NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial

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Watching testimony I missed. I'm on Day 3, pt 2. About the 48 min marker.

Exhibit 269 and 270 - the swabs from the blood in the vehicle!!

No results given on any of the evidence the CSI has opened and identified so far. Just admitting it for now. I'm assuming it's Janet's since the state is the one entering the evidence. I haven't heard about the strands of hair Janet had in her hand when they found her. Did I miss that part ?

I, too, am waiting for the results of the hair found in Janet's hand. I have slept through much of the afternoon sessions on Thurs. and Fri. of this week but I don't think they introduced it yet.
There was a barrage of wife murders in the Raleigh area in 2005-2008. I think the copycat husbands thought they could all get away with it since it appeared that RA was going to.
There is still one that makes me sad in which no arrest has ever been made--that of the very pretty, pregnant, young and married paper carrier who was found murdered during her nightly paper route. I can't remember her name right now but there has never been much focus on her husband and I'm afraid there is so little evidence it will never be solved.
I will never live long enough to understand why these men think murdering their wives is easier than getting a divorce. It all comes down to their not wanting to pay child support, etc. Sickening.

Jenna Nielsen was the married paper carrier who was found murdered during the her early morning paper route. Her husband had cooperated with the police since the very beginning. This crime was a RANDOM act, a crime of opportunity. My prayers go out to her family & friends and her husband and children. I pray the case is solved in the near future.

I do know that her father and her case was instrumental in getting a fetal homicide law in place.
Jenna Nielsen was the married paper carrier who was found murdered during the her early morning paper route. Her husband had cooperated with the police since the very beginning. This crime was a RANDOM act, a crime of opportunity. My prayers go out to her family & friends and her husband and children. I pray the case is solved in the near future.

I do know that her father and her case was instrumental in getting a fetal homicide law in place.

They even have a sketch in this case....young black/hispanic male with long hair.
Which Trial is the Hays Haze trial?

Here is the current thread:

[ame=""]NC -*ARREST MADE* - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kiniston-Raleigh, 13 July 2011 - #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I went to the website for the first time tonight, LL&S -- before I knew it was a part of you.

It's a beautiful creation -- poignant, sweet, feminine, prayerful, sad but not too sad, good facts, attractive in a subdued and respectful way, and something of which you should be very proud. I will go back to it. It is very fine.
Thank you. It was very much a joint effort between my hub and I and Janet's family and friends. I had not been over there for a very long time and looking at the photos it brought back a lot of memories.
Is that gonna be the way it stays? -- I guess Kaiden is now, what? 8 years old? Is there any visitation with Janet's family? I hope so. It's tragic for that child. He's old enuff to understand many things.... Do you know anything about how he is doing or what he thinks is going on?
Nope, I'm sorry, I don't know anything about Kaiden's life now. I hope he's happy and that he knows how much his mother loved him.
Watching testimony I missed. I'm on Day 3, pt 2. About the 48 min marker.

Exhibit 269 and 270 - the swabs from the blood in the vehicle!!

No results given on any of the evidence the CSI has opened and identified so far. Just admitting it for now. I'm assuming it's Janet's since the state is the one entering the evidence. I haven't heard about the strands of hair Janet had in her hand when they found her. Did I miss that part ?

No, you haven't. I'm guessing that we will have to wait for the forensic DNA folks or SBI folks or whoever who have the know-how, the equipment and the authority to testify about their results. They have to build the case step-by-step, as you know, and to show that they have followed the rules re chain of custody.

So we wait.... (how many times have I ended a post by saying that???)

~~edited original post by Trix myself~~

So regarding Websleuths being famous, they are quite famous, they have many high profile attorneys that use this forum, people like Beth Karas, Proseuctors and Defense Attorneys have been involved in Websleuths. Even the Prosecutor, JEFF ASHTON, in the extremely high profile case, of Florida vs. Casey Anthony had belonged to Websleuths and he posted.
Not to mention the lead detective in the Anthony case was posting here for a while. There's a whole thread dedicated to wishing him a quick recovery from his broken leg or foot or something.

Re: Websleuths being famous....

[ame=""]TV Producers want WS Stories - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

TV Producers want WS Stories The Learning Channel Wants You! Dateline Wants You! A "Mystery"Channel Wants You! Danielle Wilkerson of The Learning Channel has come to Websleuths for case ideas. TLC needs cases that are already solved where someone other than law enforcement helped solve the case. Daniel Slepian of Dateline needs your stories. No requirements. A Mystery Production CO. and Cable Network need your stories too. Come in, read and participate.
I think WS has been famous for quite some time.
Actually I am not sure why this DT feels the need to bring up WS, etc. constantly. It seems to me that Websleuths has been around a VERY long time. Websleuths has followed the Jon Benet Ramsey case, Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony, Jason Young, Riley Fox, and other extremely HIGH Profile cases. There has never been such an issue over Websleuths and people's normal curiosity regarding crimes.

Websleuths has been instrumental in solving many Cold cases, there is obviously a need and Websleuths provides a great service.

There used to be a Court TV forum, which I used to belong to when I followed cases such as the Scott Peterson trial.

If you look at the amount of people following certain cases, you will see hundreds of people (sometimes 700 - 1000) people following the Jodi Arias trial, there are what, 5-7 people following this case.

There is no Jury by Websleuths. We have opinions and should be allowed to have opinions. If we go back to the beginning of this case, relatives and friends of Raven posted quite often.

So regarding Websleuths being famous, they are quite famous, they have many high profile attorneys that use this forum, people like Beth Karas, Proseuctors and Defense Attorneys have been involved in Websleuths. Even the Prosecutor, JEFF ASHTON, in the extremely high profile case, of Florida vs. Casey Anthony had belonged to Websleuths and he posted.

Where is Amos Tyndall going with this?

Nothing I or anyone here posting on any case has a hand in the outcome of any case, because there are 12 men and women that will be charged with coming up with an Innocent or Guilty Verdict.

We all have the right to state our opinions, and even if 12 men and women of Raven's peers state Raven is Innocent, it will never change my mind on who killed Janet on April 26, 2005 and luckily we all have the right to our opinions.

Beautifully and eloquently said, trixator! Thanks.
There was a barrage of wife murders in the Raleigh area in 2005-2008. I think the copycat husbands thought they could all get away with it since it appeared that RA was going to.
There is still one that makes me sad in which no arrest has ever been made--that of the very pretty, pregnant, young and married paper carrier who was found murdered during her nightly paper route. I can't remember her name right now but there has never been much focus on her husband and I'm afraid there is so little evidence it will never be solved.
I will never live long enough to understand why these men think murdering their wives is easier than getting a divorce. It all comes down to their not wanting to pay child support, etc. Sickening.

Oh, I remember! Yes, frustrating, East. She was Jenna Nielsen. And she was pregnant, too. And it is still unsolved. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I, too, am waiting for the results of the hair found in Janet's hand. I have slept through much of the afternoon sessions on Thurs. and Fri. of this week but I don't think they introduced it yet.

Yes, East, we've got to wait :waiting: till they put the analysts on the stand, but first they have to show the complete chain of evidence to show no tampering and no shortcuts which the DT would eat up like an alligator.

That red stuff in the Durango has GOT to be hers... That, IMO, will be very bad news for the defense. But RA will have a good reason for it -- "I went back into my car to get my phone/wallet/jacket/book/trash/shoes/towel/you-name-it.:banghead: And the fingerprint expert must show that the full hand-print on her chest (why did he do that?) has got to be RA's and no one else's. Etc., etc. :waiting:
Offering Raven 2nd degree (20 years) makes it apparent the DA knows they don't have solid evidence of premeditation, beyond a reasonable doubt.

Hopefully the Judge will allow 2nd as an option when he charges the chance for conviction, IMO.

Yes, Fax, :seeya: that bothers me.

We have seen judges in NC often add the lesser charge of 2nd degree sometimes simply to avoid a possible appeal for not offering it in the 1st place. I'm hoping that is the reason for it, but yes, it bothers me that they think their evidence may be lacking enuff stuff for a jury to find 1st Degree....
I finally caught up on the trial videos. Whew! The last bit, of the last video gave me my first 'snarky' moment.

Say what?:great:In the attic LE found...
♪♫♪ boxes, little boxes, little boxes of embezzlement. Little boxes made of felonies, little boxes filled with shoes, and they all look just the same.

There were sporty ones, and some dusty ones, and some that weren't o-o-pened, little boxes of embezzlement, little boxes in a row. ♫ ♪♪


(ok, I took a little creative license with the testimony, but I'm dying for the whole 'guilty of embezzlement' topic to come up and the officer did mentioned boxes with new sport shoes up in the attic)

Yes, Fax, :seeya: that bothers me.

We have seen judges in NC often add the lesser charge of 2nd degree sometimes simply to avoid a possible appeal for not offering it in the 1st place. I'm hoping that is the reason for it, but yes, it bothers me that they think their evidence may be lacking enuff stuff for a jury to find 1st Degree....

Too bad they no longer have Freeda (sp?), the one who put Michael Peterson away. :floorlaugh: Remember her descriptions of 'smut' and her extremely southern accent while describing all the *advertiser censored* on Petersons computer?
Anybody here this AM? Watched some of Raven's superior speak of the embezzlement, but nothing really earth shattering except that Janet was never suspected.
I'm still not done watching last Thurs and Fri's testimony. Hope I'll be able to catch on to what's going on today, and I can go back tonight to watch the older ones.
He's been the only witness so far, and we are now on a longer than usual break for the judge to attend to other business.
I'm here JJ. I was going through some of the old threads during the time of the embezzlement case. I bumped up the thread so people can go back and read if they wish to.
OMG - this is SO damning. He accessed the medical terminology page on his computer!! On his own company site!

I'm not clear now on the date. I THINK it was on the 26th? but I'm not sure now - I'm confused.
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