Brooke Bennett, 12 yrs. old Randolph, VT #7

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There was mention in the presser about a tissue with the DNA of Brooke and another man, who was not MJ. I want to know more about this.
Hi Believe,

At first I thought it might have been an "accident" that he killed Brooke when he took it to far, but after finding out that he posted on her myspace to try to make people believe she ran off with someone else, I think he planned to kill her.

I was also thinking what happened and things went too I am not sure.

I am still just spinning.....some of these are just harder then others....I feel like I have been punched in the gut.
Any chance the myspace pages that were traced to Texas were changed by the Kevin guy to make it look like Gagnon was in Texas when he was really in Vermont?

I Know Gagnon is claiming he didn't come to Vermont until he heard about Brooke's disappearance but where is the proof of his means of travel? Kevin may be the third guy and traveled to Vermont with Gagnon before also.
Thank you so much everyone for letting those of us at work know what is going on (news conference, etc.) - it is MUCH appreciated!

I can't stop thinking about this case . . . is it possible that AR could be a psychopath (therefore, have no feelings about aiding MJ in luring Brooke into "Breckenridge")? Being that she has been abused since she was at least 9 years old . . . I would think she would have to go 'somewhere else' in her mind to be able to continue to live a somewhat 'normal' life . . . I just feel so bad for her . . .

Does anyone have any knowledge about the possibility of her becoming a psychopath (or maybe narcissist?) as a result of the horrible abuse she has endured over all these years, beginning at such a young age?

Thank you for any information you may have.
I would say it is more likely for her to have DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder) or MPD (Multi-Personality Disorder). Depending on really how young the abuse started, the brain can defend itself by creating different "compartments" for the abuse. While it is not as recognized by some in the Psychiatry/Psychology world, it does exist and this type of abuse is usually the root cause.

It enables the child to continue life seemingly normal under normal conditions with no memories of the abuse while it is ongoing. The split isn't known by the core personality until much later. Others will see the switches taking place long before the person becomes aware of them.
I am wondering if MJ set up an elaborate ruse to try to lure in Brooke. What if he sent her an email or two from this organization of Breckenridge telling her that she had been selected to participate in this program (like he did to AR), stating that MJ was to be her trainer. What if Brooke was scared but reluctant to do anything with MJ and MJ acts like he is being forced into doing this, too. He takes her upstairs and states that he has just received a threat from Breckenridge and they have to go through with it or die. She won't do it and says that they should go to the police. Now, what is he going to do? He has no choice but to kill her or be exposed.

I really think that Brooke knew right from wrong. This could be due to having a relationship with her bio Dad. She knew that it was not normal. It sounds like AR did not have a relationship with another "normal" man. Because she was so young and because she had no other normal male guidance, she was easily lured in.

It wouldn't surprise me to learn that Denise and her sister (Brooke's mother) were molested by their father. What are the odds of two sisters marry two child sex offenders? I mean, this women knew that they were in relationships with sex offenders. They had children that they willingly exposed to the sex offenders. The suspicious signs were all over the place. Yet, they chose to turn their heads.

Who reported Brooke missing? It wasn't a relative, was it? What is up with that? I'm sure that MJ showed them the message on her Myspace. IMO, he intentionally put "Texas" so Brooke's mother would think that she was heading to see her stepfather. IMO, she didn't want to get the stepfather into any trouble. That's why she didn't call police...

SAD, SAD, SAD...Brooke is murdered; and AR's life is all but ruined. Will she ever know what it is to be "normal?" I look at a few photos of AR; and it is scary because she doesn't look like an abused child. That tells me that it could be happening to many more innocent children; and you'd never know.
SNIP That poor kid. My 14yo daughter is camping with friends, if she was home I don't think I could give her a good explanation about why I couldn't stop hugging her and telling her how much I love her and that she can always talk to me. I'll do that later this week when we go join up with them, and try to get her to understand why I tell her these things.

Me, too . My youngest daughter is 12 and she is at camp this week. I can't wait to hug her and hug her when she gets home. And this is the 1st time she has been away from home. I can't wait to see her!
. . . is it possible that AR could be a psychopath (therefore, have no feelings about aiding MJ in luring Brooke into "Breckenridge")?
I think that the girl was brainwashed into thinking that there was a dangerous, life threatening organization called Breckenridge. Bear in mind, she eventually told the truth, even though MJ told her to lie. So, that's a good sign.
Any chance the myspace pages that were traced to Texas were changed by the Kevin guy to make it look like Gagnon was in Texas when he was really in Vermont?

I Know Gagnon is claiming he didn't come to Vermont until he heard about Brooke's disappearance but where is the proof of his means of travel? Kevin may be the third guy and traveled to Vermont with Gagnon before also.
It is possible. With the DNA on the tissue, we should have an answer soon as to if he was actually involved in the murder or the sexual assault which took place that day. Since it was not MJ' would be reasonable that it could be Ray Gagnon's.
There was mention in the presser about a tissue with the DNA of Brooke and another man, who was not MJ. I want to know more about this.
I thought that they said that it was Brooke's handkerchief with another man's DNA. It wouldn't surprise me if MJ was acting like he was trying to come up with a scheme to "protect" Brooke from Breckenridge and trick them into thinking that Brooke had complied and had sex with multiple adult men, as they had instructed. Perhaps, he asked for her to give him her handkerchief. Maybe, AR's minor boyfriend was the unwitting contributor. I hope that the entire truth emerges. It wouldn't surprise me if AR tries to protect her boyfriend. He has to be either a victim or perpetrator himself as he allowed photos to be taken of AR and him engaged in sex (assuming they knew photos were being taken).

I guarantee that they are speaking with this kid, too.
I think that the girl was brainwashed into thinking that there was a dangerous, life threatening organization called Breckenridge. Bear in mind, she eventually told the truth, even though MJ told her to lie. So, that's a good sign.
I agree it is a very good sign as a beginning of recovery for this girl. It will take years and the sad truth is that she may never fully recover, but it is a start. Bless her heart. I can't imagine the fear she has carried all these years...wondering if every man was associated to the "program" and ready to cut her throat. Then to face the fact her cousin did meet such an end to come forward like she did is incredible.
But I do wonder if ARs boyfriend was a part of the ring and could have been seduced by MJ into doing sexual acts with her while being videoed.

I don't fault him if he was though.....if so, they were all brainwashed and controlled by these perverted creeps.

Knowing MJ that was probably the deal for her to be allowed to have a boyfriend.


Hopefully, we will find out soon. I imagine this young man will talk and implicate MJ if he was knowingly involved. It could be that he was unaware that he was being videoed or if he knew, he had no idea how the video would later be used. I think you are dead on it, suggesting that the boyfriend was used by MJ as a tool to convince her to comply with his evil.
I'm thinking the unknown DNA might belong to A.R.s boyfriend.
When will people get a clue that these animals connot be rehabilitated. A sex offendor program is useless.:mad:

I totally agree! When I worked with sexual preditors and had to escort them to their therapy session it was obvious that they got a certain thrill just going to talk about their "problems" and knowing that others shared their desires seemed to validate that what they felt was normal and fine because others had the same feelings. In reality, their group session was a social club where they all got to enjoy some titilating conversation which they could then enjoy playing back in their mind later.

I thought that they said that it was Brooke's hankerchief with another man's DNA. It wouldn't surprise me if MJ was acting like he was trying to come up with a scheme to "protect" Brooke from Breckenridge and trick them into thinking that Brooke had complied and had sex with multiple adult men, as they had instructed. Perhaps, he asked for her to give him her hankerchief. Maybe, AR's minor boyfriend was the unwitting contributor. I hope that the entire truth emerges. It wouldn't surprise me if AR tries to protect her boyfriend. He has to be either a victim or perpetrator himself as he allowed photos to be taken of AR and him engaged in sex (assuming they knew photos were being taken).

I guarantee that they are speaking with this kid, too.
Ah, handkerchief! (I was thinking it was the same as a tissue, I guess.) It could be that he set that up, but for some reason I am doubting it. They got MJ's DNA from her clothing. They said the BF did not enter the house. We also don't know what type of DNA they found (ie. blood, semen, saliva, etc.).
Any chance the myspace pages that were traced to Texas were changed by the Kevin guy to make it look like Gagnon was in Texas when he was really in Vermont?

I Know Gagnon is claiming he didn't come to Vermont until he heard about Brooke's disappearance but where is the proof of his means of travel? Kevin may be the third guy and traveled to Vermont with Gagnon before also.

Good point, Kevin didn't have a problem disposing of the safe, why not log into myspace to make some changes. Well, there were also phone calls between MJ and Gagnon, so those can be traced to find out where exactly Gagnon was when they spoke on the phone.

Isn't it just disgusting that he came to VT to help search for Brooke when he obviously knew what had happened already!
I wonder what evidence was found in the house that led them to Brookes grave?
He was coming to help MJ clean up after the murder and keep this from going where it did, imo. Good thing they were lousy at covering their tracks.
I was also thinking what happened and things went too I am not sure.

I am still just spinning.....some of these are just harder then others....I feel like I have been punched in the gut.

Me too! I can't comprehend how so many adults let Brooke and her cousin down. I can't believe no one knew this was going on with her cousin for 5 years and no one did one single thing to stop it until someone outside the family stepped and reported Brooke missing.
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