GA - Kendrick Johnson found in gym mat, deceased, 11 Jan 2013

"I was not notifedi n (sic) this death until 15:45 hours. The investigative climate was very poor to worse when I arrived on the scene. The body had been noticably (sic) moved. The scene had been compromised and there was no cooperation from law enforcement at the scene. Furthermore the integrity of the evidence bag was compromised on January 13, 2013 by opening the sealed bag and exhibiting the dead body to his father," wrote Lowndes County Coroner Bill Watson in a report dated January 22.
"I do not approve of the manner this case was handled. Not only was the scene compromised, the body was moved. The integrrety (sic) was breached by opening a sealed body bag, information necessary for my lawful investigation was withheld,"

Note: This is not the official report, see story URL.

Hi Reader, TY so much for posting this radio show. Did you listen to this one?

The interview is with the detective and someone working on the case for the family. I found it really interesting and has helped me understand a few things better.

Sorry if it was shared before.
Subpoenas issued to several of Johnson’s classmates and others confirmed U.S. District Attorney Michael Moore has submitted the Johnson case to a grand jury.

Authorities are investigating an anonymous email detailing the confession of an ex-schoolmate to killing Kendrick Johnson, according to the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office. The sender claims to have been given information by someone who allegedly was aware of a confession in Johnson's death by one of four people who were implicated in the email.
According to CNN, a Lowndes County assistant district attorney is ordering a communications company to hand over the Internet records in hopes of finding who sent the email.
Interview with Crump


Now those students that may have been involved are being compelled to testify to a federal grand jury without having an attorney present. Over 120 subpoenas have been issued. With the number of students and parents compelled to testify, it seems like half the town of Valdosta, Ga will be in the courthouse to talk to U.S. Attorney Michael Moore. Those subpoenaed do have the option to plead the “fifth amendment” and choosing that option will be very telling, according to Crump. Among those subpoenaed are the sons of two law enforcement officers, one of which may be the sheriff’s son. Because this investigation is through the U.S. Justice Department, the US Attorney Michael Moore has options to pursue. Crump stated that Moore can look at corruption, conspiracy as well as obstruction of justice charged in this case because of the nature of events.

There were two major details revealed by Crump. The first of which is the fact that there were four video surveillance cameras, all of which stop as Kendrick Johnson enters the gym. The chances that all four cameras malfunctioned at the same time are highly unlikely. The second major detail revolves around social media. On the morning that Johnson’s body was found, school kids started tweeting and texting at 7:15 AM that there was someone dead rolled up in a wrestling mat. However, the 911 dispatcher was not called until close to 10:00 AM and they were told it was a cardiac episode; they were never told someone was dead.

Johnson’s family and supporters will be holding a rally on April 4, 2014 in Macon, GA at the U.S. Attorney’s office.

Tags: Ben Crump, Grand Jury, Gym Mat, Kendrick Johnson, Michael Moore, Social Media, Twitter, Valdosta
A (verbatim) message from Rev Floyd Rose, President: Southern- Christian leadership Conference, reprinted here with permission

Excerpt: "When this all began, I sincerely believed that the family really thought that Kendrick Johnson had been met with foul play, and they simply wanted to know the truth. Then suddenly the emphasis was shifted from "we don't know what happened, but want to know," to "who killed KJ?" and "Who killed our son?" And the lawyer's cry, "These parents sent their son off to school with a book bag, and he was sent back to them in a body bag."

When the FBI concludes its investigation, Michael Moore , based on the evidence alone, make his decision, whether KJ was murdered, or was the victim of a tragic accident, I hope that this family, their supporters, friends, and this community, can return to normal."
This photo was taken within 48 hours of Kendrick Johnson's death. This picture shows in more detail the condition of his face from being upside down and deceased for 18 hours. The photo on the right is an autopsy you can see his scalp is pulled away to facilitate organ examination. It doesn't take a photographer to notice the photo on the right has been flipped...other than that, I cannot state, with any certainty, exactly why the photos differ so greatly. The photo I am linking came directly from the case file.

I am not going to post the actual photo here because it's too graphic, click this link to bring it up.

From Ebony article by Fred Rosen: "It was impossible to identify him by sight; his face had been beaten beyond recognition."
Mom says sons harassed, threatened in KJ case

"....Karen Bell said, her sons are being falsely accused and bullied on social network sites, causing them anguish and concern for their safety.

She said her oldest son, 18, was forced to quit his job at a local grocery store in November after Twitter users posted online that they knew where he worked.

She said her youngest son, 16, the target of most of the online threats, was harassed at school by students who identified themselves as gang members, saying they were “going to kick his *advertiser censored*.” Bell said this son used to be a social butterfly but now stays home most nights to avoid the risk of being attacked.

Mom says sons harassed, threatened in KJ case

"....Karen Bell said, her sons are being falsely accused and bullied on social network sites, causing them anguish and concern for their safety.

She said her oldest son, 18, was forced to quit his job at a local grocery store in November after Twitter users posted online that they knew where he worked.

She said her youngest son, 16, the target of most of the online threats, was harassed at school by students who identified themselves as gang members, saying they were “going to kick his *advertiser censored*.” Bell said this son used to be a social butterfly but now stays home most nights to avoid the risk of being attacked.



Link to rally in Macon. The parents are meeting with the MM before hand to update them on the Grand Jury -please stand up for the Johnsons.
Bells file countersuit
Brian and Branden Bell, along with their father, FBI agent Rick Bell, denied the allegations contained in a wrongful death suit filed earlier this year by Kenneth and Jackie Johnson. In it, the Johnsons alleged an unnamed female lured their son into the old gym at Lowndes High School where he was fatally beaten by the Bell brothers at their father’s behest.

The Bells have endured very public accusations for two years, we need a Crimes In the News headline on their struggle for a peaceful life without the Johnsons, Crump & Company defaming & molesting them! Will it ever end?

The Bells were cleared by local and state investigators who concluded Kendrick Johnson died accidentally. Subsequent testimony placed Branden Bell on a school bus headed to a wrestling tournament in Macon at the time Johnson was last seen alive, while surveillance cameras showed his younger brother Brian was in class, across campus.

Even so, because of adverse publicity, Brian Bell's football scholarship to FSU has been rescinded. That family has been dragged through Hell's half acre.

The link posted in #38 above is a good summary of this case.
Where is that smilie icon of beating a dead horse?


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