Arizona - Coronavirus COVID-19

ADHS - Data Dashboard

First day with less that 1000 cases since November. Commenters on Governor's twitter feed are now perplexed why cases are falling off a cliff without any changes in mitigation. Local experts made dire predictions - none of which have come to pass. It seems like every explanation is supported except the one that says coronaviruses rise and fall in predictable patterns.
ADHS - Data Dashboard

Frustration is growing with the Governor's lack of communication. It's starting to feel like businesses and schools are on their own in terms of how to proceed.
ADHS - Data Dashboard

849 cases, which is significant. as Mondays are usually low, due to weekend, with the difference being made up on Tuesday. Vaccination window has been lowered to 55+.
ADHS - Data Dashboard

Hospital metrics are improving at an accelerating rate, which may be indicative of vaccines protecting a critical mass of the at-risk population.
ADHS - Data Dashboard

"Data Guru" at local ABC affiliate reports that the percentage drop in cases from Winter spike is greater than the deepest drop from Summer spike. There seems to be a lesson here that continues to be ignored. Cases spiked and receded, here, over the Winter with no additional mitigation protocols. The repeated waves in Europe look like the result of locking down before enough people are infected to starve the virus of hosts. They reopen and things start all over again.

Frustration is growing with Governor Ducey's lack of decisive action in terms of removing restrictions. There have been no reports of business closures since capacity limits were removed, while distancing rules remained in effect. This would appear to indicate there is no longer any enforcement and businesses are left on their own, to determine how to operate.
Gov. Doug Ducey lifts Arizona COVID mandates, including local mask rules -

Later than many of us would have liked, but almost a year, to the day, from when Arizona locked down, Governor Ducey has removed all Covid restrictions. I feel for workers at stores that choose to maintain mask requirements. as these orders tend to be misunderstood by people most apt to cause trouble. I suspect the State will act quickly and harshly to any cases of people harassing employees. It seems like a little thing but I, for one, can't wait to stand at the bar and not be told that I have to remain seated. And my pockets will feel strangely empty without masks...
After the first weekend since all restrictions were lifted, things don't look that different. Nightclubs, bars and restaurants that opposed the restrictions were back in operation like it was 2019. Places like grocery stores were still operating in 2020 mode. It sounds like anyplace that is part of a national chain will remain cautious for the foreseeable future. I heard some good natured ribbing when someone wore a mask to the bar, but I didn't see any acts of outrage. I think people will be respectful of each place's rules.

The war of tweets continues between Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego. The latest is the Mayor claiming that a mask mandate will remain in effect for Phoenix, even though it goes against the Governor's order of two weeks ago, pulling the plug on all Covid restrictions. The unenforceable, and most likely illegal, proclamation, would seem to throw front line retail workers under the bus, as they are now under conflicting rules. This move, along with restricting access to Phoenix parks over the Easter weekend, appear to be acts of political theater designed to build support for Gallego's expected run for Governor in 2022.

It has been interesting watching this unfold. Governor Ducey rescinded school mask mandate, leaving it up to individual districts and charter schools. State run districts are all maintaining mandate, while charters vary. Online vitriol is at a new high, as folks once again accuse the Governor of murder. It's interesting that the complaints come from people who's children are in public schools that will all require masks. They tend to be less vocal when confronted with the fact that Charters have had in-person learning, all scho0l year, with no issues.

I thought we were through with this, but back to over 1000 cases per day. Same fights on twitter - virus deniers on one end, and people accusing Governor Ducey of murder, on the other. I'm very interested to see who panics first and re-imposes restrictions...

Just crossed 2000 cases for first time in this wave. I expect places like Scottsdale will be jammed with Covid Refugees, this fall, when California, New Mexico, etc., start closing stuff down. I suspect people in those place thought "it can't happen again," but when it does, they will move here in droves.

I'm still disgusted in the lack of research into natural immunity. An informal poll, at the bar last night, showed two out of six people were vaccinated. I suspect that the ratio, among all patrons, is less than 40%. Outside of the first six week lockdown, in Spring 2020, we have been packed in there with no masks and no distancing. And, surprisingly, no Covid hospitalizations or deaths. And this isn't exactly a young, healthy crowd. It defies logic that we haven't been spending the last 18 months passing it back-and-forth.

Maybe I missed something, but when did cloth and medical masks become so effective against aerosols? From my perspective, it looks like there is such a sense of hopelessness and dismay at the vaccine's relative shortcomings against Delta, that people are desperate for some other panacea. Perhaps it's that CDC Guidelines about masking changed right before Delta hit, which made it look like there was a one-to-one relationship between masks and our current situation. I believe that, once this surge is over, there will be no measurable difference between places with mask mandates and those without - and I suspect that signal will get lost in the noise.

"Parents have worked tirelessly over the past year and a half to keep their kids on track," Gov. Ducey said in a written statement. "Parents are in the driver’s seat, and it’s their right to make decisions that best fit the needs of their children. Safety recommendations are welcomed and encouraged — mandates that place more stress on students and families aren’t."


Latest wave shows signs of receding. This one rose quicker, and is fading slower, than the other two.

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