Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 6 - 5th Day of Prosecution's Case - Monday, Oct 1

"we told them the truth - all the truth that there is...."

what else is there? a pocketful of lies?
Sounds like TS is feeding EJ a LOT of information. Information to get their stories straight and giving EJ information on the actual police investigation.
Thank you InSession for leaving the feed up today! :tyou:
So you really think you did the right thing by handing over your child.....yes with a private adoption that is how I thought it ws the way worked.....you can't find these people? Not in jail - no.....out of jail? I don't know.....they are sying they can't even find the car.....I could at least track down the car and prove that...

does it sound rational in your mind you can tell people where your car is but not your child is? yes very rational because thatis how it is.....

Gpa-I hope you realize I am not more interested in my damn car than my grandson.....car has keys in it....my liability , my assets, my estate...that car running around with my name on it....can you give me any peace of mind that car will not comeback to bite me in the butt....yea it is insured but I am worth a hell of a lot more than the car insurance......don't know what I can tell you I am jail......I parked it upby the motel 6 by the bus station across the stree.....ok thank you (from Gpa)

Pretty well wrap this up unless anyone else has anything to say.....I think you are going to have come clean on this one.....you haven't produced the baby......can you find him?
EJ- if FBI can't find him how am I supposed to?
Gpa- you gave him away....

white black hispanic....they were white

Gpa.....bye honey I love you......I never heard such a bunch of lies in my life!

TPS - how can you run when there is tv and internet....back in the 70's maybe but not today.....are you willing to do interview with channel 5? really awful stuff being said about you? Do you mind if they record you?
TPS - we told them the truth bout you - everything good about you trying to do to keep Gabriel...threats from Logan...need toknow where the baby is....don't know what you want from me....without the baby....it could be so simple right now - it's just a custody issue...

EJ - none of the charges are real....I have custody.....
TPS - when we told you to come to court.....that day when you said don't send your atty's cuz I m going to run...because you said you killed him......Judge gave Logan custody....hsn't anyone told you

EJ -= not one has told me anything going on...

TPS - you told them you gave baby up for adoptio?
EJ = yes....
TPS = tat is case as of now.....if they don't find the baby....kidnapping you stilll have rights as of today....,
EJ - I had no idea of him having custody - they had my number and noone called me to tell me what is going on....
TPS - when we asked you to come back - did we try hard?
EJ - yea
TPS ....did Logan say yea I will let them adopt, no I am not, yes I am.....they are saying we tried to plot some kind of kidnapping with you.
EJ - omg! They are only going by Logan's story they are not going by the evidence? I told the FBI everything.....they will know where the car is I dumped it cuz I knew they would be looking for it....I left keys in ignition and rolled down window....left it off the interstate...if the ywere doing proper investigation they would find it... I already told the police, FBI I met the couple who adopted in SA.....hotel could say they came to hotel.....told them I didn't know where baby is - I gve baby away.....I just met them in SA....out with the baby one day....
TPS - do I know these people?
EJ-NO don't know you or Jack - wouldn't think that wouldn't imagine that
TPS are you willing to regain custody of Gabe?
EJ - I think so....I don't know
TPS ...do you think the baby is alive
EJ - yes....and he is safe - htis family had no children - just a hubby and wife.....
TPS I know you were very selective of giving the baby to me, researched it for 7 months and looked me up on website and you and logan did a lot of research
EJ I didn't research you or go on website - I just remembered you and called you
my plans are to come back to AZ and be represented fairly ....it's not fair.....Logan wants to ruin my life and punish me and I guess I can't get away.
TPS - did he threaten you - push you to run?
EJ - he pushed me to run...he had it all planned with this father.....he knows I would run....now he uses it against me. made me wanna run more....after he harrassing me, my neighbors, friends, gpa, threaten with car being stolen, threaten you I just wanted away from it.

TPS - were we trying to steal baby from Logan?
EJ NO - he never made attempt to get baby.....
TPS - want this to be behind you....FBI says how get it behind you....if this family can show 1 police officer ....they have to look @ his body and verify he is ok...
EJ - just because I said stuff I wanted to get back @ him and hurt him - that is normal...lots people say that.
TPS...that is not normal.....most people don't say that
EJ - it is when you have been abused.

Channel 5 - why did you say you killed baby to logan?
EJ- he hurt me, I wanted to hurt him ,that was only thing I could say that would hurt him. he pushed me to run away.....of course not good idea to say that about baby....because when I left w/these people I trusted them....I believe in my heart they are good people.....they reached out to me and seemed like they care.....I met them in SA.....

Channel 5....at reststop, bar,hotel?
EJ - I was upset crying in the park - they approached me .... I have been approached beforeby TPS.....everything ok.....I don't know what to do....

Ch. 5 -perfect strangers in park who came up to you - is thatenough to turn over baby?
EJ - yea - that was same thing as with TPS ..... they didn't have kids and couldn't have any and they would take care of him.....I did it before - no one had a problem everyone thought I DID A great thing..... I know that believe that he is alive....

Ch 5 - don't know for a fact he is alive
EJ - I am in jail - how can I know anything?
Ch 5 - text message you kill your son
EJ - no one had problem when I did this w/TPS.....dont' know what prob is now - when give your child up for adoption you don't know where he is.....
Ch 5 - why not give to Police Station or call TPS or JS?
EJ - I did think abou that....I was afraid I would get arrested for kidnapping - logan told me that....
TPS you were on the ledge and Logan pushed youoff?
EJ - yea.....he never called to ask how we were doing....he is pretending to care now but he didn't care....pushed me off the ledge - he is just being civil.

Ch 5 - why are you still pulling TPS and JS into this....still giving them hope they could be the parent? Are you comfy with that you will never see your child again?

EJ - no I am not comfy with that..... Ibelive Logan is ugly,controlling person, with his father, ugly person, miserable......

Ch 5 - believe giving baby away to perfect strangers acceptable?
ej - yes I did

JS - any way give FBI info?
EJ = I did told them everything

60 sec left on this call.

Car is in San Antonio = I told FBI..... I didn't talk to police.

end of tape.
And there you have it folks....EJ giving the court a big old FU!
They're holding back alot of information. My hope it is due to possible additional charges in the future.
Pass the transcript in .... they are being collected....

State can finish up in a few minutes....

Very next day - received backpak and Magellen GPS....
admit #130 admitted

Nikkon Cool pics camera -

Motorola cell - #131 - admitted - det. welling helped look thru cellphone...manual look thru phone and take photos of each screen to document phone logs....exhibit #128 photos of phone and screen shots and text messages and call logs......he created excell spread sheet look @ date times messages sent received and content on this phone.

spread sheet #129 he created...listed all the data uncovered from phone.....not necessarily all from phone but all relevant content ..... there were messages from Sept. that were not included.....#128 & #129 admitted.....published briefly

Sgt Thompson - explain spreadsheet.....sender, reciepient, date time, message

12/27 Ej - Logan

macolm phipps and messages sent to him

ones to TPS

a little later on in the exhibit call history.....phone number dialed, missed, answer, what date....owner of phone is identified (ie: Annalisa) to the extent they had info at that time.

1/09 & 1/10/10 - prepare investigation report for San Antonio - met with SA PD and their FBI - met and observed items from EJ's hotel and car.....numerous items found....
female personal item,s clothing, baby items, clothing, car seat in car....journal was found...contents in journal ....1 page stood out at that time.

Exhibit #135 document - xerox copy of journal page caught this eye....admitted and publish

caught eye name listed at top "Craig Cherry" - he is cousin of TPS..... his name was placed on court document as possible father of Gabe

presented to SA PD..... investigative tasks primarily related to TPS....no more questions - witness excused.

natural break - evening recess....
inquiry - review own notes while injury room.....yes but with rules....cannot share them, don't let anyone see them until deliberating.....if you wanna review own notes here or in jury room....can't take them home..... in jury room and during breaks and during wait times....somewhere between jury room and courtroom.

see you tomorrow 10:30 - all rise...

Ej looking down her own blouse as she rises for the jury to leave.

Judge - no big deal - included mistakenly from transcript and in audio - morediscussion from Sgt that they didnt want....no big deal......stopped cd and took away transcript..... does that mean we have to take out exhibit?

had to do that anyway since we redacted other transcript..... (per state atty)

defense reviewing......

2 attys talking w/ea other (SA and DA) - looking over papers.....

DA doesn't have an issue - State knows what to do they just discussed it thatwill be redacted before going back......

what number was it they wanted to redact? was it myspace? we just have to be careful with so many versions that we have redacted or changed.

talk off the record about schedule.

Vasquez, Ramirez, and Chavez?

go into Thurs? . . . .State thinks they will rest tomorrow....Jury knows no court on Wed.....tell jury they have thursday off too this week? Unless we go longer on tuesday..... jury instructions ready to go on thursday....come back on 15th... how we are going to know what will happen on 15th....come out if we are going into closing or are you going to present evidence? it can be made right @ last minute but I want to give ...... he has narrowed down his witness - State knows who will not be called....Def. Atty still doesn't know if EJ will be on the stand.....if they decide if EJ will testify on Monday 15th ...go with jury instructions - close right now to close on Tues the following day.....Judge wants them to have jury instructions ....closing @ 1:30 on monday

Judge wants to talk jury instructions on Thurs.....State Atty doesn't want to talk about closing until jury instructions are clarified. they will have enough guidance by Thurs..... settle instructions before Monday 1:00 or 1:30 - hope enough time to close.....

Defense wants to use the break time to work on jury instructions....he can operate last minute....special jury instructions always change the closing.....that worries judge..... he is saying he doesn't want to fight about on Monday or what can be said or presentation that people make...... Defense wants no more than 5 special instructions.....Judge says no 5 could be innocuous or 1 could be a bomb.

Be ready on Thursday to give him specials.....if he has them now... give them to judge - get them on table to discuss them.... if more on Monday - he will be able to argue......

Defense wants that week and half.....some perculating for Thursday and the rest can wait.....Judge has his own standard set of instructions....
see evryone tomorrow @ 10:30
Defense wants to use week or week and half .....know for sure testimony
OK - just some thoughts of mine....
1) EJ did not want to say where in SA she met the couple she supposedly handed Gabriel off to.
2) EJ's Gpa was certainly much more concerned about his "liability" on the car than his grandson's welfare!
3) EJ confirmed she knew Logan had custody because she said she was afraid she would be charged with kidnapping - Logan told her she would be.
4) EJ left the car with keys in it and windows down....near the interstate.....at the motel 6 across from bus terminal....but Police weren't doing a "proper job" to find the car.
5) EJ could find the car if she were out of jail but not her son
6) EJ didn't get last name of the coupole.....never saw their car....would hand her kid off to any person who came up to ask why she was crying! (but she left baby with babysitter she spoke to for 2 minutes?) .....hmmmm - patterns of behavior my dear..... the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior!
All this woman did in her Gabriel was adopted story was erase Tammi's name and fill in the blank for this new adoptive couple. Let me ask her this....Since this couple didnt have children why didnt you turn over the car seat that was left? or all of his clothes? See this just does not compute and the police should have sent her to San Antonio for murder charges . She admits Logan pushed her over the ege like it is his fault that she did what she did the only thing she is leaving out of this story is exactly where she placed the body. This makes me so mad I want justice for Logan and that poor baby. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to see what happened here and I dont see how she could walk since she admitted her crime and no other logical evidence exitsts that the baby is alive and well. This looks like a slam dunk for Texas or the Feds whoich ever decides to charge her and I hope they throw the book at her
Totally makes sense..if this is true than the baby could be possibly alive

What do you think the odds are that EJ goes to a park crying just like at the airport and magically a childless couple who wants her baby shows up and agrees to take the child and then does not take his car seat or all his clothes or medicine bottles, does not leave a poaper trial or phone number to be trased nor ask for his shot record or any other info to care this new baby that was dropped into their laps on a whim? Im sorry I dont buy this I could tell in the phone call with the KPHO folks and Tammi that EJ was making up this story using her memory of her 1st meeting with Tammi and replacing those actions with this new couple whom she cannot recall their names except one " Cheryl". Nope not buying it..She did what she told Logan she killed him and btw, like other people of her ilk, one Alieen Wournos said it was the police's fault she was a serial killer, that came to my mind when EJ repeatedly told everyone she was " pushed" to this by Logan.
I wish that we could read EJ's mind to know what happened to this precious baby. Gabriel deserved better from life. I don't know if he is alive or dead.

Dizzychick, Logan was used and abused by EJ. As with most abusers, it's always somebody else's fault.
I wish that we could read EJ's mind to know what happened to this precious baby. Gabriel deserved better from life. I don't know if he is alive or dead.

Dizzychick, Logan was used and abused by EJ. As with most abusers, it's always somebody else's fault.

I do too I noticed she sure blinks alot whats up with that?

I googled the motel and the park and then went aireal trying to see if there was a lake or river but I didnt see anything and I was trying to keep in mind what Tim Miller said about moms placing their kids within a 3 mile radius. She was out of her element in Texas so who knows a body that little would be hard to find and I wouldnt be suprised if she did use a dumpster just not the one she told Logan to go look at. San Antonio is huge and im sure there were 100's of dumpsters along her path to the bus station. Hope they checked the Motel 6 dumpster. The trail is so cold now it would only be by a miracle if he is ever found. really saddens me...
someone posted a note on her MS that EJ got drunk and beat the crap out of them and was kicking them in the ribs while the assault was goin on. She sures has a temper and violent for a woman.. almost like too much testerone or a rage disorder
No "mom" leavesababy's paci in the hotel room. No mom sends a child W/o diapers or clothes. Logan, I'm sorry--but I beleive Gabe is GONE
God, "I would just love to slap EJ!!!!
I really wonder what were on those receipts in the car . . . when did she buy the baby tylenol?, did she buy diapers, baby food, wipes, milk? . . . when was the last time they can actually verify she purchased any items for Baby Gabriel?

No mention of the "diaper bag" at the motel or in the car . . . EJ never mentioned handing over any items to the "imagine adoptive couple" so I have to go back to when she told Logan she put baby Gabe's little blue body in the diaper bag and threw it away. She was giving away baby items in Tempe on which day? When was it that she told Logan she killed the baby? When was the last time anyone can verify they saw the Baby? (Annalisa?) . . . I'm thinking it was all around the 21st. . . . oh and then there is the day of the liquor store - no baby. . .. hmmmmm methinks she doth protest too much!
If the so-called trustworthy adoptive parents were honest people they would have come forward long ago. Her meeting them in the park makes no sense. I hope the jury can see through that alone. Regardless of what happened to Gabriel, she is keeping that information from his natural father and from the authorities. I hope EJ is eventually charged with his death. jmo
I just wish the cops had got to her quicker befre she lawyered up its been 3 years only a miracle will they find his body now. I hope this is one of the cases where the state goes for charges w/o a body.

I bet even if she gets a guilty she wont spend much more time behind bars, and then what? please dont tell me a book deal is in the works for her

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