Book Written About What Happened To Haleigh

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How can anyone take this dude seriously?

Actually, about the finger prints, it was on tv how finger prints have been lifted and put elsewhere. It was quite interesting.
This man was a Cummings supporter for a while. One of his sources was "RT" (using initials), an alleged "child advocate" who was close to Teresa.

Then he had a falling out with Teresa.

But he made a music video on youtube trying to paint Ron in a positive light.

This man is very anti Crystal Sheffield and he thinks her side of the family has Haleigh in hiding... :loser: :loser: :loser:

Levi, first, thanks for all you do. Now, what do you mean by "close" to Teresa? Why did they have a falling out? You know all the answers, come on - give. txs
Also, the guy that wrote this is very weird, very, very weird.
Levi, first, thanks for all you do. Now, what do you mean by "close" to Teresa? Why did they have a falling out? You know all the answers, come on - give. txs
Also, the guy that wrote this is very weird, very, very weird.
The child advocate would talk to Teresa... Pass the info on to TH. Teresa also allegedly tried to tape a meeting she had with LE, and RT (the child advocate) would give the tape to TH.

Teresa and her "child advocate" had a falling out after TH started implying that Teresa and Ron were in cahoots with Crystal's family to hide Haleigh...

You see what sort of people we're dealing with. Couple of tacos short of a Mexican platter.
The child advocate would talk to Teresa... Pass the info on to TH. Teresa also allegedly tried to tape a meeting she had with LE, and RT (the child advocate) would give the tape to TH.

Teresa and her "child advocate" had a falling out after TH started implying that Teresa and Ron were in cahoots with Crystal's family to hide Haleigh...

You see what sort of people we're dealing with. Couple of tacos short of a Mexican platter.
I know it will probably be pointless, but I plan to read the book. There's been so little information in this case, that I'm kind of hungry for any little morsel. & I seem to remember, even as late as his arrest, Ron still trying to point at Crystal, so this guy's not alone in his theory. Now, I'm not buying that theory, but I'm hoping he has some quotes or something.
The child advocate would talk to Teresa... Pass the info on to TH. Teresa also allegedly tried to tape a meeting she had with LE, and RT (the child advocate) would give the tape to TH.

Teresa and her "child advocate" had a falling out after TH started implying that Teresa and Ron were in cahoots with Crystal's family to hide Haleigh...

You see what sort of people we're dealing with. Couple of tacos short of a Mexican platter.

OMG Levi, you had me so ROFLOL. You are funny along with your other merits!
I am thoroughly convinced there is know one down in that area that is normal. No wonder Tim Miller left shaking his head. No wonder they kicked the bounty hunter out of Dodge.These peeps are not Rhodes scholars or Oxford grads; how do they get away with all this?
Also, thanks for all you do, it is really appreciated.
Book Written About What Happened To Haleigh

A Minnesota man has written a book that he said explains what really happened to missing Putnam County girl Haleigh...

"I probably conducted interviews with maybe 50 different people, and the FBI wanted those interviews," he said.

Holmseth said he's a freelance journalist who started investigating the case after being contacted by a bounty hunter. He said the book contains everything he told the FBI about his findings.

"I was told that Haleigh is alive and she was alive at least after February 10, and she was being passed around by her family. And that's still what I believe, because that's what I was told and that's what all the evidence tells me," he said.


I'd like to know which bounty hunter, if any.

I'd also like to know which family members? Seems like a tall order and darn near impossible.

Ronald's family? Passing her from mobile home to mobile home while each has time in front of the cameras?

The Croslins? Nah, I don't think so. What do they do with her while they are in jail/prison, or while others are living in a shelter? Was she transported to the North East?

The mother's side? Why would they take one child and not the other? They had no guarantee the little boy would return to his mother after the daddy's drug bust eleven months later.

No, I think the writer of that book should be looking at the people who are sitting in prison cells, plus a couple of other relatives who may have helped in a coverup. :cow: :cow: :cow:

I'm not willing to point fingers at anyone who hasn't refused to talk to LE, who hasn't lied about that night and their whereabouts, and anyone who hasn't been perfectly honest about what happened to HaLeigh. In other words, I'm not willing to cross off her closest relatives and the so-called live-in babysitter. :cow: :cow: :cow:

And just to be on the safe side... :cow:
Ok, not to throw rain on a parade and be the bad guy here, but Haleigh was a cute little girl but she wasn't a Hilton, or a Kennedy, she was sickly and needed medical attention, if you remember Ron and Teresa crying on Maury Povich. Why would anyone be hiding this child and taking the burden? Why would the family would couldnt even pay support, now had the funds to shuttle this little gal underground and hide her? Despite Ron? We are all aware they had two children together, why not take both, why go to all this trouble, when they would still have Cummings in their life? To hurt Ron so bad? He didnt really look like he was hurting when he was eating pills and asking for powder and telling some guy he hardly knows that Haleigh didnt get takn by drug boys, he said, THATS NOT WHAT HAPPENED, he did, its all on tape. Why is everyone over looking these action of Ronald and blaming the family that is actually really in the dark?

I find this book, theory, and author to be twisted. Enough is enough.


I agree, especially the bold parts. Who would be hiding this child? Who would risk being caught by taking her for medical visits? Why would the family take only HaLeigh and not her little brother, too?

For all of these reasons, I find in implausible she is being kept by family members, out of sight, hidden from everyone.

Most importantly, why take just Haleigh? Doesn't make sense. I think this guy who wrote the book is looking for profit and publicity. I think the interviewees might be somehow related to the "persons in question" and how coverup in mind.


Frankly, I think a lot of people are in "coverup mode", for a number of reasons.


I just did a search for this TH guy, the author. A certain bounty hunter pops up in the links. However, I've heard that bounty hunter just recently say his thoughts about what happened to Haliegh, and being passed around by family members wasn't part of his theory. This TH guy seems to have jumped on an early thought and run with it. Although I have no doubt, certain folks in Putnam may have had good reason to steer blame away from themselves and the area.
Chancing I appear to be holding a conversation with myself, I'll just add this.

Holmseth claims he didn't write the book just to make money.

"I've invested $5,000 just into the printing of the book. I want people to know what happened; I want people to know what I was told. And if I didn't print the book, nobody was going to find out," he said.

Since the guy had to spend $5,000 to print the book, it's obvious it wasn't published by a reputable publishing house, but actually, it's a self-published book.

While I've read some very good self-published books, I've also read some stinkers. Many self-publishers don't spend the money for editing and the books contain typos, errors, and ramblings.

I'm thinking the sales won't be brisk and the result of public reaction won't be more than a drop in the bucket. Surely, if he's pointing to a living child being relayed between family members, the guilty parties don't have much to worry about, since, well, some of them aren't in a position to do any passing. :cow:
If anyone is interested TH's book is available on Amazon for $19.00, however, he will send you a signed copy for just $25.00. What a guy!

:floorlaugh: We must all hurry and send in our 25 bucks, asap. What a generous offer! :crazy:

He must have sent Amazon a few cases when the media broke the story.

About the "stealing" of his fingerprints, couldn't anyone anywhere have access to anyone's fingerprints? I mean, we do leave them randomly about wherever we go, unless we wear gloves 24/7. :crosseyed: "Officer, I'd like to report stolen fingerprints..." I can hear LE now. cough, cough
We can say the BH's name: Cobra. Cobra is to blame for this person becoming involved... Cobra wanted media attention for the mess he was in and got this bright idea that TH could be his man to get stuff to the public. TH wanted in big time and harassed Art Harris for a reporting job on the case. That went nowhere and TH got wiggy and started going after Art and then Crystal. Then TH warred with Cobra because TH was twisting words and creating outrageous theories... Of course it didn't help that Cobra made crap up along the way as well, and TH was nutty enough to record and put the crap out there as "truth".

It is all one huge bag of crazy and it is wrong that this man is making money by writing a book (I put partial blame on Cobra for it... ). This is the same man that wrote a song about Haleigh where he sings about her being ugly. He is DISGUSTING!
OMG Levi, you had me so ROFLOL. You are funny along with your other merits!
I am thoroughly convinced there is know one down in that area that is normal. No wonder Tim Miller left shaking his head. No wonder they kicked the bounty hunter out of Dodge.These peeps are not Rhodes scholars or Oxford grads; how do they get away with all this?
Also, thanks for all you do, it is really appreciated.

LOL, maybe all the Rhodes Scholars are collecting the drug money and the rest are supposed crazies or doing time in prison?

My opinion only
:floorlaugh: We must all hurry and send in our 25 bucks, asap. What a generous offer! :crazy:

He must have sent Amazon a few cases when the media broke the story.

About the "stealing" of his fingerprints, couldn't anyone anywhere have access to anyone's fingerprints? I mean, we do leave them randomly about wherever we go, unless we wear gloves 24/7. :crosseyed: "Officer, I'd like to report stolen fingerprints..." I can hear LE now. cough, cough

Someday that book may be a collector's item.
:floorlaugh: We must all hurry and send in our 25 bucks, asap. What a generous offer! :crazy:

He must have sent Amazon a few cases when the media broke the story.

About the "stealing" of his fingerprints, couldn't anyone anywhere have access to anyone's fingerprints? I mean, we do leave them randomly about wherever we go, unless we wear gloves 24/7. :crosseyed: "Officer, I'd like to report stolen fingerprints..." I can hear LE now. cough, cough

As you can see, from the second page of the docs I posted above, that’s pretty much word for word what he said in his complaint:


We can say the BH's name: Cobra. Cobra is to blame for this person becoming involved... Cobra wanted media attention for the mess he was in and got this bright idea that TH could be his man to get stuff to the public. TH wanted in big time and harassed Art Harris for a reporting job on the case. That went nowhere and TH got wiggy and started going after Art and then Crystal. Then TH warred with Cobra because TH was twisting words and creating outrageous theories... Of course it didn't help that Cobra made crap up along the way as well, and TH was nutty enough to record and put the crap out there as "truth".

It is all one huge bag of crazy and it is wrong that this man is making money by writing a book (I put partial blame on Cobra for it... ). This is the same man that wrote a song about Haleigh where he sings about her being ugly. He is DISGUSTING!

I agree.

I’m not going to dignify his babble with a link, but if you want to find it on YouTube, search and pull up “Dear Mr. Executive”. Listen, beginning at the 1:32 mark and hear these disgusting words, from him, about a beautiful little girl named Haleigh:

“I lived in a trailer, and I have a handicap. I’m not sure but I think that might mean I’m trailer trash”

After those words, I have no interest in ANYTHING he may try to say in his “book”.
The theory of somebody hiding Haleigh, doesn't make any sense at all...unless, somebody saw the way she was living, didn't like it, & out of concern, took her. & although, on paper, that makes a little sense, in real life, people don't snatck kids, & get away with hiding them. Early on, (& even now), Ron being in trouble with the school attendance, really bugged me. The timing, was just too convenient...& Haleigh's mother, thought it was important enough, to bring up. I didn't feel like she was slinging mud, but was putting it out there, as a possible clue. Years ago, I saw a movie called Fargo. It was about a kidnapping, gone bad, & I thought that mentality might apply in this case. I moved past that idea, but now that LE is back to square 1, (or so it seems,), I've been thinking about how far someone might go, to avoid trouble, & buy some time. But whatever happened, Haleigh's just as gone.
The theory of somebody hiding Haleigh, doesn't make any sense at all...unless, somebody saw the way she was living, didn't like it, & out of concern, took her. & although, on paper, that makes a little sense, in real life, people don't snatck kids, & get away with hiding them. Early on, (& even now), Ron being in trouble with the school attendance, really bugged me. The timing, was just too convenient...& Haleigh's mother, thought it was important enough, to bring up. I didn't feel like she was slinging mud, but was putting it out there, as a possible clue. Years ago, I saw a movie called Fargo. It was about a kidnapping, gone bad, & I thought that mentality might apply in this case. I moved past that idea, but now that LE is back to square 1, (or so it seems,), I've been thinking about how far someone might go, to avoid trouble, & buy some time. But whatever happened, Haleigh's just as gone.

Although my personal opinion is that HaLeigh's disappearance WAS NOT kidnap-related, while reading your post a (foolish) thought crossed my mind; if a planned kidnapping was orchestrated as well (NOT) as Ron & Misty orchestrated their "drug sales business," well I guess then I could see it where it could have been a kidnapping-gone-wrong... :waitasec: (but I still don't think so) JMO ~
I got to read the book yesterday here are my thoughts on it.
1) Very small print for a book.
2) He brings up some great points on alot of things that have been going on and has tapes and emails showing what he has been told.
3) If even just 10% of what is written is true then things need to be looked at down there.
4) He does repeat alot of the samethings and it is out of order but, I think that he has hit some sore spots for alot of the players in HaLeighs short life.
5) He brought up points and things that I have thought about over the past 2 years. 6) He doesn't seem to support any one family or person except to find out what happened to HaLeigh.
7) He didnt put himself into this story till after being contacted by more then one person about what is going on with everybody down there including the police.

Now I am not a supporter of this guy but, he makes some very good points on alot of the funny things that we have all seen going on. He also has evidence to support what he is saying. Once I go thru the book again, I will Quote some of the things that are written in it for you guys to read and discuss. I know Id like to discuss it and see what others think.
I got to read the book yesterday here are my thoughts on it.
1) Very small print for a book.
2) He brings up some great points on alot of things that have been going on and has tapes and emails showing what he has been told.
3) If even just 10% of what is written is true then things need to be looked at down there.
4) He does repeat alot of the samethings and it is out of order but, I think that he has hit some sore spots for alot of the players in HaLeighs short life.
5) He brought up points and things that I have thought about over the past 2 years. 6) He doesn't seem to support any one family or person except to find out what happened to HaLeigh.
7) He didnt put himself into this story till after being contacted by more then one person about what is going on with everybody down there including the police.

Now I am not a supporter of this guy but, he makes some very good points on alot of the funny things that we have all seen going on. He also has evidence to support what he is saying. Once I go thru the book again, I will Quote some of the things that are written in it for you guys to read and discuss. I know Id like to discuss it and see what others think.

Thanks Loving mom for your report. I would love to see your quotes. This could be very interesting indeed. BTW,
I would like to wish all my WS friends a very Happy and Loving Valentine's Day. Have fun.
OMG Levi, you had me so ROFLOL. You are funny along with your other merits!
I am thoroughly convinced there is know one down in that area that is normal. No wonder Tim Miller left shaking his head. No wonder they kicked the bounty hunter out of Dodge.These peeps are not Rhodes scholars or Oxford grads; how do they get away with all this?
Also, thanks for all you do, it is really appreciated.

I'd say the Bounty Hunter *cough Hill Billy PI, left for other reasons. :floorlaugh:

The "Bounty Hunter" that thinks he is some sort of reptile... Is the one that got Holmseth involved in this case...
"It's been clear from day one that the contradicting statements from the family members are not the truth," said Capt. Johnny Greenwood, spokesman for the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.

He already said it was the Croslin Family. But whatever fits your agenda.
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