Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #24

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Good for them, but I don't think this aircraft "disappeared" under the same circumstances. JMO

You missed the point ... this plane was ONLY 2 km away from the Australian coast
... & they didn't find it for 70 years !
NOW they are looking for a plane that MAYBE went down 2000 km away from the Australian coast.
Doesn't matter WHY the plane ended up in the ocean.
Either way it is still a search for a plane on the ocean sea bed.
For anyone who is interested, today the ATSB released a report called ‘MH370 - Definition of Underwater Search Areas’.

I haven’t finished reading it yet, but it appears to recap how they have arrived at their search decisions, the factors that were taken into consideration, and the actions that have been/will be taken.

It is not about the investigation into the disappearance.
Lots of interesting (to me) tidbits in this report ^^^^.

Here are a few of them, in no particular order ...

"Accident investigations show that when fuel exhaustion has occurred, typically one engine will flame-out before the other. In the case of MH370 it is likely that one engine has flamed-out followed, within minutes, by the other engine."

"If there were no control inputs then it would be expected that eventually a spiral descent would develop. In the event of control inputs, it is possible that, depending on altitude, the aircraft could glide for 100+ NM."

"Given these observations, the final stages of the unresponsive crew/ hypoxia event type appeared to best fit the available evidence for the final period of MH370’s flight when it was heading in a generally southerly direction."
My opinions only, no facts here:

The First Officer's cell phone supposedly did a handshake with a mainland tower, about 30 minutes after the plane supposedly turned west. I do not consider this an official report, and I have previous posts that explain why this event may not have occurred.

To save you time searching for my earlier posts, here is the conundrum. If the First Officer's phone handshaked with a tower, every other phone device on the plane that was not turned off would probably have handshaked with the tower too. It is almost impossible to believe that only one device on the plane was turned on (or left on by accident) at that point in time.

And once again I bring up the same point ...
what proof do you rely on to tell you that the ONLY cell phone ping was the co-pilot's ?

Rather my supposition is that there could have been ANY number of cell phone pings ...
& we have just not heard about them because the Malaysian government has a policy of NOT
releasing info ... no matter how inconsequential us westerners may think it would be to do so.

You can find a number of articles that reiterate what was said in Thursday's
Australian press conference ... Malaysia is sharing info with other government
OFFICIALS as needed BUT Malaysia chose not to share info with the mass media.
Apparently they have the right to make that choice :)

Priority area - Orange - 60,450 km²
Medium area - Blue - 240,000 km²
Wide area - Grey - 1,120,000 km²
tracking aircraft decades ago was sooooooo different and inept .....
comparing that to MAL is like saying automobile safety is no different than today!!!!!

Ummm no, not really so ... According to some CNN aviation experts,
the aircraft tracking system in use TODAY was developed in the 1960s !!!!
In the Asian countries, that system has never been upgraded from
the basic radar system that ALL air traffic controllers still use.

As the Inmarsat raw data has shown us, that particular satellite data
has so far never encompassed tracking aircrafts to avoid collisions.
The satellite did NOT track MH370 ... the distance was figured out
according to the old Doppler effect & timing of the ping rings.

Although some might try to say that using the Doppler effect is a
"new technology", it has really been around since the 19th centuary.
In fact the mathematical equations inherent to the Doppler effect is what
North American policeman use everyday when they point their "radar gun"
at passing motorists to determine what speed the automobile is travelling at.
And as many people know thosee speeding tickets handed out using
the radar gun & the Doppler effect, are good enough to stand up in a
court of law & require citizens to pay hundreds of dollars in penalties.

Ahhhhhh!!!!! Finding a lost plane within the course of its travel is not a priority
for international air traffic controllers. My goodness what is their job then-???

Personally you are showing me how journalists are using bad journalism to
sensationalize stories rather than honestly inform their readers about events.

The job of an air traffic controller is to keep planes from
colliding into each other in his air space.

You are wrong if you think that each single plane gets their own
private air traffic controller to handle them during their flight ...
in fact each air traffic controller handles a bunch of planes at the same time
... he has to keep track of an enormous amount of data because hundreds of
people's lives depend on him making good decisions. It is a very stressful job.

That article stated that it WAS the Vietnamese air traffic conrollers
who said it was NOT their job to find MH370 ... & the simple reason
for that is because MH370 never entered Vietnamese air space !
Therefore the plane never became the responsibility of Vietnam.
There was NO record or info that Vietnam could provide to Malaysia
... they never saw that plane. But meanwhile, the Vietnamese air traffic controller
DID have a bunch of other people that definitely needed him at that very moment
in time to focus his attention on keeping those other planes from colliding.
So that Vietnam kept working on !

Nobody said the lives of the people on MH370 weren't important.
But if the Vietnam air traffic controller NEVER saw MH370,
just how do you think they were supposed to help the Malaysian plane ?
And we now know that in fact the plane DID turn back to Malaysia.

Since no other commercial jet plane has ever gone missing this way,
there are no air traffic control stations that have any special staff
set up to handle a missing plane case ... at least not yet.

MH370 went missing at a weak point in the aviation system when air
traffic control hands off the plane to another country ... & apparently
the world learned that we do NOT have any way to handle such a problem.
We can only hope that the aviation industry will fix these problems immediately.
IIRC, the pilot was pissed off about the trial
of a dissident. I'm thinking that if the plane is used to attack anyone it
will be the Malaysian government. I wonder what happened to the passengers.

Sounds like you are thinking about some of the initial erroneous speculation
about the pilot ... which was probably put out by the party in power
... because it is THEIR ethics that are questionable. Nepotism is rampant
among them & all the government officeials hand off the jobs to relatives.
The current Prime Minister & the acting Transportation Minister Hussein
that we have seen in tb press conferences are relatives.

The pilot Shah was a follower of the opposition party which supports democracy.
Apparently he was not following the trial closely & it was his wife who told him the trial results.

The computer footprints that the pilot left behind reinforced his democratic attitude.
The following article says he expressed that he was against terrorism ...

Pilot of Missing Jet Expressed Interest in Democracy & Atheism on Social Networks ...
And once again I bring up the same point ...
what proof do you rely on to tell you that the ONLY cell phone ping was the co-pilot's ?

Rather my supposition is that there could have been ANY number of cell phone pings ...
& we have just not heard about them because the Malaysian government has a policy of NOT
releasing info ... no matter how inconsequential us westerners may think it would be to do so.

You can find a number of articles that reiterate what was said in Thursday's
Australian press conference ... Malaysia is sharing info with other government
OFFICIALS as needed BUT Malaysia chose not to share info with the mass media.
Apparently they have the right to make that choice :)

Just because the media reported that the co-pilot's phone pinged, doesn't mean other phones didn't ping.
The main thing that has always bugged me about the pilot was the video of him when he was being searched before boarding, and he looked directly up at the cameras. Nothing concrete but it sure looked a little suspicious to me.

Wasn't that video faked/edited?
I thought it was discussed in the first few threads.
Wasn't that video faked/edited?
I thought it was discussed in the first few threads.

I dont know.

We do know the 2 passengers with same legs were pieced together so it would not surprise me if that other video of the pilot + copilot going through security was faked but I had not heard that. I may have missed that discussion.
Flight MH370: Missing jet pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah is prime suspect because he cleared his diary

This has been disproven by the Malaysian authorities ...

PDRM rubbish UK report on Captain Zaharie

PDRM said it had not made a statement saying Captain Zaharie
was the main suspect
in the missing MH370.

The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) have expressed regret over the
irresponsible reporting by the Sunday-Times in the United Kingdom that Captain
Zaharie Ahmad SHAH was responsible for the disappearance of the Malaysia
Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370 while enroute to China,Beijing on March 8.

... described the report as irresponsible & baseless.
I keep trying to think of new ways or things that can help try to pinpoint where exactly the plane is down on the bottom.

One thing I thought of in another missing person case is the use of Infrared Technology that can spot heat signatures. If there was a way they could use Infrared Technology to see if any heat signatures showed up on the bottom, they may be able to spot the plane quicker because I suspect as the bodies decay, they may give off a temperature increase. But the problem is the depth is so far down in the ocean I dont think Infrared Technology can penetrate down to those depths.

With respect, I would not say "disproven" but just say conflicting reports because so much conflicting stories have come from Malaysia authorities, everything they say, I treat with a grain of salt at this point. I dont see a mention of the diary in that link so not sure where the cleared diary info came from.

I saw a couple of their interviews with the families and at that point I totally understood why the families felt Malaysia was hiding things from them.
I dont know.

We do know the 2 passengers with same legs were pieced together so it would not surprise me if that other video of the pilot + copilot going through security was faked but I had not heard that. I may have missed that discussion.

I could be wrong.
The discussion would have been in the first few threads.
Or maybe I read that that video wasn't even from that day, but from a different day.
With respect, I would not say "disproven" but just say conflicting reports because so much conflicting stories have come from Malaysia authorities, everything they say, I treat with a grain of salt at this point. I dont see a mention of the diary in that link so not sure where the cleared diary info came from.

I saw a couple of their interviews with the families and at that point I totally understood why the families felt Malaysia was hiding things from them.

This seems to be the case since the beginning of this tragedy.
With respect, I would not say "disproven" but just say conflicting reports because so much conflicting stories have come from Malaysia authorities, everything they say, I treat with a grain of salt at this point.

Point taken ... bad word choice.

I dont see a mention of the diary in that link so not sure where the cleared diary info came from.

The recent story calling Shah a prime suspect came from ONE interview
that the Malaysian authorities gave to the UK Sunday-Times ...
& then the Associated-Press organization passes the story around to all the other newspapers.

Different journalists "sensationalize" or play up different angles to sell more of their own newspapers.

Since the Malaysian authorities are conveying that they were badly misquoted,
there probably won't be a re-occurrence & Malaysia will keep even more info to themselves.
So bad jounalism hurts the public by restricting the free flow of information that we want.

I don't think Malaysia is angelic either ... but in my opinion the
journalists exagerrated & sensationalized upon what they were told.

For instance, the police probably did say that Shah's calendar was clear ...
but it is the journalist's writing that implies he is a suspect because of that reason.

Also I mentioned before how there was that "if" about human intervention ...
the journalists are counting on the fact that the public will use lazy
reading skills & they will skip over that small "if" in the story
& pay more attention to nouns & verbs.
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