2011.8.2 -Levi Page (accused of kidnapping Haleigh) & Pat Brown join Websleuths Radio

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Someone needs to lay off the drugs. JMO.
I neglected to update this thread earlier, but we are having Sunday's show tonight! Starts in about 5 minutes!

I have to leave for the show. See you all there! :seeya:
Wow, I was listening to the radio show last night and my computer suddenly did an emergency shutdown. I lost my passwords and really don't know what I have lost yet. Scarey.
I finally got a chance to listen, and it was a really good show. If you haven't listened, you need to, because Levi had some interesting observations...especially regarding Misty. He's leaning towards a theory that some of us have been toying with. While some people think LE's offer of ammunity, (reportedly), points to Misty's innocence, Levi thinks her not accepting it, points to her guilt. hmmm...I need to think about this. It would help if we knew for sure if it was total ammunity, (drug and Haleigh charges), or just Haleigh ammunity. (which is what I earlier read). This question is for Levi...I remember a list of questions being publicised, from one of Misty's lie tests, and the only question she didn't fail with like a 99%, was the 1 regarding Haleigh's location. If I remember correctly, she scored something like a 45%. So, it seems, IMO, that she didn't dispose of Haleigh or accompany whoever did, but still has an idea of where he/she took her. If her ammunity offer required that she produce a body or a location, could this be the problem? 45% is a whole lot more than 1%, so I think she probably knows. Her last interview floored me. It was the 1st time that she really came across as guilty, IMO...not because she changed her story again, but because this time, the changes seemed totally self serving and well, ridiculous. Also, the whole Haleigh is alive campaign with the pictures and poems, seem like diversion and deflection...pure and simple. Anyway, thanks for your continued input. JMO.
You could be correct that Misty didn't dispose of the body and may no know where the body was disposed of.

IMO I think Ronald is the one that got rid of the body. As I mentioned on the show, Ron and his friends had been known to kill deer, and even capture live deer and feed them to Gators. In their twisted red neck minds that is considered "cool."

I also think that there could be other "evidence" that is buried. Items used to clean things, clothing, etc.

I think Misty could possibly have called in people such as Chelsea, Timmy, or Tommy to help get rid of evidence. This could explain why Timmy and Tommy failed their polygraphs, and how Chelsea is on the campaign to say Haleigh is alive.

I think Pat Brown made a good point that it is possible in a crime/coverup for a "group" of people to be involved, because once the ball starts rolling and years go by, it is just easier to lie and try to distract people than telling the truth and implicate yourself and land yourself a jail sentence.

They all know "something" and all play either minor or major roles... But I think the main "players" responsible are those closest to Haleigh, and that is Ron and Misty.

Staged 911 call, marriage, threatening Tommy with the rat, drug dealing, just show me those two are the bottom of the barrel of the human race.
You could be correct that Misty didn't dispose of the body and may no know where the body was disposed of.

IMO I think Ronald is the one that got rid of the body. As I mentioned on the show, Ron and his friends had been known to kill deer, and even capture live deer and feed them to Gators. In their twisted red neck minds that is considered "cool."

I also think that there could be other "evidence" that is buried. Items used to clean things, clothing, etc.

I think Misty could possibly have called in people such as Chelsea, Timmy, or Tommy to help get rid of evidence. This could explain why Timmy and Tommy failed their polygraphs, and how Chelsea is on the campaign to say Haleigh is alive.

I think Pat Brown made a good point that it is possible in a crime/coverup for a "group" of people to be involved, because once the ball starts rolling and years go by, it is just easier to lie and try to distract people than telling the truth and implicate yourself and land yourself a jail sentence.

They all know "something" and all play either minor or major roles... But I think the main "players" responsible are those closest to Haleigh, and that is Ron and Misty.

Staged 911 call, marriage, threatening Tommy with the rat, drug dealing, just show me those two are the bottom of the barrel of the human race.


Hi, Levi :seeya:

Also, the disposing of Tommy and Timmy's boots by Lindsay, the disappearance of Orlando, RC saying if he only had $35,000. he could get Haleigh back(WHAT??) RC not answering his phone, living in a tent and not going back to the MH but to GGMS. So many lies, so much time - wasted! Poor little Haleigh~
I don't think LE wasted any time. What are they going to do... Arrest Ron for not answering his phone? Arrest Misty for neglect or child endangerment? All they'll do is lawyer up, refuse to talk. Go out and arrest Lindsy right away, because she made a strange comment about boots? Go out an arrest Joe in TN because Misty made comments on TV about a cousin?

You don't want to put so much pressure early on, because it could easily backfire. It is like walking on egg shells sadly.

I think LE waited a year to really start applying pressure, because they had no choice.

IF they applied it sooner they ran the risk of completey getting ANYTHING useful out of them.

I think they let Misty and company squirm a little, but also left them enough room to feel comfortable to talk. They got Misty locked in giving different accounts, got accounts out of Tommy, and got a deal with Ron, where I'm sure he gave an account.

Everything I have seen is damn good police work.

Only people wasting time, are the culprits. They have wasted LE's and everyone's time with their lies and distortions. Unfornately people like them, have no problem wasting time and covering up deaths. :(
I don't think LE wasted any time. What are they going to do... Arrest Ron for not answering his phone? Arrest Misty for neglect or child endangerment? All they'll do is lawyer up, refuse to talk. Go out and arrest Lindsy right away, because she made a strange comment about boots? Go out an arrest Joe in TN because Misty made comments on TV about a cousin?

You don't want to put so much pressure early on, because it could easily backfire. It is like walking on egg shells sadly.

I think LE waited a year to really start applying pressure, because they had no choice.

IF they applied it sooner they ran the risk of completey getting ANYTHING useful out of them.

I think they let Misty and company squirm a little, but also left them enough room to feel comfortable to talk. They got Misty locked in giving different accounts, got accounts out of Tommy, and got a deal with Ron, where I'm sure he gave an account.

Everything I have seen is damn good police work.

Only people wasting time, are the culprits. They have wasted LE's and everyone's time with their lies and distortions. Unfornately people like them, have no problem wasting time and covering up deaths. :(


Did LE do drug tests on RC and MC the night HC disappeared?
Were RC and MC separated immediately so they could each give their own account of what happened?
Why wasn't the back door removed immediately instead of a week later?
Why were bed sheets draped over the back railing instead of sending them to a lab?
Was a luminal test done of the MH?
Why was Cobra run out of town?
Why did Tim Miller really leave?

Levi, I never said there should have been an immediate arrest, however, some of the police investigation looked pretty shoddy to me.

Did LE do drug tests on RC and MC the night HC disappeared?
Were RC and MC separated immediately so they could each give their own account of what happened?
Why wasn't the back door removed immediately instead of a week later?
Why were bed sheets draped over the back railing instead of sending them to a lab?
Was a luminal test done of the MH?
Why was Cobra run out of town?
Why did Tim Miller really leave?

Levi, I never said there should have been an immediate arrest, however, some of the police investigation looked pretty shoddy to me.

I don't know the answer to those questions except one. Cobra was run out of town, because he is a big joke! Going on certain shows begging for money, illegally detaining people, illegally taping people, making accusations about the client he was working for, spreading filth to conspiracy theorists. I could go on and on.
What does Cobra expect to happen when he goes on internet shows and implies his CLIENT, Crystal Sheffield and her mother Marie Griffis are involved in abducting Haleigh?

What does he expect to happen when he accuses the police of being involved in a conspiracy and being corrupt?

Not to mention illegally taping people without their permission and releasing those tapes to a fringe conspiracy theorist on the internet.

Cobra no longer has a PI license or bail bondsman because of his conduct in this case.
When Cobra came on the scene, thanks in part to Padilla and the Caylee case, he did it with guns a blazing. He started talking big, making claims of being able to solve the case in a week. When the veneer quickly wore off and Cobra did not deliver on any of his big claims and Kim had had enough of his crap, he is the one that started up the claims that he was "being ran off" due to something nefarious. Truth be told, eh ran his own self off... his intentions the whole time was to get media attention (ie: he paid Art to follow and report on his adventures... he was eyeing down a Discovery show with his friend Tank... even bragged about filming some stuff on BNN)
What does Cobra expect to happen when he goes on internet shows and implies his CLIENT, Crystal Sheffield and her mother Marie Griffis are involved in abducting Haleigh?

What does he expect to happen when he accuses the police of being involved in a conspiracy and being corrupt?

Not to mention illegally taping people without their permission and releasing those tapes to a fringe conspiracy theorist on the internet.

Cobra no longer has a PI license or bail bondsman because of his conduct in this case.

Yep, Cobra was his own enemy and only has himself to blame for the mess that came back to bite him on the bum.

I thought he had his licenses suspended for only a year... didn't know he was still without them. And oh, Levi, the fringe conspiracy theorist has moved on to pointing fingers at the Regan family... I guess you are off the hook for kidnapping Haleigh, for now. But give it time... he will be back to pointing fingers at you. Don't be surprised if he starts connecting you to the illuminati pedo ring he claims that is a part of this case. LoL :)
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