Mystery Woman "C"

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Well, all of us have mothers and some of us are mothers, so the greeting is to one and all. I've been trying to think what to say to the WebSleuthers who were so hopeful that we would have had some answers by today. All I can think of is the words to a choral piece I heard a few months ago. They go something like:

I believe in the sun
Even when it's dark.
I believe in love
Even when there is no feeling.
I believe in God
Even when God is silent.

I may not know what has become of Anna, but somewhere it is known. I haven't given up. And I want to tell all of you how grateful I am for your affection, your skillful searching, and your support.

I love that poem. Its words have gotten me through some difficult times. Thank you for being so kind to all of us. Hope you have a very happy Mother's Day :blowkiss:
Happy Mother's Day to you too, Annasmom (and to all moms here).
Thank you for that poem. You have no idea how bad I needed to be reminded of it's message today. Thank you.
My blessings to "c" for letting us explore this idea. I hope she'll continue to look for her answers -- maybe doing a DNA with her sibling to determine if they are full, half or not related. I hope as she continues her journey about her past she builds her dream life with her husband and her family. She has shown herself to be a wonderful, compassionate person and like all of you I just wish her the best of everything.

Blessings to Anna's family in this time of reflection. I agree with everyone who points out all that we have learned and our resolve to keep going.
Someone else asked and it wasn't answered. Was the dna run through codis?
This is the first time I have posted since the results. I have been reading, but I really just don't know what to say. Honestly, I don't understand it at all. It seems illogical to me that C could have all those memories that should have been exclusive to Anna.

I still don't know what to think or say. I just want Annasmom and C to know that I have been thinking of them.
Someone else asked and it wasn't answered. Was the dna run through codis?

I've wondered this as well. If Anna's DNA was ruled out for Sharon Marshall match months ago, it seems that it should have been compared to every Doe out there by now. That question is never answered. Maybe it was over looked.
Honestly, I don't understand it at all. It seems illogical to me that C could have all those memories that should have been exclusive to Anna.

That's been bothering me too... how to explain that.
Someone else asked and it wasn't answered. Was the dna run through codis?

I believe that it has, but I will be working to confirm that shortly.

I was waiting in the backyard while the detective delivered the results to Annasmom (I wanted to allow the family the privacy that the moment demanded), so I did not get a chance to speak to him. I will contact the detective via email and get the answer to this question.
If Anna's DNA was ruled out for Sharon Marshall match months ago, it seems that it should have been compared to every Doe out there by now.

DNA was not the basis for ruling out Anna as Sharon Marshall - it was based on different eye colors and that Annasmom did not think that Sharon resembled Anna (in both the early picture of SM and FDF or in the latter pictures of Sharon).
...I have been reading, but I really just don't know what to say. Honestly, I don't understand it at all. It seems illogical to me that C could have all those memories that should have been exclusive to Anna.

It was these very things that seemed so much like Anna that changed my opinion from hopeful pessimism to unbridled optimism. One logical answer is that C had a series of experiences that paralleled those of Anna - just enough of them to convince us of a match.
DNA was not the basis for ruling out Anna as Sharon Marshall - it was based on different eye colors and that Annasmom did not think that Sharon resembled Anna (in both the early picture of SM and FDF or in the latter pictures of Sharon).

Oops, sorry. My bad :bang:
It was these very things that seemed so much like Anna that changed my opinion from hopeful pessimism to unbridled optimism. One logical answer is that C had a series of experiences that paralleled those of Anna - just enough of them to convince us of a match.

But DD what about the Bus??How did C know the colors?
But DD what about the Bus??How did C know the colors?

My guess on that is maybe it was painted like the "Partridge Family" bus, and she recalled images of the hit TV show that would have been popular when she was young....just guessing, I really have no idea. (Actually there where several Bus families on TV over the years...)
My guess on that is maybe it was painted like the "Partridge Family" bus, and she recalled images of the hit TV show that would have been popular when she was young....

I did leave the part out of her recovered memories about the entire family wearing ridiculous bell-bottom pants and singing cheezy pop songs in a band. That might have helped explain it...

(Just kidding!)
I have wondered about the memory match ups also -- especially since some seemed very specific. Certainly general things like the Scooby Do buy or the Partridge Family bus could be the answer.

Another answer might be that we all have degrees of psychic ability. Think of how many times you know who is on the phone when it rings, etc. Within our psychic abilities people are generally either stronger at being "senders" or "receivers". It is sort of like being right or left handed. I think it is possible that Anna is a "receiver" and as we came to question her on specific things like the bus color she "received" impressions through dreams that seemed to be memories. The stronger the images sent (number of people, intensity, clarity) the more to receive. You can try this with your family or friends. Think of a room in a house and send. Really focus on it. You'll have people in your life that can "get" that image way past the odds of guessing it.

I'm sure this is pretty far out for some. I'm not saying that Anna should get her own Psychic hotline just that we all have some ability and it usually shows up stronger in the sender or receiver area. I think she is a receiver.

Blessings to all and hopefully no offense to anyone!
I did leave the part out of her recovered memories about the entire family wearing ridiculous bell-bottom pants and singing cheezy pop songs in a band. That might have helped explain it...

(Just kidding!)

HAHA...Blahhaha. You really had me going for a minute.:D :D :D
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