TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #9

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You make excellent points! And you are correct with what you said. Calls had been made to LE. So, as joe public, the speculation is there. As LE you have to have hard evidence, and we really do not know what LE has right now, they do not owe us an explanation through their investigation, we also know anything said to the public can hurt an investigation. Of course we are all chomping at the bit to get more information, but LE has to do what they do. It has to be black and white, they can't have "gray" areas when it comes to an investigation.

One thing that bothers me to this day is what the neighbor said, she waved to Gail as she drove passed but Gail did not even acknowledge her. We have all been there in life, deep in thought, stressed, in our head too much thinking so much we don't notice someone waving to us. I know Gail had a lot on her mind, however, on that day driving away from the house what happened to put her in that state of mind???? I guess that is one of the biggest questions right now.

If it wasn't Gail, and someone who had just kidnapped Gail...or harmed her to do so....what would their reaction be to SB? Just for thought...and speculation.
Confused, Thank you for bringing Oriah's post up front again. I did not give it the proper attention I should have at first. I don't know that Oriah has this information, for sure. But.... wow, good sluethin' Oriah! That is an excellant way to tell for sure if those two were ever in close proximity! If LE hasn't already checked for this information, they should try. Wonder what did happened to that tracker..... wonder when the gps came out of the jeep? (I will always remember your post Oriah!)

It could have been someone else beside Gail with her phone.

AD stated her(Gail's) GPS on the jeep was not functioning...iirc.

Agree --Matt may have had his phone with him.

If Gail spilled the beans about all the things she had learned....and at that point felt comfy enough to go ahead with the divorce on what she had, she may have mentioned the tracker on his car and MP removed it. Plus, he could have been in his mother's car....or the new one just purchased during the "conference".
Can anyone confirm the time he arrived home...all we have is MP saying this.

I'm thinking she may have taken down plate numbers of unidentifed suspicious car/s seen on Ridgerock near her home..JMHO..

IMO. IF someone was following her she couldn't see their license plate number IF it was a Tennesse plate unless she slowed down on the road and they passed her... Wonder IF she ever mentioned the make and model of the car/s she was suspicious of.. Same with SB.. Didn't she also mention seeing a strange car on their street?

:twocents:I was just sittin' back chillin', but couldn't leave this one alone. Gail did believe she was being followed and did take down plate(s) # and descriptions of vehicle(s). But, besides Gail, a couple other neighbors, including SB saw suspicious vehicle(s) frequenting the RidgeRock cul de sac. The vehicle(s) garnered the attention of those neighbors too. They too wrote down plate #'s. They reported them to SMPD and one time even gave the description of the driver of one of the vehicles, to SMPD Officer before Gail went missing. I am sorry but I, will not share the description of the vehicle(s) or the plate (tag)#'s, but I will say that the police have those descriptions and hopefully have shared them with all the agencies, now involved in the case. So ... in answer to your question(s)... :twocents:GAIL WAS NOT THE ONLY PERSON in the neighborhood to see suspicious vehicle(s) in the vicinity of 40 RidgeRock (Gail's SM home). The neighbors paid much closer attention to the unfamiliar vehicles in the area, especially after their friend (Gail) told some of them that she was very concerned about being followed by vehicle(s) she did not recognize. :waitasec:You see the NEIGHBORS believed Gail, even when her own husband (Matt) seemed to disregard her claims...saying that she had become increasingly more paranoid and delusional. :maddening:.
Oriah, how do you know Matt's locator pinged off that tower? Gail uploaded the tracker on April 28th, and put the tracker back on Matt's car. The pings from Matt's tracker from April 30th would have to have been uploaded later. Did Matt give you the upload information from the tracker that was on his car? Who took the tracker off his car and uploaded it and gave you the information?"

Is it legal to take a tracker off somebody else's car? I know it's illegal to put one on there. Isn't it illegal to take any equipment off someone else's car?"

Thanks so much!

Hmmm... how can I explain? :waitasec:

You don't need to upload info from a GPS enabled device to another source, in order to track live satellite pings or their logs. You can search through about a bazillion NORAD ID's and find which satellite(s) are in your area of interest- and which GPS device(s) were pinging at a certain time in your area of interest.

Match 'em up, and there you have it. Technology at it's best. ;)

(Oh and yes- I believe it is illegal to tamper with another individual's vehicle without their express permission. I'll have to look up the law on that...)
It could have been someone else beside Gail with her phone.

AD stated her(Gail's) GPS on the jeep was not functioning...iirc.

Agree --Matt may have had his phone with him.

If Gail spilled the beans about all the things she had learned....and at that point felt comfy enough to go ahead with the divorce on what she had, she may have mentioned the tracker on his car and MP removed it. Plus, he could have been in his mother's car....or the new one just purchased during the "conference".
Can anyone confirm the time he arrived home...all we have is MP saying this.


As to the above BBM, do we know if maybe this is why MP wanted to enter her vehicle so badly and she did not wish to allow it???? Tampering with the vehicle?
Maybe you all can help me out with something that has me confused. I saw today that AD is saying she will not turn over the DVR to the police until MP talks to police. I was under the assumption that the DVR provided evidence of Matt's abusive nature toward Gail. I don't understand, if that's the case, why wouldn't AD want police to see that and have it as evidence?

I understand that she doesn't want it erased, but if that is the fear can't it be copied and she either keeps the original or the copy. And it's not like this is a piece of evidence that will clear MP, so why create the contingency that it will be turned over if he talks? If it's going to be more evidence that supports his controlling or abusive nature how is saying it will be turned over to authorities if he talks going to motivate him?

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but something doesn't add up here. I'm thinking there must be a piece in all of this that I am missing. And maybe I'm just assuming there is more value in what's on that DVR than there really is.
:twocents:I was just sittin' back chillin', but couldn't leave this one alone. Gail did believe she was being followed and did take down plate(s) # and descriptions of vehicle(s). But, besides Gail, a couple other neighbors, including SB saw suspicious vehicle(s) frequenting the RidgeRock cul de sac. The vehicle(s) garnered the attention of those neighbors too. They too wrote down plate #'s. They reported them to SMPD and one time even gave the description of the driver of one of the vehicles, to SMPD Officer before Gail went missing. I am sorry but I, will not share the description of the vehicle(s) or the plate (tag)#'s, but I will say that the police have those descriptions and hopefully have shared them with all the agencies, now involved in the case. So ... in answer to your question(s)... :twocents:GAIL WAS NOT THE ONLY PERSON in the neighborhood to see suspicious vehicle(s) in the vicinity of 40 RidgeRock (Gail's SM home). The neighbors paid much closer attention to the unfamiliar vehicles in the area, especially after their friend (Gail) told some of them that she was very concerned about being followed by vehicle(s) she did not recognize. :waitasec:You see the NEIGHBORS believed Gail, even when her own husband (Matt) seemed to disregard her claims...saying that she had become increasingly more paranoid and delusional. :maddening:.

Sleuthy1- I suspect any plate(s) #'s written down by neighbors would have been from parked vehicles- because it's rather difficult to drive and write at the same time, unless of course you are a passenger in a vehicle or you have dictated it. Or you took a picture of it.

The cul de sac is a stickler here for me.
Who are the people that you think want you to believe Gail 'up and left'? I haven't seen anything that made me feel someone was pressuring me to believe that. Just wondering where it might be coming from?

Not asking for specific names lol. Just, do you mean certain places on the net, or local community members or what.


I feel like MP wants us to believe that.
Maybe you all can help me out with something that has me confused. I saw today that AD is saying she will not turn over the DVR to the police until MP talks to police. I was under the assumption that the DVR provided evidence of Matt's abusive nature toward Gail. I don't understand, if that's the case, why wouldn't AD want police to see that and have it as evidence?

I understand that she doesn't want it erased, but if that is the fear can't it be copied and she either keeps the original or the copy. And it's not like this is a piece of evidence that will clear MP, so why create the contingency that it will be turned over if he talks? If it's going to be more evidence that supports his controlling or abusive nature how is saying it will be turned over to authorities if he talks going to motivate him?

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but something doesn't add up here. I'm thinking there must be a piece in all of this that I am missing. And maybe I'm just assuming there is more value in what's on that DVR than there really is.

BBM...Is this a recent statement? Who was she speaking to and do you have a link for her statement concerning the DVR?

BTW.. Are you a big BLUE MOCS fan?
Sorry Emeralgem, guess that would have been helpful.

Mods...please let me know if I'm violating a rule here about referencing other sites. The statement from AD that I was referring to concerning the DVR was posted on the BGHN FB page. I saw it this morning. It was directly from her...or at least from her FB page.

And no, not a Blue Mocs fan. I got that by combining mascots from my two alma-maters.

I'm not a mod, however I was under the impression conversations going on over there on the BGHN FB page were not to be discussed over here at WS in Gail's forum, but I could be wrong.. Certainly won't be the first time.. Hopefully, a mod will clear up the issue ..JMHO
Thanks Emeralgem. I went ahead and pulled my post referencing other sites. I'm fairly new here and don't want to start breaking rules right off the bat. Usually I try to get established before I start getting into trouble!:innocent:
The Palmgren's KY home... do we know if neighbors are still residing there that might be in touch with Gail? TIA.
Maybe you all can help me out with something that has me confused. I saw today that AD is saying she will not turn over the DVR to the police until MP talks to police. I was under the assumption that the DVR provided evidence of Matt's abusive nature toward Gail. I don't understand, if that's the case, why wouldn't AD want police to see that and have it as evidence?

I understand that she doesn't want it erased, but if that is the fear can't it be copied and she either keeps the original or the copy. And it's not like this is a piece of evidence that will clear MP, so why create the contingency that it will be turned over if he talks? If it's going to be more evidence that supports his controlling or abusive nature how is saying it will be turned over to authorities if he talks going to motivate him?

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but something doesn't add up here. I'm thinking there must be a piece in all of this that I am missing. And maybe I'm just assuming there is more value in what's on that DVR than there really is.

I think it was just said to shut up the poster who was bugging her about it. LOL I think she turned it over to the FBI and she has copy....all MOO.
Sleuthy1- I suspect any plate(s) #'s written down by neighbors would have been from parked vehicles- because it's rather difficult to drive and write at the same time, unless of course you are a passenger in a vehicle or you have dictated it. Or you took a picture of it.

The cul de sac is a stickler here for me.

I'll have to respectively disagree. Six or seven digits are not hard to remember and then write down. imo
The Palmgren's KY home... do we know if neighbors are still residing there that might be in touch with Gail? TIA.

My early looksees found that the person living in the house was an employee (IT) of Humana....the company that MP worked for. That's why I was asking if the house had been sold....was thinking he could have rented to them because the market was down at the time-- (still is ) Don't know if they knew each other tho....HTH.
If it wasn't Gail, and someone who had just kidnapped Gail...or harmed her to do so....what would their reaction be to SB? Just for thought...and speculation.

That is something that I am wondering. Was someone in the car with her? Is that why she reacted the way she did --or I should say did not react?
I'll have to respectively disagree. Six or seven digits are not hard to remember and then write down. imo

I agree, hollyblue.

But it's kinda difficult to do that, unless you are following the vehicle in question- or it's parked.
Maybe you all can help me out with something that has me confused. I saw today that AD is saying she will not turn over the DVR to the police until MP talks to police. I was under the assumption that the DVR provided evidence of Matt's abusive nature toward Gail. I don't understand, if that's the case, why wouldn't AD want police to see that and have it as evidence?

I understand that she doesn't want it erased, but if that is the fear can't it be copied and she either keeps the original or the copy. And it's not like this is a piece of evidence that will clear MP, so why create the contingency that it will be turned over if he talks? If it's going to be more evidence that supports his controlling or abusive nature how is saying it will be turned over to authorities if he talks going to motivate him?

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but something doesn't add up here. I'm thinking there must be a piece in all of this that I am missing. And maybe I'm just assuming there is more value in what's on that DVR than there really is.

Not really sure if AD owes anyone an explanation on this DVR issue. That's between her and LE and if they have asked her not to speak of it again then she will not talk about it.

Again, as I have stated before LE is not going to reveal everything they are investigating. They don't need to confirm to the public they have the DVR and AD does not need to confirm that either. We can hope it was turned over. But we may never know.
While investigating another angle, I came here:

The coincidence of both Palmgrens being in pharmaceuticals- the location (I am very familiar with this region) - the question of monies- a home(s) that are vacant frequently- erratic behavior- Gail's fear of being followed- substance abuse... have me wondering if we should be concerned about drug manufacturing and/or distribution of some sort.

Maybe I'm grasping at straws here, but I think it's worth looking into.
Hmmm... how can I explain? :waitasec:

You don't need to upload info from a GPS enabled device to another source, in order to track live satellite pings or their logs. You can search through about a bazillion NORAD ID's and find which satellite(s) are in your area of interest- and which GPS device(s) were pinging at a certain time in your area of interest.

Match 'em up, and there you have it. Technology at it's best. ;)

(Oh and yes- I believe it is illegal to tamper with another individual's vehicle without their express permission. I'll have to look up the law on that...)

Thanks so much for your explanation. I had thought I remembered Arlene D stating during one of her interviews that the tracking device she and Gail illegally placed on Matt's car was one that could only hold a certain amount of info and then had to be removed and downloaded, so I wondered if someone had removed and downloaded again, after Gail did so on the 28th, to allow you to have the info you have.
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