Victim: Alexis Murphy, 17, missing from Shipman, VA, 03 August 2013 - #4

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i think i'm the only one who don't believe this guy had an accomplice RATS don't always travel in packs..............but i've been wrong like that one time.

Oh no not at all. I just posted a theory that leapt into my head, but that is all it is, a theory. My imagination is running backwards forwards and sideways right now. I could easily believe RAT is a complete psycho who did it alone.
Well this kind of contradicts his story then because he says he asked her at the gas station if she could score him some weed, which would have meant they were interacting and there was highly likely some ccvideo to prove it.


That was my original point..

Sounds like a contradiction to me...
No you aren't. Maybe an unknowing accessory (like someone picked him up after moving the car) but not necessarily an accomplice.

I dont either. I would like to believe someone unknowingly picked him up but why hasnt that person come forward yet. I have no explanation for why the car was parked THERE and HOW it got there. Baffles me!
Well, it's morning, still no Alexis. What really pains me is that the person in custody is trying to plant doubt in any potential juries minds by throwing around old racial stereotypes, from his generation mind you, and blaming the victim to cover up the fact that he and whoever most likely pursed her down a lonely stretch of highway as the sun went down and did God knows what to her and well... But, surely, it was Alexis and the invisible man's fault, afterall, most black people in Nelson county can hook any random person up with drugs, can't they? Their women aren't too picky about who they hang around like women of other races, right?. He was just being sweet and open minded hanging out with these young black drug dealers and she ends up missing/presumed dead and he gets all the blame, again. Poor him, such bad luck. Still doesn't explain Samantha Clark, but leaving all that aside.

About Alexis exchange of words with someone at the pump, well, frequently, locals will lean over at the pump and greet each other, or in a young person like AM's case, a person older than AM might have asked her how her Mom or Dad was doing, this happens to me all the time, some older person from the community who know my parents will stop and ask me "how's your Mama/Daddy doing?" while I'm pumping gas. This is very common. Noone in Nelson county has ever asked me "hey, you know where I can score some weed?" while I was pumping or paying for gas. Noone has ever asked me that while I was grocery shopping. Noone in Nelson has ever asked me where they can score drugs ever, period.

I suppose teens at the high school can tell LE in 5 seconds if AM was the go-to person for drugs. Highly probable that she wasn't which is why LE is focusing on him.
This is just so far fetched, he is definitely trying to cover his butt. What 17 year old girl is going to choose hooking her friend (corn row guy) up with a buy for $60 in weed over picking up her extensions that will make her look great in her senior pictures? ...and go with to the buy where she doesn't smoke or drink and really seems to have no purpose there? I don't buy it. Remember the police can have a mountain of evidence that they haven't shared with him yet. I think it was a mistake for the lawyer to paint him into a picture without all the colors filled in...could work to the LE's advantage down the road though.

ETA: Also, what are the chances that this guy could, just happen, to be associated with 2 girls who turn up missing after communicating with him? He'd be one terribly unlucky guy.
I dont either. I would like to believe someone unknowingly picked him up but why hasnt that person come forward yet. I have no explanation for why the car was parked THERE and HOW it got there. Baffles me!

one of my theories is that after disabling her somehow the car was left abandoned of the side of the road and some kid took it for a joy ride.
it was found close to some entertainment complex am i correct?? things are becoming a bit jumbled for me.
This is just so far fetched, he is definitely trying to cover his butt. What 17 year old girl is going to choose hooking her friend (corn row guy) up with a buy for $60 in weed over picking up her extensions that will make her look great in her senior pictures? ...and go with to the buy where she doesn't smoke or drink and really seems to have no purpose there? I don't buy it. Remember the police can have a mountain of evidence that they haven't shared with him yet. I think it was a mistake for the lawyer to paint him into a picture without all the colors filled in...could work to the LE's advantage down the road though.

EXACTLY what I've been thinking. I think it was huge mistake for the lawyer to let him make such a detailed statement so early on in the piece. I don't recall any other cases where a person's legal representation has done something like this. Can anyone think of any? It just seems to really limit the defence - now they kind of have to stick to that exact story, which LE could possibly easily disprove with evidence they already have (unbeknownst to his defense).
Yeah there is no way this story happened. Like I said earlier, at 17 I would have run screaming from some creepy old white dude looking like RAT, and I am positive Alexis would have as well. Well, maybe she would have said hi if he greeted her, but there is no way on this earth that she'd have hung out with him, hooked him up with pot, gone ANYWHERE with him, or said anything beyond a polite hello.

I think this guy is guilty as sin for both Alexis and Sam's abductions (and who knows what else :furious: ), but I also am pretty darn disturbed by the LE conduct reported in the earlier case. It is SO important to ALWAYS hold LE to a high standard, and not let that type of bending of the rules happen - even for those who are most certainly guilty. Not only does it open the potential for ruining any potential prosecution, but it also erodes the rights of everyone - law abiding folks included.

I am still hoping that with the early involvement of the FBI, they have avoided any kind of shenanigans with procedure, searches, etc, this time. Because I DO think he is the one responsible in both these cases.

Someone in one of the comments section after one of the articles sarcastically referred to RAT as some kind of Bermuda Triangle for teenage women. That what are the chances this dude just happens to have two young women of nearly the same age be last contacted/see with/around him before they disappeared? And then he just happens to have the perfect story all lined up. TWICE. GMAB. :rolleyes:
Apparently, that is the story he gave to LE when they questioned him. He didn't ask for a lawyer it seems...guess he is too smart for one. I say this because he was only just appointed one this week.
Well, it's morning, still no Alexis. What really pains me is that the person in custody is trying to plant doubt in any potential juries minds by throwing around old racial stereotypes, from his generation mind you, and blaming the victim to cover up the fact that he and whoever most likely pursed her down a lonely stretch of highway as the sun went down and did God knows what to her and well... But, surely, it was Alexis and the invisible man's fault, afterall, most black people in Nelson county can hook any random person up with drugs, can't they? Their women aren't too picky about who they hang around like women of other races, right?. He was just being sweet and open minded hanging out with these young black drug dealers and she ends up missing/presumed dead and he gets all the blame, again. Poor him, such bad luck. Still doesn't explain Samantha Clark, but leaving all that aside.

About Alexis exchange of words with someone at the pump, well, frequently, locals will lean over at the pump and greet each other, or in a young person like AM's case, a person older than AM might have asked her how her Mom or Dad was doing, this happens to me all the time, some older person from the community who know my parents will stop and ask me "how's your Mama/Daddy doing?" while I'm pumping gas. This is very common. Noone in Nelson county has ever asked me "hey, you know where I can score some weed?" while I was pumping or paying for gas. Noone has ever asked me that while I was grocery shopping. Noone in Nelson has ever asked me where they can score drugs ever, period.

I suppose teens at the high school can tell LE in 5 seconds if AM was the go-to person for drugs. Highly probable that she wasn't which is why LE is focusing on him.

Well said.
This is just so far fetched, he is definitely trying to cover his butt. What 17 year old girl is going to choose hooking her friend (corn row guy) up with a buy for $60 in weed over picking up her extensions that will make her look great in her senior pictures? ...and go with to the buy where she doesn't smoke or drink and really seems to have no purpose there? I don't buy it. Remember the police can have a mountain of evidence that they haven't shared with him yet. I think it was a mistake for the lawyer to paint him into a picture without all the colors filled in...could work to the LE's advantage down the road though.

ETA: Also, what are the chances that this guy could, just happen, to be associated with 2 girls who turn up missing after communicating with him? He'd be one terribly unlucky guy.
Untrue stereotypes from his generation. He doesn't know anything about how black women feel about their hair, how young girls feel about their senior pictures. All he knows is what he was able to pick up on Twitter to lie about after the fact.

ETA: Not that I have a visual of every black person in Nelson county, but just wanted to put it out there that cornrows are kinda "out" right now as far as black men's fashion is concerned. I see high top fades are coming back, lots of black men like dreadlocks or just the plain ol' fashion barbed cut, but cornrows, like a Nelson county taxi sighting are memorable.
Yeah there is no way this story happened. Like I said earlier, at 17 I would have run screaming from some creepy old white dude looking like RAT, and I am positive Alexis would have as well. Well, maybe she would have said hi if he greeted her, but there is no way on this earth that she'd have hung out with him, hooked him up with pot, gone ANYWHERE with him, or said anything beyond a polite hello.

I think this guy is guilty as sin for both Alexis and Sam's abductions (and who knows what else :furious: ), but I also am pretty darn disturbed by the LE conduct reported in the earlier case. It is SO important to ALWAYS hold LE to a high standard, and not let that type of bending of the rules happen - even for those who are most certainly guilty. Not only does it open the potential for ruining any potential prosecution, but it also erodes the rights of everyone - law abiding folks included.

I am still hoping that with the early involvement of the FBI, they have avoided any kind of shenanigans with procedure, searches, etc, this time. Because I DO think he is the one responsible in both these cases.

Someone in one of the comments section after one of the articles sarcastically referred to RAT as some kind of Bermuda Triangle for teenage women. That what are the chances this dude just happens to have two young women of nearly the same age be last contacted/see with/around him before they disappeared? And then he just happens to have the Percy story all lined up. TWICE. GMAB. :rolleyes:

I agree with all you said. I will add... I do not trust people. I would not have even spoken to him.
I don't think that he is lying about any detail that can be easily confirmed or denied. He's too...I'm not sure smart is the word, but certainly cunning or cagey. A good lie has to be mostly truth. So I think the basics of that story have to be true, but not in the way he presents them. So for example I'm sure Cornrow guy drank a beer with him at the trailer one time, possibly recently. Cornrow guy might even have sold him his last batch of weed. But was he there at the same time as Alexis? Unlikely.

And so on down the list.

It's gonna be a tough one to unravel.
Did I read, last night, that her last phone ping was from Cannery? If so, why wouldn't her phone have pinged again once she "drove away" by herself at the same time as this "other guy"?
Apparently, that is the story he gave to LE when they questioned him. He didn't ask for a lawyer it seems...guess he is too smart for one. I say this because he was only just appointed one this week.

But they didn't just pull him in for questioning, they arrested him and then questioned him. IMHO it was stupid of him not to remain silent. They've obviously presented the hair in the trailer evidence to him in order to get him to divulge more or get a confession. They could have found a heap more evidence by now, and they still could in the next few weeks. Now he's trapped himself with one pretty detailed set of events. If they have found evidence since to refute ANY part of that story, or if they do in the future.....he's toast!
Well, he's claiming there's dna on the ICEHOUSE. We'll see how that pans out.

Jumping off your post...

and I think Astrokitty mentioned this up thread..

but I wonder which car wash AM and RAT "supposedly" had the original pot conversation...

and I hope LE/FBI are scouring the CCVIDS at that place to see if there is any evidence of this...

Locals... Which/where could that car wash be?

I can't even picture cornrow guy hanging with him. I think of my youngest family members, late teens to mid twenties, and the idea of any of them smoking a joint with RAT (including the ones that I know do smoke on occasion) is unfathomable to me. Especially the young women, but even the guys wouldn't either. Maybe sell him a bag, but hang out? In his trailer, on that property with the nasty house? No way.

I do agree RAT is cunning though. I'm sure his story is well thought out. This isn't his first time tangling with LE.
I'm going to be honest. I am a HUGE "innocent until proven guilty" kind of gal. I do my best to not jump on the "he's a monster" bandwagon. I am also a big "I know LE can screw up big time" believer and believe they often jump on a suspect because there is pressure on them to find the person who was responsible. In this case though, I'm not seeing that. They had this guy in their sites early. There wasn't a known heinous crime that had been committed causing the community to demand the perp be found. There had to be something that led them to that area in addition to the fact that it was the last place her cell phone pinged. Whether it was something they found in her car or his connection to the SC case I don't know. I doubt they were there based on a hunch and because the pressure was on the find a perp. I think there is a lot that we don't know, that LE has kept under wraps. My intuition (and it's not always right) tells me that they aren't off base in this. That said, I'm always willing to look at other alternative scenarios and am more than willing to do so in this case.
This made me laugh so hard! EVerything you just said may as well have been exactly what he said. That's how much sense it all makes.

"Hallahan said the man police want is the one who sold his client marijuana —black, in his early 20s, wearing cornrows and driving a 1990s sedan with 22-rims."

Geesh, could this guy have given a more stereotypical description of a black drug dealer?

It's like something straight out of the "Friday" movies - cornrows, rims, & all.

My thoughts exactly....I can see D-bow riding his bike down the road right now! Bahahahhaaha!:floorlaugh:
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