TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #51

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Yeah, now we have a friend that was there...

But neither DD nor the friend saw Hailey as this was after she had left.

We appear to be getting a lot of fluff 'n' stuff.

IF SA visited G'ma before his Mon, where he arrived at 8am. I wonder where G'ma was so early?

If they both work, then surely SA knew this?
The result I see from this afternoon's event? Persons named or alluded to, and others coming out of the woodwork to tell what they really know when they previously choose to mind their own business.

confused but I have to admit I have not heard or read the press conference.

Persons named or alluded to,,, who did she name or allude to.

Others coming out of the woodwodk to tell what they know but previously chose to mind their own business>> is there anyone new. There was mentioned from the beginning that a lady said she saw Hailey, MB and a boy ,, I am confused again,,,, thanks,
Kampher has been quoted in this atricle: http://bigcountryhomepage.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=336886

as saying BD has been cleared.

That MEANS BD is now only considered a Victim in this case. Some of you may not like that and you don't have to like it. BUT if you wish to post at WS, you must respect it and stop ripping BD at this point.

If you have questions - pm a mod, don't put them in the thread.

Never mind....edited because Billie is now considered a victim
This is wrong info that has somehow become construed as fact. The affidavit does indeed list DL numbers and TX id numbers for both BD & SA. I have it downloaded to my hard drive, which I don't think I can link here. However, I downloaded it from BigCountry. hth

What is a Texas ID number? I've lived here all my life and don't have a Texas ID number or even know what it might be. Texas DL, yes, but I've never heard of the other.
well then, the supervisor must be lying. Or he must be incompetent. Just as anyone is who has a conflicting statement.

Have you EVER seen SO MANY people lying on these 2 honest Abes for absolutely no reason at all?..Confounding why they would do that :waitasec:...
But neither DD nor the friend saw Hailey as this was after she had left.

We appear to be getting a lot of fluff 'n' stuff.

IF SA visited G'ma before his Mon, where he arrived at 8am. I wonder where G'ma was so early?

If they both work, then surely SA knew this?
Exchanging that ugly-azz mask SA gave her for Christmas, mebbe?!:crazy:
What is a Texas ID number? I've lived here all my life and don't have a Texas ID number or even know what it might be. Texas DL, yes, but I've never heard of the other.

Its just a picture ID. My son is fixin to get one. It is used in place of a DL because it has a pic and is an official form of ID.
WEED: OK. So he says he leaves to go to his mother`s house and that`s in Big Spring, Texas. This is at 6:10. But his cell phone pings show that at 6:35 a.m., he is pinging in Colorado City.

GRACE: All the way up until nearly 7:00 a.m.

WEED: Correct.

GRACE: So he goes back to the area in which Hailey lives.

WEED: It looks that way.

GRACE: Question, if he were back at the home, is that the cell tower his phone would ping off?

WEED: Yes, police say in the affidavit that that`s the exact same tower.

GRACE: OK. Did you know that, Billie Dunn? He didn`t go straight to his mother`s. He went back to where the home is.

DUNN: I found that out last night watching the news. He told me the same thing that he went straight to his mom`s house in Big Spring.

GRACE: Now in his defense, to get from work to his mother`s, would he drive through Colorado City?

DUNN: No, I don`t think so. He could but it would be shorter to not come through Colorado City.
How many different stories does that make regarding SA's work that morning and what BD knew and when she knew it? I've lost count..
Kampher has been quoted in this atricle: http://bigcountryhomepage.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=336886

as saying BD has been cleared.

That MEANS BD is now only considered a Victim in this case. Some of you may not like that and you don't have to like it. BUT if you wish to post at WS, you must respect it and stop ripping BD at this point.

If you have questions - pm a mod, don't put them in the thread.


Respectfully, Salem....the only portion that contained quotes was this:


Billie Dunn was considered a "person of interest" in the investigation, but has been ruled out, said Pete Kampfer, spokesperson for the investigation.

Why didn't they quote the whole portion if that was really what he said?
Never mind....edited because Billie is now considered a victim

Well, at one point she says she never locked the house, so....who the h@ll knows?! :banghead:..

to make it in context here is the beginning:

BILLIE DUNN: I did see her in her room, but I saw her watching TV. Monday morning, I looked in her room and it was dark and it looked look she was laying in bed. But I didn`t go touch her, make sure that was her. I just peeked in to make sure she was in bed to ease my mind and...

BBM was Sunday evening
Saw her Monday morning, but didn't "touch her".

IF your child was seen by you Sunday evening in their room, why would you NOT assume that was your child in bed the very next morning? Nothing was askew at that point. IMO

Exactly. I wish so much she had checked and made sure Hailey was there, alive, and well. :(
Did she have ANY message to Hailey??? Any sorrow, any plea, any...anything?


She is holding out hope that Hailey will be found alive and asked her to "come home" and asked anyone who had her to "please let her go."


Clint isn't a suspect. Lots of parents ask for and receive donations.

Maybe his phone number is on there in case Hailey finds a flyer?

Or because he wants people to call HIM with sightings so he can check them out personally. Who would you want determining if a sighting of a child was your missing child? You, or an officer using a picture of your child?

Look at the sighting of Elizabeth Smart at the library. Do you think she would have left the library with her abductors that day if Ed Smart had been in the library to determine if it was his daughter?

I personally think that he should be getting gas cards, diapers, food, flyers printed, things like that. There really is almost no reason to donate money itself to the parent of a missing child anymore. You can donate specifically what they NEED which would eliminate a lot of the concerns people have about what it is being used for.

And you forgot,she is "friendly" with the suspect of her missing child's disappearance.

"You keep your friend close and your enemies closer."

I seem to remember hearing that from another parent about the live in who was a "suspect" in their daughter's disappearance. I think in this case Billie thinks Shawn is innocent.

With Amber Dubois' mother Carrie wanting to come to Texas to search for Hailey...I have to wonder if she has talked to Billie? Do the similarities in the cases have anything to do with why Carrie wants to come search for Hailey? Is Billie is comparing Amber and Hailey's cases and thinking that Shawn is innocent and being wrongly accused like Amber's stepfather was?

Amber's stepfather was believed by many to have killed her. They didn't get along, but made up the night before. He was the last to see her other than a "sighting" of her with a boy. He didn't go to work the day Amber disappeared. He went to the gym and did his taxes. He took Valentines gifts to Carrie at work and he didn't celebrate Valentine's day. He and Amber's mother broke up over it. It was 13 months before her killer confessed after he was caught for killing another girl.

It'd be pretty easy to convince yourself that your significant other was just as unlucky as this guy. Especially if you were already in denial... it might strengthen your denial enough to start talking to him again.

What is a Texas ID number? I've lived here all my life and don't have a Texas ID number or even know what it might be. Texas DL, yes, but I've never heard of the other.

Both states I've lived in have both state ids and license. Perhaps records are kept if people have had both types of state ids. Maybe in Texas everyone has both...idk, never lived there.
Billie Dunn was considered a "person of interest" in the investigation, but has been ruled out, said Pete Kampfer, spokesperson for the investigation.

* thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud * thud

Just wait til Shawn is arrested and rolls over and gives up BD. He didnt hold up well initally during the poly and walked out after saying to look at the both of them and that HD is in Surry Co. If he didnt have a lawyer that has shut him up...well anyway she may be cleared by PK right now<modsnip>:twocents:
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