17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #19

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Well they told everyone if you have any problems just call George and they did not put a time limit on those calls so it appears he wore the hat 24/7 according to them.

I was addressing your point that SPD might have relied on GZ's statement to conclude that he was on patrol. In that case, GZ's credibility would be at issue and the counter-argument would be that if he lied to the police about everything else, he would lie to them about being on patrol.

I know what you're getting at about the 24/7 thing, but I don't think that's as strong an argument against the HOA as one where they made a statement to the SPD that GZ was on patrol that night. Especially since he wasn't responding to a call and was, possibly, headed out of the complex on a personal errand. I also think it's an argument separate from those based on entirely on statements made by GZ and the SPD. Whether or not a particular action taken by GZ was in his neighborhood watch capacity or his personal capacity would be a centerpiece of the entire case against the HOA I imagine, and would almost certainly be a question of fact for the jury based on all of the circumstances.

But, this is all a little O/T, I think. And probably becoming annoying to others at this point lol
RE: Originally Posted by Horace Finklestein
If no amount of money is worth his life (which I don't think any amount is worth a life), why sue and obtain trademarks? Makes no sense to me.
I suspect mom obtained trademarks on the advice of her attorney so no one else would make money off of his name, as they were already doing selling tshirts etc. JMO
Do you feel school security was looking at the color of Trayvon's skin when he made the statement that TM was acting sneaky and suspicious -- When he turned out to be right?

I am not sure which incident this refers to but I have to assume that most people in school security would require a little more information than "Hey, there's a black guy in a hoodie" before jumping into the conclusion, "he must be up to no good". If they jumped at every black kid in a hoodie they would have time to do nothing else in a school with a larger black population and would turn out to be right only on occasion.
Thankfully ABC didn't enhance unintelligible muttering of their's nor did NBC edit their words to demonize them. We've parsed and dissected every word of the 911 call but the inconsistent statements by the girlfriend about a call that is just as important is glossed over and hardly mentioned.

A 15 year old girl who was miles away??? What did she do wrong? Her boyfriend was shot dead. Dear Lord at my age it would shatter my world and a teenage girl on the phone is now inconsistent? How about traumatized? In disbelief. Unable to grasp what happened.

Putting myself in time out to save mods the trouble.
BREAKING: George Zimmerman Launches Website, Features Vandalized Black Cultural Center


Hmm, and the parents are being ridiculed :waitasec:

If that is legitimate, then so much for the claims that GZ has no racist leanings. You don't post a photo of a black cultural center being vandalized on your page without some pretty strong implications, IMO. Distasteful doesn't even begin to cover it.
Respectfully, the school security guard didn't shoot Trayvon, so this really isn't relevant, IMO.

It is relevant in context to the post I was replying to, respectfully.
a lot of slack. What she may also be feeling is that there was a "they" against Trayvon and his family, the "they" that labeled him a John Doe and sent his killer home the same night while Trayvon lay unidentified in the morgue, when authorities like the SA could apparently drive in the middle of the night to make sure GZ was released. I guess I may have some issue like that were it my son killed and I'm sure I would be found to be insufficiently articulate too.

There is no "they" that shot Trayvon.
Only 1 person.

I also found that statement rather odd.
If that is legitimate, then so much for the claims that GZ has no racist leanings. You don't post a photo of a black cultural center being vandalized on your page without some pretty strong implications, IMO. Distasteful doesn't even begin to cover it.

If it is NOT legitimate then it just gave the supporters of GZ and what he has done another reason to defend his acts and not believe the TM front.... :waitasec:
Wouldn't that just be the thing GZ supporters needed?
:what: Now I've confused myself! :)
Thankfully ABC didn't enhance unintelligible muttering of their's nor did NBC edit their words to demonize them. We've parsed and dissected every word of the 911 call but the inconsistent statements by the girlfriend about a call that is just as important is glossed over and hardly mentioned.

With all due respect, that is absurd. How can the words of a grieving stepmother after the fact be "just as important" as the words of the shooter moments before he killed a teenager?

(ETA sorry, vlpate. I got my girlfriends confused and thought you were talking about Tracy Martin's girlfriend, since we have questioned her remarks about the "back porch", etc.

I see now that you are talking about Travon's gf and of course her testimony is relevant and important. If it has been scrutinized less, I think it is because we only have third-hand accounts of what she said she heard (quadruple hearsay?). With regards to GZ, we have his call to police, enhanced and not, and can analyze it to the nth degree.)
The last 2 "news" articles posted here have been from political forums/blogs.
They are not MSM

ThinkProgress is an American political blog edited by Faiz Shakir that provides a forum that advances progressive ideas and policies. It is an outlet of the Center for American Progress.


We are an online political chatroom and forum for liberals, progressives, democrats, greens, leftists, and socialists (and anyone else for that matter) interested in chatting about ideals, principles, policies, and politics.
The last 2 "news" articles posted here have been from political forums/blogs.
They are not MSM

ThinkProgress is an American political blog edited by Faiz Shakir that provides a forum that advances progressive ideas and policies. It is an outlet of the Center for American Progress.


We are an online political chatroom and forum for liberals, progressives, democrats, greens, leftists, and socialists (and anyone else for that matter) interested in chatting about ideals, principles, policies, and politics.

Their were msn links posted last week telling about the opening of his website..........we knew it was coming.
I can't imagine that GZ's lawyers wouldn't have strongly advised him against setting up any kind of controversial website.
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I believe we were told the new SA is doing her own investigation...starting from scratch. She can only rely on what SPD provides her, the ME, witness statements, original and now new statements because of the witness complaints to the media, GZ's medical reports, his written statements. Mr. Wolfinger made the decision that no further investigation was needed because GZ claimed SYG and under the law they could not press charges. At that point the case was dropped, was it not??? Had the Martin's not asked for help this would have been swept under the rug. Isn't that why Mr. Wolfinger stepped aside and Chief Lee is on leave. jmo

I'm wondering if the SA didn't want to take a SYG case to a grand jury precisely because the law is so badly written. If legislators, DAs and police are struggling with it, I shudder to imagine a group of average jurors trying to figure it out.
I am the real George Zimmerman. On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life. This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries.
2nd paragraph

It has come to my attention that some persons and/or entities have been collecting funds, thinly veiled as my "Defense Fund" or "Legal Fund". I cannot attest to the validity of these other websites as I have not received any funds collected, intended to support my family and I through this trying, tragic time.
3rd and last

I have created a Paypal account solely linked on this website as I would like to provide an avenue to thank my supporters personally and ensure that any funds provided are used only for living expenses and legal defense, in lieu of my forced inability to maintain employment. I will also personally, maintain accountability of all funds received. I reassure you, every donation is appreciated.


George Zimmerman
Thankfully ABC didn't enhance unintelligible muttering of their's nor did NBC edit their words to demonize them. We've parsed and dissected every word of the 911 call but the inconsistent statements by the girlfriend about a call that is just as important is glossed over and hardly mentioned.

I think that would be because the parents of the girlfriend had enough sense to know that people would take every opportunity to rip her statement apart. And we certainly know opportunities have been taken to do that. Keeping the press away was smart on her parent's part. Since the authorities are aware and we are not of what statement she has made what inconsistencies would we have to compare them to. We have not heard her full statement, only what someone has reported what she may have said. jmo
If it is NOT legitimate then it just gave the supporters of GZ and what he has done another reason to defend his acts and not believe the TM front.... :waitasec:
Wouldn't that just be the thing GZ supporters needed?
:what: Now I've confused myself! :)

I noticed that the link on thinkprogress referencing donations on the RGZ site goes straight to the relevant page from the RGZ site, while thinkprogress's link to the vandalism photo goes to an article on Huffpo which includes that photo. Why not link it directlly from RGZ's supposed site if it was there. They obviously were able to link to the donations page. I'm not jumping on this bandwagon quite yet. jmo
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