48 Hours Mystery 11/06/10

When I first heard about this show I thought it would be a good tribute to Amber. After all, it was titled "Taken - The Amber Dubois Story". In September Dateline featured a similar story on Amber & Chelsea which I thought was tastefully done. However, I am now having second thoughts on whether this 48 Hours is something I want to see or not. While the show will feature interviews with Amber's parents. I am puzzled by the producers decision to air a prison interview with Gardner. All of this I am putting out there so everyone on WS is aware and forewarned. This is JMO.
I'm watching it now. It still breaks my heart. :(
I'm watching this now also. I had no idea,. at the time of Amber's disappearance they suspected the step dad!

This case just breaks my heart. LE at first thought she was a run-away. I ALWAYS thought from day one, she was abducted

The step-dad took 8 poly graphs!


PS.... I didn't know it caused the step-dad and mom to split up at the time, either. :(

PPS....the dad lost his job over this case, also! ahhh. :(
Did the step dad and mom get back together? (I didn't realize it either)
I will say within minutes of it being posted here, people knew there was a connection between the girls disappearance.
And I will always remain convinced that if the escondido police had taken it more seriously from the get go - while Amber might not have been saved, Chelsea wouldn't have met the fate she did.
They are at the part where they told Amber's parents, so I don't know if they got back together or not. :(
They are at the part where they told Amber's parents, so I don't know if they got back together or not. :(

I'm watching it...doesn't sound like it.
I really like Amber's mom...she's more grounded than some reports have made her sound.
It's not at the end yet, but the step-dad talked about how things were said that, were,................well, I don't know unimaginble and maybe unforgivable?

I've known of families that have lost little ones and it split the family up, irrevocably.

She's very angry. We have to remember, it was just a year after Amber was murdered.

When Gardner said he is the most dangerous type of sexual predator and needs to be locked up forever, that was chilling! YES, there are monsters out there!
I have a young daughter (first grade) I tell her all the time. if someone says "get in or I'll hurt you" you run, if you see a gun, you zig zag as you run, if you see a knife, run, never get in a car. If someone puts you in the car, grab the steering wheel when you can, or get out at a stop light or stop sign.... never huddle in a group.

he regrets, but is not remorseful - if he doesn't feel anything but rage...why does he care about being put to death...wouldn't it be a relief?
*jaw dropping* they are together and in counseling....
I hope they make it.


PS...oh, and I don't care if Gardner commits suicide either. I know that's mean, but whatever.
Well I did watch and it was intense!! For me, I felt all the lives that were ruined by the actions of JG. It was so sad what happened to Carrie and Dave (although I am glad they are back together now) Moe, Amber's Dad losing his job, and even Allison the little sister how she must have suffered. But knowing what he did to Amber an innocent little girl just walking to school when she encounters this horrible monster that made me so sick. And of course when you're 14 you don't know that there are horrible, evil people like this in the world. I'm sure in her innocence she thought he would let her go. Hearing JG talk I felt it was all an act to get people to feel sorry for him, so typical of sociopaths/psychopaths, they are always the victims. UGH!! I don't give a rat's *advertiser censored** what happens to that guy. Even the fact that he is living, breathing, eating 3 meals a day, after all the lives he has destroyed absolutely nauseates me. I think Carrie is a very strong lady and I admire everything her & Moe have tried to do to help other people keep their kids safe. It is a very noble and selfless act.
A point I found interesting is that Gardner has no confusion on what he is, and admits that if he were ever let out he would kill again.
I had this tivo'd and finally watched it last night. I thought it was really good and very heartbreaking. It really showed what an emotional toll a missing child takes on a family.

I also shuddered at the end when the girl who survived an attack by Gardner (I feel bad that I can't remember her name right now) gave her victim impact statement at his sentencing. Her last words were something along the lines of, "... and I wanted to ask him, How is your nose?" (she had gotten away from him by popping him in the nose). GREAT line, by the way. But the look on Gardner's face after she said that gave me chills. It showed how frightening he really is. And all of those tears he shed, acting like he was sorry for what he did, he thinks daily of the pain he's caused, those tears were proven to be an act. He is a heartless criminal, a sick, twisted pervert who deserves to rot in prison and die a slow, painful death.
Today, 11/12/10 Carrie McGonigle, Amber's mom will be on Issues with Jane Velez Mitchell on Headline New to discuss 48 Hours Mystery.

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