Teens dump body fluids/waste on autistic classmate in ice bucket challenge

I was horrified when I heard this story. It really caused me to wonder, what causes kids to be so evil? Are they being parented at all? Or just allowed to run around without any form of discipline and guidance?

Each party involved should be required to do many hours community service cleaning out porta potties. Nothing less. I know someone who once had a job cleaning porta potties. A hose sucks them clean and it's not pretty when the hose gets loose.
Bullying has gone to a whole new level. I would assume this child has been bullied by these foul teens in the past. Where are the consequences for bad behavior... If this were my child it would be all I could do to keep from hunting down the bullies myself knowing they would only get a smack on the wrist. Put them out there picking up road kill. Jmo

I was horrified when I heard this story. It really caused me to wonder, what causes kids to be so evil? Are they being parented at all? Or just allowed to run around without any form of discipline and guidance?

Each party involved should be required to do many hours community service cleaning out porta potties. Nothing less. I know someone who once had a job cleaning porta potties. A hose sucks them clean and it's not pretty when the hose gets loose.

Good question. Sounds like in this case permissive parenting in which the parents are not there. The parents are not involved in their children's life and are often emotionally distant. Permissive and authoritarian parenting is equally bad.

What Is Uninvolved Parenting?

6 Family Characteristics That Can Contribute to Bullying

They should clean porta potties as punishment for a long time.
'Dozens of people from Bay and other communities turned out Friday evening to promote tolerance and show their support for the teen who was the victim of the fake ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.'

'Friday night's rally, where people chanted "No Hate in Bay" and "No room for hate," was organized by Bay High graduate Elizabeth Sweeney and her sister, Sarah Sweeney.'

Bay Village PD Chief Police has called this 'reprehensible' and they're holding a very thorough investigation, then they'll turn over the information to the Cuyahoga County prosecutor's office. On their FB page I've linked below, you can see people are deeply, deeply upset about this. The mayor, Debbie Sutherland has also spoken out. Lots of support for this young boy now.

Thank heavens for nosey moms - the victim never said a word until his mom found the footage on his cell phone.


Here's the statement from Bay Village School:

And Here is Bay Village PD Facebook, with a statement from them.
10K is a nice reward. Especially for a HS student. Car money, gas money..... college money. I'm sure someone will do the right thing by turning in those responsible and get the reward money. Hopefully we will hear some updates soon.
This is so, so sad to me. I was reading about it on yahoo. A commenter, who is the mother of an autistic son, talked about how the poor kid probably was really excited to be included with his peers and in an activity everyone else was doing. That a group of teens could break this kid's heart that way and betray him in such a manner is incredible to me. It says a lot about who they are and who they will be as adults.

I believe this act merits serious criminal charges - felony assault, battery, whatever they can make stick - and I hope they face a few years of prison time. But, I'm not holding my breath. I'm pretty certain, looking at the way our system works in this country, that they will get away with a slap on the wrist.
I agree they need to be charged with assault or something equally serious. This is NOT funny, it is not a prank. It is an attack by some seriously disturbed teens.At the very least, these kids need a few thousand community service our cleaning porta potties, park bathrooms, and other equally vile tasks for a long time. This is horrible.

Community service is a slap on the wrist, IMO. These are teenagers, almost adults, who viciously attacked one of the most vulnerable in our society, with infectious, human waste. They did this repugnant act with deep deliberation and premeditation, planning for some time, collecting the bodily fluids and waste and filming the whole thing. They then showed no remorse and instead reveled in their evil, posting it on
social media.

Anyone at that age who is that despicable is too far gone to benefit from community service. They need to be outed, shunned (expelled from school, kicked out of all academic and extracurricular activities or organizations like sports, etc., rejected by colleges they apply to, and so on), and they need to see the inside of a prison cell for a year or two. Then maybe they will begin to understand what it means to be human and part of society.

But I'm pretty sure all they will get is suspended, community service and probation, which will accomplish nothing for these budding psychopaths.
Community service is a slap on the wrist, IMO. These are teenagers, almost adults, who viciously attacked one of the most vulnerable in our society, with infectious, human waste. They did this repugnant act with deep deliberation and premeditation, planning for some time, collecting the bodily fluids and waste and filming the whole thing. They then showed no remorse and instead reveled in their evil, posting it on
social media.

Anyone at that age who is that despicable is too far gone to benefit from community service. They need to be outed, shunned (expelled from school, kicked out of all academic and extracurricular activities or organizations like sports, etc., rejected by colleges they apply to, and so on), and they need to see the inside of a prison cell for a year or two. Then maybe they will begin to understand what it means to be human and part of society.

But I'm pretty sure all they will get is suspended, community service and probation, which will accomplish nothing for these budding psychopaths.

Or more like full blown psychopath (eg. Casey Anthony, Jerry Sandusky, Elliot Rodger, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, etc.). Using body fluids is pretty sickening and can transmit diseases of all kinds. Hopefully the victim will be tested for them. They can be very serious.
Oh dear. I hope the prosecutor and school announces what action is going to be taken soon. Anonymous is chasing names now, and I'd had to see juveniles' names put out there who may have no connection to this. That could easily happen.

Sad Bay Village is a really nice community they will take this seriously. Likely some privileged punks hopefully they will learn a lesson.
Sad Bay Village is a really nice community they will take this seriously. Likely some privileged punks hopefully they will learn a lesson.

I gotta' tell ya', I read a lot of local comments on one of the articles, and I;ve never seen so many people critical and cynical about their own community. They were sort of stating that this is par for the course there, no shock about what happened. The expressed the view that no one in the community really cares so nothing will be done. The commenters were also heavily criticizing people who organized and attended a rally to denounce the assault and in support of the young man, saying they were insincere and weren't doing anything to create real change. I don;t know the deal there but it surprised me.

However, learning that this is an affluent community makes me even more convinced that the vicious teens involved in this battery will get away with it.
I gotta' tell ya', I read a lot of local comments on one of the articles, and I;ve never seen so many people critical and cynical about their own community. They were sort of stating that this is par for the course there, no shock about what happened. The expressed the view that no one in the community really cares so nothing will be done. The commenters were also heavily criticizing people who organized and attended a rally to denounce the assault and in support of the young man, saying they were insincere and weren't doing anything to create real change. I don;t know the deal there but it surprised me.

However, learning that this is an affluent community makes me even more convinced that the vicious teens involved in this battery will get away with it.

I grew up in the area and work there now. It's a community on Lake Erie so lots of money and it's small. I've seen similar comments I think if this didn't make national news it would have been paid off but I think (really hope) it's too late now. Really sick what these kids did! I had a run in this summer with I am sure like minded punks in this city. I am a 44 year old woman and was cycling and a high school age boy with a couple others pulled their car out in front of me and called me some sick names and threatened me. I wish I would have jotted down their license an turned them in but I am sure nothing would have happened. It's the no consequence privileged attitudes that I just cannot get over with these kids.
I would be careful as to what rumors and news sources you trust on this story. Before calling for anyone's head or encouraging violence against 14 year old kids, wait for all the details to come out. I am a local and from what I have heard from others in the community (coaches, friends, and other peers of the autistic child) the media has grossly misrepresented the story. Based on what I have heard the way this story actually happened is this... Be fore warned this is all my opinion, rumor and conjecture (read it, consider it and then wait for the facts to come out)
The boys that did this are the victims close group of friends. The victim shows no outward signs of autism and none of his friends, coaches or other students had any idea he was "labeled" as such. The boys thought they were playing a prank on one of their friends (whom they had no idea was autistic). If you read the statements from the BVPD you will see that it has been established that there was no feces in the bucket. Let me pause here to say that none of this excuses the vile nature of the prank but the details do matter. This happened before school started for the year (a month or more ago) and the kids posted it themselves on their social media (thinking it was a "jackass" style prank on a friend). They have known who did it from day one and the celebrities are just looking to get some PR for themselves out of it. From some comments I have read from locals I gather neither the victim or the boys that did it come from wealthy families.

I may be way off and these kids are the vile monsters the media portrays them as but based on everything I am hearing around here it sounds like there is going to be more to the story.

again just my opinion and is not to be posted, quoted or used in any manner other than on this forum.

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