Mystery Woman "C"

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Shadow has a collection of pictures of Anna, I asked her to post some......I am thinking of her as I hear this news.....where is she?

I am so proud of you all. Hugs to all involved, I don't know what else to say. I can't even begin to understand what you all are going through.

I am not very familiar with C and her circumstances, but I send her love and prayers.......I'm not sure what C is searching for...but I am sure whatever she is searching for you Wsers can and will help her if she wishes.

I wanted to mention how entirely amazing and kind those who are working on this case truly are...there were many many people in this public forum, waiting for those results, and all of them kept quiet, respecting the wish of this family, and not contacting media or seeking any personal gain, and it is very impressive. The people in this forum are a group of talented, genuine and caring people.Blessings to my fellow WS'ers, you are a treasured bunch!
It is good to have the answer, even though it wasn't the answer we were hoping for. I admit I am bummed but I think we are on the right track and we are getting closer to finding Anna. This is such a great group here and if it is possible to find Anna this group will! Hugs to Anna's family, Doogie and "C". We will continue to be here for all of you as you continue your journey.
DD, please give everyone there a big WS's hug from all of us. This really is not the news that I thought that we would hear.
When you are ready just let us know and we'll pick up where we left off in the search for Anna.

I second this motion!

I was so hoping this was a match, that Anna had been found. I cannot imagine what the family is going through right now. I am so so sorry.

The only thing I can offer just like others have is that the search can go again. This time with some advantages. The DNA is in the system, more is known about the situation now and it has gotten attention from LE again. And when you all are ready, it goes forward here too. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
I'm so sorry to hear this news...
prayers to your family.. Annasmom

and to C
'C' by now you know. I am so sorry. You tried, you were dealing with the issues of 'if' and now it is negative. But bless your heart for the trying and for taking the chance.

The fact that it is negative is not your fault in anyway. And yes, there is disappointment. But for a brief point in time you brought some hope and you breathed life into an investigation that had gone cold. For that I thank you.

I also thank you for lending us your story and for allowing time for all this to work out. I know it came at a cost to you and I truly hope you will be able to adjust to this news and continue to go forward with your life. Please know that you have made friends here, without even being here.
I know this is disappointing news for Anna's family, DrDoogie, C and all the sleuthers but we will come back stronger than ever when everyone has had time to digest these results.
Everyone has worked so hard to find Anna and we will continue until she is found! Never have I ever seen so much dedication and outpouring of love as I have seen on this forum. Praying that God will give the family comfort today and each day as we continue our search for precious Anna.
Our disappointment with the results is only temporary. We have also learned some lessons in the past 6 months for future possible Anna's we may run into. Annasmom is an inspiration for all of us to continue the search for Anna Christian Waters. :clap:
I'm sorry these weren't the results we had hoped for or expected. Thanks to C for the courage she demonstrated in working through this with us. I pray that she too finds the answers she is seeking. She has a group of friends here should she need us.

Hugs to Annasmom family and friends. We'll keep searching. I believe one day we will find Anna
There is not much else I can say that hasn't been said already. Hugs and prayers to all, most especially to you, Annasmom.
I'm so very sorry the results where negative. The only words I can muster up come from the Bible. "May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace." (Numbers 6.26)
We received the DNA results this afternoon and they are negative - C is not Anna.

Everyone both here in HMB and back with C is taking this in stride. Everyone is so grateful for all of the help and prayers that you all have provided to get us to this point. We will be taking a couple of days to decompress and re-evaluate what the next step in the search will be, but the search will definitely continue and Websleuths will continue to be at the heart of that search.

I haven't had access to a computer for a few days, but I understand that it was suggested that media be notified of a possible news story breaking. I know that Annasunc asked that we all sit tight and not contact the media at this point - let me explain why. We have been working with a film crew from a news magazine on a major network this week about Anna's story. Since the negative results meant that we did not have the story that they hoped to have, it is debatable now whether the footage will be used - they may use it now, may hold on to it until we do have "the rest of the story" or they may shelve it. Part of our agreement with them was a trade-off - they get exclusive footage and they would then provide certain footage for "pool coverage" that other outlets could use. We were attempting to avoid the media "feeding frenzy" that often accompanies the breaking news of events such as what we had hoped would occur. Part of this agreement was that they would not break the story until either we or LE had made a public announcement, or that the story broke by other media. Because of this, we wanted to control the involvement by other media sources that would disrupt our timetable. Up to this point, we have desired any media involvement, but at this juncture, any additional media involvement would have muddied up the works. Great idea, but you were all not aware of what was happening behind the scenes.

The search for Anna will continue. Websleuths will be the forum that we continue to use to access the wonder help that you all offer. On behalf of the family and friends of Anna, thank you for everything that you have done up to this point and for the help that you will continue provide.

I've been thinking... I really hope that this news magazine show would go ahead and air this episode. Not only would it show the plight that some families go through to find their loved ones, it would bring national attention for Anna... and maybe... just maybe, someone out there has info for us...

Someone might recognize a grown Anna...
Someone might recognize something they saw, something they heard... that they didn't realize at the time...
Someone might recognize a pic of GB...
Someone might have info on MK

Can we appeal to this show to air what they have?
We all share in the disappointment, but we also all share in the gifts that God's given us through this experience. The gifts of reigniting interest in Anna's Story, the gifts of bring Anna's family and friends closer together, the gift of "C" and her story, and the gift of the renewed investigations.

I can only imagine the swell of emotions felt by the family and friends, but I can see that no one is willing to stop... this family of WS is ready and willing to press on. We may not know God's plan in all of this, but we do know he has one. Our jobs are to push on to the next level.

I like the idea of national attention to the story and the heartbreak. It may very well be the key to someone else and what is needed. Time to get back to work on this case!

I'm so sorry. I was really hoping and hoping. The search isn't over yet. Somewhere, somebody has got to know something.
prayers to anna's mom and family c and everyone else we will keep on searching. i wrote another poem

we will keep on searching
far and wide
for answers
we need to find
prayers faith
is what we need
never giving up
a dedicated
group of
fighting and searching
till we find
Hey do I win the prize?? I said 6:00 yesterday:crazy:
"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it's not going to go away." -- Elvis Presley
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