General Discussion Thread #2

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Perumal also told how bloody swipes from Steenkamp’s hair – as well as other blood markings in the house – supported Pistorius’s story of where he picked her body up and carried it.

“There was a lot of blood on the scene. We can tell when Oscar picked Reeva up by the blood from her hair swipes.

“And from the blood markings we can see she was still alive at that time.

“There were also swipes on the wall where he carried her down the steps. And we can tell that by the time she got to the bottom of the steps she was already dead.”

Perumal said it had been frustrating to listen to the many “wrong conclusions” expressed by almost every person who had been following this case, as he could do nothing more than listen. And his lips are sealed – until he testifies at the trial.

A link to this interview has been posted many times on this site, maybe someone would kindly post it again for me as I cant seem to get it to work.

I trust this man as a seasoned forensic pathologist would not put his reputation on the line by making a public statement like this, if there were not evidence to prove it.

I think this is it

That story is very very enlightening if its true
here is my take on it

The story does not say Oscar said he is suicidal-His friend is making an assumption by their conversations.“I’d go as far as to say he would be on the verge of suicide".If he said something like- OP told me he wants to die & be with Reeva,then I might believe it,but the friends statement is just a sympathy card he is trying to play on the public.IMO

Among the revelations is how Pistorius, 26, showed bravado after he was arrested over the Valentine’s Day shooting and told police: “I’ll survive. I always win.”
This statement just shows how his ego is the size of Texas & Alaska put together..I also like to say to OP-you've have lost a few to buddy!!

If true-This witness is going to be very very important- lives 150 metres from Pistorius’s luxury home in the highly secured Silver Woods estate in South Africa’s capital Pretoria.

If this is true & He had the gun-Here is your premed murder IMO-Investigators also revealed the bathroom door through which Reeva Steenkamp was shot opens inwards and IF she was trying to hold it close from him & trying to protect herself!!

This statement is telling & its cruical-they know if he had his legs on or off- Detectives said they were no longer concerned with whether Pistorius put on his legs before he shot Reeva, 29.

Yes he said the ladder was there-but how & when & who put it on the ground-wouldn't it be up against the wall as thats how the intruder got in..being on the ground does not help OP-their ladder was found on the ground!!

His friend is guessing again if OP is suicidal-“I don’t know what to think. If you ask me, ‘Do you believe Oscar could do it?’

“I’d have to say no because I’ve never seen that side of him. But in life there are those moments of madness where people are just uncontrollable.

“I pray to God that’s not the case with him.

I thought he never gave the police his phone-Pistorius’s phone was also found in the bathroom-how many phones does OP have?

This is HUGE in IMO-Police failed to find a bullet in the lavatory bowl. It was picked up by an independent team hired by Pistorius and had traces of Reeva’s brain and blood.If this is true.That gun had to be next to her head at some point-NOT GOOD OP!!

Dexter was at the house two weeks before Christmas and recalled how he knocked over a fan and Pistorius became panic-strickenThe athlete immediately grabbed his gun for protection before shouting to check if Dexter was OK

.All I can say about this statement is...
1-his friend should be lucky he is alive!!
2-OP is a dangerous man to be with even at a party-LORD HAVE MERCY
Its a wonder how more people have not been shot by him!!
I would also say to this statement..if more people were at this party,then a lot of people should be able to tell police if this story is true.
OP should have a warning on his front door-enter at your own risk!!
OP is has a lot of explaining to do & he will HAVE to take the stand.I can't wait to see him up there!!

This is all MOO and pure speculation on my part.
That story is very very enlightening if its true
here is my take on it

The story does not say Oscar said he is suicidal-His friend is making an assumption by their conversations.“I’d go as far as to say he would be on the verge of suicide".If he said something like- OP told me he wants to die & be with Reeva,then I might believe it,but the friends statement is just a sympathy card he is trying to play on the public.IMO
BIB - agree completely. He seems to have missed the fact that the suicidal Oscar wants most of his bail conditions removed so he can travel freely. Suicidal people are not normally busy making plans for the future. Even if he said OP wanted to die and be with Reeva, I wouldn't believe it. It seems like every Tom, Dick and Harry is emerging with tales of how broken and distraught OP is in the hope of gaining some sympathy for the guy who might have to sell off a racehorse or two to pay his bills. Time for OP to grow up, act like a man, and accept the consequences of his trigger-happy actions.
Well he was obsessed with her, Mr. Myers and others had to tell him to back off, turn it down a notch.

And he had been dating Samantha Taylor for a long time. Here is a video of the them together, highly choreographed and scripted for a television program:

Oscar Pistorius and girlfriend in Seychelles (FULL INSERT) - YouTube

Ms. Taylor is very petite, sweet, and very adoring of OP. I believe that he really dominated that relationship. And perhaps he wanted the same accommodations from Reeva; but she was "just not that in to him" this soon, she was the single, "independent," blooming professionally Reeva, not the submissive Ms. Taylor. Just my thoughts... :)

Thanks. Great video. He can be very charming when he wants to be.

I had to laugh when he said "She understands some of the demands that I have"... So this former GF who was a student just agreed with everything he said. Reeva was an older smarter girl, she had a career too, so probably she had her own opinion, and argued with him. That's why he shot her.

So while Sam had this case against him and he countersued her, he still took Samantha Taylor on this holiday last October and then started dating Reeva in November for the Sports Awards Cermony. I wonder why Sam and he broke up or perhaps he just wanted her company for this free holiday?

Do you think as a poster once said, that Reeva could have started off as a highly paid Escort girl for him? I know they say that friends introduced them but that is what most people would say.
BIB1 Maybe. No record of that on the phones that were confiscated from the crime scene (WO Botha). And the phone that he used that night was secreted away from the crime scene by either his brother or his father, who arrived before Authorities did; and the Investigators were not told of its existence until the bail hearing had begun (Roux). Why secret his phone from Investigators? Looks damning, not helpful, to do that IMO.

BIB2 Why did he not keep going straight to the car and get her to the hospital? She had a gunshot wound to her head, literally no time to waste. Why lay her at the bottom of the stairs as the security guards and neighbors entered the home and start the dramatic "she died in my arms" performance? When security and neighbors arrived, that is when he picked her up and carried he down, they actually witnessed him carrying her down the stairs.

BIB3 Then how and / or why were they at the crime scene before the Authorities arrived?

BIB4 I believe that Mr. Pistorious's version of "normal," after the paramedics pronounced Reeva dead, was to call a McClaren car salesman/owner friend of his at 3:55.
1. Not maybe, it's confirmed by Netcare themselves that he called the hospital at 3:20am. And really, there is no evidence that it was secreted's possible OP or his family did not think it relevant at the time to hand it over, for all we know, it could have been in OP's pocket and he just didn't think about it considering he had just murdered someone.

2. Maybe because a medical doctor had arrived at the scene. They arrived as he was comming down the stairs with her, door open and car running in the drive.

3. Actually they were not, they arrived when Botha was already there.
Botha: Lawyer and brother came. They said they were looking for documents and a specific memory stick with details of offshore accounts.
8:21 AM - 20 Feb 13

4. Source/link??
Thanks. Great video. He can be very charming when he wants to be.

I had to laugh when he said "She understands some of the demands that I have"... So this former GF who was a student just agreed with everything he said. Reeva was an older smarter girl, she had a career too, so probably she had her own opinion, and argued with him. That's why he shot her.

So while Sam had this case against him and he countersued her, he still took Samantha Taylor on this holiday last October and then started dating Reeva in November for the Sports Awards Cermony. I wonder why Sam and he broke up or perhaps he just wanted her company for this free holiday?

Do you think as a poster once said, that Reeva could have started off as a highly paid Escort girl for him? I know they say that friends introduced them but that is what most people would say.
I believe rumor had it that Sam cheated on him while he was at the Olympics hence the break legs incident.
Thanks. Great video. He can be very charming when he wants to be.

I had to laugh when he said "She understands some of the demands that I have"... So this former GF who was a student just agreed with everything he said. Reeva was an older smarter girl, she had a career too, so probably she had her own opinion, and argued with him. That's why he shot her.

So while Sam had this case against him and he countersued her, he still took Samantha Taylor on this holiday last October and then started dating Reeva in November for the Sports Awards Cermony. I wonder why Sam and he broke up or perhaps he just wanted her company for this free holiday?

Do you think as a poster once said, that Reeva could have started off as a highly paid Escort girl for him? I know they say that friends introduced them but that is what most people would say.

Samantha Taylor (from the video) was his long time girlfriend. She is the woman who found a new relationship, and when OP found out about it he threatened to break the man's legs. He considered Sam as his property, even though they were no longer together.

Cassidy Taylor-Memmory is the young woman that was assaulted by OP, he was arrested and spent the evening in jail - feeling vulnerable - and he later sued her for approx $2M Rands. Go to her blog. I feel all warm and fuzzy after visiting it and I am a guy that has absolutely no interest in the green movement. He harassed her for years. But they never dated.

As for the Escort thing, I don't believe a word of that! Period.
Carol or anyone else,

Can you possibly do a timeline of the exact times or at least the sequence of arrivals of people at the crime scene on 14 Feb please?
So by all means intruder story didn't happened that fatal night.
Most likely is RS made him extremely angry that he went berserk and he end up killing her. All earlier speculations I read I think nobody had mentioned his mobile phone which he fail to give investigators and possibility that he maybe got message on it for Happy Valentines from some girl he was in relationship from overseas. Because valentines come first in Australia and New Zealand and he supposed to run in march here. And maybe Reeva saw it and knowing he was a player start questioning his "love" which made him crazy?

Yes, it could be that. Something made him crazy. He was supposed to be madly in love with her, so I thought it more likely he found a message to her from an admirer. But anything is possible.

Welcome by the way......I am new too, about a week old, though I look older.
Yes, it could be that. Something made him crazy. He was supposed to be madly in love with her, so I thought it more likely he found a message to her from an admirer. But anything is possible.

Welcome by the way......I am new too, about a week old, though I look older.

Reeva really liked Oscar and they were dating. Reeva is a "mature" young woman; I haven't read anywhere that she dated many men back to back. She had so many interpersonal relationships in her life and she was a caring woman with a purpose in life - helping people that she didn't even know through domestic violence awareness efforts. And her career had just kicked in to high gear, her TV program would air in just days, making her personal life public and she would know the value of behaving in a "clean" way.

It seems to me that she was thriving without the need to complicate her life by sending a romantic text to an old flame.

I believe the Massive amount of text message that they are combing through means "all of her texts" including ones that show OP was abusive to her in some of his messages leading up to the night of the murder.
Samantha Taylor (from the video) was his long time girlfriend. She is the woman who found a new relationship, and when OP found out about it he threatened to break the man's legs. He considered Sam as his property, even though they were no longer together.

Cassidy Taylor-Memmory is the young woman that was assaulted by OP, he was arrested and spent the evening in jail - feeling vulnerable - and he later sued her for approx $2M Rands. Go to her blog. I feel all warm and fuzzy after visiting it and I am a guy that has absolutely no interest in the green movement. He harassed her for years. But they never dated.

As for the Escort thing, I don't believe a word of that! Period.

I have been getting confused between the two women thinking they the same person due to the name "Taylor".

So Sam was the one he took to the Olympic Games and she cheated on him while they were there. So after the Paralympics were over in September, he still took her to the Seychelles for the holiday. I assume he did not know about her cheating at this stage or he thought they had made up. Then when they got back from the Seychelles, maybe she told him then that she had met someone else or they simply broke up for some reason. Did he tell this guy he would break his legs before he met Reeva?

So Cassidy never dated OP but maybe he wanted to and she refused him so he kept harassing her. She is the one who used to live in his complex. She is lovely too.
I have been getting confused between the two women thinking they the same person due to the name "Taylor".

So Sam was the one he took to the Olympic Games and she cheated on him while they were there. So after the Paralympics were over in September, he still took her to the Seychelles for the holiday. I assume he did not know about her cheating at this stage or he thought they had made up. Then when they got back from the Seychelles, maybe she told him then that she had met someone else or they simply broke up for some reason. Did he tell this guy he would break his legs before he met Reeva?

So Cassidy never dated OP but maybe he wanted to and she refused him so he kept harassing her. She is the one who used to live in his complex. She is lovely too.

Someone on the Forum likely has researched the relationship between OP and Ms. Samantha Taylor. Hopefully they can post the details of who cheated on who, because it was my understanding the OP was the philanderer and it would be a disservice to Ms. Taylor for her to be falsely labeled.
Reeva really liked Oscar and they were dating. Reeva is a "mature" young woman; I haven't read anywhere that she dated many men back to back. She had so many interpersonal relationships in her life and she was a caring woman with a purpose in life - helping people that she didn't even know through domestic violence awareness efforts. And her career had just kicked in to high gear, her TV program would air in just days, making her personal life public and she would know the value of behaving in a "clean" way.

It seems to me that she was thriving without the need to complicate her life by sending a romantic text to an old flame.

I believe the Massive amount of text message that they are combing through means "all of her texts" including ones that show OP was abusive to her in some of his messages leading up to the night of the murder.

Now that's an idea. Maybe he was abusive to her in text messages so they have evidence of potential abuse/domestic violence issues over some time which she could have called his "over-possessiveness".

I find this a little surprising when she claims to have just come out of a long-term relationship with a guy who was abusive to her, she has a law degree, is mature, was going to give a talk on domestic violence that night and she had the world at her feet. Was she blinded by love?

This gives me the impression that she was co-dependent, a people pleaser and a peacemaker type. Perhaps she was in limerence - a type of romantic love - or she was not wanting to get too serious too soon.

All I can say is that she must have misread the signs. She was blinded by "love" and kept forgiving him. Some people on forums say that she just wanted to use him to extend her career or he was good for her ego. But I don't believe that. But I think I read that she had many male admirers/friends on Facebook, etc.
I respectfully submit that should I be released on bail, my release shall not disturb the public order or undermine the proper functioning of the criminal justice system.

I will comply with such conditions as the above Honourable Court may wish to impose....

... for a period of at least 2 weeks when I will then seek to have all these conditions removed.

Great point.
One possible answer is that they found something more from forensic or other results which may come back which indicates that he murdered RS
Another which I am thinking for long time is that OP broke the door to see if RS is still alive and not to help her but to finish her off, that means the last shot/shots was fired from close distance and not trough the door. Even maybe the one bullet which was found in the toilet which head her brain traces.

That's what I thought for a long time that he finished off......but there is some dispute about when she the toilet or in the hall. I can't find any information about when she died, only the defence implying Reeva died before Oscar reached the bottom of the stairs.

I am finding it very complicated to follow now.
.All I can say about this statement is...
1-his friend should be lucky he is alive!!
2-OP is a dangerous man to be with even at a party-LORD HAVE MERCY
Its a wonder how more people have not been shot by him!!
I would also say to this statement..if more people were at this party,then a lot of people should be able to tell police if this story is true.
OP should have a warning on his front door-enter at your own risk!!
OP is has a lot of explaining to do & he will HAVE to take the stand.I can't wait to see him up there!!

This is all MOO and pure speculation on my part.

I like your comments especially ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.

I want to see OP on the stand too. I have been watching Jodi Arias on the stand and she loves being there.

But will OP have a choice or not? Do those accused of premeditated murder have to take the stand in South Africa or can OP let his solicitor do it for him?
Now that's an idea. Maybe he was abusive to her in text messages so they have evidence of potential abuse/domestic violence issues over some time which she could have called his "over-possessiveness".

I find this a little surprising when she claims to have just come out of a long-term relationship with a guy who was abusive to her, she has a law degree, is mature, was going to give a talk on domestic violence that night and she had the world at her feet. Was she blinded by love?

This gives me the impression that she was co-dependent, a people pleaser and a peacemaker type. Perhaps she was in limerence - a type of romantic love - or she was not wanting to get too serious too soon.

All I can say is that she must have misread the signs. She was blinded by "love" and kept forgiving him. Some people on forums say that she just wanted to use him to extend her career or he was good for her ego. But I don't believe that. But I think I read that she had many male admirers/friends on Facebook, etc.

Thank you for adding this information for me and everyone. I agree with you.

About FaceBook, I don't have one, but both of my daughters do; my oldest daughter has over 1200 "friends" or whatever they call it. I think her entire college is following her! It's just what FaceBook Users do. :Banane27:
Does anyone have any idea why the police are 'no longer interested' in whether OP put on his legs before shooting at the door? Initially, they said that the fact he put on his legs first, and then walked to the bathroom door to shoot the 'intruder', was an indication of pre-meditated murder. I wonder why they're not interested in that anymore.

Perhaps she wasn't killed in the bathroom, but in the bedroom, carried ether dead or dying to the bathroom and shot through the door to make it look like he possibly could of believed there was an intruder. This is only a guess.
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