Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 4 - Wednesday, Sept 26

I found an article with some of the details you mentioned but I'm not sure it is from a credible source so I hesitate to link it. I have my doubts about this particular theory. If you google
Gabriel and Elizabeth johnson seen at surveillance video outside of 6 Flags San Antonio
you will find the article

ITA and every other report comes from that same "unnamed source".
Gregory Duarte - LE from City of Tempe - patrol officer . . . . worked 10-8 in Dec. 2009. . . missing child investigation Gabriel Johnson - went to Smith residence to see if child was there. He had heard Det. Aguilara taling about this case at a briefing previously , , , both these Det and officer laos (sic?) accompanied them. Saw a small female child @ the home. TPS told him Gabriel had been in their custody until 12/18/09 - last place saw the child was church on 101 in Scottsdale. Smiths allowed them to look around home while Jack Smith accompanied them. between 12/18 and 12/27 emails between Smiths and EJ. .. TPS also allowed them take info off her cellphone and computer @ smith home. Exhibit #23 . . . item impounded into evidence - obtained from Smith's 2009 . . . photos emailed to him by Smiths and printed at City email work. Admitted into evidence. Sweet picture of Baby Gabriel and 2nd pic of little girl and baby Gabe . . . little girl was the one @ Smith house . . .woman in next photo kissing Gabe cheek is TPS, and pic of Santa with little girl and Gabriel. A Guardianship document Exhibit #25 - item he impounded into evidence -Temp Guardianship document given to him by TPS . . . . admitted and published. (EJ looking @ computer screen blinking frequently) Smith home had Xmas presents saying they belong to Gabriel Johnson.

Defense Atty asks if last time the Smiths saw Gabriel was 12/18/09 - can't remember if both said it but both were present and agreed with statement.

No further questions from anyone.
ITA and every other report comes from that same "unnamed source".

I hate it when the source won't allow his name to be used. I usually discount whatever they have to say. I don't believe any "underground adoption agency" or "motel meeting place" or "hand offs at 6 flags" exist. LE investigated this case enough to know if TS was involved with any underground network and hopefully they would have uncovered it if they had all this great information, lol.
Everything I've read about the Homegate being a "notorious hotel for illegal adoptions" all comes from an unnamed source (some adoption expert who refused to be identified). So ... to me it's b.s. IMO

Same thing about the "hispanic couple" ... unnamed sources, etc. Just b.s. IMO

the only info on NG that I recall was the surveillance tape which I thought was the hotel lobby the other info was later and prolly from the net somewhere, so has anyone said anything about the hotel having surveillance cameras in the lobby? and if so was she caught on film? that sitter was on NG via Skype I think

Again I would think it would be easy to track the other phone calls that had to be made in order to carry out a plan like giving him to some couple and IMO if that doe not tuen up there is no other option but murder and I sure hope Texas will nab her for Murder 1 !!



Det. Naomi Galbraith . . . Tempe Police Dept. as Detective since 2001...began as patrol officer and 2006 moved over to property crimes det. and then onto financial crimes that she works in today. Numerous training on fraudulent documents, finyancial crimes - money laundry, embezzlement, forgery, ID theft. She was asked to provide assistance for financial background checks for Jack & tammi smith and EJ. main purpose to try to find Gabriel . . . use financial docs to see where money is spent. . . credit check, used their residence, financial institutions and ordered documents from those with court ordered subpoena. Got that info on Smiths. . . obtain no info on whereabouts of Gabriel from Financial info on Smiths. Got info from EJ finances . . . running credit check - which financial institutions showed up - VISA debit card used - submitted subpoena for JP Morgan Chase Bank used @ hotel. Jan 11, 2010 obtained info . .. first noticed 12/12/09 there was a balance of $485.18 no other activity until 12/18 - 10:05 am debit card used to withdrawl $480. On 12/18 5:55 pm remaining pm remaining $5.18 at gas station - 8823 E Chapparelle - E Scottsdale AZ. 8620 . . . Dr. - Glass and Garden(?) church in Scottsdale 1.3 miles away - Dept of Economic Security - DES - financial info provided by the State - subpoena not required for LE issues. . . 5/16/09 - last date income recorded - March - Nov 2009 received $211(?) p/mo(?) from State and put on that debit card @ chase bank. obtained this info after EJ was in custody. If they can find places where expenditures were made - they were still looking for Gabriel Johnson. Vital Records check for Craig Cherry - birth and death records for AZ. Looking to see if he fathered any child in AZ or TX. . . . didn't find any records for him @ all.

Det. assisted in finding evidence for clues where EJ might have gone via search warrant - nothing ever found to locate child. Also assisted in search of Smth's - nothing to find Baby Gabriel. . . . leads were generated thru NCMEc -hotline - leads forwarded to LE - then given out to LE. . . . she had 16 leads. . . she fo r thiss case. forwarded info onto other Det. in this case. Handwriting analyst used in this case to examine EJ and TPS handwriting (alan critel) one item was journal entry, some were checks, and some were court documents for custody. checks were known handwriting samples. The custody court document contain name Craig Cherry as potential Father of baby. She got info from Critel and forwarded it on to detectives in case. State Atty has no more questions

Defense asking if EJ cleaned out her account - yes . . . no further activity on account since 12/18/09

no further questions
No wonder this trial is going take so long....they only hold court for about 3 hours a day and thats not even 5 days a week. Never saw anything like this before.
they start t 10;30 then take a 1 and 1/2 hr lunch plus breaks now they are closing down shop at 300 LOL they take their dear sweet time, I would be like get on with it ! I want to know where that baby is, ofcourse its a little too late for the baby now :-(
Defense Atty speaks to EJ while Jurors are leaving both smile - Def. Atty pats her on shoulder. No more issues re: scheduling . . .

Oct 5th Juror #8 unavailable
Cannot get jury deliberate on Oct 5th or 8-12th. Judge will think about what they are going to do and chart out timeframe . . . Judge asks State what witnesses are remaining and best guess how long those witnesses will take. Operating under idea Defense will not be calling any witnesses . . . he making plans if Defense doesn't . . . Defense has not said whether or not they will call witnesses. On Monday they out of STate witnesses, (4 of them) . . . three next day (Chavez and Valasquz) won't take too long. . . they will maybe finish on Tues if no surprises going forward. . . .

If they can - identify any dispute or disagreements over what is going to be presented by tomorrow.

Defense - hypothetically speaking if they end on Tues . . . and Defense doesn't call any witnesses nor EJ . . . ending Tues early afteroon and can end on Wed morning . . . if they end on Tuesday - judge is ok to transition into closing arguments. Whether they transition into closings . . . come back on Thursday to deliberate they will have to wait another week and a half to finish deliberation. Furthermore, if they find her guilty - they would have to come back to deliberate aggrivating factors.

As long as they have a day to deliberate . . . State is really uncomfy about closing and then having a break . . if they cannot close on Wed - they will wait to close til week of 15th.
From what we just heard, I'm of the opinion that EJ will not testify. Prosecutor would goad her into any angry explosion and she'll lie her head off, contradicting herself all over the place. I also don't think the defense will mount a case. Her attorney will rely on closing arguments to make his case.

Let's see if my crystal ball is working!
From what we just heard, I'm of the opinion that EJ will not testify. Prosecutor would goad her into any angry explosion and she'll lie her head off, contradicting herself all over the place. I also don't think the defense will mount a case. Her attorney will rely on closing arguments to make his case.

Let's see if my crystal ball is working!

I think your crystal ball is accurate. I doubt she will testify, since the DT strategy is that she did not do anything and the state has not proven their case (according to the DT) because there is no case, bla bla bla.

What worries me is that this craaaaap might actually work.
It looks like the defense is 2 pronged:

1) Tammi Smith did everything

2) Dec 18 was the last time EJ was in AZ, so anything she did AFTER that date should not be tried in AZ - therefore, not guilty of the AZ charges.
JVM is on HLN discussing this case . . . I just tuned in. They will be discussing the "love and hate" relationship of EJ towards Logan and baby Gabriel after the break.
It looks like the defense is 2 pronged:

1) Tammi Smith did everything

2) Dec 18 was the last time EJ was in AZ, so anything she did AFTER that date should not be tried in AZ - therefore, not guilty of the AZ charges.

She did remove the child from the state without telling the baby's father and he was denied visitation while she was out of State. If her legal residence is AZ they are correct in what they have charged her with. I would think her defense team knows that. Even if she were to have given GJ away for adoption I believe since custody was established in AZ she is rightfully charged with custodial interference. She has had 3 years to tell Logan where his child is. There is no excuse and she is responsible for what has happened. This "it's someone else's fault" defense is getting old when it comes to a missing child.

It is possible the other state is waiting until the trial is over hoping to get whatever information they can before they charge her with the baby's death.

Some women are just not cut out to be mothers, just like some men are not cut out to be a dad. jmo
Audio clips of TPS talking to EJ calling her liar or psychotic and she deserves to be thrown under the bus. JVM telling how she and EJ met @ an airport. Reminds JVM of Casey A. - fiction and reality are just a lie away . . . they tell people what they want to hear or convince themselves of the lie. Robbie Ludwig is saying EJ is a very very sick woman . . . questions why EJ would not save herself @ this point if she did give the child away. JVM said EJ could give some hints as to where the child is . . . she is facing kidnapping and custodial interference charges - she will be on the hook whether the child is found or not. EJ as already admitted she interefered with Logan's custodial rights -admitting guilt of what she is being charged with. JVM said EJ was showing she was "looney tunes" showing up screaming @ his place of work. She wants Logan to be tortured his whole life of what really happened to Gabriel. Mike Brooks thinks EJ really just wanted to hurt Logan and EJ has no reason to give up where baby might be now in these charges. Caller asks if EJ has ever taken a lie detector test. Cannot be used in court - no one has said one way or another. JVM would love to know if EJ took one and what the results were - wishes we could use some of lie detectors in court . .. more on other side of the break.
Audio clips of EJ telling Logan she killed Gabriel . . . Logan says no you didn't! Clip of Grandpa Frank McQuery saying he didn't get a chance to take Gabriel to see Santa. Caller saying why does EJ in purple top and earring get to get off scot free? Lena Jakobsson - field producer for HLN - says EJ was found incompetent twice before court. JVM asking Robbie Ludwig whether EJ is lying or being overly dramatic . . . Robbie says hard to tell . . . often we want to believe a woman like this . . . .

JVM thinks LE has dropped the ball. . . . commentator says Grandpa paints picture of Logan changing diapers, loving toward child, prosecutor painting picture EJ wanting to get rid of him. Maybe she was envious of all the attention Gabriel was receiving. . . Robbie Ludwig agrees.

Another story is up after the break.
No wonder this trial is going take so long....they only hold court for about 3 hours a day and thats not even 5 days a week. Never saw anything like this before.

I agree, absolutely ridiculous.
I found an article with some of the details you mentioned but I'm not sure it is from a credible source so I hesitate to link it. I have my doubts about this particular theory. If you google
Gabriel and Elizabeth johnson seen at surveillance video outside of 6 Flags San Antonio
you will find the article

it also links it back to us here. no problem with that :jail:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=185888"]Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 5 - 4th Day of Prosecution's Case - Thursday, Sept 27 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Trial Day 5- 9/27/2012

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