TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #45

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this link is working for me now, for the article, but I do not see a tribute...anyone??

It is a picture on the sidelines (right) above recent comments. Inside the picture of MB and Hailey it says "A TRIBUTE to I heart you Hailey Darlene Dunn ....from the famiily of MB Garcia

That seems like something that her mother would have submitted on behalf of the daughter.
They turn down no one yet.... :( :(
Yet, the stark reality is that even though Tim Miller might not want to turn down anyone, the money just is not there. I think this might explain "standby" and the run around CZ seemed to get when she called back TES.

I also think it's important to point out that if recovering a body in a known location can be as difficult as described in the first article, just imagine the time and man hours involved in randomly searching waterways. Volunteers can give their time, but they have to eat and have a place to sleep. Transporation costs have to be considered, along with the cost of running the equipment, and insurance cost, etc., etc. The city might not be charged, but someone has to pay for it. From the article, it sounds like the coffers are bare. Any potential donors will be wary of sinking money into an organization where funds are not used wisely, and running off willy-nilly to search large unspecified bodies of water would not be viewed as prudent.

So there, I've said it. I don't mean to be harsh. Just keeping it real.
ITA at this point it dosen't matter what she says one way or another there will be fault found. She really should get a spokesman or just quit talking. Not helping her image.

Billie will be pounded and spit upon and kicked while she is down no matter what she does or does not do. Having a spokesperson wouldn't help, but it was a good thought!

BD has plenty of flaws and has made many mistakes. Odds are that many of us have made similar mistakes at some point in our lives, but didn't get caught in the glare of a possible murder investigation. How many of us have ever drank too much, smoked a joint or associated with someone who turned out to be a creep? Has anyone here ever bought smokes or had their nails done when grocery money was tight? Has anyone here ever wanted so bad to believe that someone they loved and trusted...your spouse, lover, child, parent , sibling or BFF, did not do something that turned out to be true?

We have clearly established that all of the adults in Hailey's immediate family failed Hailey in some way that I am sure they now wish they had not. Sometimes we learn life's lessons the hard way, and I am living testimony to the fact that people can make a complete change for the better if they so choose. Making fun of a mother; flawed as she is, whose child is missing and who is working with LE and volunteers to find her is not productive.

We can whine all day long about Billie not wanting to believe that SA took Hailey, but in the end, it is SA who holds the key to Hailey's whereabouts.
TY for the link, Gypsy!


Numerous news reports have centered on evidence at landfills; however, Toombs stated no evidence was taken from either the Colorado City or Snyder landfills.

“We did take some evidence from the landfill in Abilene, but we don’t believe it has any connection with the Dunn case,” he said. “A lot of stuff we’ve picked up doesn’t have any relationship to the case.”

Items have been taken in for analysis now or are being held for future analysis as the case develops. Other items have been collected in order to cover all bases in the event that a seemingly unimportant item turns up to be crucial later on.
Personally, I think TES always takes what they see as the highest-profile cases. New Orleans and a brother of a Baltimore Raven trumps a missing girl in Texas.

I know I'm cynical, but do we really need TES back for the drama? Do we really need Tim giving us "insider" reports as he did with Caylee Anthony? It seemed to me that once TES becomes the focus of the news, then the family just clams up even more.

All that stuff didn't help find Caylee ~ a meter man did that a block from the Anthony house. No horses or divers needed.

JMOO :cow:

Cynical? No....there is another word I'd use, but instead, I'll just say.....:innocent:
OK, so let me get this straight LE is to blame, the FBI is to blame, the Texas Rangers are to blame, along with TES, the searchers who didn't go along with Brad, and the people who have dared came out and said it wasn't a rosy picture at home. All of these people are to blame yet, BD and SA won't even tell the truth about what happened where LE can get a time line.............that there is some cracked logic. How about laying the blame where it belongs, right at the feet of the two people who are making it impossible to find Hailey. Billie and Shawn.
TY for the link, Gypsy!


Numerous news reports have centered on evidence at landfills; however, Toombs stated no evidence was taken from either the Colorado City or Snyder landfills.

“We did take some evidence from the landfill in Abilene, but we don’t believe it has any connection with the Dunn case,” he said. “A lot of stuff we’ve picked up doesn’t have any relationship to the case.”

Items have been taken in for analysis now or are being held for future analysis as the case develops. Other items have been collected in order to cover all bases in the event that a seemingly unimportant item turns up to be crucial later on.

Again, I dont understand what he is saying. It either is or isnt.:(
Hi everyone

This is what I found when I was searching for answers re: TES the other night. Hope this helps.This can also be found on TES site also. I sure wish they just let TES just come on NOW!!! jmo



"Sherry McKinney Official message from Texas EquuSearch:
The family of Hailey Dunn requested our assistance on January 7, 2011, along with the Mayor, Carol Sue Dakan. We have been working closely with the Texas Rangers, and hav...e been willing to assist with this case. We have been told by the Texas Rangers that as soon as they have credible information for us to search, we are first on the list. We have been advised that at this time, they have nothing more specific than a 900 square mile area. We have not been giving interviews with the media because we have had no information to share. If we are called in by the Texas Rangers, we will immediately send a team to Colorado City. Thank you so much. Texas EquuSearch."

It sounds like this is either very old info, or someone has given TES inflated figures in order to justify keeping them out. MOO
I missed the :eek: fest last night, but in catching up I have to add one of these numbers for good measure :snooty:
Somehow I have missed where Billie was named a POI. I know LE said they have serveral POIs, but have they specifically named Billie?

OK, so let me get this straight LE is to blame, the FBI is to blame, the Texas Rangers are to blame, along with TES, the searchers who didn't go along with Brad, and the people who have dared came out and said it wasn't a rosy picture at home. All of these people are to blame yet, BD and SA won't even tell the truth about what happened where LE can get a time line.............that there is some cracked logic. How about laying the blame where it belongs, right at the feet of the two people who are making it impossible to find Hailey. Billie and Shawn.

Theres always going to be blame layed and shifted in these cases.
I personally at this point could care less who lied who didn't ,who was a better parent and who says what. Bottom line theres a 13 yr old baby named Hailey out there somewhere and she is whats important to me. WHatever it takes to find her I am all for it. I will deal with the he said she said bull later.
in all honesty I am tired of trying to sift through the drama in CCity to find answers and its pretty evident were not going to get them.
OK, so let me get this straight LE is to blame, the FBI is to blame, the Texas Rangers are to blame, along with TES, the searchers who didn't go along with Brad, and the people who have dared came out and said it wasn't a rosy picture at home. All of these people are to blame yet, BD and SA won't even tell the truth about what happened where LE can get a time line.............that there is some cracked logic. How about laying the blame where it belongs, right at the feet of the two people who are making it impossible to find Hailey. Billie and Shawn.
See TEH !I think maybe we are going to be right about the 26th ! The day after Xmas !!
I have faith the Truth will rise to the top ! JMO
Still praying that Hailey is alive.
The past tense usage is very troubling, but I won't give up hope for finding this girl safe and sound.
Never heard anything else about the tip here in Memphis.
SmoothOperator, you are such a good person for all that you have done getting the word out here in MTown:)
I will check back in this evening, hopefully to read good news.
OK, so let me get this straight LE is to blame, the FBI is to blame, the Texas Rangers are to blame, along with TES, the searchers who didn't go along with Brad, and the people who have dared came out and said it wasn't a rosy picture at home. All of these people are to blame yet, BD and SA won't even tell the truth about what happened where LE can get a time line.............that there is some cracked logic. How about laying the blame where it belongs, right at the feet of the two people who are making it impossible to find Hailey. Billie and Shawn.

:waitasec: I don't think that blame has ever solved a missing child case, has it?

How about we stop blaming and start focusing on finding Hailey? SA isn't talking, unless LE is keeping some big secrets. He is the suspect. I could be mistaken, but I believe most victims are found by looking for clues rather than from the criminal spilling the beans. :twocents:
Theres always going to be blame layed and shifted in these cases.
I personally at this point could care less who lied who didn't ,who was a better parent and who says what. Bottom line theres a 13 yr old baby named Hailey out there somewhere and she is whats important to me. WHatever it takes to find her I am all for it. I will deal with the he said she said bull later.
in all honesty I am tired of trying to sift through the drama in CCity to find answers and its pretty evident were not going to get them.

And you know what that sounds great. But apparently we are having to deal with the he said she said, because LE has made it perfectly clear that he/she are lying and those lies are the reason they are not able to find Hailey. They are the drama.
I don't feel like bd has been made fun of.....her actions are extremely frustrating. IMO just like with Ron and misty....when things can't be explained they keep repeating the same bs over and over. Le says help us .... This isn't adding up...yet they won't.
:waitasec: I don't think that blame has ever solved a missing child case, has it?

How about we stop blaming and focusing on finding Hailey? SA isn't talking, unless LE is keeping some big secrets. He is the suspect. I could be mistaken, but I believe most victims are found by looking for clues rather than from the criminal spilling the beans. :twocents:

And this sounds great too, but exactly how are we or anyone else supposed to find Hailey when we don't even know when she went missing because the two people with all the answers are not talking? We don't know when she disappeared from, where she disappeared from, we know nothing, because no one wants to tell the truth.
When they slap the cuffs on Ms Billie Dunn, will any one be surprised?

There will not be any cuffs slapped on BD for Hailey's disappearance, because she did not do it and she has no clue wherer Hailey is or what happened to her.:twocents:
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