FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #8

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The only problem with that is that SPs house was even further than her work, about 45 minutes away, versus her 31 or so.

He may not have been at home. Might have been somewhere closer to the house.
I have been following this case from the beginning. As far as I know, we DON'T know what hours Mom usually worked, they could vary. We don't know if she had a regular "babysitter" type of arrangement for someone to be there when the children came home from school. Maybe she was home herself at times when they got home from school. I think, IMO, that she was comfortable with her children walking home from school as there were 3 of them, and they were probably accompanied with other children/friends on a regular basis.

I would be uncomfortable if MY children were coming home to an empty house. Did one of them have a key? Had they been instructed to make sure they walked home together? In other words, make sure they meet up with one and other after school and stay together until arriving home?

So many questions........
He may not have been at home. Might have been somewhere closer to the house.

He was supposedly at her house for lunch, though. I mean if your daughter is missing, are you really going to lie and make up stories to make yourself look better when there is no minimum age for the kids to be home alone? Casey wasn't arrested at first because she killed her daughter, she was arrested because she lied to LE. I can't see impeding a missing person/murder investigation for anything. Especially if it's your kid.
Ya know, I gotta say it. I don't think anyone else has. What did the bf think about SP and her meeting at the house for lunch while he was at work? There, it's off my chest. lol. Sorry.
He was supposedly at her house for lunch, though. I mean if your daughter is missing, are you really going to lie and make up stories to make yourself look better when there is no minimum age for the kids to be home alone? Casey wasn't arrested at first because she killed her daughter, she was arrested because she lied to LE. I can't see impeding a missing person/murder investigation for anything. Especially if it's your kid.
Ya know, I gotta say it. I don't think anyone else has. What did the bf think about SP and her meeting at the house for lunch while he was at work? There, it's off my chest. lol. Sorry.

I don't know what the BF would think of that but if there is no trust in their relationship then it will never work. You don't have accept the idea I threw out there, it just a way of trying to make sense of SP being at the house and then disappearing from all thats going on. It will be interesting to eventually find out just what did go on that day...........
He was supposedly at her house for lunch, though. I mean if your daughter is missing, are you really going to lie and make up stories to make yourself look better when there is no minimum age for the kids to be home alone? Casey wasn't arrested at first because she killed her daughter, she was arrested because she lied to LE. I can't see impeding a missing person/murder investigation for anything. Especially if it's your kid.
Ya know, I gotta say it. I don't think anyone else has. What did the bf think about SP and her meeting at the house for lunch while he was at work? There, it's off my chest. lol. Sorry.
Fair question.

I know personally, my boyfriend would not be pleased to know I was meeting another guy for lunch in the privacy of my own home while he was at work.

Unless my boyfriend thought/knew the other man was gay.

Just sayin'.
Thanks Emma. Well said. I feel the same. I was getting a little uncomfortable with her being under the microscope! Not criticising anyone, cause I see the need to look at everyone here....I am just identifying so with her!

Seriously, I'm on the fence here. There are some really hinky things that we've overlooked in our sympathy for the family and our fondness for DT. But we are just doing what we normally do to every suspect from right off the bat. If we had the info without the constant vigils, all 3 morning shows in one a.m! and dry sobs, we would have done it a long time ago. Her married names were on the frightened simian show 6 days ago. We just didn't want to even go there because we all did identify with her. Today was an eye opener. I had to go over some videos a few times before I knew I wasn't seeing things.
SP is not a mom and didn't behave like a mom - didn't even call the mom when a child was tardy coming home. I don't know if we know where he is, but my money is he's bunkered down on his psychiatrist's couch, and sometimes, I kinda feel sorry for the guy. Not everything is diabolical. Somethings are just stupid man tricks. IYKWIM. JHMO.

Seriously, I'm on the fence here. There are some really hinky things that we've overlooked in our sympathy for the family and our fondness for DT. But we are just doing what we normally do to every suspect from right off the bat. If we had the info without the constant vigils, all 3 morning shows in one a.m! and dry sobs, we would have done it a long time ago. Her married names were on the frightened simian show 6 days ago. We just didn't want to even go there because we all did identify with her. Today was an eye opener. I had to go over some videos a few times before I knew I wasn't seeing things.
Right. Okay.

There are a few reasons I haven't wanted to necessarily go down that avenue, even though after viewing some of those videos my instincts are shouting at me something seems 'off', or 'not quite right'.

One, it is a matter of logistics. If the time frame we have is correct, I don't see how it would be possible for her to be involved.

Two, I don't want her to be involved. Not another one.

Three, I don't want to be banned, or even get a timeout for saying something inappropriate. (I love this place).

Four, If I/we are wrong in our assessment, I don't want to add to her grief with false accusations.

But, back to my first reason, I just don't see how.
Right. Okay.

There are a few reasons I haven't wanted to necessarily go down that avenue, even though after viewing some of those videos my instincts are shouting at me something seems 'off', or 'not quite right'.

One, it is a matter of logistics. If the time frame we have is correct, I don't see how it would be possible for her to be involved.

Two, I don't want her to be involved. Not another one.

Three, I don't want to be banned, or even get a timeout for saying something inappropriate. (I love this place).

Four, If I/we are wrong in our assessment, I don't want to add to her grief with false accusations.

But, back to my first reason, I just don't see how.

I don’t know if anyone is really saying she is involved.
I think… at least for me… some of the things seem weird and
makes me wonder....like maybe she has a good idea of who did this
and maybe it's someone she knows?
I don’t know if anyone is really saying she is involved.
I think… at least for me… some of the things seem weird and
makes me wonder....like maybe she has a good idea of who did this
and maybe it's someone she knows?
Yes, this I do see as a possibility.

It may explain her seemingly odd expressions and behavior.

I just don't believe she had anything to do with what happened.

But, I do hope she and the authorities have an idea, at least, of who is responsible- because that could mean they are close to making an arrest.

I pray that they will make an arrest tomorrow.

My heart goes out to DT. I can't imagine she is able to get much sleep tonight. I can't imagine the horror her life has turned into.

I really don't believe the full impact of this past week has hit her yet, and pray she somehow finds the strength to make it through when the shock wears off, for her sake and the sake of her children.
I really don't think mom is involved. But she may very well have some very strong suspicions (as we all probably would). If she does have some strong suspicions she has no doubt relayed them to police who have told her to act as if she hasn't got a clue.

The very last thing they want to do is scare a suspect to the point that they flee the area. They absolutely want a potential suspect to think they have no leads and they have gotten away with it. There are two things that make a criminal mess up and they are two extremes. Either they get so nervous from the pressure they eventually mess up or they get to relaxed thinking they got away with and they mess up.

We look at Misty in the Haleigh Cummings case. Misty has said over and over that she passed the 1st lie detector test given to her by authorities. She said they told her she passed and bet they did tell her she passed too. It's a police tactic to get people to get so relaxed and confidant they are getting away with something, they end up slipping up (it also prevents them from fleeing while they gather needed evidence). Then we saw them turn it around and start putting pressure on Misty with press releases that she was the key to finding Haleigh and all the arrests on her family members. It's all about law enforcement criminal psychology.
I do agree that there seems to be something going on here that isn't being talked about. Alot of hidden dynamics. And some not so hidden. Obvious is the friction between the mother (D) and father (S). The boyfriend stays WAY in the background. The grandparents are visable, but seem to be more of a presence (?) I don't know why but I feel like there is some problem with the 13 year old. But then I have had alot of experience with 13 year olds... there usually are some issues at that age! I kind of had the feeling he may be the explaination of the luncheon meeting with the friend. And goodness knows we have seen more of our fair share of cracked mothers lately. But....I can't give up how I feel about a couple of the SOs. LOL guess I am on the fence too!
Right. Okay.

There are a few reasons I haven't wanted to necessarily go down that avenue, even though after viewing some of those videos my instincts are shouting at me something seems 'off', or 'not quite right'.

One, it is a matter of logistics. If the time frame we have is correct, I don't see how it would be possible for her to be involved.

Two, I don't want her to be involved. Not another one.

Three, I don't want to be banned, or even get a timeout for saying something inappropriate. (I love this place).

Four, If I/we are wrong in our assessment, I don't want to add to her grief with false accusations.

But, back to my first reason, I just don't see how.

Yeah, I don't want her to be guilty either. It's a pretty sad day when you hope it's a stranger abduction. I don't want to get banned either. Now, I'm scared lol. I think there's a difference between making false accusations and trying to figure stuff out.
OKAY, and one more thing. When our mysterious poster came in today...THAT is when my hinky meter went off. Really went off. Same feeling i got the other day with a poster on one of the news stories. It appeared the the poster there was a woman and really was doing a hatchet job on the mom. I'll have to try to find it. She went on and on in many posts.

Somer Thompson Murder: Her Home Robbed by Gunman The Morning She was Recovered?

i dont know how this plays into it all, but is very weird, i hope it is ok to post the link

ok i see it is not ok, but maybe a google of the next line will find it, if not ok, please delete
If people went to rob that house that night, when it was surrounded by LE in droves, then those guys need to go to jail for life for terminal stupidity.

I wanted to read all 8 threads, but just couldn't do it. I don't read here very often, just once in a while. Please forgive me if I pose a question that you've all been discussing: Does the mom seem fishy to you?

I ask this with great reservation; I despise families being blamed in such tragic circumstances absent significant evidence, however:

I was in a restaurant when I heard about this girl on CNN. Her mother was on. I immediately was more than put off with the mother's (phony?) crying that began when she believed the cameras were on her, and stopped when she seemed to think they weren't. (The cameras panned on her as she was waiting to be interviewed.)

The waitress in the restaurant, the manager, and three separate tables, and the man sitting with me all had a very strong reaction and all spoke out that the mother was phony and forcing tears, etc. I was immediately convinced the child was dead and the mother knew it.

Here's the problem: from what little I've followed in the news, the mother was at work and the child wandered off from the presence of siblings so how could the mother possibly know anything?

What am I missing?
OKAY, and one more thing. When our mysterious poster came in today...THAT is when my hinky meter went off. Really went off. Same feeling i got the other day with a poster on one of the news stories. It appeared the the poster there was a woman and really was doing a hatchet job on the mom. I'll have to try to find it. She went on and on in many posts.
Yeah, that BSU poster really threw me, too.

He/She didn't just do a 'post-and-run', or a 'drive-by-posting', they actually hi-jacked this thread and held it hostage with just one single post, lol!

I still don't have a clue what to think of that.

But, I have so much respect for John Walsh, of 'America's Most Wanted', that when he states that this may be the act of a serial killer, I tend to believe him. Mr. Walsh knows his stuff, and knows a thing or two about criminal profiling.
I don’t know if anyone is really saying she is involved.
I think… at least for me… some of the things seem weird and
makes me wonder....like maybe she has a good idea of who did this
and maybe it's someone she knows?

Hi Harleysnana ;} I feel exactly as you do. Today, watching her on the news show clips I looked read hard at her to see if I could see tears. I didn't. But it appeared that her eyes were watery which stumped me as there wasn't enough to roll out of her eyes and down her cheeks. It was odd watching that. xox
HiJacked is right...threw everybody in a tailspin. And I truly believe that was the idea. I hate manipulators!!! LOL
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