Atlanta judge sides with sex offenders/ACLU

SewingDeb said:
What is your solution if you think we are doing it wrong?
Remember you asked for it

To start off with how about a bit of supervision, people? Parents can start by doing simple common-sense things like locking the door and windows after all that is what they where made for or holding their hand in a mall and it would be a good idea not to let them roam around town by their selves That is your job to protect them 24-7 no matter what it takes. Look above at the simple common-sense things that I pointed out that wasn’t done by these parents of high profile cases. You are not living life for your self, you gave up that right when you had that child . Believe it or not these are family values that out dates our country. Oh no not history. Don't be naive about today's society because it is not the same as when we grew up. Today we have to worry about more than just child molesters we have to worry about children killing each other because some one got called a bad name or over a video game.Our societies values is like a runaway train with no brakes. It is time for parents to start protecting their children the right way.It is not the governments responsibility to protect their children besides they can't because our laws and rights are being used against us.You don’t need a village to raise a child especially since there are About 600,000 of these sickos in it and that is just the ones that we know about You need responsible parents and the government needs to mind their own bizwacks when it comes to raising children.and talk about no supervision this latest one where a lawyer killed a man for allegedly molesting his 2 year old. I want to ask a question where was these "parents" when this man allegedly molested this 2 year old.after all this was a 2 year old child. May be they where too busy watching another inane sitcom or perhaps another sports extravaganza.That is provided they weren't doped up or too drunk to do the "parents job" and "responsibility" to protect their children. We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime". Like I said Our societies values is like a runaway train with no brakes. Me or my wife of 27 years never left our child alone at that young of age in fact he was never left alone until the age of 16 and then it scared the hell out of me to do that. I believe that if any body leaves their child alone at that young of age they don't deserve to have them. Children are very special gifts ask any person that can't have one. Here is the excuse I hear the most both parents have to work I say bull *advertiser censored* when I was raising my child I worked three jobs so these excuses don't work with me. People don't relies how the breakdown of families effects children and many of these missing /murdered children come from broken homes? The mother and father have new sex partners drifting in and out of the Childs life. Soon the child becomes just as disposable to them as the Childs other parent was so if society wants to protect children lets start at home.So if you want a cause to protect children here is on for you promote families and family values again look back in history and see when our society break down started.Oh no not history. I could go on and on but we would be here forever and it would make the attacks on me worst. Let it begin

This is just my opinion as well....right or wrong.
JMO - but it sounds like you're somewhat mixing up TV and real life. Most people do take good care of their kids. In the lawyer case, there is nothing saying the kid was ever left alone with the molester (let alone anything with drugs) - and the leading theory is that the molester maybe got to her by breaking into her bedroom window at night - I'd assume you and your wife didn't sleep in the bedroom with your kid, so you are as vulnerable as they were (and several other families unfortunately have been) to that kind of attack.

For the bad parents - there's a huge problem with just telling the gov't to but out, and the parents to do their job. When the parents don't - and some of them just aren't willing or able to because of drug addictions or just plain stupid or lazy or whatever - the kids, and our society pays the price. The people who made the mistake don't pay the price, so relying on them doesn't work well.

Actually, here you seem to contradict yourself - do you want "It is not the governments responsibility to protect their children besides they can't because our laws and rights are being used against us." or "We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime"."? If we're putting people in jail for being bad parents, then it seems that it is the government's responsibility... ?

Society hasn't changed that much. There were babysitters and daycare, and pedophiles were pretty well unprosecuted, which IMHO is why we suddenly think that there are more of them - because before we didn't even acknowledge what they did as a crime! It was just the 'funny' uncle, and the victim was shamed and kept quiet and everyone pretended it didn't happen.
That's your solution?? That's common sense and what most do all the time. We are well aware of the dangers. How do you explain the high profile cases where the child is taken from their own beds or the recent one where the girl was in the bed with HER PARENTS?

We all know we cannot trust just anyone with our children and most of us would never let them run wild or not hold their hand in the mall, etc.

Now....what do you propose be done about the child molesters now that you've jumped the parents? I think you're preaching to the choir on this one and the ones who need to hear your message are not on here.
Details said:
JMO - but it sounds like you're somewhat mixing up TV and real life. Most people do take good care of their kids. In the lawyer case, there is nothing saying the kid was ever left alone with the molester (let alone anything with drugs) - and the leading theory is that the molester maybe got to her by breaking into her bedroom window at night - I'd assume you and your wife didn't sleep in the bedroom with your kid, so you are as vulnerable as they were (and several other families unfortunately have been) to that kind of attack.

For the bad parents - there's a huge problem with just telling the gov't to but out, and the parents to do their job. When the parents don't - and some of them just aren't willing or able to because of drug addictions or just plain stupid or lazy or whatever - the kids, and our society pays the price. The people who made the mistake don't pay the price, so relying on them doesn't work well.

Actually, here you seem to contradict yourself - do you want "It is not the governments responsibility to protect their children besides they can't because our laws and rights are being used against us." or "We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime"."? If we're putting people in jail for being bad parents, then it seems that it is the government's responsibility... ?

Society hasn't changed that much. There were babysitters and daycare, and pedophiles were pretty well unprosecuted, which IMHO is why we suddenly think that there are more of them - because before we didn't even acknowledge what they did as a crime! It was just the 'funny' uncle, and the victim was shamed and kept quiet and everyone pretended it didn't happen.
Maybe you will remember these things that you posted

You say :Because how the police act indicates to me that they never seriously considered the evidence. It became personal, they were focused," tunnel vision, could see nothing" other than the Ramseys, had no willingness to consider anything else.

You say : read more carefully, with an open mind, rather than just with stereotypes about anyone who isn't completely with you

I say : jump out of the wagon Do the research before you jump on the wagon

You say :Even if Mexico became a perfect wonderland, with jobs for all, there'd still be some wanting to cross illegally - a fence is always needed, so long as some exist who won't respect property. Even in a good neighborhood, you don't leave your house wide open at night - just because all it takes is one single bad neighbor, one predator, no matter how good the rest are.

You say: Do you close your doors at home? Windows? Or do you not want to be fenced in, and allow others to enter at will and take what you have made? Or are you 'fearful' that someone will enter your unlocked door at night and take things or harm you or your loved ones?

Bobbisangel said"

Trenton is just so cute. I hope that he is found soon. So they think someone came in through the window. He must not have even woke up or his mom would have heard him. I wonder why they aren't focused on the father. Maybe he is dead or not in the area...maybe.

All families with children should have alarm systems so that if anyone breaks a window or trys to get in a door the alarm will go off. I know that most single moms probably can't afford to put in an alarm system but I see them advertised for pretty reasonable. It sure would be worth it in this day and age. There are glass cutters that don't even make any noise and in a lot of doors you can use a credit card to open the door. I don't think there is such a thing as being safe unless you have an alarm system.

I don't think any body can say it better than that

I say: A lawyer can't afford to put in an alarm system

you say: For the bad parents - there's a huge problem with just telling the gov't to but out, and the parents to do their job. When the parents don't - and some of them just aren't willing or able to because of drug addictions or just plain stupid or lazy or whatever - the kids, and our society pays the price. The people who made the mistake don't pay the price, so relying on them doesn't work well.

I said : "We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime"

I said: if any body leaves their child alone at that young of age they don't deserve to have them. Children are very special gifts ask any person that can't have one

I said: Our societies values is like a runaway train with no brakes

I said: So if you want a cause to protect children here is one for you promote families and family values

I said : Me or my wife of 27 years never left our child alone at that young of age in fact he was never left alone until the age of 16 and then it scared the hell out of me to do that.

You say " Most" people do take good care of their kids

I say: I agree Key word " Most"
SewingDeb said:
That's your solution?? That's common sense and what most do all the time. We are well aware of the dangers. How do you explain the high profile cases where the child is taken from their own beds or the recent one where the girl was in the bed with HER PARENTS?

We all know we cannot trust just anyone with our children and most of us would never let them run wild or not hold their hand in the mall, etc.

Now....what do you propose be done about the child molesters now that you've jumped the parents? I think you're preaching to the choir on this one and the ones who need to hear your message are not on here.
jumped the parents?

Maybe you will remember these things that you posted

You say : The "parents" were allowing him to travel with their son from the time he was only 11 months old? They need to be charged too!

I said :"We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime"

You say : The children were too young to be left in a public park without adult supervision. Bottom line.

I said :"We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime"

You say : That is entirely possible, but if the "mother" had been there she could have pulled him off her daughter and called for help while beating the everloving you know what out of him. He wasn't even a big guy.I agree. I am sure the mother will feel guilt over this for the rest of her life," but it was her job to protect her children". I wonder what the father thinks of all of this.​

I said :"We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime"​

You say : I think it should be a "felony" to leave a child that young alone even for 10 minutes.

I said : "We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime"

You say : I can see the defense in this case claiming severe Postpartum Depression. That may be exactly what was going on with the mother, but it infuriates me that the "father" did not do more to help his own children.

I said : "We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime"

Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black:clap: :truce:

history will tell you every thing

You say :How do you explain the high profile cases where the child is taken from their own beds or the recent one where the girl was in the bed with HER PARENTS?

Bobbisangel said : Trenton is just so cute. I hope that he is found soon. So they think someone came in through the window. He must not have even woke up or his mom would have heard him. I wonder why they aren't focused on the father. Maybe he is dead or not in the area...maybe.

All families with children should have alarm systems so that if anyone breaks a window or trys to get in a door the alarm will go off. I know that most single moms probably can't afford to put in an alarm system but I see them advertised for pretty reasonable. It sure would be worth it in this day and age. There are glass cutters that don't even make any noise and in a lot of doors you can use a credit card to open the door. I don't think there is such a thing as being safe unless you have an alarm system.

I said :"We should Put these "bad parents" in jail for years for endangering a child and "contributing to the crime"

I don't think any body can say it better than Bobbisangel

Details said: Because how the police act indicates to me that they never seriously considered the evidence. It became personal, they were focused, tunnel vision, could see nothing other than the Ramseys, had no willingness to consider anything else.

Details said :read more carefully, with an open mind, rather than just with stereotypes about anyone who isn't completely with you

I say : jump out of the wagon Do the research before you jump on the wagon

I said: So if you want a cause to protect children here is one for you promote families and family values

You said: I think you're preaching to the choir on this one and the ones who need to hear your message are not on here.

I say : apparently your wrong

Nice research - but I do remember what I have posted - and I've got no problem with any of it - not sure what point you are trying to make. I believed it then, I still believe it now, and there's no conflict that I see.

But - wow - you must have spent a ton of time working on that post - maybe you can say a bit more clearly what point you were trying to make?
You have ," tunnel vision, could see nothing" jump out of the wagon Do the research before you jump on the wagon you need to read the post more carefully and understand what's being said Like I said if you want to protect children get to the parents that are not protecting their children to teach them family values and how to protect their children. These parents in these high profile cases are made out to be victems and they are not they "contributed to the crime" when you see one of these cases on tv I bet one of your thoughts is where was the parents

I have plenty of time I am retired and no I'm not 65 yet but I'm old enough to know disco music
OK, so all the quotes have no meaning? Weird - whatever.

You have to look at the facts in every case. There are always 'if only's' - if only Jessica's family had moved into house B rather than house A, she'd still be alive. If only her mom had gotten up for a drink of water, she'd be alive. If only the parents handcuffed Jessica to them 24/7, she'd still be alive. But is there a real failure of parental duties, and if so, was it one of those little one time things, and they got unlucky, or is there no such failing?

Just looking at the parents and figuring that they must have made a mistake is a comforting thought, that only if you mess up will such a horrible thing happen to your child - but it just isn't true. Kids do get grabbed from their own beds, with doors locked, with their sober parents asleep in the next room. Or sometimes there's a small understandable error - they didn't notice that their child had figured out how to unlock the window, etc. But for almost all parents who have these horrible things happen, they haven't made a mistake of anywhere near the magnitude where there's any reasonable expectation of the horrible consequences. Those parents are victims, just as a woman who makes the mistake of getting into a bad area of town when taking a wrong turn, and she gets raped is a victim. Humans make mistakes, but unless there is real significant negligence, I don't think the parents mistakes are at all a part of the crime. You don't have to be Mary Poppins rolled up with June Cleaver to be a victim when your kid is hurt.

But what this all has to do with rights for gays, blacks, and other minorities, I have no idea. And how watching a sitcom makes you a bad parent I really don't get - since you say you have plenty of time, you might want to spend a bit more focusing your posts down to exactly what you want to say, rather than random hints and 10 different subjects.
jumped the parents?

Maybe you will remember these things that you posted

Yes, I remember my posts and stand by them. Nothing you have said changes my opinion.

Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black:clap: :truce:

You lost me there.

history will tell you every thing

So, are you saying that you think most/all parents are not doing a good job of watching their children and therefore they are more to blame than the sex offender? I say neglectful parents may contribute to the problem, but the most blame should be on the offender.

I said: So if you want a cause to protect children here is one for you promote families and family values

I haven't seen posters on this forum who do not promote family values and families. That's pretty much a given....that's why I said you are preaching to the choir.

You said: I think you're preaching to the choir on this one and the ones who need to hear your message are not on here.

I say : apparently your wrong

What/who am I wrong about? You are not explaining yourself very well.

Do you want the parents put in jail rather than the offender? Or do you want just the parents in jail?

Do you think all parents these days are neglectful and not careful with their small children? I'm trying to understand you.
Ok, back on subject. In my opinion, we need to identify the sexual predators and keep them locked up. Then we won't need so many rules about where people live.

And, yes Randy, morals are important and parents need to be on guard.
I really think those GPS ankle bracelets are a great solution, if paired up with enough computing power and monitoring. And, most importantly, making sure they are used on the real problematic sex offenders, not the poor suckers who urinate outdoors or have a girlfriend a year or two younger than they are.

That is, GPS for first time, non-violent offenders - we need to look at this, the severity of the crime, the reoffense rates, and really make a policy that understands the shades of gray in 'sex offenders'. The violent, habituals need death or at a minimum LWOP, the first time violent need LWOP or close, etc.
The only problem is that they can be taken off in 30 seconds (ask Martha Stewart). Sounds good...maybe they need an implant deep in the brain where they are unlikely to try to remove it.
SewingDeb said:
The only problem is that they can be taken off in 30 seconds (ask Martha Stewart). Sounds good...maybe they need an implant deep in the brain where they are unlikely to try to remove it.
Two solutions to that - first is one that cannot be taken off. Second is a simple equation - removing bracelet means police are instantly called to the location, instant manhunt, and back to jail fast.

I'm sure that any violent pedophile is going to remove the bracelet when he wants to go molest - but that is a great signal, if the computer is monitoring it. Likewise, it can monitor and alert police if the pedophile is hanging out in school zones or other suspicious locations, any location his parole says he shouldn't be in. That's the trick, to have a computer monitoring, so there is an effective spy hanging out on the sex offender's shoulder - if they stay on the right path - no problems. But the instant they step off - the police are there, tapping them on their shoulder. It may help, IMHO, some of the borderline pedophiles to control that compulsion, knowing that no matter what they try, they will be caught. Right now we've got them on the honor system, effectively. And they're sick, and have compulsions that they've already failed once to control. So let's help them out, while identifying the ones who cannot control themselves and need life in prison.
It would be great if they could not be removed and there is constant monitoring and instant jail time if caught removing it. The 24/7 monitoring costs a lot, but it would be the best solution...if we are going to let them back into society.
I have a point to make here and I'm going to try to put it very nicely.
Jessie was in the comfort of her own home, in her own room, in her own bed.
Do not ever say that she was kidnapped because her father wasn't home. She was with her grandparents, the same ones that raised her dad. They did a great job with him, and because of a we will never know how great of a job they would have helped Mark do with Jessie.

No one has the right to come into a home and take a child from their bed. PERIOD.


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