John Gardner Pleads Guilty to Murders of Amber Dubois and Chelsea King

The station that aired this interview has taken a LOT of heat from locals. You have no idea how this has effected the people throughout this county. EVERYONE was talking about it, (Chelsea AND Amber). seriously, it was heartbreaking.

What people don't realize is that LE can get INFO from these interviews. It may be subtle, but there's {hidden} clues. I applaud this station for doing this.

On another note. It was Gardner who contacted the station, I BELIEVE. But aside from that, IF it hadn't been this station, it would have been another.

The point is, to listen to WHAT he says.


PS..............YES! I hate throwing the sociopath word around like it's COMMON. But seriously, there are a LOT of sociopaths, they just aren't murderers! (like this guy)...............we can LEARN from him.....keep him talkiing!!! fran

Psychiatrist Dr. Philip Botkiss watched our interview with Gardner and says Gardner may very well be a sociopath.

"I can dictate who I talk to, I can dictate when I talk to that person, I didn't have to do a plea bargain, other people did that for me -- this is his way of exerting control and I think that's a function of how desperate and out of control he really is," Dr. Botkiss said.
reminds me of garrido and his 'heartwarming story' interview the day after he was busted.

why give these scumbags the time of day? anything for ratings/subscriptions i guess.
well they dont really need garrido's statements to incriminate him. he's pretty much toast anyways.

and gardner only opens his trap about things he's already pled out too.

nope this is all about them wanting the spotlight.
i couldnt bear to stand to listen to it for 90 seconds neverm ind 90 minutes ;(
Logan Jenkins of the San Diego Union Tribune wrote a good article about his feelings about Gardner's interview:

What I do begrudge is my own desire to tune in and hang upon the words of a psychopathic killer who’s spinning an obscene labyrinth of cotton candy.

As should be obvious by now, Gardner has proved himself an egotist eager to manipulate the way San Diego County views him.

Tellingly, he was evidently unwilling to discuss on the record details about the slayings of Amber Dubois and Chelsea King.

Like the coy sadist he evidently is, he said he would only share the sensitive information with the girls’ parents.
What time on May 14th does the Sentencing start? Anyone from WS going?
Thank You, Nancy.

I went looking and found:

10News and will have live coverage of Gardner's sentencing on Friday, beginning at 1 p.m.
Thank You, Nancy.

I went looking and found:

10News and will have live coverage of Gardner's sentencing on Friday, beginning at 1 p.m.

Thanks, I was wondering if it was going to be televised. Here's some info from the North County Times article: "The courtroom promises to be packed ---- of the 115 seats in the room, 85 have already been assigned to the families of the victims, but also people associated with the investigation."
Thanks, I was wondering if it was going to be televised. Here's some info from the North County Times article: "The courtroom promises to be packed ---- of the 115 seats in the room, 85 have already been assigned to the families of the victims, but also people associated with the investigation."

Packed Court Room expected. Thanks for the info. You've been great keeping us posted.

The tv local news stations are going to make it easier to see it from home. I'm sure I'll want to cry and cry while listening to the Victims Impact statements.
This is from Chelsea's Light on Facebook:

Gathering 5-14-10
Causes - Rally
Friday, May 14, 2010
12:30pm - 2:30pm
San Diego Courthouse
Many our compassionate and passionate changemakers would like to physically show their support on Friday which is remarkable. Chelsea's Light has agreed to pass along the word to others as these particular individuals would like to invite anyone who is interested and has the time.SusanW

A note from the organizer: Ellen and Gail

Meet in front of the courthouse on Friday 5/14 prior to and during the sentencing, beginning at 12:30 and staying until 2:30. The event is a gathering of community members to carry sunflowers for Chelsea and lilies for Amber, to celebrate the beauty of these children and show compassion in support of their families during this difficult time. Sunflowers and lilies will be distributed until they run out.

I believe there is one kernel of truth in his interview....I believe he could not stand the police not giving him credit for killing Amber. I believe that is why he confessed. I don't think he was worried about getting the death penalty because he knew that was an empty threat. He certainly wasn't worried about putting the families through a trial. But he could not stand that they wouldn't give him credit for leading the police to Amber's body. I believe that is why he confessed so he could get credit.
'I've stared evil in the face': Chelsea King’s brother creates film about her tragic death

‘Chelsea’s Light: A Brother’s Journey’ tells the story of Tyler King, who was just 13 years old when his older sister was raped and murdered by convicted sex offender John Garnder III.Now, Tyler is working to get ‘one-strike’ laws passed in all 50 states that will send the worst child predators to jail for life after just one serious offense.

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