Sheriff Lynn Bowerman TONIGHT 8 PM Eastern on

It has been mentioned that some of the adult campers went to Silver Dollar (a restaurant/bar) during the camping trip (Thursday night?) - did anyone see a child with the adults? Were all four of the adult campers at the Silver Dollar without a child at the same time? What time were they seen at Silver Dollar? Were they there late in the evening when it becomes an over-21 bar establishment?

When was the last time anyone saw Deorr?
When is the last picture of Deorr?
Was he seen during the July 4th holiday (the week before he was 'missing')?
Were Jessica and Vernal's phones checked for recent pictures of Deorr?

Did law enforcement visit the home of Jessica and Vernal shortly after Deorr was reported missing? Or was the focus completely on the campsite/searches? Once the focus shifted from the campsite searches, was anything found in the vehicles or the home that initially was ignored when it was only a "missing child" case?

Were the campers tent camping, sleeping in vehicles, or sleeping in grandpa's camper Thursday night?

When will you release the other 911 calls? Please give the names of the callers and times.

Will any video-taped interviews of the campers with law enforcement be released to the public?

Did any of the family participate in any of the most recent searches? Did they offer their help at all?

Is the FBI still participating in the investigation?

Please tell us what the discrepancies/deceptions are in the stories that the campers have told. The vagueness of previous answers to this question (from law enforcement, lawyers, family, and private investigators) seemed to have caused much confusion and anger with the public. Can you please clear this up?
Can you please tell us the locations of the cell tower pings prior to and during the 911 calls?

Was GPS data from the campers' cell phones obtained?
Do you have a timeline of events that you could share with us? You have mentioned in past interviews that the campers' stories about simple things, like breakfast, have changed, but is there a general flow of activities you can outline for us?

Any answers to questions like these would help:

What were the arrangements Vernal made to take off from work?

What time do Jessica and Vernal leave their home to head to camp?
Do they go directly to the campsite, or is the stop for 'diesel' prior to arrival at camp?
Do they shop for food on Thursday before the road trip? Stop for ice?
Do they stop for dinner Thursday night (Silver Dollar?) or cook dinner at camp?
Do they set up camp or sleep in a vehicle?
Are they drinking at camp?
Is there a campfire that night?
How is Deorr entertaining himself at camp?
What time do they go to bed?
Anything unusual happen during the night?

What time does everyone wake up?
Breakfast? Who cooked? What was eaten? Did you discover trash at the site from breakfast?
What time was the trip to town?
Receipts from town?

(If you believe that Deorr was never at camp, then there is no need to answer these timeline questions.)
As I'm sure you are aware social media is rampant with rumors. How do you feel this affects the case? If it does in any way.

Court Follower
Did Mr. Walton and Isaac also state that everyone sat together around the campfire Friday morning and ate a big breakfast that Vernal and/or Jessica cooked? If so, was DeOrr seen eating breakfast?
Is Jessica's mom (Trina Clegg) a person of interest in the cover-up? Has she said or done things to steer the investigation away from the parents? Why was she given a polygraph and is it true the results were inconclusive due to lack of sleep?
Did the parents bring alcohol on the trip? Did they drink alcohol themselves and/or give alcohol to Isaac or Mr. Walton?
The great grandfather clearly stated that Deorr was with him minutes before his disappearance. The great grandfather told us that he seen little Deorr headed in the direction of where mom and dad had took off to.

So my question would be; Why do you feel like the great grandfather is either confused or lying about the little Deorr last sighting which was observed by him?

Why not trust a old man on oxygen with health problems?

Does he have a previous past of being manipulative through out his life? Or is he the sweet great grandfather that many families would love to have?
Hi Everyone,

My apologies but the show with Sheriff Bowerman tonight has been postponed until Monday July 11th.

Please continue to post your questions on this thread.

Here is the link you will need for the show Monday, July 11th 8 PM Eastern

We will open the chat room 30 minutes before showtime. The chat room. I believe you have to register on BlogTalkRadio to join the chat.

Thanks in advance for understanding.

Hi Everyone,

My apologies but the show with Sheriff Bowerman tonight has been postponed until Monday July 11th.

Please continue to post your questions on this thread.

Here is the link you will need for the show Monday, July 11th 8 PM Eastern

We will open the chat room 30 minutes before showtime. The chat room. I believe you have to register on BlogTalkRadio to join the chat.

Thanks in advance for understanding.


Ah shux. Lol.

Just make sure to ask him why does he feel that an old / bad health great grandfather would tell a lie about being with Deorr last during this camping trip.

Thanks Tricia.

Btw. I hope you are enjoying your new digs. Lol.

I want to move as well. Lol. There is so much out there. So why be cooped up in the same residential for years. 1 life to live. Jmo.

Good job my friend.
Crap. Well, maybe that's for the best. Maybe the excavation will be done by then and the suspects will be in jail.
Will Lemhi County now release the audio of the other 911 calls that were made?
Is it true that Jessica's phone was turned off all night Thursday night?
Did Jessica know her new husband before little DeOrr went missing?
Were any photos or videos taken by the four adults at the campground on July 9 and 10? When was the last photo of DeOrr taken? Who was the last person to see Deorr, besides the four adults at the campground? When and where was Deorr last seen by a non-family member?
Did Vernal work the day that they left for camping?
Did anyone come forward with any information stating they witnessed neglectful or abusive behaviour perpetrated against litlle DeOrr, prior to DeOrr's disappearance?

Has Jessica's ex husband been interviewed?

Has Jessica's older children been interviewed?

Is there any chance that Jessica set it up for little DeOrr to be taken, maybe not for money but just to get rid of him
Why aren't Bowerman and Penner on the same page? Why the conflicting statements?

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