Please Offer Words of Support to the Victim's of Abuse at the Hands of Jerry Sandusky


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Sep 13, 2003
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Dear Websleuths Members,

We are posting this thread all over Websleuths.

It is important for victims of sexual abuse to know they are supported by people from all over the world.

I would like you to post your thoughts of love and support here for the victims of Jerry Sandusky and California Catholic Priest Father Michael Kelly .

To Sandusky's Victims and Father Kelly's victims,

If you have come forward then I know you are starting the long road to healing. We will stand with you in spirit as you bring down these monsters who stole a part of your childhood.

If you have yet to come forward please know that even though it is scary and difficult you will find that people from all over the world will be there with you, will support you, applaud you, and help you. Don't be afraid. You are the one with all the power now.

Take care,
Tricia Griffith


To the Victims of Abuse: My heart has been broken as I have heard your stories. Your bravery and courage are extremely admirable. I am so sorry for the pain you have experienced. You have my utmost respect. I pray that each one of you will be able to move forward from these terrible events and you will be able to find peace and healing. Blessings to you all....
It cant have been easy. Not to testify, not to admit what happened and not have tried to process it and get on with your life.

You are more than those terrible moments of being assaulted. Your life means more and you can be bigger than it. It isnt your fault, and whatever you think you traded or said or did, you were a child and he was a predator.

Take something back, because everyone is going to believe you now even if they didnt then. I am pulling for you and I admire you and all of your courage.
To the Survivors,
you are loved and respected by more people than you will ever know. I hope you know, with all your hearts and all your minds that you did not deserve any of this. Nothing, not one thing, that man did , was your fault. Live a good life. Fill your home with love and laughter- because that is what you do deserve.
Brightest Blessings!
To All Victims of Sexual Abuse:

Please know that I admire you for your courage in coming forward and testifying against those who harmed you. One way sex offenders control their victims is by making them feel ashamed and afraid to speak out. You have no need to be ashamed; the one who exploited you is the one who should be ashamed. You no longer have anything to fear. By coming forward and testifying against those who abused you, you have broken free of their control, shown support for others who suffered, and prevented potential victims from suffering in the future.

Now you can look proudly into the future knowing that you are viewed as heroes to many. I hope that others who are now suffering abuse or may at some time in the future will be inspired by the courage you have shown and will not be afraid to break free of the control of their abusers.

Never give up, never surrender.

Fight the power.

We are here for you.
To the Victims,

My heart breaks for you and for the childhood you lost at the hands of a monster. But, you had the bravery to speak out about it. You are keeping other kids from the same fate as you. I hope that fact gives you some peace.
I am so very sorry for the suffering that you have gone through. You will all remain in my prayers forever. We all care about you and wish you the very best that life offers. God Bless You.
Forgive me if I do not address you as victims, but as survivors.

I applaud your courage, for it took courage to face each day back then. Please don't let this event define who you are, refuse to be victims and forge your own pathways in your life.

You have probably prevented many others from becoming victims to this evil, you have rescued many, that makes you heroes not victims.

Hugs and well wishes headed your way.
Dear Survivors,

My heart goes out to you and my prayers are with you.

What you have endured should not happen to anyone. Don't let this man steal anything else from you. You are not defined by what this monster did.

Your best revenge is to live a happy, healthy, productive life. Live well. Love deeply.
We all have a story to tell, some tell it outloud and others tell it privately, but what we all need to do is to tell someone. What happens to you does not define who you are, only you can decide what kind of person you want to be. My prayers are with you through this difficult time. Hold your heads high...I have and the world looks a whole lot better than when you face you head down.
To the victims that came forward: Your courage in coming forward is inspiring to victims everywhere. You are to be commended for having so much more character and strength than the adults who surrounded you at that time.

To those that haven't come forward: He may have murdered a piece of your soul but you're still alive and that's a great victory.

To all the victims: I'm so sorry you had to endure what no child should ever endure and that society failed you in almost every way. But even though you shouldn't have had to, you saved yourselves. Be proud of yourselves for that. Maybe it doesn't really feel like a victory, but hopefully one day you'll be able to appreciate how courageous it is for all of you and victims everywhere to live, especially while carrying such a huge burden of pain.

Bless you all.
Survivors-- I respect and thank you for your courage and hope that you will arrive at a point where you can tell the ghosts of the past "begone" and they slink away beaten.
Be well and happy.

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