the SCPD is of no legal obligation to keep a copy of that 911 call on file.

I disagree that there is no legal obligation to keep the 911 call on file. There are mixed views on exactly what SG sounded like and said. The lawyer pending his civil case with the family of SG have every right to the contents of this tape. Whether there is or is not any critical content related to her demise, the civil case warrants a listen since MG was well aware she called 911. Since, and this may be speculation or rumor, she did not know where she was "Jones Beach" her driver needs to clarify how she ended up at Brewers in Oak Beach. JMO

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Gotta problem/question? PM an admin or a mod. Thanks.
I do not believe AC is related. The area was so seedy and off the grid for a traveler. It would be someone local comfortable to be walking and hanging around in a crime ridden slum. The back door of that hotel room was creepy. The GB girls were wrapped which is not to say it is a nice gesture, but the others were put in water sewage.
I have another question and i apologize if it has been discussed but i have not read it anywhere. Where the girls raped or did he not rape them but kill them. Post Mortem? I know in other cases this info was released and if evidence showed rape or torture. There does not seem to be much evidence on these cases released to the public.
For years now I have been explaining to everyone as an expert on FOIL that it is ILLEGAL in the County of Suffolk in the State of New York to release 911 recordings to the public. Only a judge via special subpoena can force the county to turn over a recording of a 911 call. At this point in time, all of this is (or is going to be) mute anyways because original 911 recordings are automatically purged from the system after six or seven years (I can't remember). There might be some COPIES of her 911 call lingering with the detectives in connection with the LISK task force investigation but since SG was ruled an accident or natural causes and not considered to be a victim of LISK, the SCPD is of no legal obligation to keep a copy of that 911 call on file.

That special subpoena has been filed! And it IS still possible for the recording to be released.

IF the recording has been purged (as you suggest) then why didn't the attorney representing the SCPD say that in his reply in the court case? Currently (IIRC) the attorney's argument against releasing the recording is because SG's death is related to other bodies they found. So, if it's part of an open investigation (as is their claim) then it continues to exist. Thus, they ARE (and have been) under legal obligation to retain it.

Again, as I have said many times before... it's quite interesting this argument against release of the recording goes against SCPD's previous claim... "Her disappearance prompted a previous search of the nearby Gilgo beach area that ultimately resulted in the discovery of at least 10 sets of remains, but investigators have said they do not believe Gilbert's case is related to those."

And, just as a reminder... SG's death was ruled by Suffolk County as "undetermined".

What's likely ILLEGAL is if SCPD destroyed SG's 911 recording.
Welcome to WS! I think it's odd indeed! Also odd, that he didn't remember when asked if Britney (?) had accused him of strangling her. Who doesn't remember that sort of thing? I believe TO to be a very viable suspect for the AC4 murders.

ETA: Maybe the police lost his DNA or can't make a conclusive match or rule him out. It may be that there are several DNA profiles collected from the same victim?

ETAA: He was identified by Police as a suspect and hasn't been ruled out yet. That says alot to me.

Just want make a correction (too late to edit) It was Melissa Bishop who accused Terri Olsen of, admitting that he killed people and of attacking her. Not Britney (?)

Having made that correction, I'd like to say that while watching episode 4 again, (for the 3rd time) I noticed, when TO was saying "...those poor women", he could barely say it without revealing his disgust for them. IMVHO He's so obviously deceptive. It'd be interesting to get a body language experts opinion.

I also don't doubt that he loved every second of revisiting that room! Wow! That guy is the only PO publicly acknowledged, by LE, for the AC 4 muders! It'd be interesting to see if he's got a connection to Gilgo 4
IF he did it, which I don't think he did, he would have to be the dumbest criminal in the world. He offered to talk to police without an attorney and he voluntarily gave up his DNA. Who would do that if they were guilty? Yes, he may have been a perv in other ways but I don't think he is guilty of the crime. From working on other cases that involve murder, it has always been my experience that the guilty want no part in talking to anyone about the crimes. They run from media attention. I think Rachel and Josh were also convinced that he didn't do it and I am sure they spoke with him at length. The show had to be edited for time, but I am sure there was much more that he said that convinced them of that.
Just want make a correction (too late to edit) It was Melissa Bishop who accused Terri Olsen of, admitting that he killed people and of attacking her. Not Britney (?)

Having made that correction, I'd like to say that while watching episode 4 again, (for the 3rd time) I noticed, when TO was saying "...those poor women", he could barely say it without revealing his disgust for them. IMVHO He's so obviously deceptive. It'd be interesting to get a body language experts opinion.

I also don't doubt that he loved every second of revisiting that room! Wow! That guy is the only PO publicly acknowledged, by LE, for the AC 4 muders! It'd be interesting to see if he's got a connection to Gilgo 4
That special subpoena has been filed! And it IS still possible for the recording to be released.

IF the recording has been purged (as you suggest) then why didn't the attorney representing the SCPD say that in his reply in the court case? Currently (IIRC) the attorney's argument against releasing the recording is because SG's death is related to other bodies they found. So, if it's part of an open investigation (as is their claim) then it continues to exist. Thus, they ARE (and have been) under legal obligation to retain it.

Again, as I have said many times before... it's quite interesting this argument against release of the recording goes against SCPD's previous claim... "Her disappearance prompted a previous search of the nearby Gilgo beach area that ultimately resulted in the discovery of at least 10 sets of remains, but investigators have said they do not believe Gilbert's case is related to those."

And, just as a reminder... SG's death was ruled by Suffolk County as "undetermined".

What's likely ILLEGAL is if SCPD destroyed SG's 911 recording.

My statements are specific; I am referring to the ORIGINAL recordings not COPIES.

The original recording will or is about to be purged from the system. Unless the IT department in charge of maintaining the digital records is legally ordered not to purge the ORIGINAL recording, it will be legally purged.
My statements are specific; I am referring to the ORIGINAL recordings not COPIES.

The original recording will or is about to be purged from the system. Unless the IT department in charge of maintaining the digital records is legally ordered not to purge the ORIGINAL recording, it will be legally purged.

Heck, knowing what we know about Burke... it wouldn't surprise me if he had Detective Stephan (and/or the IT Dept) legally ordered to destroy "the original" long ago.

If the SCPD believes SG died of "natural causes" they should be anxiously willing to provide the tape (as requested) in Hackett's civil case.
Shannon was bipolar and abusing drugs, this combination is a major trigger for a psychotic episode to unfold. Which could definitely lead to her developing persecutory delusions in which she believes she is being followed/chased, hence her running into the brush on her own( in combination Mr. Brandt's mention of the way the body reacts to a hypothermic reaction, it makes complete sense that Shannon's case wasn't the result of murder.
Is New York this backwards? The GRK and Bundy's case was treated seriously and they used the public to help solve the case. Why does this police force act so entitled to not share and solve the crime. Several factors have led to no new discoveries. Prostitutes with info are not given a guarantee of no arrest if they share suspicions. They are not releasing details that may help someone who has a POI to then know without doubt it may be them. No one wants to accuse someone who is innocent and ruin their life. If the police kept the fact Bundy wore a cast secret, then his gf would never have suspected him when she found the supplies. What happened to these girls? Did they fight back? Bite marks or scratches may light a light bulb memory. Were they tortured or raped? What evidence led you to profile the suspect as well educated instead of average intelligence. By giving the public no clues, there will never be a capture unless they mess up.
I agree. How did she have time to cower and call 911 and not be killed during that time. A man or men could overpower her if she was in the room or prevent her from leaving. Did the john call the police before she did? I thought I read this somewhere. Her sister killed her mother experiencing delusions and hallucinations. This can run in a family.
I really do believe someone was chasing Shannan that night. Just my feeling that I have.

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