Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 6 - 5th Day of Prosecution's Case - Monday, Oct 1

if you google underground adoption, stories related to this case come up. I had no idea there even was still such a thing other than those un wed mother places where they take the child either by deception of voluntary means. I have hope the baby is alive that would be better than the alternative however I hate the fact that this is an excellent aliby for EJ and as long as people keep saying this is what happened there is no hope inmy mind that justice will ever be served. Surely the cops and tell the difference.
I just wish the cops had got to her quicker befre she lawyered up its been 3 years only a miracle will they find his body now. I hope this is one of the cases where the state goes for charges w/o a body.

I bet even if she gets a guilty she wont spend much more time behind bars, and then what? please dont tell me a book deal is in the works for her

She didn't have an attorney before they got to her. She was interviewed by several different agencies in FL before she asked for an attorney. So that doesn't matter.

ETA: She won't have a book deal, IMHO. She's not craving the media attention like her co-conspirator does. I suspect once she gets out, she will disappear, not to be heard from again.
She didn't have an attorney before they got to her. She was interviewed by several different agencies in FL before she asked for an attorney. So that doesn't matter.

ETA: She won't have a book deal, IMHO. She's not craving the media attention like her co-conspirator does. I suspect once she gets out, she will disappear, not to be heard from again.

I was afraid of that, do you think TS could be connected to her travels to SA? I would think if she was that type of peep with her baby hunting she would have those connections and not need EJ's baby, this is partly why im not buying the mystery couple story but it sure is a good defense for EJ sadly
I really wonder what were on those receipts in the car . . . when did she buy the baby tylenol?, did she buy diapers, baby food, wipes, milk? . . . when was the last time they can actually verify she purchased any items for Baby Gabriel?

No mention of the "diaper bag" at the motel or in the car . . . EJ never mentioned handing over any items to the "imagine adoptive couple" so I have to go back to when she told Logan she put baby Gabe's little blue body in the diaper bag and threw it away. She was giving away baby items in Tempe on which day? When was it that she told Logan she killed the baby? When was the last time anyone can verify they saw the Baby? (Annalisa?) . . . I'm thinking it was all around the 21st. . . . oh and then there is the day of the liquor store - no baby. . .. hmmmmm methinks she doth protest too much!

I think Analisa babysat Gabriel on 22nd after getting a call from EJ on 21st. On the 21st EJ logged in to Yahoo or MySpace from Richardson, Texas. As far as I can tell from Google maps, that's quite a way from San Antonio???

EJ is on video at the liqour store on 22nd. I didn't catch if it was said at what time she was caught on video so don't know if it was whilst Analisa was babysitting Gabriel or if it was at another time on that day.

As far as I can tell from the trial testimony, they are saying that the last time Gabriel was "seen" was on the 26th Dec and the only thing I have heard so far to back that up is that it's because of the time stamps on the photos from the phone and/or camera. Is it possible that EJ changed the date and time on the phone/camera, took the photos then changed the date and time back again? In which case perhaps she could have handed over/killed Gabriel anytime between Analisa leaving her room mid-afternoon on Dec 22nd and EJ getting on the bus to Florida at 1pm on Dec 27th

In any case, it was on 27th Dec that EJ was telling LM that she had killed Gabriel "this morning".
Ricardson is north of downtown Dallas like 20 miles or so San Antonio is 5 to 6 hours away from Dallas are you saying she drove to Richardson and back while Gab was being babysat?
Ricardson is north of downtown Dallas like 20 miles or so San Antonio is 5 to 6 hours away from Dallas are you saying she drove to Richardson and back while Gab was being babysat?

No I'm not saying that. There's no way she could do a 10 hour round trip in the space of 2-2.5 hours. My guess would be that she drove from Arizona to Dallas and then on to San Antonio. Although I have no idea why she would do that.
No I'm not saying that. There's no way she could do a 10 hour round trip in the space of 2-2.5 hours. My guess would be that she drove from Arizona to Dallas and then on to San Antonio. Although I have no idea why she would do that.

i think they spotted her in tow with baby in San Antonio... I know this I have seen my login and it says towns miles from me one time and then a town closer to home so I dont understand how all that net stuff works it may bounce to the nearest available tower. She had a Tom Tom like device I guess it tracks her whereabouts along the way.

Its a needle in a haystack unfortunately and even though I dont think EJ is near as cleaver as Casey, she might walk from this case which is sad due to all the time that has passed and rumors that helped her perpetuate the adoption claim.
she had an older Magellen GPS that did not have "tracking" capabilities . . . it only stored data that was actually input (typed in) into the device by the user.
i think they spotted her in tow with baby in San Antonio... I know this I have seen my login and it says towns miles from me one time and then a town closer to home so I dont understand how all that net stuff works it may bounce to the nearest available tower. She had a Tom Tom like device I guess it tracks her whereabouts along the way.

Its a needle in a haystack unfortunately and even though I dont think EJ is near as cleaver as Casey, she might walk from this case which is sad due to all the time that has passed and rumors that helped her perpetuate the adoption claim.

They checked her internet logins by tracing the source IP addresses and they tracked her phones and texts by checking the providers records and matching them to phone towers. The GPS device didn't track where she went, it only gave a list of manually entered locations. Nevertheless, they have a pretty accurate timeline of where she was and when.

As for EJ "walking" - I don't know. Currently she's charged with kidnapping & custodial interference. What ultimately happened to Gabriel is not in question in this trial. We haven't heard the case for the defence yet so I'm interested to see what MV comes up with.

At the custody hearing on the 17th Dec, EJ & LM were awarded joint custody of Gabriel. The judge made it clear that what this means is that important decisions about Gabriel's future must be agreed upon by EJ and LM. So I'm struggling to understand how EJ thought she had the right to leave the state and put Gabriel up for adoption without LM's consent.
New thread for today:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=186419"]Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 7 - 6th Day of Prosecution's Case - Tuesday, Oct 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I think Analisa babysat Gabriel on 22nd after getting a call from EJ on 21st. On the 21st EJ logged in to Yahoo or MySpace from Richardson, Texas. As far as I can tell from Google maps, that's quite a way from San Antonio???

EJ is on video at the liqour store on 22nd. I didn't catch if it was said at what time she was caught on video so don't know if it was whilst Analisa was babysitting Gabriel or if it was at another time on that day.

As far as I can tell from the trial testimony, they are saying that the last time Gabriel was "seen" was on the 26th Dec and the only thing I have heard so far to back that up is that it's because of the time stamps on the photos from the phone and/or camera. Is it possible that EJ changed the date and time on the phone/camera, took the photos then changed the date and time back again? In which case perhaps she could have handed over/killed Gabriel anytime between Analisa leaving her room mid-afternoon on Dec 22nd and EJ getting on the bus to Florida at 1pm on Dec 27th

In any case, it was on 27th Dec that EJ was telling LM that she had killed Gabriel "this morning".

LE knows exactly what day EJ had the babysitter watch Gabriel and most likely when he was last seen. They have compared everyone's cell records but seem to holding back alot of the date and time information, hopefully for use in another trail for that she devil.
what is the prison time for the crimes if found guilty? I never heard that. Something I thought of was at least in my experience years ago these type of cases of squabbling parents with kidnapping charges never amounted to huge jail sentences. I had a client who kids were half Pakistani, the ex took off to Pakistan for 4 years with both her daughters, he was gone 4 years! He only came back to the US due to medical reasons he had a stroke and needed care. He was nabbed at the Miami Airport thanks to the alerts on missing kids. Went to court and he got a suspened sentence probation etc nothing really, a slap on the hand and she gained full custody. Sad case, the kids were fighting over food, they awere at Mcdonalds and starting fist fighting over the french fries, my client went up to the counter and order 6 more orders and took themback tot he table and told them this is Ameica there is no food shortage. Really sad, she had to burn their clothes they were lice infested.

Usually parents dont get even 3 years for these cases, that is what is alarming to me about this case. EJ's willingness to sit this long means she is worred about sometihng
What do you think the odds are that EJ goes to a park crying just like at the airport and magically a childless couple who wants her baby shows up and agrees to take the child and then does not take his car seat or all his clothes or medicine bottles, does not leave a poaper trial or phone number to be trased nor ask for his shot record or any other info to care this new baby that was dropped into their laps on a whim? Im sorry I dont buy this I could tell in the phone call with the KPHO folks and Tammi that EJ was making up this story using her memory of her 1st meeting with Tammi and replacing those actions with this new couple whom she cannot recall their names except one " Cheryl". Nope not buying it..She did what she told Logan she killed him and btw, like other people of her ilk, one Alieen Wournos said it was the police's fault she was a serial killer, that came to my mind when EJ repeatedly told everyone she was " pushed" to this by Logan.

I don't think there are any odds that she would just go to a park and meet someone and pass over the baby, what I meant is there are always other possibilities when you're dealing with a crazy. The girl needed money, is it not possible that she sold the baby????? Keep in mind, after all these crazy mothers with dead babies to account for how many times do we actually see that the child was actually being cared for in HER care the day prior, meaning being fed, etc.....keeping him healthy, buying a test to make sure he is healthy...NO this mother had plans, previous plans. Also why not blame it on some baby sitter or some random accident. Please, Casey Anthony tried this story and then changed it and got away with it. Someone took him.....heard this a thousand times. I get in alot of cases they actual have killed their child, I just find some pieces don't make sense.
someone posted a note on her MS that EJ got drunk and beat the crap out of them and was kicking them in the ribs while the assault was goin on. She sures has a temper and violent for a woman.. almost like too much testerone or a rage disorder

You misunderstood that post. The person who wrote it was telling EJ that EJ's brother Robert's g/f got so drunk.... Hence the "Im glad her and Robert aren't together anymore." EJ didn't date her brother.

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