Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #24

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IIRC, the pilot was pissed off about the trial of a dissident. I'm thinking that if the plane is used to attack anyone it will be the Malaysian government. I wonder what happened to the passengers.
IIRC, the pilot was pissed off about the trial of a dissident. I'm thinking that if the plane is used to attack anyone it will be the Malaysian government. I wonder what happened to the passengers.
He probably knocked them out with his stunt altitude manuevering. Only he or the copilot could've turned off the transponder. The passengers were probably collateral damage to him, so unless he's feeding them and holding them all hostage somewhere and had help, they're probably gone.
He probably knocked them out with his stunt altitude manuevering. Only he or the copilot could've turned off the transponder. The passengers were probably collateral damage to him, so unless he's feeding them and holding them all hostage somewhere and had help, they're probably gone.

What did they do with the bodies? Actually, I don't want to know.
I have no idea (I know you were asking Cherry), but if forensic techs were able to find computer simulations that the pilot had deleted, I suspect those investigating may have a clue.

Thanks. I was asking anyone out there :)
Malaysia's prime minister has appointed a new transport minister to replace Hishammuddin Hussein, who was in charge during the search for missing flight MH370.

Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Wednesday that Liow Tiong Lai, a former health minister and president of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), would become transport minister.

Angry relatives of those aboard have accused Malaysia's national carrier and the government of doing too little and of hiding information.

The government has rejected such accusations, and Mr Najib has supported Mr Hishammuddin, his cousin, in his handling of the crisis.

Read more:
UFO theory is as good as any other at this point. Huge plane just vanishes, no debris field, no bodies, nothing. Just gone. I didn't think it was possible, but obviously it is. So sad for all the families.

Are the officials still thinking the pilot or copilot had something to do with it? Or have they finally cleared them both?

I realize the vast area they are searching, I truly do get that it's literally oceans. I just can't understand why NOTHING has been found. And those pings that they were certain were from the block box, or whatever....they lost the pings, and still haven't found anything?? I don't know. I've thrown everything including spaghetti up and nothing sticks.


The answer here, IMO, is Unmanned aerial vehicles-commonly called drones!. MSM makes that sound like a conspiracy therory, a bunch of nuts thinking it!

Drones are the "thing" in warfare today. War is big big bussiness. $$.

.....identifies 56 different types of UAVs used in 11 different countries. Where it can calculate actual stocks, this covers 807 drones in active service around the world - and this is a huge underestimate: number data is not available for China, Turkey and Russia.

To put that in percpective that is 100 less aircraft than Delta operates. A couple of houndred more than Southwest flies!

The IISS data shows that (USA) has at least 678 drones in service, of 18 different types. Some 14 of them are identified as 'heavy', and includes UAVs such as the MQ-1B Predator, of which it has over 100.

The notion that this is Star Trek stuff is not supported by the facts.

THe USA and Israel and bunches of other nations have been using drones for years. How do drones work -- remote control from miles away with pinpoint accuracy.

A fact!

THe US and our allies could not allow China to get hold of the Free Scale technoogy - it blocks radar from items that are flying in the wild blue!

Or, if that technoogy got into enemies hands we can lose control of our biggest defense system in the future. Big stuff. We are using them all the time (killing people).

.....unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are the new face of warfare for the US and many of the world's biggest defence spenders

IMO we remote controlled it to Garcia for the engineers and the stuff in the belly.
aIF you think about it --that explains "all" the mysteries does it not?

Star Trek cookey notion? There are univercities teaching this stuff:
Unmanned Vehicle University

_The reality is the USA and or any of our allies have all along said nothing - as if the biggest news story in the world for 8 weeks just was not happening. That is messed up, no .

Not even a"condolence" standard press release - not one word from day one. That in itself is, IMO, most curious!

A N D! That is just funny- these folks leading this for months , evidently, got the speaker (the pilot) of the last words WRONG. They had two choices - how anyone, IMO, gives any of their notions about this is , at this point is laughable.

We are supposssed to believe "Southern" arc. THere two choices (North South). Well ! Statistically they screwed up when they had a 50% chance of getting the last words correct - laughable.

Shame on media not doing the right thing here- THAT is even more scary than anything else!'s_largest_airlines#Passenger_airlines
Oh my. So it could have flown at it's max capacity? = 21 hours.
And the fact, from day 4 there has been no discussion of amount of fuel pumped in KL - ever!

Would that not be a super good starting point, and really good way to get a radious?

Why was that hidden? MAL cant say they do not have that info. That is crucial for any flight - everything that happens (flap settings, thrust needed on runway, cruise speeds EVERYTHING!))on a plane.

Total gross weight of every aircraft and flight is the starting point!
Prooving his point ... 70 years later ... divers have just found 1944 plane wreckage in Australian waters ...
We have to remember that was 70 years ago - planes flew by waypoints (which means between waypoints anything could happen!) so the fact that back then they did not find it is not correleated with the MAL nonsense.
I just hicupped - the NSA knows it!! Totally different world today!!!!!!IMO
Thanks 2Rose for all your Immarstat knowledge and if you want, we can elect you to be the "go to" person for any Immarstat questions. :floorlaugh:

I have long since stopped picking just 1 theory and instead I am considering all theories and just making a list of which ones are probably most likely.

Immarstats approach is close to the top of my list but at least for me, its not at the very top of the list. They are 2nd though, and were first when the underwater pings were heard...LOL If they would have spotted any type of surface debris anywhere near where they were looking, I would most likely move their approach right back to the top. The lack of debri is very bothersome to me because they had so many boats and planes and nothing was ever spotted. There could be reasons for that if their analysis is off course by X number of miles.

I like the Maldives theory the best right now (and I reserve the right to change my opinion at any moment...LOL :floorlaugh: ). The multiple eye witnesses that morning seemed very compelling to me.

I do agree that the Maldives theory does not jive with the Immarstat theory so both theories seem to contradict each other. One possible explanation could be that maybe the last signal for Immarstat was in the area they said and maybe there was enough fuel left to make it back west to Maldives from the last ping. Maybe somehow the satellite handshakes stopped but plane kept going. Im not sure if they had enough fuel left at that point in time or not. Another possibility is if the Immarstat data was picking up something else just like they say the underwater pings were now something else. Or maybe the "cloaking" software confused the satellite handshakes if freescale somehow was testing their devices while plane enroute.

After so much disappointment with the search for MH370, I am just taking everything with a huge grain of salt at this point and not outruling anything until a solid lead is proven to the public. So far, there seems to be no solid evidence of its location. Evidence like debri or more eye witness statements or people who were involved is the type of evidence I would like to see at this point. Until that happens, I am keeping all options open.
I too, am real fond of Maldives sighting as it relates to Garcia and the pilots home sim which had GArcia in it?

What commerical airline pilot needs to practice landing at one of the most secretive navy bases the US has.

It cant be like it was a challenging approach! It is in the middle of the ocean with no obsticles, homes etc.

Thats like a 18 wheel truck driver playing on a simulator where the highway is stright for 1250 miles -- makes no sense at all!
Malaysia Airlines' Hugh Dunleavy: MH370 Hunt Will Take 'Decades'

A Malaysia Airlines boss reportedly said he thinks it will take "decades" to find the missing Flight MH370. In a rare interview, commercial director Hugh Dunleavy told the London Evening Standard newspaper that he believes the Boeing 777 is "somewhere in the south Indian Ocean." He added: "When [a plane] hits the ocean it’s like hitting concrete. The wreckage could be spread over a big area. And there are mountains and canyons in that ocean. I think it could take a really long time to find. We’re talking decades." ...
RE: "When [a plane] hits the ocean it’s like hitting concrete. The wreckage could be spread over a big area. And there are mountains and canyons in that ocea

That is true the concrete part. If one trys to correlate that with no debris found 110 days in is silly no?

Crack a egg gently (!) or slam it on the ground! What would number of debris be?

Take 100's of floatable items on an aircraft and that too, is indicative of no crash- on land or water.

The media has made referances to other "aviation" mysteries.........tracking aircraft decades ago was sooooooo different and inept .....comparing that to MAL is like saying automobile safety is no different than today!!!!!
Now, the contents of THIS article are believeable & it does help explain away some
of the confusion & delays that existed at the time of the plane's disappearance.
If Malaysia had disclosed this info at the time, then the public could have been
more understanding of the troubles they were dealing with. As it is now some
3+ months later, most people won't ever hear about the problems the difficulties
they encountered such as passports, etc. Too little, too late ?

Ahhhhhh!!!!! Finding a lost plane within the course of its travel is not a priority for international air traffic controllers

My goodness what is their job then-???

This one:

"We were calling, but they've got other planes in the air; they're saying, 'Your plane never entered my air space, so technically I don't have to worry about it at the moment'.

think 911, what happened the minute folks "lost" planes! They went nuts! (correct that is their job)!

They didn't know it was MH370, their radar just identifies flying objects, -- does this have ANY credibility? Military radar across the region just ID "flying objects"
something in the sky

130 MAS executives needed to fly to Beijing to face the media, but none of them had Chinese visa.

This reads like in the first 48 hours 130 people were needed in Beijing

Does anyone remember a 130 MAL officials in Bejing the same day ???

You've got to follow up, calling your local people, getting them out of bed to find up someone who worked at the airports - mostly remote places, not 24-hour operations - to check if the plane was there. We lost an hour just on that Nanning rumour."

so is he saying they resolved all that in 60 minutes?

the mangosteen [4.6 tons of the exotic fruit were on board], all this rubbish.

The guy said that no> That was not rubbish - that was what he answered when asked about dangerous cargo - no?

MAS will continue caring for the people -

What are they doing today?

The plane simply caught fire, the crew worked valiantly and failed to extinguish the fire. It likely crashed near or on course of the final radar skin paint.

The Inmarsat pings are a red herring. The plane did not fly for long. If there were in fact pings, they came from the partially submerged fuselage, the Inmarsat terminal being powered by standby batteries located nearby. The "doppler shift" can easily be explained as frequency drift of the satellite terminal transmitter. Note the rapid shift in frequency shortly after contact is lost. High temperatures cause oscillators to drift.

The Inmarsat science is all well and good, but it along with erroneous black box beacons have wasted time looking in wrong part of the ocean.

I would go back to all the sightings from the Songa Mercur oil rig operator and the sailor and the fisherman. Then look at seismic data which was discounted early on and take note that the seismic data point has a mirror image located at 3°42'17.45"N, 96°37'1.25"E. This is near airstrip Padang Panjang and directly on route to Langkawi International Airport.

Alternately there were sightings in the Maldives of a low flying aircraft and a spherical FIRE BOTTLE (not a SCUBA rebreather) found on a beach.
And the fact, from day 4 there has been no discussion of amount of fuel pumped in KL - ever!!

I don't understand how you can make a statement like this ???
I just left some posts with links showing everyone how much fuel was put on the plane.
I also mentioned that fact that the very last ACARS transmission gave an EXACT reading of
how much fuel remained on the plane @1:07am on 8 March 2014.

On the Duncan Steel website we can see how the outside scientists have calculated
the fuel usage using the fuel amount provided by the Malaysian authorites ...
so I really don't know what you are talking about ???

It is disappointing to see inaccurate information being stated in this forum :(

You also made a lot of comments about drones speaking as though people don't think they exist.
That must be a misconception on your part because there is a lot of media examples that drones exist.
There is just NO available public proof that a drone was used in connection with MH370.
UFO theory is as good as any other at this point. Huge plane just vanishes, no debris field, no bodies, nothing. Just gone. I didn't think it was possible, but obviously it is. So sad for all the families.

Are the officials still thinking the pilot or copilot had something to do with it? Or have they finally cleared them both?

I realize the vast area they are searching, I truly do get that it's literally oceans. I just can't understand why NOTHING has been found. And those pings that they were certain were from the block box, or whatever....they lost the pings, and still haven't found anything?? I don't know. I've thrown everything including spaghetti up and nothing sticks.

There was an article on another thread that stated the captain is the main suspect. If "Allright,Goodnight" were the words of the captain- that adds to my suspicion he planned it!!! He is NOT in the clear by any means. He had the means, motive, and opportunity to hijack it. Only the co-pilot could have been the other person to turn off the transponder. He was pissed off about the trial, and his flight simulator revealed practice runs to land on small islands in the Indian Ocean!
There was an article on another thread that stated the captain is the main suspect. If "Allright,Goodnight" were the words of the captain- that adds to my suspicion he planned it!!! He is NOT in the clear by any means. He had the means, motive, and opportunity to hijack it. Only the co-pilot could have been the other person to turn off the transponder. He was pissed off about the trial, and his flight simulator revealed practice runs to land on small islands in the Indian Ocean!

Now people are quoting info that is 3 months old !!!
Since then the investigation has disproven the points made in the above quote !!!
This is getting so disappointing ... & a waste of time.
Now people are quoting info that is 3 months old !!!
Since then the investigation has disproven the points made in the above quote !!!
This is getting so disappointing ... & a waste of time.
No they have NOT disproven what was on his flight simulator. I have long believed he did it. I don't think he's the saintly hero many posters on this forum believe, that's why I stopped posting.
The plane simply caught fire, the crew worked valiantly and failed to extinguish the fire. It likely crashed near or on course of the final radar skin paint.

The Inmarsat pings are a red herring. The plane did not fly for long. If there were in fact pings, they came from the partially submerged fuselage, the Inmarsat terminal being powered by standby batteries located nearby. The "doppler shift" can easily be explained as frequency drift of the satellite terminal transmitter. Note the rapid shift in frequency shortly after contact is lost. High temperatures cause oscillators to drift.

The Inmarsat science is all well and good, but it along with erroneous black box beacons have wasted time looking in wrong part of the ocean.

I would go back to all the sightings from the Songa Mercur oil rig operator and the sailor and the fisherman. Then look at seismic data which was discounted early on and take note that the seismic data point has a mirror image located at 3°42'17.45"N, 96°37'1.25"E. This is near airstrip Padang Panjang and directly on route to Langkawi International Airport.

Alternately there were sightings in the Maldives of a low flying aircraft and a spherical FIRE BOTTLE (not a SCUBA rebreather) found on a beach.

Great post!
And I pretty much agree with everything you said.
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